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Everything posted by Chie

  1. [COLOR=#B4C738][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]look-wise, i think i look like Yuffie...just tanner and shorter :] . i was thinking about cosplaying her but i though the Kon-plushie body suit was better. i used to look like Riku from DNAngel a looong time ago. personality-wise, i think somewhat like Hinata, when i'm shy...and i guess we have the same hair length, too. a bit of Inoue from Bleach when i'm excited, but mostly like Tenten :] ! other than that...i'm pretty bi-polar :animeswea my friend is almost literally like Shikamaru! on the days we have PE, you can always find him laying down SOMEWHERE. but don't be fooled by his looks, he's SO smart! in my honors world literature class, he's always the one participating and saying answering the questions right, but then again, my lit. class can end up being a debate class and he's always saying something that everone else is against. but he's also annoying like Naruto. my friend can ironically and oddly become hyper in some moments, and he's always pestering me over who i like (he's teaching me how to get over my last crush >
  2. [COLOR=#B4C738][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]OH MAN i KNOW THE [COLOR=#7B454C]BEST [/COLOR]ONE!!! [B] "Are your parents terrorists? 'Cuz you're the BOMB!"[/B] hahaha it's just a joke people xD . i thought it was the most cheesy and racist-sounding pick-up line ever. just don't go and say this to a muslim girl xD she'll automatically kick your nuts. i actually hate pick-up lines. they're for desperate people. but i can't say they aren't amusing. :D[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=#B4C738][COLOR=tan]NOTE: i didn't know which category this topic would fit in, but since usually i'm in it for the anime i put it here[/COLOR]. :] i know Comic-Con is a looong time from now [COLOR=tan](July 20-23, PN: July 19)[/COLOR], but the place get's sold-out and crowded way before even a month from the event, and since i'm going to still be in the Philippines a few days before Comic-Con, i wanted to plan out my summer vacation early [COLOR=tan](those living in San Diego like me are still, unfortunantly, in school)[/COLOR]. since i'm 99% sure i CAN'T go to the Anime Expo, i was wondering if anyone out there was planning on attending Comic-Con! i'm (going to) invite all my friends who are interested and free to go. However, most of them might not be able to go [COLOR=tan](i bet they'd ditch Comic-Con just to hang out with each other and their lovers -___-" )[/COLOR] the main reason i want to go is for the masquerade aka COSPLAY!! none of my friends are really into that kind of stuff but i think it's AWESOME [COLOR=tan](maybe due to the fact i have NEVER cosplayed before and would like to before i grow old and wrinkles and cellulite)[/COLOR]. [COLOR=#7B454C] i SO want to dress up as Kon from BLEACH!![/COLOR] so if you are going to Comic-Con and are interested in hanging out and cosplaying with me...or just hang out...just holla back and maybe we can set up dates and meeting places and an OB group! kay kay! :bdance: [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=#B4C738][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]aw man, i totally forgot about this year's AX >___
  5. [COLOR=tan][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]me and my friend are nuts for Naruto, and i promised him i'd make him a comic of Naruto, but i don't know what to draw about! i'm trying to think up of a really funny and random plot. one plot i made included the apperance of Cloud deflecting and enemy attack with his buster sword and giving a long speech about his chosen path of life...which was really random but stupid -___-" . my friend won't shut up about the comic but i've been so busy with school. that stupid freshman, i have resposibilities, too!!! >___< so yeah, if you could voice in some funny plots, even a script, that would be great and shut this dude up! all of this is only for personal use and won't be published, and if it were to be i'd credit you anyway for the plot.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=tan][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]i
  7. [COLOR=tan][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1]honestly, i do like matching up Cloud with Tifa. but then again i like Cloud with Aerith even MORE than i like Cloud&Tifa. i can't really piece my reasons together in words (since it will take up a lot of words >___
  8. [COLOR=tan][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]i ALWAYS seem to read sigs =p . i don't read each and everyone one of them, but i occasionally tend to do so. ones with cool photoshop-ed pictures or even colorful/bolditalicedandunderlines text get my attention the most. but like what Dodeca said, if it's just a bunch of words about whatever and this and that, then it's nowhere close to having been read by me. especially since i have a short attention span xD.