[QUOTE=Fasteriskhead]Oh, I'm sorry! In my first post I must've assumed we were discussing people who actually had mental and behavioral illnesses severe enough to keep them from living their lives in a fulfilling and meaningful manner, and what obligation society has to help them in whatever way. Had I been paying attention I would have known we were actually talking about how all of us are just TOO NUTS for the rest of the SQUARES to handle!!! They just don't know how to deal with [i]weirdos[/i] like us, man!! That's why they've gotta PERSECUTE us by... you know... by... like, uh... well...
Anyways we are totally not insane like they say we are!!!! WELL OKAY THEY MAY NOT ACTUALLY SAY WE'RE INSANE AT ALL BUT THEY IMPLY IT WITH THEIR DISAPPROVING GLARES!! The truth is that THEY'RE the insane ones for trying to KEEP US DOWN!!! Our music is too hard for them, our clothes are just [i]pushing the edge and about to break loose[/i]!!!!
They can't handle true madness!!! Down with the man!! Their square ways ain't gonna las-
...s-say, who's that guy sitting in the alley over there? he's been holding his ears and rocking back and forth for the last few minutes, i-it's kinda creepy. dudes let's go rock out how ABNORMAL we are somewhere else, o-okay?[/QUOTE]
ok...im completely lost are you all talking about actual insanity or abnormality? I suppose its abnormal for ne to wear a dress shirt jeans and sunglasses everyday like i do because im a teenager but i thing that hardly constitutes me as insane...nor does it make the little mall goth sitting in hot topic insane.. people label things because they have trouble understanding it and demine it if things arnt the way they want them. Its human nature. Its to protect ones self from the unexplained. bah but now im talking like my psychology teacher. *shrugs*