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Everything posted by Kitchen Sink
[QUOTE=DarkFactor] Freedom of speech is a protected and special thing. I'm lucky to live in a place where it is maintained to some degree. It is ultimately okay to say or display ANYTHING and it should be, however, it is not permissable. People's varrying degrees of irresponsabilty brings on stricter cenorship. It is the job of the person expressing themselves to consider their audiance and deal with the consequences accordingly... It is not the job of wealthy private orginazations to monitor espression, or enforce and develop new laws and special interest groups to promote cencorship. That is why I say screw you clear channel and FCC! lol but essentialy most of us are not under some sick gustapo. So we should mostly just be thankful. :D[/QUOTE] Am I misunderstood? Are you comparing the FCC to the Gestapo? Because if you are, man, there is no comparison. Check the Wiki's below... [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FCC]FCC[/URL] [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestapo]Gestapo[/URL] Now, I'm all for censorship and I don't see it as the curtailing of civil liberties at all. Censorship restricts the material for good reason. If you like vulgarity in your music, then go out and get the uncensored album. It's not like this right has been removed from you entirely. Censorship, like many things, can be taken too far, and I'll say that going too far in this respect is actually editing the material and restricting the unaltered versions from the public that want, and consent to viewing/hearing it. Restricting the material and placing labels on it can hel you make a more informed choice on the material you want to see/hear and can act as a guideline in some regards, as pointed out by James in a similar thread.
Request Cutest Shinji banner/avatar set?
Kitchen Sink replied to Kitchen Sink's topic in Creative Works
Oh, sure. I'm talking about Ikari Shinji from Neon Genesis Evangelion: [IMG]http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/3995/shinjibf8.jpg[/IMG] I wasn't aware that there were any other Shinji-kun's out there, lol. But yeah, Shinji from EVA is the one I want the banner made of, thankyou. -
Hello, OB. I was just wondering if someone could please make me a Shinji banner and avatar set, no words or username, but just the cutest pix of Shinji-kun you can find. :catgirl: You'll be my friend for life if you make me want to reach through the screen and just huggle him to death! P.S: No chibis, please, those thigns are distrubing. :animeswea Thanks for your time. -L.L
[size=1]Absolutely false! I'm not into that emo stuff at all. *sigh* I guess no-one will ever understand me, or know me at all. *sigh* TPBM Farms chickens on a ranch just outside of Idaho, Has a small web business dedicated to manufacturing and seling widgets, and likes to spend his/her spare time on Otakuboards and training his/her one-eyed cat called "Bobbles" to solve algebra. [/size]
[size=1][B]OBLIVION[/B] Old Bats Living Inside Volkswagen's Initiate Open Networking. The next acronym is.... [B]WEYUXIU![/B] I'm so mean and nasty! :smirk:[/size]
[size=1]False - I love fish, that's some good eatin, battered, not boiled. True - I hate keeping fish, so messy and hard to keep the tank clean. TPBM has the irrational fear of the inevitability of the advancement of nuclear proliferation to the common masses the world over. (think robbing a convenience store with a small nuke.)[/size]
[size=1] It's not my thing to dress solely in black when there are many shades of grey out there,:p and I'm not a very emotional guy at the best of times so that kinda counts me out of the true roots of the movement. I can't see myself ever getting into that scene, but hey, if that's your thing, it's all good. Emo, Whatever floats your boat, I guess.[/size]
Israel strikes Palestine in retribution for a previous attack, Palestine strikes israel in response. In resonse to that, Israel strikes Palestine and so on and so forth form here into eternity. Sucks don't it? As long as retribution and the ole "eye for eye" addage is exchanged and exchanged, with no side wiling to be the better one and walk away, there will be no peace. It's not excusable to justify the kidnappings with "well, they started it!" when all the troubles in the mid-east today are based in revenge and retribution. Until the pair of them stop squabbling like 3 year olds, peace will be an unachievable goal.
