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Everything posted by Harry

  1. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Actually the supreme court descsion was that the detainies would be allowed to seek justice under the United States Judicial system, not international law. They determined that a person cannot be held indefinately without a trial. [/color][/QUOTE] So why does it just have to be international law exactly? Does it matter if they're freed through US law instead of International?
  2. Harry

    Fahrenheit 9/11

    It was an alright movie. Bowling for Columbine was entertaining but it wasn't really truthful and Moore isn't afraid to add his own spin in at all. Don't believe everything he says.
  3. Well the Supreme Court just found in favor of your statement. Also, don't take the Geneva Convention as the word of god. There's quite a few things in there that everyone breaks.
  4. [quote name='ScirosDarkblade']Common citizens. People don't go out of their way to fight an occupying force (seeing as it's a bit dangerous). If the occupying force is not doing much nasty stuff, then its occupation is more bearable. The Nazis were unbearable because they acted barbaric. It's part of the reason they lost the war, especially on the Russian front.[/quote] And where did you get this little theory?
  5. [quote name='ScirosDarkblade']Look at the Nazis. Their occupation of Eastern Europe would've gone much more smoothly if they hadn'd decided to loot/pillage/rape/kill as they pleased. But they were animals, and ended up making neutrals enemies and their enemies fiercer. I can only hope these Islamic groups' actions will have the same effect.[/quote] Care to explain this a little more? I've never heard of neutrals turning to enemies because of the pillaging of eastern europe.
  6. [QUOTE=Lady Macaiodh][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] The question is, should the media be allowing these images to be getting out? Aren't they giving the terroritsts exactly what they want in giving them this attention? Isn't this very intimidating to Americans? Or doesn't the media have the responsibility to report what's going on? Should there be a limit to what images are shown and how often? What do you think? And have those of you in other countries seen this?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I don't Americans in general are being intimidated by these. I think it's just making them care less about the prisoners that were in the Abu Graib Prison (don't know if I spelled it right). I don't think it's a big problem if the media is showing them. With the internet these days even and infant can google these things and find all the pictures. No need to senselessly shelter ourselves. [quote]Of course the tabloids parading this kind of media is just as bad as the murder itself[/quote] No it isn't. I'm sure the family is horrified about what happened to their family member, but they did know the person was going into a country that is in shambles after a war and infested with militant muslim terrorists who aren't unfamiliar with beheading someone.
  7. I immediately block anyone who sends me that crap.
  8. [QUOTE=No_Regrets]Thank you Doctor Phil. See how much I care about the christian religion? what's the fuss about? I posted that topic just to say my oppinions, not to get preached at by anyone. You know, I've really found myself paitent with this thread, but all you snippy people are ruining this for me, and others, I'm sure. There is no need to be pissy. look I was trying to be nice and have paitence with all of you. Sure this thread has gained my a new friend, but it's also gained me a few not- so much friends. and I do not like that. All I ask is that we all at least keep civil. Look even I've gotten mad. I'm gonna go work on MyOtaku.....[/QUOTE] Who said I was pissy? I said you were wrong, which you are. Then I pointed out that you're making decisions off of wrong information.
  9. [QUOTE=No_Regrets]I'd think NOT since I am a Atheist.....all I know I heard from friends, parents or tv. So I have had a large variety of different mediums go into my thoughts. [/QUOTE] I'm glad you're making decisions off of wrong information.
  10. [quote name='No_Regrets']If you are bad a few times in life or you don't want to worship this ' character from a book' you get to spend a peaceful eternity burning and suffuring in HELL. [/quote] Do you even know what christianity is about? As to the original poster, you'd have to be insane to let some girl that reads witchcraft books and uses candles to burn away "old desires" into your house.
  11. The woods don't even exist.
  12. [QUOTE=Emme888] Does anyone know of good tummy excercises.. you know. .to get the little section underneath the belly button? ... thats the only fat I have.. and its bothers me..cause no matter how many damn crunches i do.. it never goes away. someone said lay off protein, and that'll help.. eh?any suggestions?[/QUOTE] Crunches work the upper part of the abs. To get the lower you have to do exercises like doing the flying bycicle exercise (where your back is against the ground and you "pedal" in mid air). Also laying off the protein is a horrible horrible idea.
  13. Are you honestly craving that much High School drama? Because that's all that happens in High school. Not relationships, just drama.
  14. [QUOTE=Emme888]alright.... today is NOW thrusday.. and yes I do live in the usa. Iowa.. unforunately.. but heres how it went: Went this morning to see the therapist, and yes we talked. I told him everything about my eating problems.. and he said as long as I was obcessing over it, that I was normal. We also talked about my ambitions and drives in life. He said for being a 16 year old that i am very mature, and that I have drive above the normal. Which is good, So he said im very mature, and that im more mature for my age. And that I have good morals, goals, and drives in life. So basically I'm just very mature for my age, very driven, and probably am kinda irritated with people my own age due to the lack of maturity yet. I find it funny, I go to the doctor to see how messed up I really am, and it turns out that I'm not only fine. But I'm above average in most everything. He did say though, that my calorie intake might he low, so he suggested that I see a dietian if i wanted. He said he thinks that im doing great, and he told me even when it comes to guys... that high school for me doesn't see to work, he says I have the maturity of most adults so I'll probably end up with someone older than me and when I'm in college. He said I need to work on my study skills, and to actually try when it comes to school. He said my parents and friends should be proud of me. He really found it interesting that Im so goal oriented and already know what I want to major in, and where i want to go to school. so yeah... today I found out that I'm above normal... eh go figure.[/QUOTE] You need to go to a doctor that doesn't tell someone who's anorexic they're fine.
