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Everything posted by Masaru
As the battle raged between Zephrymon, Lowemon and Beelzemon the tamers just stood hoping that there was something the could do to help out."I can't stand this anymore, after what he has done to jade we have to find a way to stop him. Agumon you have to matrix digivolve to MetalGreymon." said Masaru as he put down Agumon who was in his arms on the ground. "Agumon Matrix Digivolve to........... oh never mind." Agumon fell to the ground he was exausted. "It's no use I'm pretty sure that he destroyed the power of the digi-cords, besides if our digimon did have the strength to digivolve they are so tired and hungry they can't battle, it's all up to them." said Zalina as she held her Gabumon tight in her arms and looked up to see the battle still going on.
Masaru's eyes widened as Cyberdramon and Lillymon flew past him. His own digimon Greymon fell to the ground he was becoming exausted, Masaru held up his digivice so that his digimon could digivolve again. Meanwhile the other digimon attacked. "Hurricane Gale!" Zephrymom's powerful wind attack immoblized Beelzemon. "Garuru Kick!" WereGarurumon kicked the mega digimon square in the jaw knocking him back a few steps. Cyberdramon got behind Beelzemon as his claws began to glow "Desolation Claw!" the newly digivolved ultimate digimon slashed hard at Beelzemon 's back specifically his wings, seconds later they both burst into data. "Flower Cannon!", "Static Force!" Lillymon and Silphymon blasted their powerful attacks toward Beelzemon's blaster connected to his right hand as it too burst into data, Beelzemon power was now a fraction of what it was before. "Get him MetalGreymon!" yelled Masaru. "Giga Blaster!" Masaru's digimon opened up his chest and prepared to lauch missiles from them, but Beelzemon wasn't through yet. "Double Impact." he pulled out his gun and blasted it toward the missiles which explouded before they had been blasted from MetelGreymon's chest, the blast sent the machine dinosaur digimon to the ground.
"Agumon digivolve to...Greymon!" Agumon jumped into action out of no where and digivolved becoming Greymon. He used his amazing strength to pick up one of the Endigomon which he then threw hard into the ground. "Nova Blast!" Greymon launched his powerful fire ball attack which made Endigomon burst into flames. "Grand Horn!" Aquilamon flew high into the air so that he could gain speed as he charged himself toward Endigomon who was still on the ground sreaming because of the flames. As Aquilamon hit Endigomon the virus digimon burst into data. "Koko Crusher!" Another one of the Endigomon sprang into attack as he began to launch his barrage of energy blasts from his chest, he scored direct hits on Greymon and Aquilamon who were both blasted into one of the nearby burning buildings. As Endigomon charged toward the 2 fallen champion digimon he was held back, Rylonamon was using her strength to keep him from attacking. "Hurricane Wave!", "Neo Blast!" Kazemon and Cometramon combined their attacks to create a powerful icy wind which kept the remaining 3 Endigomon at bay. As Greymon arose to his feet he saw Rylonamon looked at the arms with another 1 of the enemy digimon. "Nova Blast!" Greymon blasted fire from his mouth as Rylonamon used her powerful tail to launch Endigomon into the fire ball which caused him to burst into data which Rylonamon then absorbed.
After they finshed eating Masaru and Koromon fell out of their chairs and to the ground. Their stomachs were stuffed and they couldn't move. "Koromon digivolve to...Agumon" "You digivolved!" As Agumon and Masaru helped each other up Digitamamon and Tapirmon went at it agian but this time it was physical. "I'm sick of you Tapirmon you will pay for it this time. Nightmare Syndromer!" Digitamamon blasted his dark attack toward Tapirmon who dodged which made the attack hit the nearby RedVeggiemon who got even redder as he got more and more angry. "Chili Pepper Pummel!" He blaster burning red peppers from his mouth toward Digitamamon but the didn't have any effect because of his hard shell. Agumon, Spiramon, and Badomon rose up to stop this petty fight among the digimon. "Pepper Breath!" Agumon blasted Tapimon who hit Digitamamon and both were knocked into a wall. "Bubble Blow!" Spiramon and Badomon both used a barrage of bubbles that suprisingly had a big effect agianst RedVeggimon who fell to the ground knocked out. Digitamamon got back up even madder than before, the 2 in-training digimon looked at each other and smiled. "Spiramon digivolve to Oramon!" "Badomon digivolve to Raramon!" "Crystal Beam!" Oramon used her blast of ice to create a bridge in between Digitamamon's hole on his face so that he couldn't close it, this left his only weak spot vulnerable to attack. "Nuts Shoot!" "Pepper Breath!" Raramon blasted nuts into the hole on Digitamamon's face causing him extreme pain, then Agumon blasted him into the wall and he fell on top of RedVeggiemon and Tapirmon.
"Static Force!", "Wolf Claw!" shouted Aquilamon and Silphymon as they attacked LadyDevimon at once. "Darkness Wave!" she yelled, her attack was much more powerful that when they last faught her though and the 3 attacks meet head on. "Nail Bone!" SkullSatamon yelled as he quickly jumped from digimon to digimon knocking them down except for Rampantmon. The 2 ultimates struggeled to overtake the other, Rampantmon roared loadly as he knocked SkullSatamon up into the air. "Static Force!" Silphymon threw it's powerful ball of Static Energy toward SkullSatamon knocking him to the ground. "Giga Blaster!" MetelGreymon created a huge explosion with his organic missiles that came from his chest when hew shot them down toward SkullSatamon who was no match for the 3 combined attacks as he burst into data. "So this is what the all powerful Daemon has to offer?...Let me be the first to say I'm not impressed." Masaru yelled to LadyDevimon and IceDevimon in victory.
