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Kitchen Sink

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Everything posted by Kitchen Sink

  1. I was being chased by the "Keystone Kops" along some bridge going out of Algonquin when I decided to bail from my car fearing that at any second it was going to do the usual GTA thing and spontaneously combust if, say, the trunk got hit too many times. :smirk: When I bailed I was expecting the SanAndreas thing of rolling on the ground for a short time, then getting up from the pavement as if I was rolling out of bed after a restful nights sleep. Instead I bailed from the car, bounced off the guard rail, whacked my head on a pillar and tumbled off the bridge hurtling into the water below. I then found out that bailing in this game can be fatal.
  2. This is me. [IMG]http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/1420/dunxvs0.jpg[/IMG] On a side note. I don't believe I haven't been here a year. Nobody will know who I am anymore. :-( Nobody knows, hmmm. :D Time to start fresh! Hi I'm a newbie!
  3. I think that, at least in New Zealand, Cartoon Network has jumped the shark. All it ever seems to show are episode after episode of either My Gym Partner is a Monkey (asinine) or Camp Lazlo (also asinine). The only show I enjoy on CN now is Ben 10, but that's probably because it isn't shown so often that I could see repeats after only a month! Ben 10 itself jumped the shark when the episode "Kevin 11" went to air. How often do cartoons have to go down the "dark opposite of the hero" routine? It was just a plain boring and predictable episode.
  4. I'd inhale something illegal. Just because it doesn't matter anymore. And if the meteorite burns up to nothing more than a super-hot pebble, sparing the life of both me and the cop I chose to do it in front of, then I;'d be very unlucky indeed. :(
  5. This ia a game that I brought to OB the last time I was here. [COLOR=black]It is based upon the 6[COLOR=black] [COLOR=black]degrees[/COLOR] of separation theory, which speculates that anybody on the planet can be connected to anybody else using only 6 intermediate people, or "degrees", if you will. If you've ever looked up an article or two on [/COLOR][COLOR=black]Wikipedia[/COLOR], you'll notice that each topic has these nifty little link words placed throughout the article from time to time, which can take you to a topic that is, or contains something about that word. Seasoned Wikipedians like myself will have also noted that through a series of link word clicks, one can end up on an article so totally removed from the original article it's funny. This will be the focal point of the game. The game works like this, I will post two articles that contesters must link together in 6 or less link words or[B] [COLOR=black]degrees[/COLOR][/B]. The person who answers first with the correct answer becomes the gamemaster, and must coin two articles for the next round of contesters to link up. For example, I say to link Canada with President Bush The correct answer would be... "To get from Canada to President Bush, I used these steps; Canada Day, National Holiday, July 4: Independence Day, United States. George W. Bush is linked on the right-hand side under the title president. Now, link Lightbulb to Enron...." As a little side topic, you may like to discuss how long the quest took you, how you figured out where to go next etc... The rules are thus: 1) The Gamemaster must know if a link is doable in 6 or less link words, as he/she will ultimately have to give the solution and give another two topics to link if no-one can get it. 2) If no-one is able to get to the topic, contesters may share what they have got with so far with other members, the Gamemaster cna then give hints or clues, and may even give the contesters a link word to steer them in the right direction. 3)If all seems hopelessly lost, the Gamemaster may either pick a new set of topics, or abdicate the position of Gamemaster to the person who has contributed the most amount of links or topic suggestions to the in-game discussion. [/COLOR][COLOR=black]Now that's sorted, let's get underway...[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Link [COLOR=blue]Lemming[/COLOR] to [COLOR=blue]Fatal Attraction[/COLOR] (the film)[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]here's the url: [URL]http://en.wikipedia.org[/URL] [/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE=desertphoenix][spoiler]funny pics[/spoiler] what does the signing of the Declaration of Independence have to do with anything? [/QUOTE] I bet it put the founding fathers of America in a good mood. What, with not having to answer to a distant monarch half the world away and all.. [quote][color=#808080]Yea, I like to strangle roosters too. Mother****ers, always crowin' in the middle of the morning while I'm trying to sleep... and nothing puts me in a better mood then getting some extra sleep. [/quote][/color] [color=black]I like to strangle roosters too. they are itches! I get them before I go to sleep, so they never get the chance to wake me up with their racket. And I thought I was the only one...:D [/color]
  7. [font=Verdana][size=2]As a youngster, I've found that, in most cases, adults won't trust you to make the kind of judgemenbt call needed to abstain from smoking when it is depicted in a movie as "cool"[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]However, I can watch somebody smoke on screen without being tempted to do so myself. My parents (and those anti-smoking ads) have taught me about the long term effects of smoking and, no matter how glamorous it appears on screen, I know I don't want to go down that path.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Education, not restriction, is key to changing the attitudes of young people to smoking.[/size][/font]
  8. Skateboarding puts me in a good mood. I hit the halfpipe, and my cares just melt away. For the time that I just skate around our skatepark, nothing else matters. It helps restore my smile after a long stressful day. In summer, I like to swim until I get absolutely wrinkled. Pools with hydroslides to race my mates down are the best. Swimming also helps me sleep better, and after a day of swimming hardcore, I do enjoy my shuteye. Being active and taking time out to enjoy life puts me in a really good mood. What get's your mood continuum right up there?
