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Everything posted by Cutie_Gurl_1990

  1. Here are some thigns for you people to think about [list=1] [*]Everything will eventually die. It might be now, or 1000 years from now. [*]If your a kid and you have a BF/GF, they aren't your only love. [*]Don't eat fried food, you might get a heart attack [/list] those are some things to think about.
  2. It's because of god that we r living right now. If god wanted to, he could snap his finger, and kill us all. But one day, god will take us, and we will all die. But, we will be reborn as people again in another life. THats what i believe atleast.
  3. If wishes could come true, then we would have whaterver we wanted. If wishes could be real, We would be as happy as ever. If only wishes were real, Everyone would be happy.
  4. There's this girl on YGO online named Kaiser_boy. She's been saying that she is a sister to a guy on this forum named Solo_tremaine. Now solo, if this is true, can u IM her and tell her to shut up. She's dissing u and saying how gay u r and crap. I don't know what to do. I am a mod on the forum, and i don't know if i should ban her. Should I? tell me if u know. anyone on this forum, help me pwease.
  5. hmm.... well not every1 believes in god in the first place. some people don't believe in god or jesus.
  6. I personally don't like them, but the do exsist, Homosexual animes. I know of one, that is gravitation. Does anyone else know of any others?
  7. Im a christian to. What i hate the most is when people talk shiznit about god.
  8. Who here watches the show house?
  9. Before I post, I'd like to state this is my first post. Okay, who here actually believes in god or jesus?
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