[QUOTE=AnimeHeroX][SIZE=4]600[/SIZE]Dollars what the @#$! IS SONY THINKING. i've been a sony fan since the playstion or PS one which ever you want to call it and this is how they thank the fans of sony by bring out a system most normal people can't afford. i got my hand on the ps3's spec's and really you not paying for much more. i mean blue ray if you already have a dvd player why rebuy al the same movies again. in fact their a rumor not every movie will not even be blue ray compatible. plus the ps3 controller will no longer have a rumble feature. instead it will have a tilt feature that only work's with a few of it's games. so far the only redeeming thing most people talk about is the fact that it's part computer a [B]600 Dollar computer???[/B] but as sony said you not paying for price your paying for potential. :animeangr What a Crock no offence to anyone planing to buy one but i'll stick with my ps2 their are still alot great games for that and the price won't kill ya so pretty much all i have to say to all the people who are certain on buying a PS3 GOOD LUCK :wave: :confuse2: ...... Gee I wonder how much they'll sell a PS4 for :worried:[/QUOTE] :animestun I bought my PS2, on hire purchase for around about that kind of price, and this is after they had been around for a little while. Around here, we're expecting PS3 prices to be upwards of about $1,200 and that's no typo. I guess it has something to do with how much your country's money is worth and all, but when I hear of a 600 dollar PS3 being chalked up as "exuberant." I don't know wether to laugh or cry! Stick with your PS2, as I am most certainly going to do. Time and depreciation will do wonders for that price tag. :p
Superfrog! I must have been between 3-5 when I first played this great game. Thanks to the Amiga emulator and a reasonably good PC, I still do. It's a platformer that was designed to be Amiga's answer to sonic the hedgehog, and even had the blue critter make an unofficial guest appearance within the game. It's fast paced platforming goodness, I highly reccomend it.
Now this is a game that I can really see myself updating my laggin ole PC for, the visuals are stunning. [URL=http://img57.imageshack.us/my.php?image=prey200606230102511278da.jpg][IMG]http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/743/prey200606230102511278da.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I stumbled across Prey reveiws at IGN when I was doing the rounds on future games and whatnot, and, thinking it was a game based upon the Crichton novel, I decided to take a look at the game, being the Prey novel fan that I am. My initial response was dissapointment that this is not in fact, a game based on Michael Chrictons novel, but my dissapointment turned to intrigue when I read up on what the game is all about. Basically, it's a FPS shooter where you play as a guy called Tommy who is abducted by aliens, and ends up fighting the aliens to save humanity, oh, and get a little on the side. :p pretty b-movie grade kinda stuff. But I'm intrigued at the things you will be able to do in-game, and how elements I consider to be more in the realm of a 3rd person adventure will come across in the first-person game. These are the details form the horses mouth... [quote name='IGN']In Prey, players enter a living spaceship which enslaves alien races and devours humans for lunch. A unique twist on the first person shooter genre, Prey features such innovations as the ability to walk on walls, manipulate gravity and perform a "spirit walk" by leaving your physical body behind. Designed by Human Head (under the direction of 3D Realms), Prey features full online support for up to eight players, utilizing the game's play innovations for unique multiplayer experiences.[/quote] Is this game the next Halo? If there is room for 8 players, I sure hope there is room for massive deathmatches or something, perhaps some teams can opt to be the aliens, which I would have loved to do in the Halo games. In general, do you think Prey is all it's chaled up to be, or would you rather have a game pased on the Chrichton novel?
This is only a rough cut, wanted to see if this matches what your envision before I put the high quality tweaks in, what do you think? [edit] Ergh, seems the animation is not happening, will fix that in the high-quality version.[/edit]
Sure you do, Jokopoko, all your enemy would have to do is drop you out in the middle of the desert, you'd be rendered powerless. :p Super powers eh, well; how about the ability to kill a Yak, from 300 yards away, with mind bullets! But seriously, I'd take the ability of telekenisis over any other form of superpower any day. The ability to manipulate and control any object would make you the most powerful being alive. Imagine the possibilities. Of course, I'd settle for middle ground, like being able to control only 1 element or something along the lines of Magneto where my awesome powerness would have a silly weakness, but I hope and dream of total immorrtality!
