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Everything posted by Harry

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mist [/i] [B][COLOR=red][SIZE=1] :rolleyes: Puh-lease! Shows how much [b]you[/b] know about reality...[/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Then choose decent friends. They usually show you signs that they hate you, believe it or not. Get out of the common teen denial phase of your life.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B] Saturday night, I foudn out the the girl I have fallin for and my best friend had " messed around" a little bit. Now they had only kissed, but they kissed twice. Now, after the first one, they realized what it would do to me, and then they kissed again. I'm about to kill someone, and I dont knwo what to do, so, advice would be good. I have talked to my freidn, patrick, and I haven't talked to amy yet. However, I am out fo town. I dont know what to do. HELP!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] You're exagerating it. If he was your best friend he wouldn't have done that.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B] That statement is absolutely ridiculous . How can you even compare a mentally retarded person who kills someone with a merciless psychopath. The latter is completely aware of what they are doing and the consequences of their actions. A mentally unstable person who kills someone is partially or fully unaware of their actions and consequences. However, it's not like they will be set free if they don't receive the death penalty. Most likely they'll got to a gaol for the mentally unstable (or whatever those facilities are called) and receive psychiatric treatment, in some cases indefinately. Convicted killers who are in their fully right mind should receive a life sentence with no parole. Depending on each case, sometimes the death penalty should play a part [/B][/QUOTE] Easy, if you have a psychopath kill someone, he wont' care. If you have a retarded person kill someone, probably won't care because he doesn't understand what he did fully. Like I said, you never know when the Supreme Court will call the Death Penalty unconstitutional and prisons will overflow then eventually a killer would be released. It happened in Texas. And it statistics show that those psychiatric treatment centers don't help.
  4. I'd rather have those people executed. You never know when the Supreme Court will declare the death penatly unconstitutional and those people will be set free. Have a retarded killer loose is pretty much the equivalent as a merciless psychopath.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B]yeah, I agree, it's really not fair, it's not their fault that they were born that way. It wasn't their choise either. So if they are dangerous to us, then put them in a place where they won't be. But unless they're dangerous, even in jail or whatever, they shouldn't be executed. [/B][/QUOTE] It doesn't matter if they were born retarded. It's not fair for the victims that are killed by them.
  6. I think it doesn't matter if they're retarded or not. It's whether they know it's right or wrong, that's the main point. If you have some guy that knows it's wrong to slaughter a whole family and does it anyway, it doesn't matter if he's retarded.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B]I feel like I can't trust the media no more. So much lying, filtering of information, scandals, lies, lies and more lies. Nothing can really be belived anymore, because governments and people in power twist the news we recieve to their benefit if we can. I estimate the amount of unfiltered, unbiased news we recieve is around...10%. That's why people find it difficult to imagine situations in other countries, such as...well, think of a fitting example. It's all propoganda, and I started disbelieving the media greatly after seeing "News" from the Cold War, and the days of "McCarthyism". [/B][/QUOTE] better questions is, can you trust politicians that supposedly vote for you in congress, but really vote for which company pays the higher?
  8. i dont' remember the last time i told the truth to my parents. and i have no qualms about lying. the less someone knows is usually better
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by safer cloud [/i] [B]I'm so pissed off right now!!!I got suspended!!!I got into a fight at school.I almost sent this stupid piece of S*takes a deep breath*.I almost sent someone to the hospital.I didn't even use a weapon!!He picked up a chair and hit me in the ribs!Even though he didn't break my ribs it really hurt.I can't remember anything else cept tons of rage........and 2 teachers pullin me out the classroom......I was taken to the office snd had to speak with the principal.This is where things got really ugly.I was suspended for all of next week.Now here is what the principal said that I thought was very stupid."If you were going to get into a fight or someone was bothering you you should have told a teacher".I replyed"I'm 16 going on 17 in August.A teacher won't always be around!" What do you think? [/B][/QUOTE] so you think you shouldn't get suspended? you got in a fight. you sent him to the hospital, take it like a man and accept it. that's what you seem to like to do.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonfire1477 [/i] [B]Your theory makes perfect sense. The movie "Jack" was based around that disorder, and while is was a movie, it was based on a true person with that very disorder.[/B][/QUOTE] i might be wrong, but the disorder you speak of makes them look like an old man in a kids body, not have it so a 5 year old is the same height of a 50 year old. anyway, for the longer life gene, that would be the end of mankind as we know it. the world is over populated as it is, and making the life span of a person to were they die at the average age of 150, would make it much more over populated. Also, they are already working on this, they are testing it on worms and it works. but the way you explain it is wrong. How they are doing it is by increasing the ending seal (i guess you call it that, i don't know the exact name). Because everytime a cell duplicates, the seal at the end gets shorter, and when it finally goes away, the cell dies. when they make it longer, the cell duplicates more
