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Everything posted by Darkness

  1. Thanks M o B. I have advanced spanish grammar tomorrow and UBus 310 on thursday. Spanish, easy. Ubus, HARD. Good luck to all!!!!!!! Please wish me the same!!!!!:p
  2. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: we'll start whenever everything is ready. I need to spar. Any takers? Sean: I'll go a couple rounds with you. Cryad: No magic. I just want to work on my swordplay some. Sean: Let's get to it. Cryad: Let's. *The two start to spar, and Siren and Burn decide to follow suit* Siren: Well Burn, how bout it? Burn: If you think you can handle it. Siren: You're toast. *They also begin to spar*
  3. Reasonable doubt. They could try to charge the person with murder, but chances are that it wouldn't stick. I took a law class a while back, and this is close to one of the examples that were given.
  4. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: Hey dummy! You just said that there are alot of dark clansman not to far from here. What are you trying to do? Get us ambushed? Liam: It was accident. Cryad: Be more careful next time. *Cryad makes it rain so that the fire from the forest will go out, then Siren uses her magic to make the smoke go away* Mai: Wow! Cryad: (irritable) Sabir will you please teach Mai how to use some helpful magic? She should be able to kick down trees, but right now she couldn't bust a grape with a 200lb hammer! Sabir: You have a point. Mai come here, and I will show you how to use your powers. Mai: TeeHee! All: :rolleyes:
  5. Akira then backhands woody, and woody starts to cry.
  6. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: (looking at Sean) Always overdoing it.
  7. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: So your sword is a weapon of legend like my gauntlet. Liam: Seems as such. Cryad: Chances are that we could make some decent spells together. Liam: We'll have our chance to find out. Siren: Well, we should all start training now! Cryad: You're right. Everyone pick your partner.
  8. Me? I'll try to expose my kids to all kinds of things, and let them chose for themselves. Because the chances are that if you force them into something they end up hating it. I've seen it happen before. As for music, they can listen to whatever, but I'll monitor, so they won't end up sounding like rappers.:smirk: I sing and write songs that are mostly R&B, so if they get my singing genes, chances are that they'll follow suit. But I'll listen to whatever I hear and like. (Can't really stand country though)
  9. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    *Cryad and Siren have now returned from the forest* Cryad: So when do we leave?
  10. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    *Cryad brushes her hair from her face* Cryad: It won't end. I won't let it. *They roll around playfully in the forest* Siren: Hehe!! Cryad: (wrapping his arms around her) Come here. *They embrace each other, and begin to kiss* (They are heard throughout the forest)
  11. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    En route to the temple...... Cryad: I need everyone to keep their distance from me when we are fighting at this temple. All: why? Cryad: I can do fine by myself, but water is very condusive(sp?) to electricity. If you stand to near me while I'm fighting, you might get the shock of your life. I've seen it happen. Sabir: I should be fine then. Cryad: I hadn't thought of that. Possibly. Siren: No combination spells? Cryad: Only from a distance. Matter of fact, maybe I should get some affection now since we won't be able to touch for awhile!:)
  12. Luuey and Kevin come to the spot where the others are looking at the broken sample. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kevin: (whispering) I can't believe those idiots broke it! Luuey: (whispering) Chances are that it was broken when they got here. Kevin: That means something really nasty could walking around here. Keep your guard up. Luuey: I will. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One of the others notice the unknown watchers in the background. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  13. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: She has a good point. I don't really feel like dying today. Can we hurt them physically? Liam: Yes. But first we have to speak the words that turn the dead to flesh. Siren: Do you know them? Liam: Yes. Cryad: Sean, are you gonna be ok? Sean: I have healing spells, I'm fine. Cryad: Then let's get the :cussing: out of here!!! Mai: Language! Cryad::rolleyes:
  14. Well, I don't know my father. I know of him, but not him. As for my mother, we're not that close as of lately. I was brought up by my Grandmother, and my mother didn't really do much for me. Not too long ago I told her how I really felt and she din't like it at all. But i'm 20 now and I had to stop the games. I wasn't even rude, just real. Now we're on worse terms than ever. If not for my grandmother I'd be in bad shape.
