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Everything posted by Darkness

  1. I love scrabble! I also have monopoly but I think it is a little too long. Scrabble is my all time favorite, but I also used to like trouble and scatogories (sp?)
  2. Hmm... I'm intrigued. It has been awhile since I been on, but this sounds fun!
  3. Jeremy Camp - restored (gold edition) I actually just heard of this the another day for the first time and I ran out and bought the cd. I listen to all kinds of music but he is the first christian rock guy that is kinda gritty (I like my rock hard, for the most part). My wife was super pleased because she only listens to gospel music and none of my rock previously fit in that category. (It makes for silent car rides folks). He has some good lyrics and music part has a normal music feel to it still. It's worth hearing even if you don't go to church.
  4. I am waiting on Evanescence's new album. It drops in October.
  5. A song writer. I have been writing music since I was 14 and 10 yrs later I am finally learning to play guitar. I used to want to be a singer (yep, I have a few good notes in me) but my life has come to a point where I'd have to make some unacceptable sacrifices for that to happen. Plus I do want money, but not mega fame (I enjoy going out in public and not being engaged by hundreds of people). I do have a few goals that fit in with this though. I want to sell at least one song and I want to write at least one fantasy novel.
  6. "Destiny is not a matter of chance; but a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, It is a thing to be acheived." -- William Jennings Bryan It shows that you have strive for your goals in order for them to happen. Life isn't going to unfold for you without any effort on your part. "Take your work seriously and yourself lightly." -- Bob Nelson Basically, don't let your job (or the task at hand) make you a jerk. "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far" -- Theodore Roosevelt Don't talk just to hear yourself. Listen while you can, but make it known when you speak.
  7. Well, I would normally agree with most of the people here and say "say hello to him and introduce yourself"...yada, yada, yada. But the grade thing is an issue. If he is that much older than you, there is a good chance he won't give you the time of day. High school kids can be like that. You also may not want to go that route in the long run, since he may be into some things that you may not be into.
  8. Ehhh, House of Flying daggers is okay at best. As people earlier have said, it is much more of a love story than an action flick. The story line isn't terrible, but much could have been done to give it more "flesh". I think there are only a few true fight scenes in the movie and the last one isn't really that interesting. My final say is: It is worth renting, but you won't want to watch it more than once.
  9. To me, Gundam Wing had a good story line and was the most entertaining of them all. However, I really like the 08th MS team and I think the battle system in G made the most sense. I don't like the chibi stuff, so SD didn't appeal to me at all.
  10. That's the thing. This guy was a powerseller, 99% positive rating, and whatnot. He's very lucky that I don't live anywhere near VA. I'd crush his spine for crossing me. But, otherwise I had have no problem at all any of my ebay transactions. This should be a good measure of quick they handle problems. I'm not too fond of paypal, but they will get in my good graces if this situation is handled in timely manner. Ebay doesn't really seem like they are really interested in helping me because I have tried every single measure yet (my claim is in, but I haven't made one on the IFCC). Has anyone here ever filed a paypal claim? How long do they usually take? You know, I'd love to be playing FFXI right now..........
  11. After many a year shopping on the net, I got past the notion that anything I didn't expect would happen. Now that I am proven wrong, I'm ultra upset! I had not wanted to spend the money involved with owning Final Fantasy XI, but my best friend convinced me to change my mind. So I went to my old friend, Ebay, to see if I could get a better price. I did. Thirtyfive dollars cheaper than it would have normally cost me; heck, I paid as soon as I won. That was Aug. 17th. I still don't have my game, but my money has been gone for quite some time. I tried to contact the seller multiple times and have finally made my claim. So tell me: Has this happened to any of you? If yes,what happened and how long before everything was resolved. If no, is this something you ever worry about. Share your internet horror stories here folks.
  12. Me, I'd want to live in the world of Orphen. I'm real big on the whole magic thing with less technology. I'd be a sorcerer and travel the land. That isn't too lofty, is it?
  13. Well, I think I like the system from ffx the best so far.The whole switching in and out + the grid system has me sold. I like the system from ffx2 as well, but I feel that the whole game is lessened by the lack of playable characters. If I were to combine systems....it'd be ffx system with the option of making the battles atb and I'd throw in the combo system from legend of dragoon.
  14. If you think about it though, it is not only the ff games that follow the pattern. I could name countless others that offer similarities as well. With or without the whole love aspect, most of the time the stories have the same basic formula. There has to be a big, evil "government" or "invincible" bad guy because there would be no point in pursuing a weak individual. Let the local authorities take care of them, we'll handle the big stuff. I will admit, however, that it is about time for ff to stray from the pattern for a few games. I have no problem with the love, but don't make it the focus (maybe save for someone besides that two main characters). The problem is really that ff has been around for a long time and the "true gamers" are tired tired of the redundancy. If only they'd let me write the next story.....
