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Everything posted by Harry
You might want to try washing your face with soap and water. :)
What;s the most funnist thing you have ever seen?
Harry replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in General Discussion
I was playing in a $100 buy in poker game and I hit quads on the last community card. This guy goes to bet and I said "you probably shouldn't do that, you're beat" and he said "the hell I am, all-in". I called him and took all his money. It was basically one of those things you had to witness first hand. -
I've read up on some of this and there's too many questions to really convict her of anything (which the judges technically didn't, that's why she's not being executed). Also for the people saying about how drugs cost less in Bali, that's true but what she was caught with was high grade hydroponic pot which is worth about double in Bali as it is in Australia.
[QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]That's so mean! The frog is suffering enough as it is without us sticking a hook back into his mouth! [/COLOR][/QUOTE] His suffering could be put to an end and in return you get a delicious fish.
[QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]Actually, we found the frog again. Yay, he's alive! He's in our back yard. My little sister named him Toby. We've been watering him every day. And he's been smart enough to stay in our backyard because he knows we'll give him water. He still can't pull his tongue back in. I'm not sure if he has managed to eat. I hope he doesn't starve to death. Maybe he can still make it whip out, but simply can't pull it back in properly. Anyway, my brother's gonna take the frog back to the pond when he goes fishing again.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I don't know what kind of fish your brother is fishing for, but he should probably use it as bait. There's nothing better to lure a fish in with is live bait struggling through the water.
I remember when I joined there was that moron named Harry making all those retarded threads. It has gotten a lot better now.
Should Women be Allowed on the Front Lines?
Harry replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
(most) Woman are not equal to men in combat situations, no matter how much garbage they spew to the contrary. They should only be allowed in case by case situations. -
I would gamble it all away on poker :)
Unsure......(plus a rambling rant....)
Harry replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in General Discussion
I suggest you take more drugs that will mellow you out than what you're currently taking. Now I couldn't understand the whole post (the asteriks were too distracting for my brain) but apparently both of you are spiralling downward into some gay romeo and juliet type story. If you didn't know, in romeo and juliet both romeo and juliet die because they love each other so much, they want to fake their death and go live happily ever after somewhere else. You apparently just want to kill yourself but i'll ignore that and assume you're doing it because you think it will help (it won't but that's inconsequential at this point). But in romeo and juliet, they both screw up because they're morons and end up both dying. There's an obvious parallel here between your story with the guy you're talking about and romeo and juliet. I guess what I'm saying here is you're on a fast track to dying a stupid pointless death over someone you will forget eventually. On a more serious note, you should really listen to your psychologist because he is about 1000x more stable than you are. You might tell yourself he is a dolt, but you're the one that threw yourself down stairs because of angst. -
Once in my apartment one of my roomates friends just walked in my room (forgot to lock it) while I was asleep. He started rummaging through my desk and that woke me up. I was pretty sleepy so I said something along the lines of "get the hell out." Last time I ever saw him.
[QUOTE=Gelgoog Pilot]Why...what's wrong with that. The school should know already about his condition, it's their mistake for not mentioning it as well as for making such a big deal about it...The last time someone went psycho in my cafeteria the teachers just took him out not empty the whole damn room...that's just ridiculous. No, I think the school needs to apologize.[/QUOTE] Well his parents should know his condition also, so they really shouldn't need to have it mentioned in the letter now would they?
Well you gotta remember that no good deed goes unpunished. Also I got a good laugh from the stupid ******* part. I think I would've busted down laughing if someone said that to me after I held the door open for them.
[QUOTE=Gelgoog Pilot]Other than complaining to the school for almost commiting defamation, no not really. [/QUOTE] HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Whatever you do, don't do that. As for your social problems, it sounds like you're trying a bit too hard getting friends. I know you have social problems but just try to get them normally, instead of arranging some big party. Also candyland is awesome.
[QUOTE=ForgottenRaider]The Saudis are doing what now? EH?!?! The last time I looked they were not interested in killing Americans, and frowned apon many of the attacks. I guess supporting the guys who kill off one of your biggest money makers is bad for business... Damn I hate spam and chain letters.[/QUOTE] You're only lying to yourself if you think the Saudi's are our friends.
[QUOTE=Minako][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Ok, you might be needing an explanation for the title of this thread. Recently I've seen a few threads in the Lounge asking for love advice. I've commented in these threads but it feels wrong. Why? (Being a straight girl) I've never had a boyfriend. Yes, I've liked guys, and yes, I've been in love with guys (the last time was with one of my dear friends and he had a girlfriend at the time. That hurt. >_
[QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]I find it quite irritating how people (not you in particular Harry) can be so arrogant as to assume they know everything. You don't know for sure how Terri was feeling, and you don't know for sure that she isn't aware of her surroundings. So, when she first fell into her coma, she stopped breathing for 5 minutes, and then, we can safely assume that there is not hope for her? How do you even know how much of her brain is damaged? How do you know for sure how wether she feels pain or not? I find it quite appalling that people would choose to starve her to death. That's quite monstrous I must say. There have been many times where people in this type of vegetative state wake up from their comas. You don't know for sure if Terri would have woken up or not. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] The MRI showed that the top half of her brain is dead. The top half of your brain is where any and all consciousness is. Science dictates that she was gone to the world. If you want to ignore science and hope for miracles (15 years after the heart attack) that's fine, but don't start preaching about how she was still savable.
Here's something interesting I saw today. [url]http://www.brandrepublic.com/bulletins/dm/article/468494/storm-sale-donor-list-dying-us-coma-patients-parents/[/url] Honestly every single one of those people deserve it.
