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Everything posted by Kitchen Sink
A-brick-and-adder! You can now do anything you want for just one day, so you skip school, walking out on the teacher who waves back at you smiling and saying "have a wonderful day!" and go off to do anything you want to do. Sadly, time flies when you're having fun, and it does when you want to really screw up a wish as well! Due to your hefty demands from the day in regards of what you fill the time with, you cause a rift in the space-time continu-thingy which turns the entire day into a literal 5 minutes. You still do everything you want to do, but at such lightning speed you spontaneously combust as a result of the massive amounts of friction and energy generated. Because I got nothing in Sunfall's will, :animesmil I Wish Martha Stewart was a zombie running for president.
Good movie overall, it kept me entertained for most of it's duration. I suppose when you have read the book and pictured for yourself the characters described in it, you're going to have issue with who plays what part because of the pre-exising ideas you have of that character and his appearance, having not read the book, I don't have any casting issues and though that most characters were played well. [spoiler] Ian McKellen was pretty melodramatic as Teabing, but I assumed he was that way because the character was. I've had great fun mimicking the drama in his voice when he explaiuned the priory theory and adding it to such mundane tasks as peeling spuds! Direction of some characters was a little off, because I could tell Bezu was up to no good before the revelation of his communicating with "The Teacher" simply because of his lurking in the shadows mannerism. Teabing was spoiled for me by a local papaer, however, when they rudely placed him in a "bad guys" section of their article. I felt it was a great edge-of-seat thriller, until the end, where I felt the movie let itself down quite a bit. The ending felt drawn out and over-extended, perhaps because the ensuing villains of the story had either been killed or were in custody, and the suspense of the movie was founded on the arc of the villainn giving chase, so the 'thrilling' aspect of the movie was totally gone in the Hanks-Tatou-centric ending to an otherwise great flim. The only part that disturbed me was Silas' self-torture scene, that was ubearable to watch sicne I don't like nude/torture scenes at all, and put them together....yeah. [/spoiler] Not the greatest movie ever but a passable effort indeed.
Pa-da-dada-pongo! You now have the ability to kill your enemies without being caught, and immediately you god on a killing spree, eliminating your foes while the cops munch their doughnuts. However, your enemies, upon realising you could whack them without so much as an inquiry, turn and become "friends" just so you can't kill them without being noticed. When the timing is right, they beat you to death in a blind rage. I wish Superman Returns was never made.
Being a founding member of the Foundation for bigger and better things, a secular organisation that encourages it's members to live tall, aspire to achieve greater status in work/sociual settings, and to undo the mistakes of the past via time travel. That's a huge part of what makes up my time here on Earth1, especially if I choose to redo 13 years of my life at one time with a backstep through time.
Apparently the Hanso website is connected to some kind of online game called the "Lost Experience." I haven't had time to check it out completely, but if you go to the sign up section, enter your name,[spoiler] and then enter the password "breaking strain" You will see a short clip of an experimental orangutan called Joop, who is mentioned on the Hanso website. I have no idea what the 'joop' connection to the lostaways is, but I'm guessing he might be in one of the hatches or loose on the island.[/spoiler]
The Idol franchise is a con-job. The whole idea of the Idol franchise was supposed to be getting the next big star, or Idol, if you will. What has happened more often than not is the winner shoots to fame for a song or two riding on the coattails of the competition and publicity, then dissapears into obscurity by the time the next round rolls around. In reality, Idol is an excercise in finding the next 5-minute wonder so they can chuck another CD out there for the public to gobble up like it's pure gold. Before the disc labels set they're already in preperation to churn out another "Idol."
Huzzah Huzzizzle! HD Virtual reality games now exist for real! Sadly for you, the game developers decided to go with the "extreme real, really real" approach to their games, and you end up with nothing but a bunch of games like Virtua House Sitter, Lawn Mower 3: Weeds Revenge, and Ultiomo Drying Paint Watcher. You finally commit suicide when the latest overhyped game turns out to be International Ironing championships 2006. I wish for a singing cat.
