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Everything posted by Darkness

  1. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    sorry, between family visits, final fantasy x, and not having a computer, it's been hard to find time to post! ~~~~~~~~~~~ Cryad: How bout a dip? Siren: There's no lake! Cryad: don't worry bout it! *he chants a spell, and a once empty crater is now completely filled with warm water* *he strips down and jumps in* Cryad: you coming? Siren: hmmmm.....
  2. I love that show, but I haven't seen it awhile. We don't have the food channel at school. I saw a preview for an american version of the show that is coming out. I hope it's good. But I really like the original, eventhough the voiceovers sound stupid. Go Bobby Flay!!!!
  3. Male: That would be a tie between Samuel Jackson and Nick Cage. There isn't a role that they can't play. Female: Catherine Zeta-Jones. Because she's my dream woman. My fav movies are crouching tiger...(you know the rest),rush hour2, and gone in sixty secs, p.s. These are subject to change without notice!!!
  4. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    ooc: I'm back home for the winter, so my posts will be a little less frequent.(I don'thave a computer:( ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cryad: The wolves have joined us. Tiamat!!!! Let's do it like we used to!! *Tiamat swoops down on Cryad. Tiamat uses humanwords and they chant a spell* Cryad: MERGER. *Cryad is now twice as powerful, and has dragon wings. He and Tiamat have become one* Cryad: (growling) Payback time! Everyone let loose! *He takes flights and begins to butcher hi opponents* Sabir: That's a spell of the dragon clan. Tiamat most really trust him to let him use it. *Cryad starts casting some of the most violent spells he has, then he picks up siren* Cryad: Let's show them how powerful our spells really are!
  5. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: Just a little more rest is in order. Man, I have a splitting headache. Siren: You alright? Cryad: I'll be fine. A cup of water and an hour of sleep, and I'll be fine. Liam: You're sure this is wise? Siren: We're not at full strength. Fighting now would be much more dangerous. We'll rest, then we'll take the fight to them. (Three hours later) Cryad: Everyone almost ready? Sean, how do you feel? Sean: Like a new man!!!! (holding sabir) I'm ready when you are. Sabir: I say that we stop wasting time. Liam: Now you're speaking my language.
  6. Well, I love it for the positive possibilities, but in some ways it scares me. I wonder how long it will be before the government( maybe even now) starts using this technology for something foul. This has the possibility to be the beginning of something very wrong. If something negative does happen, what do we say then?
  7. (They all here a scream of pure agony, for Andry has dealt the final blow to the monster) Kizu: What was that??!!!! (In the temple, Andry and Matt go to collect the treasure) Andry: WooHoo!
  8. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    (All are in a state of shock) Cryad: (at a whisper) ....I...I...I know this spell! *his gauntlet starts to glow, his arm burning.* Cryad: What the....! *He becomes possessed* ????: (in Cryad's and some unknown voice) [COLOR=red]WHY HAVE YOU CALLED ME???!!!![/COLOR]
  9. Then kevin blew the licker away with his streetsweeper.
  10. Well, back in high school I played football. It was some time before the game started and my friend and I were walking and talking loudly, just being rowdy. We were hyped up, so I started making jokes and then a big crowd of people all told me to be quiet. It seems that we had wandered into the girls swim meet in the middle of the diving competition. I felt like a big jerk then, but now it's funny.
  11. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    (Liam knows that he can end this fight with a simple spell, but that wouldn't be fair at all. She doesn't have the experience that he has at spellcasting) *Liam comes straight at her, she replies by jumping clear over his head* Liam: How the...? Mai: You forget that I'm from the rabbit clan? I'm beginning to get used to my powers!!!!TeeHee! Liam: (Tired) Fine. Show me what you got. Mai: I will. *He swings,misses, at Mai kicks him through a tree.* Mai: You all right? Liam: Yea. *He blinds her with a small lighting blast* Liam: Never let your guard down!!! *He knocks her down, she's at his swords length.* Mai: Okay. You win. I concede. *He extends his hand* Liam: Good job!!, Just work on your magic and you'll be set! Mai: Sabir will help me with that. Thanks for the Practice!*Yawn* I think that I'll go back to sleep now. Siren: *yawn* I saw some of the fight. Liam get some rest. I'll stand guard for the rest of the night. Liam: I will, thanks.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] No.... this thread is not open for argument... you can debate in a civil manner, but any argument will result in this topic being closed/deleted. [/B][/QUOTE] I will change that, because I don't want to start war. But I do have the intention of making this at least insightful; and sometimes you can't do that without bumping heads a little. I don't want this thread deleted, but I want everyone to get their point across, like you did. As for me, I love R&B because of how you can get lost in the melody or be brought to tears just by the words that are written. This can be true for a lot of music, but to me, R&B voices this feeling the best. As for music I don't like, I'd have to say that most heavy metal isn't my cup of tea. I try to sample more than just one thing, and from what I've heard so far, metal is more about screaming than actually singing. I'm not saying that the artists can't sing, I'm just saying that most of them chose not to do so. I'm not very big on screaming. There is nothing appealing about that, anyone can do it.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mztik_Gohan10 [/i] [B]My favorite is Slow.Non fav POP! [/B][/QUOTE] Why? As I said when I started the thread, Iwant reasons. This serves no purpose if you don't give some personality to your statements! I just want this to turn into something worth discussing. So,from now on, get a little more in depth. Or, am I the only true music fan here?
