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Everything posted by Harry

  1. [quote name='Ben']Geez, forgive me for speculating. :rolleyes:[/quote] You're not really speculating. You're making **** up off of your ideal that all American teens are fat and European teens are healthy and level headed. Then you go on to say that guys can't control themselves at all because women don't have tops on.
  2. Getting a gold medal should be about who trains the most and whose the most skillful. Not the person who shoves the most steroids in them. Also it makes the guys grow breasts.
  3. [QUOTE=Ben] [B]Increase in:[/B] The amount of teenagers having sex. The number of teenage pregnancies. (And tied into that, the number of abortions by unwilling and unready teens) Heck, the number of abortions by adults. The number of reported (or not reported) rapes. Pedophilia. Maybe even Necrophilia. 0.o [/QUOTE] I'm glad you're just making stuff up with no proof and all. Actually there's proof against you since Europe isn't one big pedophile orgy.
  4. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']The court system has no choice in the matter, they have to review the case because his civil rights were violated. Unless it's a state like what TN mentioned. Hell, they had no choice in Michigan when some girl was told to take of her pentagram necklace, but her classmates who were Christian were allowed to wear their crosses. You can't legally be discriminated against for religious beliefs unless you've been airing them extensively. And even then they can't really do much (if they could, I think I could get rid of one of my co-workers.) [/color][/quote] Well yeah they will review it but it doesn't mean a jury or judge will go along with it. Opinions count in law a more than they should. I mean look at the recent case where the girl gets drugged and raped on video tape and the guys get off because the lawyer portrayed her as a slut so she would love to have a pool cube stuck up here ***.
  5. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] Besides, guys go and pee in public all the time, haven't you looked on the side of the interstate after a game lets out and there's all these middle aged men peeing on the side of the road? I know I have. [/color][/QUOTE] I can tell you're jealous of our ability to pee anywhere. But let's face it, most people look bad naked. I've walked by a nude beach and it was a horrific experience.
  6. Because European countries on average are 30x more liberal than the United States.
  7. It's worth a shot but I honestly don't think the court system cares if Wiccans are persecuted. I know it shouldn't be like that but things don't always work as they do on paper.
  8. Seriously how much of the 80's do you remember and love? Anyway I've been watching and it's been pretty good. Some of the stuff though I thought was more in the mid-90's. I can't believe it's been 12 years since Jurassic Park.
  9. [QUOTE=Burori]Fall no offense but that is bull ****. I have been in many breakups and in the end stayed best friends with all my exs. Other than my first but there is a reason for that. [/QUOTE] I've never heard of such a ridiculous thing in my life. I can't think of anyone that's been best friends with their ex, especially at the percentage you have.
  10. What's with all these winning threads recently.?
  11. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Like Harry said, you'll end up making him cry anyway. (Whoa, this is like the time I agreed with Deathbug-time for the sky to fall!) The best you can do is try to make it easier on him. [/color][/QUOTE] I see you've finally come around to the proper way of thinking For the people that are telling her to make him break up with her, that's such a stupid idea I can't believe you said it. First of all it makes her look like a ***** in front of all her friends/his friends. Second of all it'll most likely make him despise her. And all for what? Because she can't say "I don't want to be with you"?
  12. You're going to make him cry no matter what you do. Just dump him.
  13. Edit: There's really no point in continuing this thread.
  14. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Funny that you should phrase it so...considering lots of sex is...riding a...bike. >_>[/size][/QUOTE] Heh, that wasn't accidental :D.
  15. The most memorable thread here was the "What stupid things have you done" (I think that's the title) thread when I first joined ~3 years ago. Some girl said she had lit her shirt on fire while wearing it to spite her parents. I called her a moron for doing that then everyone pounced on me for telling her that. I rolled my eyes and didn't come back for like a year.
  16. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']What does that have to do with the price of cheese? Just because DB's saying that people should be more careful about having sex doesn't mean that he has to talk about his whole sex life. I don't think that's really anyone's business. [/color][/quote] I didn't want to put him on the spot, it just seems his whole attitude towards sex is that's it's not any better than riding a bike.