Red Vs Blue > Comedy > Television Comedy > The Simpsons > Homer Simpson Link Flan to Samuel L. Jackson.
I like it. 'nuf said. :p What's not to like about 24? It's the show that keeps you gripped to the edge of your seat with every hour of intense drama as terrorists race to attack their target, and Jack Bauer et al, races to stop them. And then, just when you think you've got it all figured out, and you know what's what and hedging bets on "that one suspicious CTU agent who's always talking on the phone in a dark corner to Mr. Nobody" being a mole for the terrorist mastermind, the show hit's you with a plot twist, turns everything on it's head, and you now owe your mate twenty bucks and a 6-pack of soda cans. True story. :animeangr It's addictive viewing that leaves you pining for more as soon as the credits roll. the remainder fo the week just crawls along while you're waiting for the next installment.
This game is based upon the 6 degrees of seperation theory, which speculates that anybody on the planet can be connected to anybody else using only 6 intermediate people, or "degrees", if you will. If you've ever looked up an article or two on Wikipedia, you'll npotice that each topic has these nifty little link words placed throughout the article from time to time, which can take you to a topic that is, or contains something about that word. Seasoned Wikipediasts like myself will have also noted that through a series of link word clicks, one can end up on an article so totally removed from the original article it's funny. This will be the focal point of the game. The game works like this, I will post two articles that contesters must link together in 6 or less link words or degrees. The person who answers first with the correct answer becomes the gamemaster, and must coin two articles for the next round of contesters to link up. For example, I say to link Canada with President Bush The correct answer would be... "To get from Canada to President Bush, I used these steps; Canada Day, National Holiday, July 4: Independence Day, United States. George W. Bush is linked on the right-hand side under the title president. Now, link Lightbulb to Enron...." As a little side topic, you may like to discuss how long the quest took you, how you figured out where to go next etc... The rules are thus: 1) The Gamemaster must know if a link is doable in 6 or less link words, as he/she will ultimately have to give the solution and give another two topics to link if no-one can get it. 2) If no-one is able to get to the topic, contesters may sharte what they have got with so far with other members, the Gamemaster cna then give hints or clues, and may even give the contesters a link word to steer them in the right direction. 3)If all seems hopelessly lost, the Gamemaster may either pick a new set of topics, or abdicate the position of Gamemaster to the person who h as contributed the most amount of links or topic suggestions to the in-game discussion. A typical in-game discussion may look like: [quote name='Forumer A'] I can't seem to link Popcorn to Dan Aykroyd yet, I have gone from Popcorn, to movies, to films by year, to 1982 films, to Ghostbusters, but I jsut can't seem to get there, and I'm going around in circles, help?[/quote] [quote name='ForumerB'] That's easy, Look in the cast links, Dan Aykroyd should be credited as an actor in that vey movie! Alrighty then, link these for me....[/quote] Now that the issues are out of the way, let the game begin! (any questions, message me or OOC:) Here's an easy one for starters, Link [B]Denis Leary[/B] to [B]A Bugs Life (film)[/B] in 6 or less steps.
[QUOTE=Caine] Jesus says "Amen I say to you, this generation shall not pass away until all thse things have taken place"(Matthew 24:34) in reference to the Second Coming, so I'm thinking we're pretty bad with figuring out biblical timetables. [/QUOTE] Not really, the Church age hasn't yet passed away. As a Christian, was I fazed at all by the date ominously showing up as 6-6-06? Nope, Revelation males it perfectly clear that the number is that of a man who is called the Antichrist, not a date. This dude won't be running around with an evil laugh and a sinister-looking red cape, gate-crashing death metal conerts and shoving pitchforks up your ***, he will instead be the worl'ds saviour an unbelievable peacemaker. for 3 and a half years at least, until he unleashes his satanistic fury upon the Christians, who by then will not be believed when they try to warn anybody about his antichristness because a few thousand nutters ran around like headless chooks proclaiming everything from 6-6-06 to that cloud up there that just vaguely looks like a number 6, as a sign of the inveitable end time armageddon chaos.