  14. I don't follow soccer. I heard it's one of those sports that is fun to watch from the crowd, but it has yet to catch my attention on TV. Oh, I always root against the packers(I'm originally from Chicago)!!!!! My favorite teams are the Bucs and the Bears.
  15. Yea!!!!! I took my advanced spanish grammar final earlier, and it was one of the easiest tests ever! And on top of that, the professor was talking about dropping the lowest test score, so that means I'll get an A in the class!!!!! Yea!!Now I just have to worry about that UBUS final. BOO,Hoo! So far so good. Heck, I should be studying now! Bye!
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ3 Trunks [/i] [B]I like metal because it gets me pumped up. And I like country because it reminds me of my family. I hate rap it shouldn't be considered music, it's all about the same thing some guy thinking he is a pimp when he really isn't. I also hate it because it's not the greatest thing to hear blasting from someones speakers at 2 in the morning. :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] Well alot of rap is how you described it, but I know of a lot of rap that is totally different. If you take some time out to explore, you might like some of the other stuff. (Rakim, Lauren Hill,etc) Oh, and I don't like to hear any music blasting at two in the morning, unless i'm at a party. Whether I like the music isn't a concern.
  17. I've been seeing a lot of threads where people are giving opinions of they fav bands and stuff, so I'm starting this one. I want you to tell me what is you favorite type of music and why. Then tell me what is your most hated and why. This thread was made for "civil debate". Don't be a punk, Voice your opinion! For all of you that ride the short bus to school; don't just say that something sucks. Back it up genius!!!! If someone has already done this before, screw it, I haven't seen it. I'll give my thoughts later. Also, talk about the music, don't dis each other. I don't like that, and I doubt the mods do either. So come wit it already!:smirk:
  18. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    (Liam is practicing with his sword when mai wakes up) Mai: *Yawn* Whatcha doin? Liam: Nothing. Mai: Wanna help me train some? I wanna impress Burn and Sabir with my new skills. Liam: hmmm, why not! *Liam readys his sword and Mai adjusts her whip and crescent knives(short things that you use to cut corn)* Liam: You don't think we'll wake the others? Mai: No, they're all sound asleep. *They begin* *Mai's speed is blinding, she is even faster than Siren! Liam can barely keep up*
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]so i just quit trying... [/B][/QUOTE] Quit trying..... I,myself am about a half step away from giving up on mom. Sometimes parents just suck.
  20. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    (Cryad and Sabir watch on as the two spar) Cryad: This is a pretty good fight. Sabir: Yeah. Care to make it more interesting? Cryad: How? Sabir: Watch. *She changes the ground to ice, both warriors fall* Siren/Sean: What the...? Cryad: Just trying to make it more fun! Sabir: Yeah lover! I know this isn't too much for you. *Both stand up, and on shakey legs, go back to what they were doing* Cryad: How bout this? *He changes the iced ground to three foot deep water* Sabir: :laugh:
  21. darkness: Yeah! With $2.50, you can get two one minute phone calls. Some random guy in the background: And only five minutes after that!!!!
  22. (Kevin and his team begin to walk) Kevin: I see some zombies up ahead! Metal: Well then, let's air them out. Luuey: Let's. *they load their weapons and go to let out some aggresion*
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]yeah, all my clothes are from vintage & thrift stores. except my mom keeps buying me stuff from victoria's secret. [/B][/QUOTE] *a wolf howl in the background* Victoria's secret. Sounds nice. Most gap commercials are dumb to me anyway. I'm a marketing major, so some commercials have a tendency to bother me more than a lot of other people. The shaggy one is horrible. But, I wear whatever I think looks good on me. I go to the burlington coat factory a lot, they have good deals. I don't shop at the Gap.
  24. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    (Meanwhile, the two sparring matches have combined into one) *Cryad and Siren are back to back, Siren fighting with Sean and Cryad fighting Burn* Cryad: You look tired. Burn: Please. Cryad: No, really you should take a nap. *Cryad lands a hard elbow and Burn is knocked out. Cryad sheaths his sword* Siren: Nice move babe. Cryad: I try. Sean: Well, You both have me at a disadvantage. Cryad: I'll bow out. I need a breather anyway. (whispering) Go get him hon. *Sean and Siren continue to fight*
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