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Everything posted by Darkness

  1. *drake powers up his main cannon* Drake: I'll take out one of the sith's ships just for practice. *fires and destroys another sith ship* Drake: the rebels can't say I never did anything for them.
  2. *in the distance* drake: this fight is going to get ugly. Oh, well it's not really my concern.
  3. Yeah, I like final flash's, but their all good. I need to learn how to do that.
  4. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    cryad: don't worry, i've got it covered! Sabir, protect me! *cryad gets to his knees, whispers something and it begins to rain within the temple. the sillouettes of the enemy can be seen* Sean: Let's Do This!!!! (The battles rages on intensely) Siren: A wind shall ravish all. *A tempest in her eyes, the once invisible enemies can now be completely seen and they are screaming in agony* *cryad collapses, so sabir starts to do what she does best... decimate the enemy*
  5. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    cryad: then to the wind temple it is. This way we can pick up the other half of the techniques. Sabir: why can siren understand your wierd language? cryad: Well tiamat is half wind dragon as well as water. cryad: rumor has it that the wind and water clans were very close in the past, but that was before my time. siren: all the pieces fit, so it must be true. cryad: yeah, anyway, tiamat told me that he saw two groups of twenty soldiers. One heading for the wind temple and the other toward the psychic temple. So it looks like we're heading for another battle.
  6. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    cryad: Depends.....which temple is the closest? siren: the distance from here to the physic and wind temple are equal. sean: well, ladies choice. Oh, before I forget, Burn you should see if you can do anything special with the fire gem. sabir:yeah, maybe if you're stronger you won't get so distracted during battle. Burn: whatever....*burn starts to examine the gem* *suddenly tiamat swoops down with a message for cryad, and they speak in a tongue that only they, and for some reason siren can understand* sabir: What did he have to say that was so urgent?
  7. name: Drake Starkiller race: Sidi (what the jedi & sith were before they split) weapon: light katana (solid blade, but when used is wrapped in yellow energy, like a light saber) age: 20 other skills: a master of the terra kasi(martial art) description: Black man, with brown eyes, well built and slender, about 5'9. He dresses like a jedi, but in gray and black. Bio: One of the last of a dying race, Drake desperately travels the universe looking for his lost twin sister. Drake lives off of hunting bounty and doesn't trust anyone. He's very passionate and fights like a man possessed. Those who face him usually die. Also he knows techniques that were lost from when the jedi &sith split.
  8. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    *looking surprised* cryad: this is actually pretty good!!! Siren: hey! don't look so stupified, i have done this before you know. sean: [COLOR=orange]BURP[/COLOR] siren: you pig! *all the while, sabir seems a bit disenchanted since her dream* cryad: (to sabir) hey kittycat! *he splashes her with some water. *sabir hits cryad with a mini tidal wave, from which he comes out dry* cryad: you woke now? You know that if you worry too much, you'll get sick.:smirk:
  9. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    cryad: ok, I won't dodge anymore. sean: I'm listening. cryad:*facing all* When I was younger, I was sparring with my best friend. (wavy memory flashback thingy) Cryad: (narrating) It was the most intense training session ever. (shows fierce fight between the two) Cryad: I thought we were evenly matched, but that day he proved to be the better fighter, and eventually I was pinned. That was the first time I found out something was wrong with me. (cryad's eyes flash an eery light blue, and in desperation he rushes his friend. "[COLOR=skyblue]ARRRRRGHHHH!!![/COLOR] ") (in the present) cryad: .......When I woke, everyone told me that I had killed my friend and I was wielding a scythe. The last time I let go My best friend died. I'm scared it'll happen again. *as cryad is speaking the light gem seems to react to his emotions*
  10. i'm glad i'm getting helpful feedback! Keep it coming!
  11. My roomate and I are in the process of creating a website. It's going to be a joint effort, but of course with our own personal touches. But, anyway I've been toying around with idea of having part of the site be dedicated to anime (probably fan art). If I did this would anyone be interested in visiting and/or sending in art? I can't draw a lick, so I would run this part for the public by the public. What do you think?
  12. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    cryad: let's go deal with the wind. Thier magic is the most subtle and the trickiest to deal with. *cryad suddenly looks distracted* cryad: Your grandfather told me what he knew about the "gift" of my clan. sean: so what's the story? sabir: yeah, wetboy, i wanna hear this too. cryad: well..... He told me that i'm a great fighter and that i shouldn't have held back in the fight.*sean doesn't look to happy* But, the "gift" would only be given to a warrior who proves himself worthy. sean: that's all? you pretty much knew that already. cryad: he knew more, but he didn't want to compromise me by telling me more, and I respect that. cryad: siren, sean's gp also said that you and I could create some devastating attacks together. I have one in mind already, we should work on it later. siren: Rumor has it that some of the greatest techniques were created between the water and wind clans. *cryad pulls out some notes* cryad: here are the ones I saw at my temple. The other half are at yours. sabir: (to cryad) why do you always hold back? you're capable of more than you tell us, I partially hold the power of water too, I of all people can feel it the most. *cryad looks at all* cryad: we've been walking for a while, let's set up camp.