You all think it's fake because you've done it wrong! You're supposed to chant "bloody mary" 14 times, then say and additional 'bloody mary' at 1 minute past the hour for 13 hours afterwards, finally, centre yourself right in the middle of the floor space in front of the mirror, rotate 360 degrees clockwise 13 times, and pour a litre of red arcrylic paint over your head. If you do this right, bloody Mary will come out of the mirror and gash your head open, and there will be LOTS of blood. It works, trust me, it's very freaky too. ;)
[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Because it would effectively shatter the fragile basis of how Christ was crucified, and thusly ALOT of doctrine. People are also afraid of change, so breaking from a 2,000 year tradition would be difficult for some. And it is a good question that Nomad Tical asks -- how does Judas have a gospel anyway? I mean, I'd love to read it, but he in theory hung himself, right?[/size][/QUOTE] I oppose it for the same reason I oppose Holy Blood, Holy Grail or the Da Vinci code, both 'finds' that reportedly discover some hidden truth about Jesus, or the early church, rely on evidence that has been written down or painted after the fact. Da Vinci wasn't there to witness the event called the last supper, he paints a vision of it hundreds of years after the fact, with one character looking suspiciously like Mary Magdalene, and this is interpreted as being the revealer of lost truth, even though Da Vinci was a ,member of the priory of Sion, supposed gatekeepers to the secret of Jesus' bloodline, and he had invested interest to push that agenda? The gospel of Judas was written years after the fact by another secretive sect, it contradicts the gospels and gives the treacherous traitor a halo. If I'm suspicious it is because of those reasons, not because the crucifixtion story is flimsy of hokey.
Congratulations, you now have dishes that [I]do[/I] themselves! Sadly, your genie didn't quite know what you meant by [I]do[/I], this dillemma led him to check out the discovery channel, and the latest slang dictionary. So you now have dishes that [I]DO[/I] themselves, just not in the way you thought they would. Alas, you will still have to wash and dry them... I wish I was Master Chief of Halo fame.
If you were stubborn enough, you could buy a new computer every time you got IP banned too. That's the real creepiness here, the notion someone out there woudl spend thousands of bucks to get repeatedly banned from a website is profoundly disturbing. Sorry for poisoning you fragile little minds...
Rob Zombie: Creative Genius or just screwed up?
Kitchen Sink replied to Viper0529's topic in Noosphere
You didn't like the movie until you listened to the Zombies music, the conclusion I draw is that you were brainwashed into liking his movie by listening to his music. I'd suggest listening to all of his material backwards, listening for something like "you wil like my gory movie" -
How do I move up in ranks or whatever....
Kitchen Sink replied to Ol' Fighter's topic in Help & Feedback
I've always wanted to be in a banned, is that title reserved for official Otakuboards banned members? I can play guitar. :p -
[QUOTE=shinji172]However, there are other examples of (possible) inconcistancies, such as the sudden shift in Gods personality. For example, he tends to be vengeful in the old testament. A good example of this is Genesis chapter 6, verse 7, which says: "And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that i have made them" Compared to the loving God of the new testament (who sacrifices his son for the sake of mankind) doesnt this seem a little strange?[/quote] This is not entirely true. The OT is not all hell fire and brimstone, although many parts of it are due to what God was accomplishing in that time, which was the establishment of Judaic society and from within that a pure bloodline that would eventually bring forth the messiah, Jesus Christ. Did you know that Jesus based his ministry off the OT? He got many of his philosophies from the scrolls of his predecessors, he didn't just pull the "love thy neighbour" out of nowhere, he just reminded the ignorant religious leaders of it and it's importance. In fact, the nutshell of Jesus' ministry can be found in Isaiah 58, and OT book. [quote] does the text agree with itself? QUOTE] If you do enough reading, you can see that God's personality hasn't shifted, and he's not some celestial schizo, God's plans have always been to restore humanity to oneness with him, and he desires to know, love and have a relationship with everyone. The only difference is that in the OT, peoiple had to come to God through animal sacrifices for their sins, while Christians have been saved by the blood of Jesus and this covenant is everlasting, rather than temporary. The text agrees with itself, and considering that the book was not actually a book until well after Jesus time, that it was a series of scrolls written by 64 different authors over thousands of years and who had little knowledge of eacht other and certainly could not have conspired together to keep things consistent, the consistencies in the Bible are even more intriguing.
They are both a big threat in their own right, but Global Warming isn't getting the due credit and exposeure it needs to be taken seriously, until then it's all just a big "Day after Tomorrow" Global Warming can set off a chain of events that are easily capable of wiping millions of people off the globe. terrorists, even if they get a few dirty bombs, can't come close to the sheer destructive power lurking under the hood of nature. Saying that though, things do need to be done about terrorism, I don't think the current war on terror is the correct way to go about things.(Bbombing Iraq in order to depose of terrorists who are terrorists because they're sick of the west's intervention in the Middle East is tearing a new wound rather than patching one up, giving terrorists more desire to attack the west.) and the situation needs to be re-assessed. Global Warming needs to be taken more seriously, rather than relegating it to the topic of a forgettable Hollywood blockbuster, we need to sit up, take notice and realise what we're doing to the planet. Save the lightbulbs people, save the lightbulbs.