Ka-bagnag! Now everyone can choose their wish like they're supposed to. Unfortunately, every wish made ends up being wrecked somehow. People wishing for some money, good looks, or their dream career are instead being rewarded with death, suicide, and, well, death, by all accounts. You commit suicide, not out of your depression for screwing everyone's wishes, but because it is the trend in this thread of the wishmaker to fall on their sword and kill themselves. I wish I had Incredible super-sized superhuman fighting fists of fury!
[QUOTE=Doukeshi][SIZE=1] And I'm just wondering [spoiler]why the hell they didn't just throw the kid at Jean instead of Wolverine going all suffering hero.[/spoiler] [/SIZE][/QUOTE] Well, Jean/[spoiler]Phoenix was damn near obliterating everything that came near her, throwing the kid at her would have been pointless since the kid would have been disintergrated well before he even got near her. Wolverine was only able to get to her through all of that because of his quick regeneration and the Adamantium. The lines were cheezy, sure, but I don't feel that detracted away from the climax too badly. Another thing to think about concerning the Magneto is not really disempowered theory: What if those "cure" vials had been empty?[/spoiler]
Incredible. I love movies with awesome CGI and X3 didn't dissapoint. I think I actually jumped up with a resounding jump of approval when [spoiler] Magneto moved the Godlen Gate Bridge over to Alcatraz, goodness that was an incredible scene. The de-ageing done to Xavier and Magneto and the beginning of the movie was, how can I put this, groovy? It's the kind of stuff I'm almost expecting to see in Indy Jones 4 :p[/spoiler] [quote name='james']One thing I enjoyed about the film was that the subject of "curing" mutation reminded me a lot of those nutty groups in the US who want to "cure" homosexuality. I liked that the film raised the idea that there isn't actually a need for a cure and that there are multiple sides to the story. I felt that this X-Men really had a strong parallel to that particular issue, where the previous films seem more obviously centered around racism and general prejudice. So of course, I enjoyed that aspect of it, and I hope it illustrated the issue more clearly for those who may not have much of an understanding of it.[/quote] Interesting, I did not think of it in this way but you do have a pretty good point there. I connected a parallel more towards Nazi Germany and thier attitudes toward creating their master race. If I had to pick what was going through magneto's mind when he gave his gettysburg-esque rant, I'd say that would be it considering that [spoiler] Magneto has survived the death camps at Auschwitz.[/spoiler] Magneto fanboy needs to make corrections, so here goes. :) Magneto's not a heartless bastard, he's seen it all before and he'll be damned before he sees mutant-kind go through what he had to go through. Magneto's decisions leave a lot to be desired, he's not adverse to killing those who stand in his way, even if they are mutants themselves, and he does not hold human life in much regard, but at the same time, he's been given no real reason to other than Xaviers' re-assertion that they can co-exist. Humanity, through Magneto's eyes, is out to exterminate and/or opress mutant kind, much like the Nazi's, and although Magneto's actions are questionable, his motivation is not. [spoiler] Perhaps the most interesting scene is Mangeto moving the chess piece right at the end, after apparently losing all his powers. You could say that either the cure was temporary, or it simply did not work on Mangeto/wasn't strong enough. The second option there gives rise to more spceulation, because you've got to ask, why would Magneto pretend to have lost his power? It's obvious toward the end that he regretted ulocking Jean Greay and unleashing "The Phoenix" So I doubt that stopping Wolverine from dealing to her was high on his priority list. Magneto knows his enemy, he knows they "have learnt" and are using plastic weapons, but most of all he knows that, as Magneto, he's not going to get out of there unless he's in custody, but as a powerless, frail Erik Lensherr, they might take pity, leave him on his way, and perhaps one day he will reverse the cure/lead another resistance. [/spoiler]Something to think about anyway, for possible sequels sake.
