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Everything posted by Harry

  1. [quote name='Sage']No, frankly I hate everything that is connected to it: guns, killing, men acting all macho, crawling through bushes... But that doesn't mean I can't have an opinion about it, does it now?[/quote] If you want to make uninformed opinions based on facts you make up, that's fine with me. [quote] I'm amused by the claim that overgrown population of mooses and deer kill innocent people who are just peacefully driving along the roads. But isn't it the people who have built their roads through the forests where the animals live. I'm not saying that people have to stop building roads, they should just stop whining and concentrate on improving the safety of the roads with e.g. fences (not guns!). Same goes to wolves, who must be the most misunderstood species in the whole planet (meaning people think they're pure evil, when they are just beasts acting like nature intended.).[/QUOTE] Fences do not slow down overpopulation. One way or another deer are going to die. If deer had any natural predators left (wolves aren't too many anymore unfortunately) they would be less of a pest. Also deer do kill innocent people when they're driving, because they will run [b]in front of your car at a moments notice for absolutely no reason[/b].
  2. [QUOTE=Sage] The hunters claim that without their efforts the populations would overgrow, and begin to spread to people's backyards - and who would want a wolf at their back door? People who breed foxes and weasels etc. for furs claim that it is their job, and it shouldn't be taken away from them. There's always excuses for being able to kill "inferior beings". (I'm not saying that people who hunt are all lunatic murderers, but if one gets satisfaction from killing, something's bound to be wrong...) [/QUOTE] Have you ever been hunting? I'm just wondering. Also the hunter's "claim" as you put it is truth. Deer are a great example of why hunting should always be legalized.
  3. [QUOTE=Annalisse][color=#404142] I severely disagree with "God's" dislike to homosexuality.. [/color][/QUOTE] Homosexuality is generally seen as defying God's will. So to most people, they believe he doesn't like it.
  4. I wouldn't mind seeing a real Punisher movie. One that focuses more on the purging of evil with bullets than how frank lost his family.
  5. [QUOTE=DeathBug] Illegal immigration, on the other hand, is a total mess. The Mexican government is publishing literiture instructing its citizens on how to sneek into the US easier. Does this bother anyone else? See, the second greatest source of national income for Mexico is American money sent from folks in the US to their relatives still in Mexico. I don't think I need to point out all the problems in this situation for all parties.[/QUOTE] You do understand how much the US makes off of illegal immigrant workers right?
  6. College Freshman Government teacher- Mr. Duke Midway through the semester he decided to make attendance 20% of our grade because he felt that too many people were "just getting by on the tests." I was one of those "just getting by" people with my 96 test average. Naturally I wasn't in class that day and had no way to know this. I was quite suprised when I ended up with a C+ in that class. I went into his office and bitched for a while and he said "Listen Harry, I'm trying really hard to care, but I just can't." He also had one of his tests 85 questions True and False, all of them were True.
  7. Immigration is very neccessary for the United States to continue at it's pace. Maybe people that live in the Northen States don't know this, but the border states basically thrive on illegal immigrants. At this moment I have probably 2 or 3 mowing my lawn. They're nice hard workers and they work for cheap. It's nice for you to say that it should stop, but then who would mow our lawns and cook delicious tex-mex food? To make them come in legally is just far too much work for a cheap labor source. The current system is working out great at the moment. The immigrants are making more money they would in Mexico, getting better health care, and if they ever move back, they'll be much much better off.
  8. [QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel]This is such a problem lol. I think when you don't actually see what you're buying or physically see the money you're spending, you don't really think about what you're doing. I wind up spending money on things online that I'd just be like "why do I need this" if it was at some brick and mortar store. [/QUOTE] I've bought so much stupid junk on the internet just because of this. Also goldfish (crackers) is like crack for me.
  9. [QUOTE=Zeta] Show me the evience that it these things (disorders etc...) come from marijuana use alone, and I will admit I was wrong. [/i][/QUOTE] Numerous studies have pointed to an increase of chances for schizophrenia. I really shouldn't have to say this to you if you've done any research at all. I smoke marijuana, I don't have a problem with it. Also this grade arguement of yours Zeta is one of the funniest things I've ever read.
  10. [QUOTE=maladjusted][color=darkslateblue]Most people wouldn't, simply because it's just a predisposition in their mind that tells them that it's 'wrong'. Now, if you were raised in from tribe that ate humans, you wouldn't really care. I would say most people think it's wrong because humans are our species, our own kind. Besides, we have a bunch of animals to eat. [/color][/QUOTE] Well from a scientific stand point it is wrong to eat other humans also. Anyway I've read that if you eat a persons heart, you gain their power and knowledge. Assuming this is true (which I will), I would most definately eat another human. I've had horse before so human can't be that different.
  11. [QUOTE=DoctorCox] So what Dr. Leslie Iversen is suggesting is that for Marijuana users who only use 'occasionally', they are not likely to suffer any major problems. Daily, however, might be a problem? This isn't covered in this article. The rest of the summary makes me suspicious of the entire thing - it seems like they are trying to make it appear that occasional use is ok, and then make it appear that because of that, Marijuana is ok. One should not follow the other. [/quote] Marijuana isn't really that bad when you compare it to other drugs. Also Methuselah, you're not the police, don't be a tattle-tale.