[QUOTE=Sandy]Even on the threat of generalization, I'd have to say I agree. As an example, my lesbian friend once dated a girl who was half-Irish and half-Japanese. Imagine: Asian facial features with green eyes, and black hair with natural red fringe hair. Striking! 8) [/QUOTE] That'd be freaking hot! :animeblus Anyway, as you have probably gathered, I have no problems with inter-racial relationships. I have been in a couple and I am myself, the by-product of such a relationship. There is nowhere to go for me except into an inter-racial relationship since I am a half-breed myself lol. I believe those who have looked down on me for havign inter-racial relationships are being silly. We all bleed [COLOR=Red]red[/COLOR] in the end.
Congratulations, in a scene reminiscent fo a Matrix learning program, you instantly learn the secret art of alchemy! You turn many substances into gold, silver and precious stones, eanring you a fortune worth six trillion, a mansion overlooking lake como you use as your backyard shed, and a small orphan boy you charitably adopt called Bob. You put your skills to good use, and for a while it is good. You get sick of Bob and use your alchemic powers to turn him into a marble statue. You've got the midas touch without the consequences and you're ready to show the whole world. You set up a stage in the world's biggest arena that you commissioned just for your big event, where you will transform everyone's ordinary objects into precious metals and stones. TV companies are astounded at your powers and agree to broadcast the event live! Sqadly however, you trip over yourself turning a wooden duck into a crystal swan, and inadvernently crystalise yourself. The whole world sees you turn into a crystal swan live on TV and your name inadvertently becomes synonymous with Alchemical failures. Your demise is noted to be similar to the great, forgotten alchemist, Yol Fliffy. I wish that the world was upside-down.
What an old thread... Anyway, I resent Charmed with every fibre of my being, and my being has alot of fibres. I just can't for the life of me see the charm in such a show, pardon the pun. It's as wooden, 1 dimensional and flat as a floorboard, enough said.
Double-edged sword? I'd like the fifty to have enough to survive without stealing, that they became self-sufficent or something, made it happen for themselves, rather than robbing and stealing from the five becuase they ddin't give hand-outs. Stealing from the five is only a short-term solution, because soon, that is going to run out. I'm against stealing from the five or overthrowing them anyway, because they have earned their money and deserve to u se it however they will. (not accounting those who have been born into wealth, thogh somewhere along that line,there was hard work put int ot achieve this standing in society.)
Congratulations, you are now the Grim Reaper, you now hold the jeys to life and death in your hands. Unfortunately, when you appear in front of someone to take their soul, their empassioned pleading tugs your heart strings, you let almost everyone that needs to die off the hook, which results in massive worldwide overpopulation in a matter of weeks. The planet eventually sinks under it's own weight and breaks from it's orbit, hurtling into the sun. You have no choice now but to reap their souls from writhing in the big ball of flaming gas, and so, begrudgingly, you begin the arduous task or reaping six billion souls in the worst heatwave...ever! I wish lived in the in-game city of GTA: SanAndreas, going about my daily routine ina pixellated world.
Congratulations, you now have a faithful, hot, smart and overall perfect man-servant to serve both you and your fangirls. Sucks to be you, because he's only faithful to Momma, sweats like a pig because he has an unexplainable permanent fever, and holds a top job in a top law firm ,because, hes just than damn perfect.... in the Legal profession. That doesn't seem too bad right? You can put up with his constant sweating and obsessions overMomma because here he comes to serve you and allyour fangirls fangirlyness, it'll be okay! He serves you all right, serves you and your fangirls with summons to appear in the district court, for what? who knows, he's so good, he could successfully have you sued for breathing! I wish Abraham Lincoln was resurrected to be guest judge on American Idol.
I have only one self-proclaimed title, and it's my philosophy for life, so don't laugh. It is really deep and meaningful... [B]I am the self proclaimed master of lost lightbulbs.[/B] Ever wondered where all those lightbulbs you lose go and who took them? yeah....
[SIZE=1]Congratulations, now you can talk to animals, unfortunately, your conversations with the animals do not go down too well, and they end up rebelling agains ttheir human masters, and telling you what they really think of that stinking pet food. Even your own dog defies you and trots off to greener pastures. This makes you very sad, because you love that dog to bits. Animals don't like humans, it seems, and you end up going into hiding out of fear of every thing that barks/meows/tweets/whinnies etc... I wish I could find my lost lightbulb.[/SIZE]