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=tan][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]i'm actually 100% filipino, but i have a handful of half-asian friends. unfortunantly...both their halfs are asian ^___^" so i guess that doesn't count. i do have a friend from when i was still living in jacksonville, fl aka j-ville aka redneckville who was half-vietnamese and half...uh...something european or american native. i actually had no idea she was even half-asian! of all the years i've been friends with her i still had no clue! her hair is actually a dark auburn-brown color and her skin is pale-tan and she has the vietnamese almond eyes... but yeah...i'm pretty slow =] but the point is that she's really pretty. a few weeks ago my two guy friends (who are full vietnamese) were talking about breeding beautiful children. yes it was weird. they were talking about which ethnicities would mix well together and they agreed on vietnamese with french. although...i only think they chose vietnamese is cuz they have that viet-pride thing. hah. i also have a classmate who's half-vietnamese and half-mexican. when i first met her she had that whole mexican thing going on and she even had a mexican accent. until one day i heard her speak in vietnamese (and i mean REALLY speak it) i was like, HOLD THE PHONE! are you vietnamese or mexican? x] people often thinking i'm japanese (i WISH!), but i tell them i'm too dark to be japanese. at least i don't look like those National City girls (btw, NC is located near San Diego...a lot of the sterotypical and gangsta filipinos live there and the filipina's look horrobily alike...or from what i know...)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=tan][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]i do agree, jealousy is a pointless feeling to have towards friends or anyone else in general. nothing good ever comes out from it. but think about it in reality, EVERYONE GOES THROUGH IT. i won't lie; i've been jealous of my friends. but it was never anything extreme or serious (until recently). suggestion from someone who has actually gone-through-jealousy-and-screwed-herself-over-with-it-and-had-to-learn-the-lesson-the -hard-way? just don't be jealous. it only makes things harder. like my friend told me when i screwed myself over: "instead of counting your shortcomings, court your blessings".[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=tan][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]oooh i luv confessions! it's the only way people really tell the truth! i confess that i have the worst preseption of reality ever. i sometimes force myself to be happy when i'm not. i'm mentally unstable. i say some things i never really mean. for example, i say i hate this person or that person, but really, i'm just a jealous little girl [COLOR=DarkRed]>___
  12. [COLOR=tan][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]love: miso soup & lumpia hate: gizzards >___< [COLOR=white](u kno u love them lumpia ^___~ )[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=tan][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]i just absolutely love moogles ^___^ ...and i want to find a little place called paradise and everything in my life is the definition of irony =] [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=tan][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1]in a guy... i like a guy who's open, who won't hide anything from you. someone who i can talk to about both serious AND ridiculous stuff. and they have to be comfortable with silence, cuz i get emo a lot and i tend to be real quiet ^___^" . and they can't be submissive. it's not about stereotyping, but most of my guy friends, when they have girlfriends or have a crush on a girl, they tend to be submissive to whatever they say and i'm just like "effing p***y". chyeah...i'm lookin' for a guy to argue with =] . as for apperance, i don't care much. as long as they aren't sticks or have a bad case of obesity, i'm good. and long hair...er...only if it looks good on them (like riku and neji *drools*). other than that it just scares me @__@ . and for some reason i prefer asian guys. iono why but i just do (i'm fasinated with japanese guys >___< ). but most importantly...a guy who'd love me for who i am and who understands me and my cynical alter-ego. haha jk. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=tan][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1]the things i said before where the things my classmates said; not me! but what i think is... ..i think the whole thing is completely stupid. during my first person class, my teacher and my classmates had a huge debate about it and every one of my classmates were like "it's not that big of a deal". to me i thought that was total disrespect! i was like "f**k you, you bunch of retards! how bout i put a dry ice bomb up yours !@#$%!" yeah...sry i'm a bit cynical. but yeah, i think differently. no one got hurt, AND THAT'S GOOD, but that doesn't justify those idiots' actions. i heard two of them were even 18! holy cow. as for the teacher, i never had her before, so i don't know how much of a evil teacher she is, but i feel real bad for her. i also feel bad for her daughter who goes to my school. i heard a LOT of things...but i won't go into detail. and a dry ice bomb is where you stuff repulsive and disgusting things into a plastic bottle and then place dry ice into it. i guess you add water right before closing the top...but iono the mechanics of bombs x___x . as for the Butterfly Effect movie...i never seen it...and now i don't think i WANT to EVER see it xp .[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. Chie