  13. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    cryad: hey sean, we have got to help this girl soon.*looks at laurii* sean: she has to wait a little bit longer. Burn: I'm surprised you care. cryad: If i can't trust her, i'll kill her myself, and that is all. It won't be the first time I've killed a goddess..... *cryad knows he has said too much* siren: you're not just an ordinary clansman, are you? *laurii's condition worsens* cryad: we don't have time for this!...........
  14. i know this emotion all too well. what i want you to tell me is how will you react if your love is taken from you. i know how i reacted. In my eyes, you don't truly know love until you've been hurt by it.
  15. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    *talking to a lightning clansman* Lc: so your sword is always wet? cryad: yeah, alot of my clans master's magic is imbedded in this blade. Lc: why do you where all of that dark blue? cryad: it's my favorite color. why do you ask all of these dumb questions? Lc:......... cryad: so where are all the women? I am from the water clan, imagine the sparks i could make. burn: (thinking to his self) i believe that cryad knows more than he lets on. Wonder what his secret is. Siren: cryad, i can't believe you just said that!!! cryad: You should've seen me last time I was with a member of the fire clan*smirks* Laurii: (also thinking) his battle skills are great. One day we face each other.*looks in cryad's direction*
  16. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    cryad: my clan is divided into two groups, one group is totally pacifist, and the other is made up of warmongers. I am a misfit, I am from the peaceful clan, but my skills surpasses all of the others. That's why I was given the this bracelet. *shows bracelet of corruption* cryad: This allows me to corrupt the purity of the water attacks I use. Spring water doesn't work that well on everyone, and I don't like being laughed at.
  17. take care of yourself, and if you ever can, let everyone know that you are alright.
  18. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    *cryad sits, his hooded cloak(hood down) blows in the wind* cryad: Don't you two start again...... As for me, I fight the for pure thrill of the battle. In my clan, there is a legend that says that the most deserving warrior will receive a gift that no another can have. I also want to know what this "gift" is. *cryad stands* cryad: the fight is all that matters, that is what my life means. *walks toward laurii, and looks deep into her eyes* laurii: what the hell are you staring at? *cryad says nothing, and walks away* cryad: we must go soon. everyone can tell their story on the way. LET'S GO.
  19. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    cryad: good, i'm as good as there.*rubs his sword* murasame desires to taste blood on it's edge. *there is a cold sparkle in his eyes*(the battle must really mean a lot to him)
  20. Screw traveling through the depths of history.... I'd go back a few years and myself some pointers on handling some of the problems i've had.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lotus [/i] [B]This is serious. You should talk to your friend a lot and be by her side right now. she really need it. How is she feeling now. For the other guy, I think he need to be punish. Your friend ask you not to bring him out, probably because she is afraid or feeling humiliated of what happen. May be you can try to convince your friend to report him to the police, before he hurt any other people. May be your friend need some counceling too. [/B][/QUOTE] Lotus has the right idea completely. This guy definately needs to be punished.
  22. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    cryad: i just used a water attack, what clan do you think i'm from. this is going to be a long journey
  23. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    *tiamat leaves* cryad: i am solely looking for the sword. As we all should be doing.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B] [color=darkblue][size=1] Whoa... Thats really incorrect. He was ALWAYS fat. Dude there is no north, south, east, or west kai. Only the other world Kais... That entire post is incorrect.... Basically or 3/4 of it..[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] The east,west, north, and south kais do exist. "king kai" is the north kai, the others were shown when goku fought in the tournament. Then there is the grand kai, and lastly the supreme kai. And when the buu story was told to the z fighters, the supreme kai said that another kai(i didn't catch a name) died fighting bibidi.
  25. Darkness

    Gaian Warriors

    *cryad calls tiamat to his side* cryad:[SIZE=3]tsunami's pride!!!!!!![/SIZE] *Both warriors pause* cryad: can't you see that this fight is pointless? Pay attention to the task at hand. I have no time for this nonsense. You can kill each other if you want, but what good will it cause?
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