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Everything posted by Harry

  1. [QUOTE=Siren]I'm having trouble establishing a time-line here. I know a sequence of events would help me in helping you, so...I'm figuring that your thread from the other day, the one where you explained your predicament about having a crush on Will and Shane, has something to do with this thread? [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=42704"][u]Here's the "Crush" thread[/u][/url] I'm really having trouble here, lol. It shows you posted in that thread last earlier today, then had a post yesterday, then posted on Sept 25th. It looks like at that point, you still weren't in a relationship, but...now you post and your boyfriend has committed suicide? You're mentioning something about not being there Friday, and I can only assume you meant October 1st or September 24th, but if it were October 1st, wouldn't you have mentioned something in the "Crush" thread about not being there? From your most recent post today there, I can't tell if you talked to him or not, or when you would have talked to him, and on what day, and if it may have been a Friday. I'm reading that thread again, and it doesn't sound like you talked to them at all. So...could you provide a time-line here, please? I'm confused. I'm comparing the post dates and times, as well, and your last post in the other thread was at 3:34 pm today, and you started this thread at 3:36 pm today. Two minutes doesn't seem like enough time to be told that your boyfriend committed suicide, and to post about it, because I'm positive those who told you wouldn't give you the two minutes to do anything on your computer. Also, it doesn't seem like you had a boyfriend at that point, and the day before it. Now I'm seriously confused.[/QUOTE] Well done. I'm interested in what he will say now.
  2. [quote name='Transtic Nerve']I don't think movies shoul dbe rated, instead should have a warning. Now you might see this as the same thing, but it's not. When you watch a movie on TV or HBO or Showtime, it not only has the rating of the movie but it gives the reasons why it was rated whatever... Partial nudity, adult situations... now I know movies at the theater also have this, but they don't tell you right at the theater, it only has the rating. If they dropped the rating and only said "this movie has nudity, adult situations, adult language" parents would know, hey, thats not a movie little johnny should see, when they may take him to an R rated movie, such as Romeo Must Die, where it was rated R simply for language and severe action or something, cause there was no nudity or adult situations or anything like that. Ratings aren't precise enough. Can you really tell me the difference between G and PG or even PG and PG-13... I can never tell and sometimes movies I think would normally be rated PG-13 are rated R or the other way around. I hear that if the F word is said more than twice ina movie it's automatically rated R, if not higher. Which I think is a ridiculous reason to rate a movie R when 80% of kids parents probably say ******* around them on a constant basis. I think the ratings should be more lienent. Anyway, yeah...[/quote] You keep on talking as if these ratings actually mean anything. They don't.
  3. This is my name so yes I do live like Harry.
  4. What's your name at SA alchemist? [QUOTE=Dwellers]I have use Defrag and scan with an online antivirus program and a spyware program and it the speed of the computer is still the same. I tried to use scandisk, but it loads too long. It stayed the same thing for more than 5 minutes.[/QUOTE] What spyware program did you use?
  5. Do something drastic and make an *** out of yourself. You only live once afterall. If you don't want to do that for some reason, just don't skateboard near them. They're just trying to piss you off and they're a good job from what I've seen. I usually don't say this but from what you've described they're getting a huge kick from this so just ignore them. On a side note, what's with the word filters?
  6. Sever all the ties. Any other way such as "talking about it" are futile.
  7. [QUOTE=Jamvis]I too think it's one of the most idiotic things ever done. They say that HS is to prepare you for real life, yet they don't treat you like it's real life. In real life you can wear whatever kinda **** you want to wear and whatnot so let it be. that is unless it's like half nude stuff you see at the beach, then that CAN be a bit distracting and such, but as far as sensorship, it's stupid. and WHAT THE HELL is with tucking in your shirt? I'll tuck in my shirt when yu can show me a person that has ben somehow horribly mangled as a result of not having their shirt tucked in. ~Jammy[/QUOTE] Hahahahah show me a work place that you can dress however you want and not tuck in your shirt please. I mean a real work place too, not some hippy new age one. High school really does prepare you for real life. The complete lack of common sense amongst bosses. The lazy people getting ahead because they are friends with the boss. It's all the same.
  8. [QUOTE=MangaFreak]actually 200 years ago it was a barbarian tribe that liked to attack the roman empire and hold it for ransom lol really, look it up but now a days it is what ocean born says it is yes, christians have done those things and used the title but its not goth sorry, you can look up anything and it can be wrong we're only human sadly, in the real world, people mistake me for a goth i am not i would ruin the title i am a christian i love the color black i dress in goth like clothes but am not i may act like it but i am not only because i don't have the pure soul of a goth my soul wants and longs to be black but instead its just a deep and dark grey extremely close but nothing alike i am not a goth i hang out with true goths and i see the true defination and understand i am not one of them they know this too but i am still not goth[/QUOTE] After reading this post I quickly ran to my history book. I thought I had learned everything wrong. But luckily, I did learn it right. The Roman Empire was not around 200 years ago, and luckily the Germanic tribe was not attacking anyone 200 years ago.
  9. [QUOTE=demonchild781]hello stranger, I thought I would inform you on a little bit of information. Goth is an extreme form of christianity.[/QUOTE] Maybe 200 years ago. It's now a trend.
