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Everything posted by Darkness
Cryad: actually, I wasn't expecting that one. *Cryad blast him with cold water* Cryad: go back in naked boy!
Cryad: I wouldn't be surprised
Cryad: no, but I don't think that I'd react how you did!
Cryad: (winking) yea, let's go wait outside.
Cryad: Man, Burn, you need a clue or something? You better do what you know! Sean: Really! Sabir: If you want, I can hit you in the head or something, so that you can stay longer.:)
sean: I can't believe the knucklehead went by hisself. *They come across the village and see the ruin* Cryad: (to a villager) what happened here?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mstyrios WX [/i] [B]Getting Projects done the night before their due!^^' -MWX [/B][/QUOTE] The signs of a true college student. I don't know what level of schooling you're at, but EVERY college student I know (including me) has done this more than a few times. Heck, I'm working on a project right now that's due tomorrow morning!!!
*They walk back only to find a note* Cryad: Let's get the others, this could be serious! Siren: I wish he hadn't gone by himself. *they go to get Sabir and Sean*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B] youv'e got it backwards....religon is dervived from faith....for if we essentally had no faith then religon wouldn't exsist at all... [/B][/QUOTE] Someone understands me! I agree with you completely.
Andry: not to mention, not safe. Andry: Hey midget, err umm, I mean elf show yourself, we have a proposition for you.
*Looking her in the eyes again* Cryad: As long as I breath, I won't let that happen.
*and for the first time, the two kindred souls share a kiss* Cryad: For the first time I know love.
Andry: I'll go with Matt. We'll make short work of this.
Cryad: You not being with me is the greatest pain I could ever feel. *Cryad steps closer to her, and looks her in the eyes*
Bare your soul and tell the world what your worst habit is. I didn't see this anywhere else so, let's get to it. Me? I pace whenever I'm nervous and I say whatever too much when I get overly agitated.
I was playing football in the snow with a bunch of my friends a few years back. I was running the ball, lost my footing, and ran right into the pole that supposed to mark the endzone. I ended up flat on my back, but I held onto the ball though.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]One word [B]FAITH[/B], youcan't have any religion without faith. Besides, my religion, what you feel when you listen to the teachings in class, you can't explain. You get a feeling of firm conviction in that it is true, and no-one can take it away but yourself. [/B][/QUOTE] You're right; you can't have any religion without faith. But, isn't it possible to have faith without religion? Like I said before, you shouldn't need a book to validate you. That is a sign of individual weakness.
*Siren uses the same wind spell she used before* Cryad: I know what you said last time, but I can't ignore how I feel. Siren:..... Cryad: I know that you don't like to get close to people, but I wanna help you open up, together we can be whole. I want you to forget about your hang-ups and speak with emotion. I want to know how you feel, I want to know you.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B] Of course the bible isn't the only scriptural writing out there, and the bible was never necessarily 'found' all nice and compiled as is now. There are a lot of ties to a lot of things that many people don't know about. Although what exactly you are getting at in your first paragraph is fuzy to me.... what point were you making? Some of the disciples' writing is Greek myth?? Well, it can't be a myth if it's staring at you in the face. Granted it's been altered in some form or another, but it's still there. What kind of limitations are you speaking of? Limitations of....... understanding? Knowledge? Truth? Depends on the book and the person(s). Perhaps the person isn't quite smart enough, or rather doesn't actually want to learn in the first place. And then, because of their own limitations/short-comings, they blame the book or whatever because they don't understand it. A student in algebra II refuses to learn the algebra because they don't understand the text book or like what it says. Then when they fail the class, they in turn say that it is the algebra book's fault for their failing. Is the algebra book wrong? Would the school board allow it to be distibuted if it was full of error and incomprehensible? I [i]highly[/i] doubt it. Thus, it is the same with many people and the bible, or any scripture for that matter. Heck, anything! And that is where your limitations come in: the people. Scripture is [i]supposed[/i] to serve as an instructional guide. If you choose to not follow or look at a map on the interstate, you're as likely to end up lost as you are to remember to take the right turn so you don't end up in Canada or something (or whereever relates to you). This is how good religion is; or how it ought to be. Whether or not yours or whoevers is like this, I dunno, it's not my problem. [/B][/QUOTE] What I'm trying to make you see the big picture in my first paragraph. The links involved. The bible is a story that is/was continually modified throughout time. It's connections lead farther and farther back to writings that follow totally different ideals. Even back to linear script A, which we can't translate. Religions follow books, but how can you blindly accept (I mean without question) something that you can't prove is the true story at all. As for your text book example, it's not the same. Math is solid, concrete and can always be proven.You're right when you say that the limitation is that of the student for not learning. But, no bible is concrete like a math book. There is no section for writing proofs on biblical questions. Here is your bible's limitation. How can you get answers from something that isn't necessarily correct? You wouldn't base an important research paper on hearsay, would you? I hope not. Or better yet, follow a street map that you found on the ground drawn in pencil. Chances are, you'd get lost. In believe in God as much as the next man and I do have a religion. But I don't need a book to validate me. I think that too many people do. Are you one of them?
Burn: (rubbing his ribs) you didn't have to poke so hard. Cryad: Next time think before you act, dummy! Siren: I didn't know you had such a big heart. Cryad: I'm a strong supporter of romance, I just don't get the chance to show it anymore. All the battles have made me a little bitter. Burn: You just need someone to inspire you. Cryad: Don't worry, I do. *he briefly glances at Siren* Cryad: so uh, let's clean.
yeah, I caught the new version this past weekend. I haven't been so p.o.'d in a long time. It was serious trash. I can't believe they took something great and turned it into garbage.
African-american. (eventhough i just say black) I also have a little cuban and creole in me.
Cryad: (grimacing) Yours is better than mine, but not by that much. Sean: (laughing) True. It's either this or starve. Cryad: Well I guess I have to think about my future. *Cryad continues to eat, and Sabir gets up* Sabir: I'm going for walk. *Sean puts down his food* Sean: I'll go with. Burn: I'll go... *Cryad elbows him in the ribs* Cryad: The rest of us will clean up. *he winks at Sean, Siren sees and smiles* Siren: yeah, you two go ahead. *the two walk off*
Let me throw this into the equation: The bible was not the first book or writing ever found. In a mythology class I took last semester, we learned about some of the earlier writings. And the ironic thing is that there are connections leading directly from ancient indo-european(sp?) writing that explains the origin of many religions. For ex. the egyptian gods all had animal heads right? That is connected to the fact that it was a period of time when some greek gods were hiding themselves from Typhoeus(sp? again). And there is even writings linking disciples and their writing of the bible to greek myth. I remind you, this writing is like linear script b, which is far before the bible's time in the lime light. How do you figure it all in? Furthermore, The greek gods are now looked at as myth. Who is to say that won't happen to the god we worship? Ask your pastor, preacher, reverand or whoever questions outside of their bible, and I bet they probably can't answer. When you follow a book, of any sort, there are always limitations. How good is religion to you then?
The concept is interesting, but I think the design is stupid-looking. It probably won't catch on until the price goes down some.