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Everything posted by Harry

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B][color=royalblue]I ripped all the skin off several parts of my body, some down to the bone(seiously)And I didn't even get watery eyes....Guess it must have been a HUGE shock...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] uh huh. and yeah, usually if something like that happens, your in shock
  2. well... still that doesn't hurt THAT much. now if you get impaled, and your still alive, sure you can cry
  3. well, i don't really ever cry. i might've younger in my life, but not now. Actually, I felt my eyes water when this girl kicked me in my crotch. anyway, i don't think crying in general is a sign of weakness, but some is. Like Criers. The ones that cry about everything, that is weakness right there. Crying of the loss of a loved one, that isn't weakness. but Crying because you scraped your elbow, that is.
  4. come on. It's really hard to abuse power in the US, especially the higher up you are. and what the hell has afghanistan done to him to get him bombing them? heck he probably didn't even know of it before 911
  5. it's pretty bad when people are considering rank discrimination...
  6. Is anyone not shy? i'm not shy at all, but i wish i was kinda...
  7. Harry


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B] Harry you sound like your contradicting your self....explain why you don't think it woulda worked.... [/B][/QUOTE] i don't think it would've worked. I think the south would've squabbled too much over each and every issue, and they would constantly make sure that the central government doesn't get too much power. they would consentrate (my mind is fried, i don't remember how to spell it) so much on those things, that other things would just be blurred. and they would eventually fall.
  8. Harry


    of course religions have cause the most number of death in the world. the most dangerous person in the world is a religious fanatic
  9. Harry


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic]Huh? That makes absolutely no sense to me. You're contradicting yourself.[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] ok here. i said, anything [b]can[/b] happen, but there's a difference between it actually working, and hypothesizing
  10. Harry


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]eheh yep...most people though.... They think slavery was the only issue....they are always going... Slavery is bad and anyone who has that flag supports it blah blah blah...... most people obviously didn't pay attention when they were taught about the war.... and Harry....the Confederation coulda worked out.... it would been something like what Canada is... The states would have had more power then the Centeral goverment.... meaning instead of the feds setting up the laws for stuff like education , tariffs... a large portions of laws... the States woulda set these laws...which brings me to another point of the war... Tariffs...that was a big old reason for the war... Increasing tariffs at the time was seriouslly damaging the Souths enconemy... because it's econemy was based largly on exporting Cotton then using the "credit" givin to the south by places like Britin they would buy stuff from that country...sure wasn't the best Idea for our own country's manufacturing... but that was how the cotton exporters got paid for their goods... [/B][/QUOTE] anything can work, the thing is, i don't think it would've worked.
  11. Harry


    i am from texas, and personally do not care about the Confederation. It would never have worked imho. also on a sidenote: [quote]How can we (america and britain etc....) justify supporting the northern alliance when 20 years ago we drove them out of afghanistan to hand power to the taliban, although you are right[/quote] taliban gained power 6 years ago
  12. this is just like the "all boys are perverted" statement. and to answer you question, no i do not think that
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B] Umm...One cop with a Colt pistol? [/B][/QUOTE] no. if someone from the company finds out, they will then call the police on me. then they will have to get my ip from the forum. then they would have to get my address from my host. and then they will have to get a warrant. then they will come.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B]Shh....I wouldne't tell anyone i have illeagl stuff on my computer. [/B][/QUOTE] they aren't going to bust me. think of how much man power they would have to put in just so they could send one guy to jail
  15. trying to stop the black market is pointless. they try to stop drugs, what did it lead to? nothing. as for me, nearly everything on my computer is illegal, but for the most part, people don't know about how to get movies, games, software, and what not.
  16. you don't really need more than 128mb of ram if you aren't doing stuff like hosting or video editing. as for the processor, it's all the same. just get something above 900mhz and i bet you'll love it. harddrive, the lowest they give you now is like a 20 gig, that's good.
  17. Harry


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lotus [/i] [B]1. Do you believe in ghost? 2. Have you seen a ghost? 3. Was anyone die in the house you're live in? 4. If you believed in ghost, do they ever bother you? 5. Where do you think have a lot of ghost? 6. Why do ghost exist (if you believed in ghost)? 7. Do you afraid of ghost? 8. Share your ghost's story or experience. [/B][/QUOTE] 1. sure why not. if there's a god, there has to be ghosts 2. nope nope 3. yeah, supposedely one guy killed his family in my house 4. nope nope 5. castles. did i tell you i want a castle? 6. a parrallel demension 7. nope. unless it's my 4th grade math teacher 8. no thanks
  18. well, my parents aren't too bad. the only reason they are bad is mostly my fault. i'm the screw up of the family, the one that gets caught coming home at 2:00am in the morning, getting in fights, and whatever else you can think of. that's why they're strict with me. my other siblings they trust, just not me.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B] umm oh and we have the Texas Rangers!!...not the baseball team the military force.......there is a story during the mexican war about how a group of Texas Rangers((10)) hunted down a group of men from the Mexican Army((stroy goes anywhere from 30-100...i think it is like 40..)) and trapped them. The Rangers sent a message to the trapped Mexicans and told them to surrender or they would come out shooting. The Mexicans decided they were outmatched and surendered.... and their was a riot at a prison (( can't remember which)) where they called in the Texas Rangers. They only sent one and the People((Can't remember which)) asked why they only sent one...the response was "One Riot, One Ranger". The riot was put down... :D (( ok so this isn't stuff i am ashamed of but stuff that i find interesting)) [/B][/QUOTE] that's cause texas rangers shoot before asking questions(it's true, most cases with texas rangers people die)
  20. i clean my room when i fall because I tripped over something. that ticks me off and i go in a rage of cleaning... weird, huh?
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]Texas... the place where the death penalty kills alot of people....[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] you sure do know your facts. and we need it, there are some true lunatics in our state
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][SIZE=1]I never really thought of horses when i thought of Texas, I understand the cowboy stuff and all but I never really expected you guys to all ride horses evrywhere. Pick-up trucks maybe, but definitely not horses. PS: Do you wear cowboy hats everywhere? ;)[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] let's put it this way, i feel naked without my cowboy hat:D j/k
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] Heheh, that's a weird goal, and a weird thing you'd want to own, nerly the same as mine! ^^ I want to own a penguine too! Except not a normal one. I'd like to own a penguin that wears skate shoes, owned a skate board, and had big killer fangs........1 [/B][/QUOTE] awesome. i wouldn't mind having a penguin that can live in any tempature... but i'm not too hot about a penguin with fangs...:D
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]Where do you live Harry? I can't think of a place I associate with riding horses at the moment. Hmm...[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Texas
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Videl~ [/i] [B]For me it has to be the ending of Rurouni Kenshin when.......oh wait a minute I know that Mystical Pan at least hasn't seen it so I won't spoil it. If you've seen it you'll know what I mean if not then go out and watch it it's excellent!!:D [/B][/QUOTE] the ending was touching? I thought this was somewhat touching I guess. HUGE SPOILER!!!! When that big monk guy, i can't remember his name at the moment, talked about how his adopted family was well toasted in the temple he lived in, because the village wanted some tax breaks
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