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Everything posted by Darkness

  1. My 21st birthday is this Friday.:D :D :D If it were your 21st, how would you spend it?? Or if you already had it, what did you do and did you like it??!! I'm kinda undecided with all my options, so that's why I crave your opinions and stories!!!
  2. What do you think about the split up stuff? What don't you like? The fact that they split up the dudleys sucks.
  3. I have always thought of things that way, but never have I heard a better saying for it. It'll make you think. But, I've beat myself up over life stuff enough for awhile.
  4. For me, it's not the point that it wasn't the greatest anime(if that what you want to call it), it's the fact that they started the series and stopped it before it's was finished. I hate when things are left unfinished (like tenchi muyo!).
  5. I used to be and kinda still am. I have friends, but only two really understand me totally. The thing is that I'm very social, because I like to have fun, but until I got to the 10th grade, I used to try to keep to myself. But, as I learned, when you don't let yourself be known, people start rumors. Not to brag, but most consider me handsome (i don't use cute), and this brought it's own troubles with it. People said I had kids, I was dating or kissing differnt people, I was stuck up, and everything else you can dream up. I finally got tired of it, and set out to let people know the real me. I became part of the crowd. That was fine in high school, but there was part of me that didn't always feel right. It's like being alone in a crowded room. You ever get that feeling? Now that I'm in college, I have grasped that part of me that had been dormant for so long. Now, I'm content. I still love being in groups and partying (well, i am a college student!), but I still wish that I could find those people out there that are like me; open-minded, understanding, fun & analytic, but who have the reality that no one's perfect. This is why I still feel a little like a loner.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]Hm, that's interesting. I never heard that before. :) I mean, when you think about it...with something like the Oscars, there are rarely any non-American films. Yet lately, we are seeing American/Australian/NZ movies and not much from Europe or Asia. It's kind of strange...but I think it's a good thing. I'm glad that more investment is moving down here, because I think that movies made here tend to be more unique and less "Hollywood"...so that they provide a fresh view or something. Anyway, I'm rambling...bah.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, I think that things where going to go that route anyway. That thing that is unique about alot of the movies made here (in America), is that the films have an embedded symbolism, but at the same time remain enjoyable for those who have no aesthetic inclinations. In many cultures movies are just plot-driven, and for many, this isn't enough. A couple of years ago, I probably wouldn't have cared, but now it matters. The films are becoming easy to watch for everyone.
  7. So it seems to be just a tourist thing? That's good (in a sense). I can understand that the natives would be agitated with tourist who don't care to try the language. I was actually thinking about trying pick up japanese as a third language (I'm a spanish minor right now), but I hear that it's more difficult than the norm for other tongues. We have three or four classes offered here, but I don't think that it would be enough.
  8. I had heard something and I want a more input. I was talking with some people, and someone said that most of the people in Japan don't really have any love for black people. I later, asked a friend of mine (black) whose father had been there, and he told me the same thing. So now I ask this of any of you who have knowledge of Japan. One day, I'll find out for myself, but I can't afford that vacation right now. This is an innocent question about the country, not about the Japanese race, just to make it clear.
  9. Well, I didn't see Beautiful mind, so I can't judge it, but I saw Lotr and I can understand why it didn't win. I think that they could have done a better job with it. I'm glad that Halle won, eventhough I haven't seen the movie. It took 74 years for a black woman to win best leading actress. That is a shame because I know that throughout that long time, there have been those who have deserved it. As for Denzel, I fully think he deserved best actor, regardless of him being black, white, purple or whatever. Training day was a very good movie, and Denzel did an outstanding job playing his part! No matter what he thought, the academy and the people thought different. He's a good actor and being the bad guy was something new to him and he still kicked butt!!!!! Also I think T N said earlier that Will Smith was more deserving. Sorry, Most people that knew anything about the champ thought that Ali wasn't a very good/accurate representation of his life. It only really focused on his tenure as champ (not even the whole tenure) , and it didn't go deep enough into his personal life. It seems that the movie was made with too much of a bias. Anyway, besides the show being too long (the longest one ever actually) I was pleased with the results.
  10. Saturn blows them all away!!!!!! She has the best fit and actually carries a functional weapon."has enough power to destroy a planet!!!!"
  11. Nothing has scared me more than the movie IT by Stephen King.
  12. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]YAHOO!! Well, I don't know about a Gaian Warriors, Part Two, but I'll think about it.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Well. anytime and anyplace , i'll be ready.
  13. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    adios!!! see you next rpg!
  14. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    and Siren feels a chill. [color=blue] Siren: Sabir has found him. Cryad: Wha?.. Siren: The wind. Cryad: Oh. Well is he alright? Siren: He seems fine. But I think we should give him and Sabir some alone time. Cryad: Okay. Meanwhile, why don't we go and have some "alone" time of our own. Siren: (smirks and grabs him) :smirk: Cryad: (smiles and seeks the warmth of her arms)[/color]
  15. [color=blue]Hey!!!! Don't trick me like that! Nelly Furtado is nothing compared to BG! (Especially after seeing icedragon's site) There is something about Nelly's voice that doesn't appeal to me. Oh, and BG if you want a song; I'll write it!:)[/color]
  16. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    ....The sweeping of the corridor was fast and systematic. [color=blue]Cryad: Looks like most of them were smart enough to leave when the battle ended in their defeat. Siren: Cowards. Let's get back to main hall and see if the situation is any different. Cryad: Sounds like a plan to me.[/color] They head back not knowing that their Sean questions will be answered sooner than they think.
  17. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    The pair tell Liam and Ayarna goodbye and goodluck and head begin their mission purge the halls of the temple from the likes of the darkclan. [color=blue]Cryad: (gives Siren a kiss) It's been too long since I got to do that. Siren: (gives a warm smile) I have to agree with you. (She turns serious) What do you think happened to Sean? Cryad: I don't know, but when Draconus was pierced by the sword, a light was emitted. It's very possible that had something to do with Sean. I just hope he didn't do anything stupid. Siren: With Sabir looking for him, he'll be fine. Unless she's mad at him for disappearing. Cryad: (pulls his sword) We have company....[/color] One hidden warrior jumps out, but is fell by Siren's masamune.
  18. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    [color=blue]Cryad: Sabir is already on the trail. I'm going to search these halls for more enemies; I want to make sure that this is finished. Siren. You coming with me or going with them?[/color]
  19. The group watched with anxiety as the fight commenced. Kevin extended mist's claws preparing to enter the fray
  20. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad looks at Sabir, who has suddenly a blank look in her eyes. Cryad: Where's Sean?
  21. Mist floats by, arms crossed showing signs of a fight but not being too bad off. Kevin: guys, it looks like most of the dolls have left this area, but i'm getting a energy spike in the reading for that area. (Mist points in the general direction) Kevin: I think the other gundam wants to flex his muscles.
  22. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    ....And with a howl of pain. Draconus received the blow.
  23. I'm pretty sure that there are cons held in Chicago, but my problem is that I have no one to go with me. I'd like to have someone with me, especially since I've never been to one.
  24. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad looks back at Mia and his glow an icy blue [color=blue]Cryad: TWILIGHT STEEL [/color] The two spells envelop each other and become something never seen before.
  25. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    The transformation is complete. [color=blue] A dark figure steps from the husk and for a moment is seen because of Sean's light. But then the figure spoke his words and soon all was darkness. Sean: Liam!!!! (Liam nods agreement and both start to emit light. Ayarna and Burn go to protect them.)[/color] The time has come. Siren,Sabir,Cryad,and Mia must end this battle. [color=blue]Cryad: (gripping his sword) Now you die.[/color]
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