  17. [QUOTE=DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Well, actually, by the age of 24, one in three sexually active people will contract and STD. [/color][/size][/font][/quote] Proof? I highly doubt that. That sounds similiar to the 1/3 of all women get raped statistic. [quote][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms][i]What[/i] "propoganda machine"? Sex is thrown at most people through every media avenue, is glorified in movies and on television, and is hawked to sell products. Where is there this huge, anti-sex movement I've been recieving propoganda from, pray tell?[/color][/size][/font][/quote] Ever seen a sex-ed course at a public school or church? [quote][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms] A condom is not some magical piece of rubber that makes all consequences go away. [/color][/size][/font][/quote] As long as you don't do something stupid it works. [quote][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]The anology stands.[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] If you like ****** anlogies I guess you can let it stand. I'm curious as to how many times you've actually had sex and with how many different partners.
  18. [QUOTE=DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]I could eat an entire tube o' cookie dough (and no, thats' not a metaphor for anything) and I'd enjoy it immensely. I won't enjoy it so much an hour later when I'm throwing up in the bathroom. That's how I'm seeing many people's attitudes regarding sex: they only care that it'll feel good right then, and don't care about the consequences. That's shortsighted and potentially dangerous thinking. Therein lies the problem, not with sex itself. I already said that if you're with a single partner, whom you have a steady emotional relationship with, then there really isn't any problem. It's people with less self-control than an un-nuetered dog that confuse and astound me. [/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] So having sex with multiple partners= instant disease right? Oh wait no it doesn't. I don't know if you've fallen in line with the propoganda machine but if you some extremely basic things (ie: wear a condom) the likely hood of you getting a disease is small. People enjoy it (right then) because unless something happens like the condom breaking, they're pretty safe. Also the difference between enjoying cookie dough and an orgasm are usually different.
  19. [quote]Why people like to have sex for any reason other than procreation is a little fuzzy to me.[/quote] That's one incredibly low sex drive there. It's making you say crazy things. [quote]All i know is that anything sexual is very very enjoyable[/quote] Not really. I find it odd that a lot of people are taking the holier than thou approach to this thread, seperating yourselves from the "simians" or whatever that enjoy sex. Quit trying to be the next Socrates and enjoy life instead of pondering why.
  20. You're over analizing something that is enjoyable. Also the first time usually sucks anyway.
  21. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Yes, but you also shouldn't try to hold a styrofoam cup of hot coffee in your lap. Part of that was due to the woman's stupidity.The cups do say [b]'Caution, contents are hot'[/b] for a reason. Besides, some people will complain if they don't think the coffee is hot enough there's just no pleasing anyone, so go make your own coffee! :flaming: [/color][/QUOTE] True it was rather stupid, but when you see a hot label on a coffee cup you think "Hey it will burn me" instead of "hey it will melt off the skin that's there."
  22. [quote name='Unborn Lord Xion][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] The McDonalds coffee case is a perfect example. Unless you weren't actually aiming towards that, in which case it is an amazing coincidence. [/COLOR'][/SIZE][/quote] If you knew anything about the McDonald's coffee case you'd know it's a good example of when to sue. It was roughly 20 degrees hotter than what it was supposed to be. Coffee shouldn't cause 2nd and 3rd degree burns.
  23. I'm more concerned that he's using anime in his ad campaign. Whoever thought of that should be fired.
  24. Harry

    Fahrenheit 9/11

    [QUOTE=MoRbIdYuLiA]I think this movie "Farenheit 9/11 has a right to go on without controversy. -yulia[/QUOTE] He lives for controversy.
  25. Harry

    Fahrenheit 9/11

    [quote name='Syk3']I did have a small feeling that he might have been spinning it a bit, since the movies he shows are a majority one-sided. But then, if it isn't true, where is he getting his evidence? I suppose if you're anti-Moore, then you could just borrow a statement from one of his movies and say that while his evidence may be true, he chooses what he shows and tells you. Ah well, we can never know for sure. All I know is that the evidence he provides is so powerful that I'm left thinking, "do I even care if there is another side?" Which is probably what he intended to do anyway, hm.[/quote] He's only telling half truths that's why. He'll say that the Bin Laden family was allowed to leave during 9/11 making you think Bush cleared it, but won't tell you that the flight was actually cleared by a man that wrote the book about Bush's corruption in office. Also we do know for sure that he shows you only one side of the evidence, he does it all the time.
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