  15. So far as piercings go, it just really depends on where they're at. I don't like any on the face (eyebrows, labrae, nose lips, whereever else). Ears are fine, the bellybutton is okay, and tongue is okay sometimes. I like tattoos, but only if they can be hidden. I have an eagle with spread wings on my right arm, which is pretty big but easily hidden with a short sleeve shirt. I can't stand it when someone younger gets tattoos in places that are almost always in the open. As long as it can be hidden, it's fine with me.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B] I'm glad I didn't bother with it after these comments heh. [/B][/QUOTE] It may not be the greatest, but it's worth watching. As for Pokemon being a good starter, BG, I hope you were kidding. I guess you would have to really see what the person was into in order to pick the appropriate starter, but I thought Noir was good because it has a realistic quality to it. No mechs, evil mages, or people falling down when they're stunned by something. It could be acted out by real people and not be cheesy or carried by special fx. Most of us are all true anime fans, where anything peeking curiousity deserves a look, but the non-fans need something simple that isn't little kid cartoonish (like pokemon). That's what I think is good about Noir.
  17. Then what about the second part....What would you all consider a good anime to present to the sceptic?
  18. I just graduated from college a few weeks ago, so I've been through this twice. Once when leaving to school, and once when leaving from school. The thing is that your close friends will always be around. Regardless of whether you meet them in college or high school. My biggest problem was the the double-life aspect to school. It can be a little difficult to make adjustments everytime you come home for the breaks. If you leave, it won't be long before you get used to it.
  19. Well, I haven't seen any threads on this one yet. Anyways, I stubbled onto this one a couple of weeks ago and I like it. I have to admit it is kinda nice to watch an anime that's more on the "could possibly happen" side of things. Plus, the music isn't too shabby either. I think that this would be a good anime to get the non-watchers started off with. [color=red][b]If you've seen it, do you agree? Why or why not? Also, what would you believe is a good starter anime?[/color][/b] That's me, trying to bring more people to the light!
  20. I go either way. I don't really care for politics, but I think that not voting is stupid. I can't complain about anything if I don't vote. I have to agree that the democratic party is looking pretty pathetic, but I am seriously upset with the way things have been under the bush administration (take your pick as to which one). Once we get G-dummy out of office I'll be content. Overall, I vote for what I believe is best at the time. Why just pick a party when the situation changes everytime election day comes around? It's pointless.
  21. After the first two weeks of diet, you gradually increase the amount of carbs you take in until you stop losing weight. Once you get to that point the true "diet" part is over. You just have to make sure that you don't intake any more carbs than your newfound limit and you won't gain weight. I have a few friends that did the diet and it worked great for all of them.
  22. Well, not anymore, but I used to play in HS. I was an inside linebacker (we ran a 4-4 defense),and I also ran back kick returns. The college practice schedule was far too much for me to do, because of classes and work(work was short lived).
  23. Yeah,congrats to the mods and admin, this will bring even more members!
  24. Okay, here is the problem..... I have been dating my girlfriend for the past 4 1/2 years. I'm about 4 months away from graduating college and everyone around has been asking when I'm going to propose. My girlfriend is ready to get married but I'm not. Our timeframe for marriage is essentially the same but because she is two years older than me, time is against us. Either I have to get married sooner than I really want to or she has to wait. And she made it clear to me that she was not going to wait the extra time. So it's on me. All or nothing. I do love her, but I'm 22, just graduating, and feeling very rushed right now. I don't have long to come to a decision. I need help on this one. Tell me what you think.......
  25. [color=blue] I knew the city was in bad shape, but I hadn?t dreamed it would be like this. [i]As I walk through this lifeless, soul-less, husk of a city, I?m simply astonished at the condition it is in. What happened here? Was it a war? A natural disaster maybe? I wanted to know, but at the same time, I didn?t. So in spite of my hesitation, I continue to traverse the broken streets of this as-to-be named place. Until, of course, I hear a familiar sound.[/i] Just what I needed. A personal encounter with a tin can. Well, I got something for you this time! [i] I hide behind the next corner waiting for it?s arrival. I?m not too sure if this is the kind that can sense heat, but I hope with every fiber of my being that it?s not. This is probably the most dangerous and dumbest idea that I?ve had in a long time, but I?m going take it out![/i] (hearing the movement of the robot and gripping my rusty screwdriver) Gotcha.[i] With all my might, I plunge my ?weapon? into the neck joint of the machine. There are sparks, but it does not fall.[/i] [spoiler]Damn[/spoiler]it all![i] In a move of desperation, I rush the tin can and it surprisingly goes down. It struggles to move but can?t seem to operate its limbs. Guess my first blow wasn?t that ineffective after all. I pick my screwdriver and use it to unscrew the panel on the back of it?s ?head?. I reach inside and pull everything out.[/i] (out of breath) I would strip you bare and string your fingers for souvenirs, but I don't have the time. Piece of junk.[i] Having the sudden urge to leave the openness of the street, I run into what looks to be an old army-navy store.[/i] (wearing my trademark smirk) Must be my lucky day.[/color]
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