  10. It's generally a good idea to live in a dorm. It's easier to get new friends this way. If you can't afford it, then don't go out of your way but I would do it if you have the option. Unless you're just really outgoing.
  11. [url]http://coffeetea.about.com/cs/coffeemaking/ht/ht_brewdrip.htm[/url] I heard sleeping the night before was a good way to stay awake in class.
  12. [quote name='DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]L&O: CI just rocks. The original series is solid as well, but the detective in CI is just such a cool character to watch. ^__^ Don't like SVI, though. They have Ice Cube as a cop, for God's sake! Didn't he write Cop Killer? That's why I try to avoid watching things with him in them.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] I can't stand CI. The way he suddenly knows eveything all of a sudden kinda annoys me. SVU is awesome simlpy because Ice T is a cop. Briscoe will always reign supreme though (unfortunately he left :()
  13. [QUOTE=DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms] You see, a similar thing happened to me. i'm a military brat, and one of the "benefits" of military service is free health care. However, because the government can only afford to put so much into the health care system, it's inherantly limited in ability. It's cool for routine checkups and physicals, but if you actually get sick, you're up a creek. Because of a system of socialized medicine, I have a hole in the center of my ear drum that will most likely never heal. When I had a life threatening asthma attack while stationed in Germany, the doctor went so far as to move me to a German hospital, to ensure quality care. Don't presume to preach the benefits of socialized health care to someone who's also lived under it, Godel. Besides, do you really want the same people that run the DMV to prescibe your drugs?[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] That's a nice speech about the benefits of the free health care from the military, but how would you feel if you had to pay for that kind of insurance? My father does that right now and he pays around $1000 a month for a family of four. Our HMO was so pathetic it even lost coverage to one of the major hospitals in Houston. His only options were that, or pay an extra $400 a month for the other HMO. Privatized medicine isn't as godly as you think it is, and to have a good HMO requires you to pay a lot. I really think we need to put a stop to these malpractice law suits, they are crippling the medical industry. Or atleast get rid of the retarded trial by jury in civil suits.
  14. [QUOTE=doukeshi03] its not all about the sex. [/QUOTE] For a bisexual is basically is.
  15. There's no such thing as bi-curious. It's mainly just attention whoring.
  16. [QUOTE=k9-Girl]three words... FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS [/QUOTE] Oh yeah like that ever really works out.
  17. [QUOTE=Mitch][size=1][color=red] Break up with your boyfriend and date all your guy friends at once. You're young, so you've got to live your life promiscuously. Don't waste this chance. I'm counting on you. I'm sorry this's all the advice I have to offer, but trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I watch Oprah. And Dr. Phil.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] I'd have to agree with Mitch on this subject. I'm no expert like him since I don't watch too much Dr. Phil, but if you play your cards right you can go out with all of your guy friends. It's a bonus if you're a Junior in High school because you can do all of them, and then go on to college with a clean slate.
  18. Suicide usually works. Or capitalization.
  19. I don't think it's that big of a problem. People who are on the internet and are anti-social would be anti-social anyway. Sure the internet helps them, but they aren't going to be the most outward people in the world anyway. I'm more concerned what the internet is doing to our language. I hope when the current younger generation grows up they drop their nasty habit of typing like idiots: [quote]dEn... aFteR DaT.. oK LiaO... dEn.. wEN i nD tO gO BaCk sCh... gOt diS kErjeR BaJiKaN NyeR sTudEntS[/quote] It's a bit exagerated but still.
  20. I didn't like the movie that much. Especially the scooby doo factor that it had. I didn't feel cheated out of 7 bucks but I wouldn't even consider seeing it again.
  21. Harry


    One of them got married to a guy. I think that pretty much proves that one of them isn't a complete straight up lesbian. Also I don't like there music either.
  22. [QUOTE=wrist cutter] Therefore roughly 1/41 of your life is spent in school; hardly a majority.[/QUOTE] Wrist cutter please stop. I don' want to be on a board that needs proof to support a statement. I think if you really look down, deep inside you won't want a board like that either. Anyway, once you get out of highschool you realize it isn't much more than a big drama pool where morons go running around creating more drama for absolutely not reason. Atleast that's what my high school was like. Every monday you'd hear about some new drama bomb unfolding about how [moron A] did [insert action] with [moron B] which involved them getting into [something stupid]. The [insert action] and [something stupid] is something you'd find on a Party of Five or Beverly Hills 90210 episode. For the youngins who don't know what those are, I guess it would be comparable to Temptation Island type crap.
  23. One of my grandmothers is nice that I enjoy talking too. The other one (who is on the dad's side) is one of them most critical people you'll ever meet. She used to call me fatty when I was younger. Granted I deserved it cause I was fat but still. She also says various comments about me going nowhere every couple of times I talk to her. I've learned just to ignore here. What I just keep in mind is if she dies before me, I win.
  24. Buy a used car for two reasons: 1) New cars cost more for insurance, which will suck till you're 25. Then it will be a little better. 2)You're probably going to wreck it. Also don't buy a car because it's "faster" than another. That will only lead to problems.
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