  9. My username is based on "everything but the kitchen sink" addage and all it's various offshoots. I picked it because I wanted a name that was so original, no-one had though of it yet. Same went with my old username, Lost Lightbulb.
  10. [QUOTE=Gavin][size=1] If people want to see real justice done here, and not some petty PR stunt that will be forgotten in five years time, send Saddam to the Hague and allow him to received a just trial like anyone deserves. Just because he has denied these rights to others does not automatically mean we can take the moral high-ground and deny him the right to a fair trial.[/size][/QUOTE]Indeed. The Iraqi trial was farcical and a downright joke. Saddam's trial didn't serve any real justice, it was more like a state sanctioned lynch mob. The real surprise here is that anyone can think it was anything but. In the end, all Iraqis got was lynch mob justice, accentuated by the fact that nearly everyone who decided to stand for Saddam and give him a fair trial were murdered by the death-to-Saddam zealots. Oh, by the way, taking the moral high ground in this sense would be giving him a fair trial. "Mr. Saddam, you gave none of your dissenters a fair trial, but we're taking the moral high ground here, you'll be tried in the Hague by the international community!" In the end, even the Nazi's were given better treatment with regards to their war crimes trials. That speaks volumes.
  11. [quote name='kumi-chanmi']Zombies are awesome!!!! But I will probly fight and use my katana and some other weapons that I have located in my closets(they are in there just in case the zombies do try to take over) and if I had to hide...well I might hide inside of an abandoned hospital! Just like in the movies! :catgirl:[/quote]Good luck fighting off hordes of flesh eatng zombies with a Katana. I dubt it would even be a feasable weapon to take the undead to task. Oh, and abandoned Hospital? You'd have to be absolutely sure the Zombies have never seen a zombie survival flick, or else they'll know just what they need to do to outsmart you and feast upon your brain. Same goes with malls, churches, Raccoon City police depts, that sort of thing... If you really want to outsmart the zombie, you hide in a shoe-shine parlour. Zombies don't give about having presentable shoes.
  12. This is not a double of that "Where would you rather be?" thread with a typo, although the wordplay is intedned, of course. ;) If you could choose what period in time to live out your life, what would it be? Would you live amongst early civilisation? Perhaps you'd like to live in the more advanced age of the 2050's, or beyond! What, if anything, do you expect will be different about the way your life works in that period? [font=Verdana][size=2]I'd live in the not too distant future, say, the 2050's. While I suspect I will eventually see those days, I'd like to be 16 then and have my life ahead of me, catch my drift?[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]I selected the near future as opposed to the distant future to account for culture shock. In the 3050's we might not even look like what we look like now. Technology would have advanced to such a ridiculous point I'd never get my head around it. It pays to be cautious about such things.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]My second choice would be the 60's, with man walking on the moon and making giant leaps for mankind being one of the prime examples as to why I'd enjoy checking outthat decade. Of course, option 2 is only appealing if I don't know of the time I'm living in now. It would feel like a bad TV rerun otherwise.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Discuss.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font]
  13. I would rather work in a small cubicle, doing mindless work for the rest of my life, than be stuck at McDonald's, doing mindless work for the rest of my life + obnoxious, rude customers who can;t order a shake correctly, yet expect the world should be handed to them on a platter! [/rant] :p Would you rather.... be a participant in a fly swatting contest, or... do the audio commentary for a watching paint dry DVD?
  14. Best. Country. Ever. I'm from Australia myself, so you could say my views on the country of Australia are a little biased. :p [img]http://www.appliedlanguage.com/flags_of_the_world/large_flag_of_australia.gif[/img] Just a little. the best country in the world thingy, that's no exaggeration. ;)
  15. I believe the articles section was removed to allow for more resources to go to other theotaku.com projects.
  16. The first one looks like the second one run through a photoshop filter. Filter>Artistic>Chalk&Charcoal So I like the inked version a heck of a lot better. For the sheer detail in it. In the charcoal version, you can't even tell it's on canvas.
