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Everything posted by Darkness

  1. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: Not to bad. *Cryad,Siren, and Burn tell the story* Sean: Wow! We missed all that?!!! Siren: Yeah. Sean: so you're stronger now? Cryad: Yep. How you like the new guantlet? Sabir: (a little distance) huh?.... oh, it looks better than the old one. Cryad: Thanks. I really feel good about myself, now that I've done something so important. Siren: I even got a new sword out the deal. Sabir: I feel the magic from it; it's pretty strong. Cryad: How did your journey go? *Sabir and Sean share their story* Cryad: you own mountains... must be nice. Sabir: I don't really plan on going there too often. Siren: I understand.
  2. And he came out with an elf (or whatever you plan to be) in his arms. craig: let me go!!
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] who's saying any religion is right?.... no one knows... you just kinda helped back up my theory on religions. Which is good, that you can see that as well. And accept it... whether or not you think your religion is the right one or not. I just wish people could realize that instead of being so concieded and stuck up not to even accept any other ideals or thoughts. [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, you're starting to scare me. I was talking about this yesterday, and you sound exactly like me. I'm all about being openminded.
  4. andry: I'll go. I never pass on a good fighting opportunity.
  5. andry: I see this is going to be a comedy group. Forget about this petty wallet snatching and do some formal introductions. I am Andry and I kill comedians. (mumbling) clowns.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Anyway, God - yes, religion - no [/B][/QUOTE] You know, as many questions as I had, I never thought of it like that. I do believe in God, but I have a problem with religion, mine included.
  7. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    *The other approach the meeting spot* Cryad: (seeing the two in the distance) Let's give them some time. They're looking a tad bit on the serious side. Burn: You're right. Siren: I agree.
  8. Andry: he was working for me. I was flying over here awhile ago, and sensed the presence of an other-worlder like myself. *Andry lands in front of everyone* Andry: That spy had owed me a debt. (looking at the body) I guess he paid.
  9. Drake: my new friend didn't stutter. She doesn't feel like wasting her time with something so simple. Siren: New friend, huh? Drake: (whispering) shut up and play along. And quit sneezing on me!
  10. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    *Cryad watches as Siren cuts her hair* Cryad: (thinking) She's even cuter with short hair! She may be scared to get close to someone, but I'm not giving up that easy. Siren: That feels so much better. Burn: i can't believe you did that with so little thought. Siren: Hell, it'll grow back. Cryad: (approaching Siren) I want to give you this. *He hands her masamune, the sword formally held by his brother* Siren: What's this for? Cryad: It must be wielded by someone who is worthy. It is the sister sword to mine. The twin swords, murasame and masamune. Siren: I already have a sword. *Siren pulls her sword and it shatters in the presence of masamune* Cryad: You don't chose the sword, the sword choses you. It augments the natrual magic of the user. Siren: Well, I can't argue with that. *Cryad smiles* Burn: Well let's go to where we're supposed to meet the others.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]i like it when it's just warm enough so that you don't have to wear a jacket. & i absolutely [I]cannot stand[/I] very hot weather. i've had too many cars w/ no ac. [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with LM completely(with the car thing too:) ) But I also love when it rains.
  12. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    Cryad: don't sweat it. now that burn can use his magic, this will be a snap. Burn: you all ready? Siren/Cryad: yes! Burn: Firestorm!!!!!!! *Cryad uses his new bracelet to augment Burns magic* Siren: Holy.... *The spell is so strong that the ice temple is reduced to pool status* Cryad: ....I like this bracelet. Well, the gem is floating over there, I'll get it. *The pure water has healed Cryad's wounds, He swims to the stone with a great speed* Siren: Let's get to some dry land.
  13. Drake: how about that pole you sent through my chest? Siren: You're a vampiric too, so why do you bother to hunt other like you. Drake: because I'm not proud of what I am. Unlike you. *He puts his weapons away* Drake: Fine. Prove to me that you aren't pure evil, and I'll let it all go. Siren: Well, it's like I'm stuck with you then.
  14. My singing. I try not to brag, but I sing alot better than most. Even people I don't know have came up to tell me this after they hear me.
  15. Name: Drake tilsden Age: 20 Your Weapons: Twin nine milliters, and a full staff.(it retracts for storage) Gundam Name: Deathmist (a little like a deathscythe/shenglong hybrid) Gundam Weapons: Two shoulder vulcans, retractable heated knuckle claws, heated blades protrude upward from it's elbows, a small retractable laser cannon in the right forearm and a retractable flamethrower on left forearm. Bio: A young scientist, he built his gundam from the floor up. He's a team player, and very passionate in everything he does. He wants to know the unknown, for his life is driven by his curiosity. Description: 5'10", black hair and gray eyes. He wears black jeans, a plain gray shirt, a black jacket, and thin black leather gloves. His gundam is gray and white.
