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Everything posted by RedVelvetGlove

  1. [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]Heh. I'm not going to yell at you, but I do disagree. Again, I'd bring up the fact that movies and even anime are widely recognized as art forms. Yet both of those are also worked on by many people for a living. As well, games are just as capable of conveying a message as any movie or anime. A lot of them don't even bother to try, but then again, a lot of movies and anime don't either. There are so many parallels between games and movies in this regard that I think it's logically impossible to include one as an art form while exluding the other. It just doesn't make sense. If you want to limit your definition of "art," you can exlcude both, sure. But I can tell you right now, there'd be a lot of screamers if the government tried to censor movies on the basis that they aren't an art form and not protected under the free speech clause. Which, funnily enough, is what some people are trying to do to video games right now.[/color][/QUOTE] Yay for not yelling! I get what you are saying, and I don't see a lot of movies as art either. Some of them do have a message, but many don't. Also, art is more than a message, I don't know how to explain it. It's almost impossible to put into words. I'm really serious about art, and I know it is wrong, I guess, to limit what I count as art, but if we keep going at the rate we are, EVERYTHING will be art. A person crumples up paper and it is art suddenly. Don't feel bad about the video games, I hate most modern art too. :p Oh, and I forgot about the government censorship statement. They don't really censor based on art. Your free speech has nothing to do with art, it's just a right. It applies to other things, like the ability to simple say what you want, as long as it doesn't hurt someone, and that's not art, but it is safe under the 1st amendment.
  2. [quote name='candeleria][COLOR=Black][FONT=Verdana]I was reading a gaming magazine this morning and was shocked by what I have read...Hideo Kojima ([URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hideo_Kojima]click here for his info[/URL]) said that Videogames are not art...My jaw dropped upon reading this...I cannot believe that HE said it.. :animecry: ..I mean he is Hideo Kojima! The game designer of the Metal Gear Solid series/sequel!...I want to hear your opinion about this... :help:[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] I agree. It is not really art because it is not meant to convey a message, and a single person doesn't put their heart and soul into, it is a job to a lot of people. God, I am gonna get yelled at for this, but that is my opinion...
  3. I'm way to girlie to fight anyone, I would lose, hands down... :animedepr I would just run away. Could I taunt someone badass instead, and run like hell? Than I would taunt anyone! Hm, Naraku is pretty badass from Inuyasha. :cool:
  4. That's a toughie. Anime characters always have these tragic lives, to make the story, so, I dunno who I would be. All the animes I watch, someone dies... I think I would want to be from a show, but not a specific character. It would be neat to be from Cowboy Bebop because that future is so neat. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][INDENT]Especially if you're not replying to any particular part of the original poster's message, you really don't have to quote the post. Especially if the original post is so much longer than your reply, quoting pointlessly makes the boards pretty messy. Remember, you can make the quote shorter by removing text between the [quote] tags. -Arvi[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='punk alchemist']what do you think? i like sub, because it uses the original phrases and voices of the show, but i don't want to read the show instead of watching it. but ya gotta give credit to how good dubbing is getting these days. i even have fave american voice actors! so...what do you think? :animesmil[/quote] I prefer dubbed because generally when I watched a subbed show, I read the words, and never focus on the picture, so it doesn't connect as well. Also, a lot of japanese voices sound weird, like the make them way too ridiculous for comic effect or something. And the girls' voices are always weak and pathetic and it is insulting.
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