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B] My point is he doesn't form useless opinions. Maybe if adults thought more like him the world would be a better place. [/B][/QUOTE] yeah he does. his opinion is pointless, since it doesn't back anything up at all. saying that he is smarter isn't true at all because other people look at it deepley. sure there are the few that really dont' know what they're talking about at all, but most of them are just forming opinions. and you think those are dumb. also for the world being a better place, i don't think so. what if your cousin was the ruler of like pakistan, and he thought "we'll just blow up the US [with a nuclear bomb], and that will be the end of that, no questions asked." that's what a 4 year old might think.
  12. i was offered a credit card when i was 5, but i bet that's normal. But when i was 9 I got a letter from a funeral taht were selling coffins for half the price
  13. 1. Is there any good left in the world??? Post reasons if you want to. [B] i don't think there is any clear good or bad. there's some acts that are insanely bad, like rape, but overall it's just a gray area[/B] 2. What do you think is the most dangerous thing in society?? And please keep it coherant. [B]Religious fanatics[/B] 3. Do you still believe in "Jolly ol' St. Nick" [B]sure, might as well believe in something[/B] 4. Should science mess around with religion??? [B] No. all it does is create arguements. why try to prove some old book wrong when you could try curing diseases and what not?[/B] 5. Is it morally wrong to kill a person if you were told to??? [B]Depends who it was. If you were told to kill Osama Bin Laden, would you do it?[/B] 6. Is this saying right: "The World is a safer place." Post reasons if you want to. [B] I think it overall is safer. Yes there are places with war, but back in the medieval times you could be killed for walking into a forest, or just because a king felt like killing you. that's why feudalism was created, the world was too dangerous[/B] 7. What is worse?? Hatred or anger?? Post reasons if you feel like it. [B]they're the same in my eyes, and i don't have anything against either of them. people are going to hate and get angered, no bother stopping it[/B] 8. If people say you're rich, do you brag about it or just say: "I'm in the upper-middle class." (Heh, that's what I say when people say I'm rich.) [B] i'm not rich....[/B]
  14. my worst habit is not paying attention to peopel while they're talking to me
  15. feel fortunate it was taken off the air. fox butchered Visions of Escaflowne so badly it's sad. i'm watching it right now, and I think it's one of the best anime's i've seen in a while
  16. I was hit by a UFO once. it ran a stop sign, those pathetic extraterrestrial student drivers
  17. well, i have to say this about Episcapalians (god i don't even know how to spell it), I used to be one, and that has to be the laziest faction of christianity ever. you don't have to do anything outside of Sunday.
  18. my dreams just don't make sense. period. but once i dreamt i went to school, and I got a Math test back and I got a 60 on it. I woke up, went to school, I got a Match test back... and guess what i got?? a 40. i wish my dream came true:confused:
  19. my ability to run faster than most track people in sandals
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B][color=blue]Some people don't cry to express their feeling or the pressure inside them, instead, they turn to violent as a way to express it[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] still. depends on what they do with there violence.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B] [color=blue]This reaction is better than breaking things to make you feel better [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] why do you say that?
  22. Harry

    a survey

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by july [/i] this is for a project that i'm doing that is due tomorrow. the project is about gun control and i'd like your participation in this survey is no admin/god objects. i'll ask a few questions, but i need your age and sex too. spanx in advance... [B]16 Male (I live in Texas btw)[/B] 1. do you understand the issue of gun control in the united states? [B]yes, yes i do[/B] 2. do you think that there should be more laws to prevent minors from obtaining and/or using weapons? [B]well... maybe. i think parents should be more active though. i mean, would you listen to the "state" or your mom?[/B] 3. do you think that guns should be outlawed all together? [B]no way[/B] 4. if there were no guns in this world, do you think that it would be more peaceful? [B]no. there were many savage wars before guns were even imagined of[/B] 5. what do you think we should have: a. stronger laws that require you to have a permit to buy and a lincense to use guns, only if you are of age, (18) b. no change c. more caution when it come to storing guns so that minors cannot get a hold of them or d. **make up your own** [B]no change[/B] i don't know if those questions are good enough but i'm going to average out everything so as few or as much of you can answer if you like... thank you, very much.[/QUOTE]
  23. i was at another board that was like "look, otakuboards" and i was just came over
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