  16. An arrow grazes Siren's neck. Derek: (jumping out of the shadows) And I hurt vampires. Siren: I thought I killed you the last time we met. Derek: That's what you get for assuming.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]This measure is definitely designed to keep things in perspective. It provides a fair chance to those who are abiding by the rules and posting with good quality.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] That's all I wanted to hear. Thanks.
  18. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    (back at the temple)[COLOR=darkblue] *Cryad and his brother begin to face off as Siren and Burn are suddenly face to face with some strange ice creatures* Burn: ha! no problem! FLAME!!! *nothing happens* Kaiyu: (noticing the failed fire attempt) As long as the purity bracelet remains in my control, fire magic can't be used in the ice temple. *Cryad sees his brother off guard and lands a hard right* Cryad: It gives me even more incentive to kill you. Kaiyu: (lip bleeding) You'll pay for that bastard!! *The swords meet fot the first time and the air becomes thick with magic* Cryad: (shocked) That's masamune! How did you.... Kaiyu: find it? I followed you when you hid it, brother. What did you need with both the warrior and peace sanctions blades? Masamune deserves someone worthy to carry him. Cryad: (furious) You have disgraced me twice!! For this you shall die! *The swords meet again and again* Burn: Damn! Looks like it regular sword play from here on out. Siren: Don't worry I still have my magic. TORNADO!!! *The half beast, half humanoid ice creatures are smashed into each other* Siren: (looking at the broken ice) now that wasn't so bad was it? *The creatures merge into two big versions of their former selves* Burn: you were saying? *Swordplay proving useless, the brothers have resulted to fist fighting* Cryad: (smirking) You look tired, need a break? Kaiyu: (panting) That would be nice. *Kaiyu grabs Cryad and clearly breaks his arm* Cryad: aaaaaahhhhhhh! Kaiyu: aww! did I hurt you? Cryad: (faking his pain) No not really. *He buries Masamune deep into the chest of Kaiyu* (their bracelets fall off) Cryad: this is how it ends. (eyes now dark) TIDAL CRUSHER *Cryad comes down on the skull of his brother with the force of a hundred waves, his skull is crushed.* Cryad: I have honored my clan. *The bracelets raise up into the air and combine, forming the legendary angel of hell* Cryad: (in awe) Burn, you can use your fire!!! *The new blue and black guantlet attaches itself to Cryad, and he picks up both swords, and sheaths masamune* Cryad: (thinking) I will give this sword to Siren *Holding his sword in his good arm, he goes to help his friends*
  19. Look, just make it so that anyone can a custom avatar, and I bet you that a fair amount of people will care less about the post count. But, get off of the GnS forum. I come to Discussion to talk, and I go to GnS to play. There is nothing wrong with that. If you catch spam in there, fine I'll bet you that there is some spam in almost every topic. I don't intentionally spam and my post count should more than show that. Being a college student I don't always have a lot of time on my hands, otherwise I probably would have a high number of posts, because I really like this place. My point is, if you suggest extreme measures, you should be fair to eveyone, regardless of where most of their posts are. With all respect, as admins, mods, gods or whatever, you all should keep things in perspective. That's just how I feel.
  20. I was looking for dragonball pics, and I ended up here. And the legend began.
  21. Darkness


    I like! Keep it coming!
  22. I think that tears affect judgement, but not the judgement of the one crying. Crying is most likely a result. Something has happened to make you cry. It's the past, no matter how recent. Oh, I'm a guy too and don't cry either. Not because of any stereotype, just because of how I am. I used to shut people out, and showing emotion is an easy way to invite others in. So, even now that I'm different, I still don't really show alot of emotion, but I try.
  23. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    *burn follows suit and goes to sleep* sabir: I guess I'm stuck with watch. *she looks at the sleeping warriors with a warm smile* sabir: If they only knew how I felt. *she listens to cryad mumbling in his sleep as she begins to keep watch* sabir: (still smiling) If they only knew.....
  24. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    cryad: (yarning) I think a rest is in order. sabir: i feel fine. burn: you didn't do anything. cryad: back off!; it wasn't her fault! burn: calm down. I was just saying. cryad: I need to rest, but first, I need sean to do a quick healing spell. You got it in you sean? sean: (half awake) Here. This will put both of us to sleep. HEAL.... *Both go to their resting spots*
  25. My roomate want to know the name of the game that they were playing in the movie. The one where harry is the seeker. If you know please tell me. Thanks.
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