[quote name='Pumpkin][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1]I actually first heard more about Sin City from when Britany Murphey appeared on TRL recently. (I just happened to be flipping through the channels, I really can't stand all the screaming) Anyways, It actually looks pretty good. I didn't know the co-director was the person who directed Kill Bill, but then again I can't judge because I've never actually seen Kill Bill before *gasp* Yes its true. I haven't watched the movie. It looks a bit too bloody even for me and I just think the plot could have had more. But anyways, some great actors and actresses are going to be in this movie like Jessica Alba so its definately something I'll be going to watch. It's about time some good movies come out, not all the Ashton Kutcher ones (*Cough*GuessWho*Cough*) So atleast I can be thankful for that. [/FONT'][/SIZE][/quote] If you think Kill Bill is too gory for you then you should definately not see Sin City. I've been a fan of Sin City since the comic books came out. The movie is incredibly true to the books and that means it's very very very gory. I don't really know how it isn't rated NC-17. I was suprised how they left in the part with the Yellow Bastard in the barn.
According to the Jedi Order love leads to the dark side so yes, love is wrong.
[QUOTE=Ozymandius Jones][COLOR=DarkOrange] The main problem is that we spend millions and millions to save people from starving in Africa - and let a woman die of it here. Starvation is suffering. It's not a nice way to go... [/COLOR][/QUOTE] She didn't feel a thing. She didn't feel it because she's been [b]brain dead[/b] for 15 years.
[QUOTE=Drix D'Zanth] No, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion, Harry. I should remind you that the U.S. (at least) medical community isn't ever going to consider "costs" over the possibility of saving someones life. Think about it. Is saving a drug overdose cost effective? He most likely will end up ODing again (statistically) and killing himself. Is a triple bypass surgery on a 40 year old who's clogged his arteries from all the fatty foods cost effective? How about those patients with locked-in syndrome? Sure, a good amount never come out of their situation, however, that minority that is rehabilitated... I think it would be worth any price to a loving family. [/QUOTE] Most of those examples though aren't nearly as lop-sided as Schiavo though. The top half of her brain is dead. There's 0 chance of recovering from that.
[QUOTE=Drix D'Zanth] I think that Terri should undergo rehabilitation, and if no progress is visible; then they should let her pass. We must understand that when considering a life, it is important that if there is [i]any[/i] dissenting opinion that may qualify a claim that she is alive, it is the medical community's responsibility to acknowledge that claim. Here's the dilemma, the doctors hired independently (not by the parents or Michael) are concluding she's in PVS. If it is conclusive and irrefutable (which appears it is not, at least yet) then I would support the decision to take her off of feeding. Here's another dilemma. Considering the progress of medical technology, who's to say our treatments, therapy, and healthcare may not advance to the point of being able to assist someone such as Terri who may be in PVS?? It's hard to say, but in another 15 years perhaps we could be restoring brain tissues using stem cells, or new forms of therapy?? Maybe in 15 years, if she regains a feeding tube, we could be reading a book written by Terri Schaivo. Overall, I'm mostly frustrated that the courts are tying everyone's hands in this situation. When it comes to our judicial system and medicine... well, that's oil and water.[/QUOTE] Is there really apoint for keeping her alive though? The way she's keeping it up she could live for another 50 years maybe. Her brain is pratically dead, and from what I've heard at best she might be able to eat on her own. This will sound cold and callous, but it's really not cost effective to keep her alive or rehabilitate her.
Terri Shiavo is only alive in the mechanical sense. The top half of her brain is dead and has been dead for 14 years. She does not feel anything, she is not conscious. She even doesn't know she's starving to death and getting dehydrated. She is gone, it's time to pull the plug on her. This isn't a case of her being disabled, this is a case of her being gone forever. Every specialist they've brought in has said she's gone and never coming back. This really shouldn't be an issue of whether or not she should remain living.
[QUOTE=Minako]Being a foreign exchange student in Finland, I've noticed that the crime rates here are [B]very[/B] low. In the states, I would NEVER think of going shopping, AT NIGHT. ALONE. *cough*rapists*cough* Here, I don't have to worry about that. I'm not saying there [I]aren't[/I] creepy people who want to hurt me... It's just that you don't see it. The Finnish media doesn't eat up bloodshed like the US does. On March 12th, a man shot 8 people at a church meeting, including himself. As I read articles from my local newspaper online, they are STILL writing about it. Especially the day after, the whole site was about the "Bloodbath of Brookfield." (They've been claiming that the "church" that was attacked was a cult...I read some of their beliefs today... :animedepr ) People are just hungry for blood. The media is chock-full of it: i.e. police shows, movies (Kill Bill for example..not that I didn't like this movie...), and so on. All the way back to the Ancient Roman times, people have been hungry for blood ( the Colosseum). I'm not saying that everyone is, but at least on some sub-conscious level, I think there's a blood-thirsty beast inside some of us, and it sickens me.[/QUOTE] Yeah but that's Finland. There's major differences that cause Finland to be like that. For example, citizens of the US don't wear the wooden shoes that the Finnish are used to.
[QUOTE=DeathBug]I don't know the situation in Quebec, so I won't comment on it, but I think the idea of a student strike is inherantly flawed. As my father often reminds me: "Teachers get paid whether you show up or not." The students have no bargaining power; they need the schools more than the schools need them.[/QUOTE] That might be true for public school, but universities do actually need to listen to the students since they're the ones paying.