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Everything posted by Harry

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][SIZE=1]I live in southern california, and whenever I tell that to someone out of state (or country) they always ask me "Do you surf?" or "Do you know any movie stars?" The worst part is that I actually DO surf, so now these stereotypes are being further pushed across the globe. [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] i get people asking me if I ride horses to school. and they're shocked when i reply with a "no"
  2. i don't think texas likes to be known as cowboys with guns and horses. but i'm pretty sure we don't care about executing people
  3. well i have better things to worry about if my friends are gay.
  4. come on guys. it's a hoax. did you read that cnn article? looked real didn't it? EVERYTHING is linked to his site. that's why they opened it in a box that didn't let you see that it's really on [url]http://www.malepregnancy.com/CNN/index.html[/url]
  5. wow people get married at 15 now. it's getting younger and younger. and yes i have a girlfriend. for 6 months now i think
  6. people that attack you verbally, then when you counter it, they act like a victim
  7. I want a penguin.that's my life time goal, to have a penguin, and have a medeival castle
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B]hehehe,I sit at a table of 6 hyper active girls!man,we're yelling out eachother's secrets and making fun of people,and talking talking talking,it's so confusing! [/B][/QUOTE] haha, i through stuff at tables like that. Recently I got 4 hours of saturday detention for throwing a half full bottle of coke. It was hilarious the way they reacted
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WH2 [/i] [B]I hate my dad hes a big *** mother ****in jerk SO is my mom I hate them all!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] you probably deserve everything that comes to you, if anything at all
  10. I usually go out to eat during lunch, like Whataburger. but now they're giving hefty tickets ($500) so i'm eating at school now. and at my lunch table, we throw stuff at each other
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Phantasy Freak [/i] [B]School sucks an so does my life..Tuesday I got pushed down in Pe for noe reason went face first onto the field hurt my neck..The a little 7th grader pushed me down the hill near the football field... Yesterday my dad chewed me out for no reason..I got depresse and then u can guess what i did.:( :bawl: [/B][/QUOTE] you should've pushed that 7th grader into a wall. and i'm sure your dad had a reason
  12. personality, and looks. they have to fun to be around and do interesting things. and they have to look semi-good
  13. well i wouldn't go telling the cops on him. If your friend didn't report him, she must be too embarrassed about it. if you really want him in jail, you should try to convince her to report him. Also, my sister was raped about a year ago, and this was a similar situation. Besides the fact i beat him bad enough so he will never look me in the eyes again or my sister, that might not be an option for you though. just don't talk to him
  14. well, just give her up then Pave-Low. If you dont' want to get rid of your cliche, then don't go out with her, period.
  15. guys this, guys that. all you do is ***** about it. Guys are jerks because they tell you flat out. instead of you girls, who get in groups then viciously torment that girl until she gets some disorder, or shoots herse;f
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]asuka.. all i can tell you is that most guys in highschool Are jerks.. if a person cares more about their own reputation so much what does that tell you?.. it could mean one of many things.. one of which being that he isn't interested.. or he is but he is afrade that he would become 'less popular'.. loose some 'coolness' if that is what they are afrade of then they dont deserve you. asuka :) i can tell that you are a sweet nice girl.. thats a good thing and a bad thing. :( the good thing is that you arn't a biggot or a meanie head.. the bad thing is that bad or mean people target nice people for their little games and pranks to make themselfs more popular within their own little group.. mean people also use nice people because nice people tend to be a bit more trusting and an easy target.. dont give up on men though :) there are good ones out there awe.. i'm sorry about your puppy.. :( *huggles* [/B][/QUOTE] wtf is up with you people bashing guys? It's getting annoying. The absolute truth is, people in general are extremely self-centered. And why is it always the guys fault? It's not like we go out of our way to make you girls feel bad. Dont' take everything so personal and you wouldn't be saying stuff like that
  17. look at other peoples problems. then realize how your pretty good off.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Mystical Pan~ [/i] [B]ok this is my situation: I have two dear friends..I care for them deeply...they're my homies, ya know. However, they hate each other..I don't know why...I can't comprehend why. Today, some things happened..I accidently triggered it when I tried to sort of make both of them talk to each other. One of 2 guys told me to choose him or the other guy. I couldn't choose...I care for them both..as friends though. I don't know what to do. I've been in this situation before and lost both of my friends and I don't want to lose them. I'm confused and I truly don't know what to do. I don't want to choose between them. BUt i want to keep them as friends. Should I just stop talking to both of them for awhile to calm myself or something? [/B][/QUOTE] just let them hate each other. Don't get nosey and try to but in. If they don't like each other, they have there opinions. and you try to change that, you might lose both of them edit: sorry about that, didn't see it the first time. the one that made you choose is obviously an ***. choose the other guy. one more side note, you shouldn't have tried to make them like each other in the first place, that's what you get
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZM_Brolly [/i] [B]This question has been bugging me for a while.I want to get my custom avatar. I already know I have to get to 500 posts in ordr to do that . But once I reach that platue what can I do so I can have it bigger. Is there anything I can do? PLZ moderators around here? You guys got alot of power. And since I'm nice n all? [COLOR=red]I'M NOT ASKING TO BE A MODERATOR!![/COLOR] Take that into account. I dont want to be a moderator because I dont have the time. So plz? [/B][/QUOTE] no so live with it
  20. I do not believe if there's a heaven or hell. I think that was just created for those few assholes that say "well what do i get for being good?"
  21. i heard 5 A.D. also, does it really matter?
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]If I talked about what happened...the damage would be greater because then other people'll be involved...but I know what I must do now...thanks for all your help everyone. I know now how life and love may still go on...the situation is complex but if a true bond exists between her and I, she'll understand...I'm really hoping that she does.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] then why did you bother posting this anyway? And if it's cause you broke up with your girlfriend, that's pitiful
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]*sigh* i knew this would happen. okay everybody, get it out of your systems. [/B][/QUOTE] of course it would happen. you claim to have the powers of healing and destroying, what else would you expect?
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]are you serious... or just f**king w/ me... [/B][/QUOTE] i'm just f**king with you. and it's boring so i'll stop. and i wish i was an ArchMage of Tyr!
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]if you guys want to know, then i'll tell you. i can heal & destroy. i can unite & seperate. i know these are broad terms, but i really can't get more specific b/c they apply to all sorts of things. i also have premonitions, as do my brothers & my mother (but as far as i know, my brothers don't have any other latent powers, though any of us could easily command a spirit). my youngest brother does not practice at all. he's afraid to. my oldest brother practices w/ me all the time. if we want something specific to happen, we just cast a spell or evoke a spirit. quite simple, really. my mother is horrified of the whole thing & forbids us to do it. she is a christian & renounced it. [/B][/QUOTE] Same here. I'm an Arch Mage from Tyr. My parents forbid me to use my magic also. But i can't heal, just destroy
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