  17. I chose my name, Lost Lightbulb for a couple of reasons. First, I am a huge Lost fan and I can't get enough of the series. Second, I wanted a somewhat random, quirky name so I chose the word "lightbulb" to go along with that. My current avatar is a screengrab from Disturbed's "Land of Confusion" video, which rocks. My banner is a relic from the weeks prior when I wanted something completely cute and innocent in my banner. Previous banners and avatars had a Lost theme, and my slogan was "dang, where that lightbulb go?" I kinda let that slogan get "lost" recently. :woops:
  18. I love junk food. I have literally hundreds of Mello Yello bottles lying on my floor. I crave fast food and I regularly pig out on KFC or McDonbald's when I can. Chips, sweets, donuts.... I love them all, and a good school lunch isn't complete without at least one of these ingredients. You wouldn't know it though. I'm one of those few lucky people with such a high metabolism, I can eat, eat, eat and not gain an ounce of fat. I eat tons, but I'm still a skinny little runt. It's bizzare, but I'm not complaining. :p
  19. See how you like this set. I have the uncompressed files so if you want to have something changed, let me know. ;)
  20. What exactly do you need to know about working with layers? Layers are an expansive topic and it would take me foreve and a day to cover it all. :p You could always try consulting the Adoe help files, they're pretty expansive. Alternatively you could try Adobe online, accessable through clicking the adobe image at the top of the tools pallete. Hope that helps.
  21. [QUOTE=Lady Asphyxia][font=Arial][size=2][color=Silver][size=1] Also -- there's a talking donkey in the bible?!?! [/size][/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE]Yep. Though the donkey is a minor character and speaks only once. It's one of my favourite stories from the good book. Numbers chapter 22 from verse 22-30
  22. [QUOTE=Sandy]Honestly, I'm many times more worried about the amount of nuclear weapons that USA has in stock than whatever North Korea has. [/QUOTE] Yeah, but the U.S isn't about to go willy-nilly and nuke everyone it disagrees with, there's a precedent there. Just think, how many times they could have used the bomb to clear things up a little.... Vietnam? The Korean war? What about Iraq? Surely they could have sent the insurgence the mosyt radical of messages my nuking Baghdad, right? They wont do it. Bush has neever looked like using nukes, not even when despotic regimes like North Korea and Iran seek out th ebomb themselves. Kim Jong Il is a megalomaniac and a despot. He is that kind of crazy leader who is so over-inflated with the fake praise of his peoples he just might do it. Better yet, he tries a nuke test into the sea just out of Japan by attaching it to one of his Taepodong missiles, but accidentally hits Japan. The guy could be a total bluff, yet still be absolutely dangerous with these bombs. Pyongyang or Washington with nukes? I'll stick with Washington.
  23. Hover over the tools with your mouse of you are unsure, hten a little duakog wilol appear telling you what it is (eg. hover over pencil tool and it will eventually pop up with a dialog telling you it's a "pencil") Additionally, those icons with little arrows at the bottom have hidden tools, click your left mouse button and hold it down on those tools to see further tool options (eg. the gradient tool is hidden beneath the paint bucket.) hope that heped.
  24. Nuts like this lady jumo to conclusions way too easily. She has obviously seen some fantasy magic here and gone ape over it because it's not the "christian" thing. But has she read any of the book she claims to be defending here? The Bible recounts, among other miraculous stories; God floods the earth, empowers a donkey to talk, rescues Shadrach, Meschach and Abindego from a fiery furnace, Drowns the egyptian army in the Red Sea, and that's after parting it to allow the Israelites passage across. There's the birth of the church age, where tounges of fire rained down upon the believers and through the Holy Spirit. they were able to speak in foreing languages here. Not to mention, the most important one of all. Raising the dead, as seen in both Lazarus and Jesus himself. The Holy Spirit works miracles through this book. Yet fantasy magic is something that has to be so railed against? Radicals: They make me grit my teeth.
  25. [quote name='DarkFactor']Kim Jong Ill is one crazy mother.... but so what? there are thousands of people who think he's a god. You can't just go around overthrowing popular majority leaders because they have decent military capacity... if that were true shouldn't the American government be overthrown? and then you say to me (Dark, you must be stupid, you must have missed the coldwar. Mixed reports are a classic example of communist regimes and the way they opress their citzens.) Maybe its the reports that all communist dictators are cruel thats the incorrect part.[/quote] Popular majority leader? I'd love to see Kim Jon "Dear Leader" Il hold a truly free and democratic election to at least try to prove that he is a popular leader. My prediction is he would be turfed out on his ***. I mean, for goodness sake, this is a country where it's dead president is still "president." Give me a break! [quote] So, some half cracked despot makes nuke threats... First off, if your town gets hit by a nuclear warhead they just did you a favor. You'll be evaporated.... probably less painful then a fatal heart attack... I wouldnt know for sure because I have had neither, obviously.[/quote]Won't be doing me a favour. I want to live. ;) [quote] Nothing will happen with N. Korea so long as China is not rolling around in the same bed. And even if they do butt buddy against us, we hopefully learned the lesson of the Korean war and will not try to win by just bolstering up troop numbers and using ground force. Because, if you know anything about the last korean war you know that troop numbers and ground force is a futile way to fight them. [/QUOTE]Nothing will happen because the UN will do nothing that will hurt the regime in any way, shape or form. It's nothing more than an irrelevant bleating sheep that get's cross with regimes, but does little more than impose sanctions and write letters to the regime teling them how angry they are. Oh yeah. N. Korea should be quaking in it's boots right about now... [img]http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/2827/storyparadead4.jpg[/img] :rolleyes:
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