    [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1][QUOTE]Originally Posted by Boo [I]Sounds awfully American, if you don't mind me saying. :\[/I][/QUOTE] JROTC is pretty american...but not [B]my [/B]ROTC :animeswea ! [QUOTE]Originally Posted by Box Hoy [I]I would join in just so I could go up in rank and command people.[/I][/QUOTE] to be honest...that's why i'm in it too =D . i like to command all those popular freshmans who think they're the shizzit...but then again, i have a lot of freshman friends xD. [/SIZE][/FONT]
  17. Chie


    [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1]myspace is like a cigarette. it's addicting and you only quit it when you realize how bad it is for you. i gave up on myspace. true...i was a totally myspace freak and i was on every day. when myspace came up on the news my dad started pestering me about it so much, but i still used it. but now not anymore. myspace was a nice way to customize your page and chat with friends, but now it's all just ridiculous. recently i completely pissed off my friends (ironically, i pissed them off through myspace) and now most of them have abandoned me. but it gave me time to think about things, and now i realize how much of an internet clique myspace is. everytime i went to my "friends" myspaces, i'd hear this one song they all supposedly like and it annoyed the hell out of me. my point, i wouldn't blame someone for wanting to hurt a certain someone(s), but pretty stupid of them to post a bulletin on myspace about it. and now, myspace is full of idiot 12-year-olds and creepy pedophiles. i know better than to post stupid pictures of me on myspace, and i never added anyone i didn't know (except for one person). there is only one thing i like about myspace. this one guy i know who goes to my school has a music-myspace, and [U]i think[/U] he's the guy who sang the myspace song (not the song titled "The MySpace Song", but it's called "[URL=http://www.myspace.com/tonyxposed ]Yeah *****, Myspace[/URL]"). although i'm still not sure. it's real funny tho. and he's funny too =][/SIZE][/FONT]
  18. Chie


    [FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1]i'm in AFJROTC. (AIRFORCE~ ^___^ ) my school's ROTC is really chill. we have really cool ASI's (aerospace instructors) and we have a lot of somewhat fun ROTC-related activites. although, a lot of people at my school hate ROTC people, ROTC people don't give a rat's ash what they think. if you took one look at me you wouldn't think i'd be in ROTC, but i am, and i enjoy it most of the time. a lot of asians are in my school's ROTC (asian population!!! XD btw, my highschool is populated my white people, no offense). i'm joining our sabre team next year =] . the sabres and team cords are sooo awesome...and the guys are totally HOTT XD !!! haha it really depends on which JROTC highschool it comes from that measures how much of a pain it would be. i'm lucky to go to a school with a really laid-back ROTC program.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  19. [SIZE=1]all my teachers yesterday talked about this one incident that recently happened. some idiots (ironically i heard one of them was our school valedictorian) put together a dry ice bomb and placed it in front of a faculty member's house (and if you all know about dry ice bombs, they made a loud ash sound, and since it was put into a plastic bottle, the plastic turned glass-like and shattered everywhere once it blew up) no one was hurt, but they (as in my teachers) say that the one teacher is now scared to come out of her house or to come back into school and same with her neighbors. a lot of the students say that it was no big deal, no one was hurt and it was just a prank. one girl said that if that ever happened to her, she wouldn't make such a big deal out of it. another girl said that stuff like that always happens to her family and they don't do anything about it. they also said that the teacher was a complete biotch ^^" . not that they were implying that she deserved it, but that she didn't need to make it a big issue. and since one of them was a valedictorian, they say one prank like that shouldn't ruin the rest of his life. i haven't taken a stand yet, but i would like to see what other people think about it.[/SIZE]
  20. Chie


    [SIZE=1]love is where someone would describe you my your personality and soul, rather than your looks. ...haha, my friend told me that one, but i believe in that too =] [B]on a family-like level:[/B] love is where you'd protect them no matter how many times you feel like you want to kill them but in the end you don't because you're not truely mad at them (ex. me and my sisters always fight, and i usually hate their guts, but i also love them very much) [B] on a friendship level:[/B] love in a friendship is where you can communicate easily and easily relate to that person. there can be bumps in the road here too, but friendship is where both people(s) are a positive influence to one another...or something like that =] [B]on a romantic level:[/B] love on this kind of leve is where i can't explain it ^^" . i mean...i know it but i can't say what it is in words. [B]but on a unrequited level:[/B] hurts like hell =] well there's my two-cents! ^.^[/SIZE]
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