  15. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: Well Liam, you ready for your old stomping grounds? Liam: Ready as I'll ever be. Cryad: Everyone else? Sabir: Let's give Sean a little more time. Siren: There is no need. I've already told him where we're going. Siren: It's not that far, he'll be there in no time. Cryad: Okay then, Let's get going. Mai: (grabs her whip) Good, heehee, I get to test my magic. Sabir: I'm worried about Sean, but I guess he can handle himself. Let's go.
  16. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: Fine, where do we head?
  17. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: but we still need the gem! What do we do?
  18. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: This has been the worst day that I have had in a while. You think we can get away? Sean: We have to try. Cryad: Yes. You know, I don't think that all fighting is game. Sean: huh? Cryad: I can tell by how you look at me sometimes. I enjoy the rush of adrenaline, the heat of battle and such, but I'm always aware of the task at hand. Sean:.... Cryad: We will get out of this. I know that they're strong, but so are we. Get us near some water, and I can get us out of here. Sean: wha...? Cryad: you'll understand when we get to some. Sean: what about your sword? Cryad: It obeys my commands. It has already evaporated. It won't return to normal form, until I call it back to my hand. Sean: We have to move quick. Ready? Cryad: yes. *The light let's them go, and they run for the nearest lake* Cryad: Hold your breath!! *they jump in, and in the form of water, they are shot geyser-like into the air.* Sean: This feels stranger than my transformation. How will this help us? Cryad: watch. *They are suddenly swallowed by Tiamat.* *Tiamat flys back to the resting spot and spits out a tremendous amount of water* Siren: Why did he leave? He knows that we've got to save our friends. *The water turns into Cryad and Sean*
  19. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: What do you plan to do? ????: Wouldn't you like to know. Cryad: In fact, I would. ????: You are defiant. Maybe I'll start by taking the angel of hell off of your arm. It is one of three legendary weapons. *Still looking solid, Cryad shudders on the inside. The gauntlet is a part of him now. They'd have to take his arm to get it.* Sean: You won't have time for that. We don't plan on being your captives for long. ????: Don't worry, you won't be.
  20. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    ????: Put your weapons on the ground. *They follow orders.* *On the wind, Siren asks Cryad why they haven't return* Cryad: (only heard by the wind) We've been caught! Siren: Hang tight. Sabir should be ready. We'll go back, get her, and return in full force. I'll talk to you like this. Cryad: (to wind) Yes. ????: Give us the gems that you have.
  21. Kevin just walks in Kevin: That team is gonna make everthing so much more easier for me. I just have to get the virus before they do something stupid, like destroy it. *Readying his 45's, he stays two steps behind one group.
  22. Name: Kevin Age: 20 Rank: Merc Weapons: Knife, Twin 45's, streetsweeper, two herbs and a medkit. Has enough ammo to last for a long time. Bio: He was hired by some outside organization to find the T-virus and recover it for more research. He doesn't care about the task, as long as it pays well. Has been trained as a pilot, and is a top class marksman. A military prodigy. Description: Around 5'10", Black hair and brown eyes. Always focused on the task at hand. Doesn't like taking orders unless money is involved.
  23. Meanwhile Andry and Matt are engaged in battle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Matt: The eyes! Go for the eyes! *Andry hears this and plunges his sword into the left eye of the monster, and is batted against the wall* Andry: owww. Matt: Take this! *He tosses a small blade up into the other eye of the monster* Andry: He's blind! Let's get him!
  24. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    *Cryad's eyes glow with eagerness* Cryad: Well love, you ready? Siren: Let's. Mai: I'm gonna stay with Sabir, I'm not quite ready yet. Sean: makes sense. At least she have even more protection. *Tiamat growls again* Sean: ok ok *They take off, on their way to the battle field*
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