[QUOTE=Aizen][color=darkslategray][size=1] I want to be able to live the rest of my life with Rodrica Lei Cogle, and lead a successful life as a hardworking writer with no crimes commited, and three children who are always perfectly healthy except for the occiasional influenza and cold.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Congratulations, you now live a sucessful life with Rodrica Lei Cogle, as a hardworking writer with no crimes to your name (heck, even that pesky marijuana posession thingy you had before this wish dissapeared!) and you have 3 perfectly happy children who only evern seem to get minor sicnkesses. Sure, life is pefrect for you, but Rodrica turns into a raging alcoholic and amasses convictions under her name like moths to a flame, everything from posession of illicit drugs, to murder one, grand theft auto, even j-walking. When questioned by police, she blames everything on a mental breakdown owing to trying to live up to your immensley successful self and is institutionalised. Your children come down with influenza, you think nothing of it until you see the dead swan in your private lake, and realise your little angles have contracted bird flu. They colapse in a heap and die two hours later. Your surreal experiences in life and family leave you in a 3 month depression of alcoholism and illicit drugs from your insane spouse's stash, after this time you make a comback with a new novel loosely based on your life experience with the wish gone so horribly bad. It's not much of a comeback though, as you find yourself being sued by horror master Stephen King, who is convinced you stole his ideas despite having them happen to you for real. With your life in ruins, you turn to movie production and crank out some really crappy one-liner actioner remakes of Hollywood classics. You are surprisingly successful... I wish I were a ladies man! ;)
Whamzhammininy! You can now change your appearance at will, unfortunately, you did not think things through before using your newfound powers, and you suddenly find yourself with the ability to change appearance, but you can't change back into your old self. Nobody you're close to even recognises you anymore and you are destined to live a life of depression-riddled solitude, forever changing form hoping one day, maybe, you will be able to change back. I wish for a murderous, mutant poodle that[I] can't[/I] kill me.
Your wish is granted, Jean Reno now appears in a role in every single movie produced past your wish. Tragically, it's not the Jean Reno your thinking about that lands these roles, it's his obscure, non-union Italian equivalent. Every single movie is a box office flop, and the most annoying line in cinematic history, "Momma, where iz ze spaghettio?" makes it into every single movie, regardless of plot. The movie industry sinks like a floating sponge, and is replaced with a renewed interest in those "boring old home movies." This leads to the suicide of at least half the civilised world. I wish I had the power to manipulate metallic objects like Magneto from X-Men.
[QUOTE=tanukioh]SHAZAM! you are Clint Eastwood's reincarnation! too bad no one believes you and you are forced into a mental institution. I wish I had a tail but the rest of me was human.[/QUOTE] Hurrah, you now have a tail while you are still human. Unfortunately for you, that tail is not attached to you, since you didn't specify that, and is instead attached to a ravenous lion which promptly turns around and bites your head off. The Lion also happens to be a Clint Eastwood fan, and, upon hearing you fulfilled a wish where Clint was reincarnated without actually [I]being dead[/I], Lion here decided to make [I]your dream[/I] come true!
Alkatraz-Zaaam! Your wish is granted. Sadly, because you made no wishes in a thread where, wishing is essential, that being, the essential wish that must carry on this thread, one being the number of wishes the wisher must make, two going two far, but one being the number of importance here, one being the number of wishes you must make, you create a vortex which sucks you out of the timeline. Sucks to be you! Soooooo, Whizzz-Poppabangalanga! The world is now flat. Sadly, because the world is now flat, many ships and aeroplanes fall off the side of the earth, to their ultimate demise our ancestors envisioned. Aeroplanes are banned from the skies, and ships banned from the waters because of their tendency to fall off the earth. As a consequence, nobody can go overseas on vacation, unless they want to swim and risk falling off the side of the earth themselves. Globe-travelling enthusiasts beat you to death for ruining their favourite pastime. [strike]I wish for a wish that doesn't just end in a one-sentence deus ex machina![/strike] I wish that there was such a thing as a universal remote, that I could point at anything and pause/fastforward/rewindstop etc.. anything out there in real life. See about the movie called "Click" if you don't know what I mean.