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Everything posted by Darkness

  1. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    (before Cryad gets the chance to speak) Sean: I ran into a member of the dark clan. And his power combined with the traps of the temple were too much. He has the gem, and he is waiting for us to return to fight him. Cryad: Let's go and make his wish come true! Sean: Wait, Sabir isn't ready to battle yet. Cryad: We'll just have to go without her. Sean: I don't want anything to happen to her, and I'm sure that the darkclansman will have some help with him when we return. Cryad: Will she be fine when she wakes up? Sean: Yes, but it will be a while. Cryad: If someone doesn't mind providing me with transportation, I'll have Tiamat watch her. Siren: Yes. She'll be fine, Tiamat is stronger than he used to be. *Tiamat let's out a defiant growl.* Siren: I know you weren't weak before, you're just way stronger now. Cryad: Well, what do you think? Sean: Let's go. Hey kid, you coming? Liam: Of course.
  2. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    *Cryad gets up* Cryad: (to himself) Seems like it's going to be a while before everyone else wakes. I even seem to rejuvinate faster now. This new power is strange, but helpful. *Sean is mumbling something about his grandpa in his sleep* Cryad: (walking to his dragon) Seems as if our quest is halfway over my old friend. *Tiamat gives him a knowing look* Cryad: (looking at Siren) Even if I never saw another day, my life would be fulfilled because of her. *Cryad sits up and watches his love sleep*
  3. 1) Only a PS2 2) I usually don't pick favorites 3) Right now, Dragonball, but I haven't been watching much lately.
  4. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: Darlis is screwed. I can feel him getting weaker. Liam: You can? Cryad: (shows his gauntlet) It let's me do all kinds of new tricks. Including letting me feel magic levels, and If they keep this up, then Darlis will only last a couple of more minutes. Sean: This is a comedy. Siren: Darlis never had a prayer.... *Darlis throws Sabir off of him, and laughs* Darlis: You haven't seen my true power! Sabir: I'm waiting.
  5. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: Damn! I wanted to fight him! Siren: You'll just have to be a cheerleader. Cryad: yeah,yeah. Liam: You are just going to let her fight alone? Sean: You haven't seem half of her skills yet. Siren: Just watch. *Dralis and Sabir size each other up and the clang of metal is heard down all corridors* Cryad: (whispering) Besides, I can augment her power with mine, if I really needed to. But I won't, she doesn't need it.
  6. *Andry take flight* Andry: I'll hit him high, you hit him low. Matt: Works for me. *They attack in unison*
  7. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: Hey! I want in! Siren: Well then, let's join in on the fun! Burn: Now everyone is starting to sound like me. *With a splash, Cryad starts to swing his sword wildly. Between him and Sabir, countless enemies fall.* Siren: Look at them go. Burn: Yeah, he even seems faster now. Sean: He is. (In unison) Cryad/Sabir: ABYSS!!!!!!!!!!!! *The enemies are engulfed in their own personal watery prison and they drown where they stand.* Sabir: Bet they didn't see that coming!!!
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B] how is it scary?? I like it. its pretty cool. The way that The band members fade in, and through each other is really cool [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with you. I think that the video is cool, that part anyway.
  9. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: So I take it that those are the enemies. Sean: One was, one is. Siren: Beat him within an inch of his life. Sean: I'll half heal him, so he can give us some info. Cryad: Then Liam can have his kill.
  10. *Andry spreads his wings and stretches as Matt gets the key ready.* Matt: So you're sure you want to do this? Andry: (Admiring his sword) Let's get to it. I want to do battle. Matt: Let's turn the key. *They walk through the door, expecting to fight the worst.*
  11. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: Wait...before you start. I want you to stay. Your body will heal just fine. You've proven yourself by trying to protect us, and I'll help you with your revenge on these foul assasins. Liam:... I'm surprised to hear that from you. Cryad: You just remind me of someone. So tell your story. Liam: Well, the darkclansman was inside my head and....
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] LMAO! going blind, transtic? [/B][/QUOTE] Lol!!! That's not a healthy habit!
  13. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    *the crowd hesitates, but Cryad speaks up* Cryad: Yea, matter of fact, I'll join you. Liam: What you don't trust me? Cryad: (smirking) It'll be a good chance for us to learn more about one another. Sean: Fine, tonight the both of you will keep watch.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]Here's #3 of my famous Choice and Opinion Survey. 1. Is there any good left in the world??? Post reasons if you want to. 2. What do you think is the most dangerous thing in society?? And please keep it coherant. 3. Do you still believe in "Jolly ol' St. Nick" 4. Should science mess around with religion??? 5. Is it morally wrong to kill a person if you were told to??? 6. Is this saying right: "The World is a safer place." Post reasons if you want to. 7. What is worse?? Hatred or anger?? Post reasons if you feel like it. 8. If people say you're rich, do you brag about it or just say: "I'm in the upper-middle class." (Heh, that's what I say when people say I'm rich.) Now let the survey begin and have fun. [/B][/QUOTE] 1) Of course. I think that everyone has some good in them, but I don't let it influence me. 2) Society itself. Most of the time the biggest problems are our own faults. 3)No. I caught my Aunt wrapping gifts while eating my milk and cookies. 4)No. These two will always be separate entities. 5)Depends. Was it the government or the voices in your head? 6)No. I think the world just keeps getting more dangerous. 7)Hatred. Anger is in passing, where as hatred lingers. 8)I tell em I'm poor, then I tease them about having a lot of money themselves.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]Which part? The falling, the smelling, or the lung coughing?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Either way, I no longer think that it's the best thing for you. I quit when I graduated from high school. WOW! it's been like three years! I'm proud of myself!
  16. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: Stop the flashing thing! It irritates my eyes. Sean would you show the youngster how to keep the light down? We can't fight if we can't see. Siren: you have a point. Sean: kid, you mind? I'll help you if you need it. Liam: (angry) I'll manage. Cryad: No point in you getting mad about it. Liam: don't talk to me like a child. Cryad: I'll stop when you quit pouting. *Cryad won't trust the kid until he proves himself in battle*
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink] Tongue fetish...yep...that's it :angel:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] ....um well.... uh How bout those chewed pencils?
  18. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    sorry didn't know you posted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *While walking along a path towards the temple, they run into another*(introduce yourself)
  19. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: We let you go somewhere, and you come back an animal. Sabir: excuse me! Cryad: I'm joking! But on the serious side, since I have the guantlet, I think that the water clan will just give me the gem. So we can take our time there. Burn: Good. Siren: Shall we head to the temple now? Sean: Let's get going.
  20. Before I forget... I think Anti asked this question. The first bible was written in ancient greek.
  21. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    cryad: yeah, it's earth we'll fire some clay, and all go away with new dishes!:)
  22. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: wel at least with burn we can make some nice pottery. *notices mia* cryad:... uh you know we're on a journey right?
  23. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: which temple is next?
  24. I'm not sure, but the fact that we can influence things might have something to do with it.
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