As Masaru and his partner Agumon made their way through the cave Masaru fell to his knees after he lost his breath. "Are you okay Masaru?" asked the worried Agumon. "Yeah, but I gotta give up those cigs." Agumon burst into laughter then suddenly stopped. "What are cigs?" Agumon asked. "Don't worry about it Agumon it was just a joke. Lets continue walking I wan't to find a way out of here." As the 2 continued looking for a way out of the cave Masaru tried to spark up conversation. "Ya know Agumon I'm a little nervous about seeing the others. It's just that we don't know each other that well and they all seem so gung ho about this digidestined thing. I don't think I'm cut out to be a digidestined." said Masaru. "What are you saying of course you are. If you weren't then we would have both ended up like everyone else In the digi-world. The fact that we are here like the others is proof that you are the digidestined." Agumon replied. "Yeah it's just that I'm barely good enough to be a digimon tamer. Like when I thought I lost agianst Duskmon that was one of the most terrifying things I've gone through and....." Masaru stopped speaking as he looked up to see the exit to the cave they were in. "Look Agumon there's the way out." Masaru and Agumon headed for the exit when a skeletal like digimon appeared in front of them. "That's SkullGreymon. [IMG]http://thedigiport.com/dex_s/SkullGreymon.jpg[/IMG] " yelled Agumon. "It doesn't look like he is in much of a friendly mood so you'd better digivolve" said Masaru. "Agumon digivolve to...Greymon.....Nova Blast!" within seconds Agumon had digivolved to his champion form and shot out his powerful fireball attack toward SkullGreymon. The attack did little if any damage to the ultimate digimon. "He's to strong you have to use your d-templet so I can digivolve." cried Greymon. Masaru tried to use his d-templet but for some reason it didn't work, Masaru couldn't understand why it wouldn't work but then it hit him. "Greymon when you were beaten by Duskmon and he absorbed your data he must have also absorbed the power of the d-templet so you can't digivolve." said Masaru to his digimon. Greymon couldn't take much more. "Dark Shot!" The evil SkullGreymon launched his powerful missile toward Greymon who fell hard to the ground, he couldn't move at all. "Greymon please you have to get up. You can beat him I know you can. Remember when you first turned into MetelGreymon when you went up agianst that tamers MegaKabuterimon." said Masaru. SkullGreymon was preparing to attack. "Dark Shot!" he yelled. "Your right Masaru I won't give up no matter how strong he is I can take him." said Greymon as he stood up. Masaru's digivice began glowing. "I forgot we still have Azulongmon's power, I can digivolve. Greymon digivolve to...MetalGreymon! [IMG]http://thedigiport.com/dex_m/metalgreymon.jpg[/IMG] " Greymon digivolve to the half dinosaur half machine digimon known as MetalGreymon he then used his powerful claw to stop SkullGreymon's Dark Shot attack. "I knew you could do it." said Masaru to his digimon who starred angrily at his opponent. "Giga Blaster!" yelled MetalGreymon as he shot out organic missiles from his chest which hit SkullGreymon directly in his. The skeletal dinosaur digimon exploded into data as MetalGreymon dedigivolve to Agumon agian. "MetalGreymon to SkullGreymon...No competition. said Masaru as he and his digimon walked out of the cave. "Look there's Skye." yelled Agumon.
The gang and their digimon ate enough burgers to last a lifetime everyone was full and tired. Masaru grabbed Botamon and stepped outside. He was amazed that this small village survived the devastation that happened to the digital world. It was so small and so full of life which was now very rare to find here in the digital world. Masaru hugged Botamon tight, he is his best friend and he never wanted anything to seperate them agian. "Botamon digivolve to...Koromon!" Masaru was amazed that his digimon once agian digivolved within a hours he had went from a digi-egg back to his in-training form. The 2 of them went back inside to rest with the others seeing as how it was now night time.
After the death of his digimon partner and best friend had finally hit him Masaru fell to his knees, starring at the digi-egg he held in his arms. "Deadly Gaze!" yelled Duskmon as he blasted his toward the 4 digimon that surrounded him but they where only stunned for a few seconds. "Blast Rings!" cried Aquilamon, as Duskmon faught of Aquilamon's attack Garurumon and Zephrymon attacked. "Howling Blaster!","Hurricane Gale!" Duskmon fell to 1 knee after sustaining 2 critical hits. "Tail Slam!" yelled Rylonamon as she used her powerful tail to knock Duskmon face donw on the ground, it looked as if they had won.
Name: Masaru Color of Digivice IC: Orange Age: 18 Appearence: [IMG]http://thedigiport.com/masaru.gif[/IMG] Digimon Parner/Digivolutions and Attacks: Agumon (Pepper Breath), Greymon (Nova Blast), MetalGreymon (Giga Blaster, Metal Claw), WarGreymon (Terra Force, Mega Claw) Masaru walked over to Skye and helped her up to her feet. Suddenly Aquilamon and the 2nd Devidramon fell hard to the ground, Aquilamon had managed to defeat the 3rd Devidramon but couldn't manage agianst the 2nd. The final Devidramon landed right into the data of the 1 that Greymon had just defeated and used it to digivolve into [COLOR=DarkRed][URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied5/images/Mephismon.jpg][SIZE=1]Mephismon[/SIZE][/URL][/COLOR] but Masaru looked at Greymon and smiled as he held up his[COLOR=DarkRed][URL=http://thedigiport.com/screenshots/ep01/56.jpg][SIZE=1] digivice and it began to glow[/SIZE][/URL][/COLOR] and Greymon used the power of [COLOR=DarkRed][URL=http://thedigiport.com/screenshots/ep01/54.jpg][SIZE=1]Masaru's digi-template [/SIZE] [/URL][/COLOR] to digivolve."Greymon Digivolve to ...MetalGreymon."