  15. [QUOTE=Inari]Here's another thought for anyone to write about: Should immigrants be forces to learn English before they can enter the country? I know that America is becoming more and more bilingual with everything from warnings to shampoo instructions in two or three languages. Is this a bad thing? Should tourists make an effort to learn the language of the country they enter? Should I learn French because I'm going there this summer? Often Americans (especially older people) get very annoyed with people speaking in other languages than English. By forcing people to learn our language are we destroying the liberties/cultures of immigrants or are we preserving the United Statesian way of life? What do you think? Thanks for all of your posts, ~The Gadfly[/QUOTE] You're right. We don't want anyone to think that we want to speak our own language. We should all cater to them and only speak the language they desire. :rolleyes:
  16. I actually watched this since I had nothing better to do and I got really tired of it. I think I was up to episode 14 and it was just getting harder and harder to care what happened to Pacifica and her little posse. Does it really get better afterwards?
  17. [QUOTE=Emme888] But I realy dont know how a person can eat more healthy foods, but in turn it makes them sicker to do so?[/QUOTE] You're body is so used to being so malnurished that it gets overloaded with a simple meal. That's why you don't get that hungry anymore. It's used to nothing.
  18. You're going to die if you keep that nonsense up. Get that fixed ASAP.
  19. [QUOTE=Heaven's Cloud][color=indigo]It seems as though everyone has more or less covered the basis. My only advice for you is the same advice that I give to everyone that has a psychological disorder. Exercise. Lots and lots of exercise. When you are able to become disciplined enough to workout regularly you tend to become disciplined in other aspects of your life as well. It is also very theraputic, killing off quite a bit of your free time and allowing your mind to wander away from your life problems as well. I would also guess that working out would help remedy your poor self image. It would help you tone up and get leaner while the same time allowing you to eat without haveing to purge (mainly because your body will need the food for your workouts to be effective). Anyway, whatever you decide to do I wish you the best of luck :)[/color][/QUOTE] She's anorexic. She needs to eat first.
  20. The SP is superior in ever single way to the GBA. Also they have a new special edition NES controller looking SP. Get that.
  21. [QUOTE=Emme888]i was going with roxie told me [B]"I agree with what Dan L said; talk to someone you know, whether it's your mom, or a friend, or your [U]boyfriend[/U]"[/B] and so yeah.. im the one who should feel bad for tellling him? cause i wanted to be mature and handle my problems, and let him in on the situation? or am i not understanding.. cause i do agree that i should have told him.. and i said i was getting help..so maybe its just me.. i was gonna geet help with or without his help..so why could n't he have just stayed.. cause honestly he did make me feel beautiful..and that's something no has been able to do in my life.. he was the only one who ever said those words, and I believed him.. *sigh* :([/QUOTE] I'm not saying you should feel bad about it, it seems like you got over it already. But really what answer were you expecting to get from someone in highschool? If you two trusted and cared for each other so much you would've told him earlier.
  22. Telling the boyfriend was a horrible idea. Most guys would never willingly put themselves through something like having an anorexic girlfriend. Especially in high school.
  23. Go to a therapist or counselour or something. You're obviously not strong willed enough (not meant to an insult) to overcome this by yourself. Also try telling your boyfriend about it, if he's worth anything he'll tell you that you look beautiful even if you weight 15 pounds more.
  24. [QUOTE=Inari]Here's another thought for anyone who cares: Teachers in public school systems are required to look around their classrooms and determine the ethnicities of their students (X number of Hispanic females, Y number of African Americans males, etc.). These teachers are not allowed to inquire about the racial background of any one of their students, but they are asked to speculate. I know that this is their way of insuring that various minority groups get a fair chance.[/quote] Who told you that load of crap? [quote]Think about it, every time you take a standardized test (AP, SAT, ACT, etc.) you are asked to fill in race bubble. Should they really care what race you are? Is this a good policy? What should people of mixed ethnicity do? Dose protecting minority groups increase the equality of the United States? ~The Gadfly[/QUOTE] It's for statistics idiot. Not some weird "well he's black so lets add 300 points to his SAT" thing. Sorry that came out so harsh but don't believe everything someone tells you.
  25. [quote name='ScirosDarkblade']There's nothing wrong with being dissatisfied with the country you live in, whether or not it is America. The thing is random signs of that dislike (such as upside-down flags and what not) are completey pointless. If someone isn't happy with the U.S., he/she can try to work towards changing it, or leave if possible, or just sit back and whine about it (or just plain not worry about it). Any of those is fine. But there's no good reason to try and communicate something along the lines of "the U.S. sucks" unless you say "the U.S. sucks because of this and this and this." Dissatisfaction has to be justified somehow I believe.[/quote] It'd be better if people didn't develop their political ideology off of a Sex Pistols or Anti-Flag cd.
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