  12. Everything is important in high school. Then you graduate and realize how wrong you were.
  13. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] Isn't it hypocritical for a health care company to say that men can go ahead and have control over their reproduction, but women can't have the same control? And in saying that isn't it hypocritical of our government as well? [/color][/QUOTE] Not when the government is ran by old men who can't get it up :smooch:
  14. [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f] The oil in Iraq has been pretty much left alone during all these years with Iraq under U.N sanction. Meanwhile,Iraq's neighboring countries like Kuwait and Saudi continued to sell theirs. Iraq has more oil than these countries right now, and America has found a new source for oil, but how to get it?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] That would be a nice point if you ignore the fact that oil in Iraq wasn't halted by sanctions.
  15. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f'] Just because so many of the terrorists came from there? [/COLOR][/quote] Basically. You don't find it odd at all that a very high percentage of muslim terrorists come from Saudi Arabia? I'm sure the royal family in Saudi Arabia are with us in some degree (how mad could you possibly be at a nation that makes you mega billionaires), but their fundamentalist teachings are hurting us. I'm not saying everyone from Saudi Arabia are terrorists, but the way they do things just breeds terrorism so easily.
  16. [quote name='Morpheus']Saudi Arabia is our ally, so I don't really see what you're getting at. The only reason we aren't using our bases there is because they won't help hurt the muslim world.[/quote] This is why we need to take them down. People believe this for some reason. There's a very good reason why Osama Bin Laden, most of the 9/11 hijackers, and hell a good number of terrorists are from Saudi Arabia.
  17. I used to take some pills that would give me lucid dreams. Might have been just a placebo but they are quite fun. It's basically being able to play God.
  18. It will only be worth it if we use Iraq as a foothold to destroy our true enemy, Saudi Arabia. It doesn't have to be within the next year, or ten, but it will be worth it if Saudi Arabia falls.
  19. The problem with Homosexuality is based upon the people that are homosexual. We see in the Bible a prime example in Sodom and Gomorrah when the people lost track with God(became gay) and then decided to try to rape an angel. So it's natural to assume that if there are more homosexuals the number of angel rapes will increase exponentially and lead to damnation of our world much quicker. There's also some other examples, such as when King David fell in love with a man (whom he had mistaken for a woman) and sent off his husband to get killed. This damned David and also doomed Israel for all eternity to hordes of savages. Secondly, many of the most demented leaders in this world's history were gay. Nero for example would go out and stab people while he was an emperor. He also married a 14 year old boy. Which then led to his dementia. Another homosexual leader was Hitler. Documented evidence has shown that he was in love with a Jewish boy, but the Jewish boy would have none of that so Hitler killed a few hundred Jews. If Hitler hadn't had caught the gay, those Jews would've lived. The list of examples could go on and on but I have a feeling some of you are already writing replies to my post trying to expose my "lies." Thirdly, having to constantly hear about how gay someone is. If I have to see one more advertisement of Will and Grace on TV my head will implode. That's great you turned your back on God because you want to go insane and rape angels, but we don't need to hear about it. In short, Angel rape, dementia/genocide, Will and Grace.
  20. [quote name='Eternal Snow]Since I live in a small city with many races, and my country believes in "one united people, regardless of [U]race[/U'] language or religion....." so I don't really see any racists everyday, except for some of my classmates and other people who don't really know anything. Most of them just say that that person is "fat, ugly" because it's a fact.... but if they were to say that he/she is "fat and ugly" because of her race, then I will not respect that person. After all, the world doesn't really belong to only one race, so why not live with respect for one another, instead of screaming at a friend who is from another race, or making fun of them? We are still human, are'nt we?[/quote] There's no racism in Singapore? Impressive. That death penalty must be working out for them.
  21. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']Actually, Islam is not the inflence because honor killings occured before even before Islam. Islam forbids it. So how can you say that Islam influences the culture? It's the culture itslef that is ignoring the religion. [/COLOR][/quote] I'm sorry but do you actually believe this? Islam controls so much of middle eastern daily life, but it doesn't control this?
  22. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']Well, many and probably most Israeli soldiers target civilians, so they do deserve to die. How is this an extremist statement? [/COLOR][/quote] It's an extreme statement because you're saying people deserve to die for no tangible reason. You don't know that they target civilians specifically, you have no proof and have probably heard it from whatreallyhappened.com or whatever other trash you read. [quote]And I said honour killings don't happen in Islam. And then people pulled out comments accusing my race: "Your people do honour killings". How is that not extremist? If I was raped, god forbid, my family would go at length to find the bastard and kill him.[/quote] It happens in Islam because Islam directly influences the culture in the middle east. Now if these honor killings happened in Canada, where Islam doesn't affect the culture, you would be correct in saying that they don't happen in Islam.
  23. [quote name='Boba Fett][color=green][URL=http://www.merip.org/mer/mer206/ruggi.htm]Really?[/URL] [URL=http://womensissues.about.com/cs/honorkillings/a/honorkillings.htm]These things[/URL] , [URL=http://www.iifhr.com/womens%20website/ppaperhonor_killing.html]definately do[/URL] [URL=http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2001793273_honorkilling17.html]happen.[/URL'][/color][/quote] Jewish conspiracy to hurt the peace loving muslims.
  24. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']So apperently they have it easy there, is that what you're saying? Last time I checked, women were only not allowed to work under the Taliban Regime. Other muslim nations do not restrict women this way. There you have it folks, more Islamic stereotypes![/COLOR][/quote] The Taliban regime was the ideal muslim country. It followed everything by the book. Saudi Arabia only wishes it could be so faithful to Allah.
  25. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f'] Honestly, what kind of monsters do you take us for[/COLOR][/quote] [quote]and quite frankly I am happy when they die.[/quote] That kind. I'm not too big of a fan of Israel myself, but it's really hard for me to shed a tear for the oppressed muslims when I hear this. I would ignore that too, but I hear it so often that I can't really help but believe this is a widely shared opinion.
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