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Everything posted by Darkness

  1. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad looks at everyone.... Cryad: this is the hardest battle we'll ever fight. This is the one that means the most. No holding back, no regrets. We do this for not only us, but for the right to exist at all. (for a moment his eyes brighten) I want [color=darkblue]all[/color] of us to celebrate after this is over! (Everyone nods) Cryad: We'll see you inside. *Cryad's group goes one way and Sabir's group goes the other* (Sean and Cryad look back at each other with confidence)
  2. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad emerges from his spot in the forest, his outfit is different. He's in the darkest blue from head to toe, no cloak, hence the scythe on strapped to his back, his murasame still rests at his side, his sleeveless shirt showing off his well muscled arms. With a gloved hand on his sword, he speaks, the determination in his eyes is fierce. Cryad: I'm ready to go when everyone else is. Sabir: We'll split into groups of two and meet in the main chamber; our target should be there.
  3. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    a little time later..... *Siren wakes Cryad* Cryad: *yawn* Is it almost time? (Siren nods, and Cryad rises) *He gives Siren a deep kiss* Siren: ...ummm, what was that for? Cryad: just because. come on, let's get ready.
  4. I like the realfolk blues at the end of cowboy bebop. Though,I can't say that it my absolute fav.
  5. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: *yawn* Come on' let's turn in. Siren: Let's. *The two find a cozy spot, and Cryad falls asleep caressing her dark hair*
  6. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: For now, we rest and heal up; then we plan our assault on the dark clan. We all have what we need, we're way stronger now than when we started, and more ready than ever. Sean: True. Siren: So we plan and finally take the fight to them. Sabir: Good, it's time that the darkclan learn some lessons. Liam: Let's get this rest over with, so that we can attack. Cryad: No, we wait. Siren: Yes. With this foe we'll be better off attacking in the daytime. Burn: Exactly. Liam: Fine, I'm ready when everyone else is. What's the plan?
  7. I was watching db the other day, and something really bugged me. ChiChi seems to be the only who ages. I know the z warriors spend most of their time dead, but how does this explain Bulma? It just caught my attention, and I felt like bringing it up.
  8. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Blood covering his hands, Cryads eyes sparkle with delite. Cryad: Reminds me of old times! Siren: (Smiles) I kinda like it when you show the dangerous side.
  9. Good job! I'm proud of you!
  10. As hard as it may be to believe, I don't think that trust is even the issue here. You are acting perfectly normal for this complex situation. I know it's not intentional, but (tony) has put you in a no-win situation. If you don't let it happen you'll feel guilty and he might even resent you for it. If you let it happen, every waking moment will leave you wondering what is going on, and you don't deserve that kinda stress. What can I say.... this is a case where you have to pick your poison.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baby Kiwi [/i] [B][color=crimson]I do see this from your guys' points, but you do have to think of what kind of church group that has been burning those books. Not all churches are like that, so dont go thinking that if one church does that, all of them do. It was probably some extremist church that is very strict with their beliefs, kinda like the puritans back in the 1600s. My church, a Southern Baptist church has no say in what its members or other Christians do with their leisure reading; its all up to their own discretion. If they think it is secular, they just dont read it. They leave it up to the individual. I think thats what all churches should do, but most aren't as liberal as mine. :rolleyes: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I don't think any of us are equating all churches with this one church, we're just talking about churches that take up these actions. I, like most others here, don't stereotype. Oh, and I don't mean that good and evil are totally non-existant; just that what we think is wrong is right to others and vice versa. Like, when hitler attacked the Jewish, we all feel that it was an act of pure "evil", but from his side, he was doing something "good". In most cases, it's all about ideals, or if you prefer, "a difference of opinion".
  12. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    A scene that looks chaotic from a distance is very organized up close. The warriors' plan is being executed exactly as planned; the smoke finally clears and all of the gaians and their companions have made their escape. scene change: *in the woods, after the battle*
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko_el-miez [/i] [B]look at my avatar do you ppl see me as gatomon i dont see ginny as calumon what did you mean by "ppls avatars always come into picture" what do you mean by that huih???????????????? [/B][/QUOTE] It doesn't apply to your cat-puppet thingy or gamecube pics or anything like that. It's like this: Let's say you're in games and stories making stories for a rpg. When you're dreaming the story up in your mind, your idea of the character (like sephiroth or any person-like avatar) will be influenced by the picture that's up. I'm not saying people look like animals or anything, that's not realistic.
  14. When I heard about the burning, the first thing I thought about was hitler too. Shame that they've equated themselves with hitler
  15. Man, that's one sexy car. I can't wait til' I start making money!
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]*looks at Blanko_el-miez* i er . . no what gave you that idea? but you dso tend to think of what people look like, but 4 some reason their avatars come into picture. >
  17. Darkness

    favorite song

    All time: Come and Talk to Me. (by Jodeci) Right now: One Mic. (Nas)
  18. Me personally, I'd be up for it. Just out of pure curiousity if anything. This whole process is like reading a book, you know, coming up with your own picture of the people. It would be kinda interesting to know what everyone looked like.
  19. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: Alright! Let's do this! *with Starlight leading the way, the plan is set into motion*
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic]Going back to Farhenheit 451--the extreme irony of that is the fact it has been censored and banned itself. People just don't get it. I've said this before, and I'll say it again: If you are an adult and do not know the difference between fantasy and reality, then you are a moron. If your children do not know the difference between fiction and reality, then [i]you have failed as a parent.[/i] Tell me what you think of this book: It centers around the actions of two sexually active teenagers. The girl is much younger than the boy. The entire book is full of coarse language and sexual innuendoes. It follows the story of this couple, and how they see each other despite being strictly forbidden to do so by their parents. People are killed, murdered, and take their lives in suicide. Should it be banned? Have you read it? Chances are, you've heard of it. If you've read it, then you know what I'm talking about. I'll give you a hint. The kids names are [i]Romeo and Juliet[/i] -Cera[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Hey Cera, I was thinking about writing a letter to the paper, you mind if I use your example? You're at the same place that I'm at, but I really don't think I can get the point across any better than that.
  21. Well, I only have three semesters of college left (counting this one), so I'll look for a job, (I'll have a degree in marketing and I want to be an advertising exec) I'm not sure about where exactly I want to live yet though.
  22. Well... The moment you are born, you slowly start to die. You shouldn't judge the book, until you've read it front to back and once again. You should live like you love life, and experience all that you can. No one's destiny is predetermined. Every decision you make changes your life, and the lives of those close to you. Be careful what you wish for, because when you accept one part, you take everything that comes with it. In alot of cases, the things that you don't like like in someone, are things that you see in yourself.
  23. The fact in general just goes to show how petty and ignorant people can be. Being black and growing up in a pretty nice neighborhood has caused me to learn about racism firsthand. I used to get mad and fly off the handle, but now I pity them. I like to judge people off of how they act, not what they are or how they look.
  24. i'm glad that most of you seem to understand how I felt when I read about what about happened. I just don't seem the harm in Hp books, and especially not SW.
  25. I need some helpful souls to tell me where are some good places to buy anime online, and I need info on conventions (or clubs). Oh, I live in the chicago area, so if you know anything happening round here, please help out! Thanks!!!
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