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Everything posted by Darkness

  1. Actually I'd have to go with BabyGirl on this one. She has the right idea! And for all you rosypalmers out there, I ask this question: Why do for yourself what someone else can do for you? As much as I like to ....ummmm "engage" with a mutual friend, it's not always that easy (especially when your roomate is always home), so I usually write in my songbook.
  2. It'll stop calling you a newbie when you get to 250, then you'll be a junior member. Then it's 500 to be a member and 1000 to be Otaku. Beyond that I couldn't tell you. I think at 2000 you are extreme and at 3000 and above you have no life(heck, no pun intended). Anywayz, I would like to have one place just to download videos and other (legal) anime stuff. Far as I know, no one site covers it all. It would be nice, hell I'd probably even pay.
  3. [color=blue]....at the mirwell place..... [i]Seth and the flooder continue to fight. It seems that the flooder has an obvious height and strength advantage, but Seth doesn't seem to be breaking a sweat.[/i] Seth: (ducks under a sword swipe) You've got to be kidding me. There is no way that you could possibly be this slow. Flooder: (missing with another killing blow) Stand still midget! [i]Seth is clearly annoyed. He sidesteps a stab and disarms his opponent.[/i] Seth: (jumping back to a safe distance) I was going to kill you quickly. I tire of playing games with you flooder. [i] The flooder suddenly keels over in pain. Seth calmly walks over to him....... and grabs his face.[/i] Seth: Game over! [i]The metallic armband extends to cover Seth's hand. He digs his metal claws into the skull of the flooder and begins to feed off of his power. The flooder scream is heard by no one, but Rae can feel the pure terror behind it, even in her weakened state. When Seth lets go, the flooder's face is burnt off and his eye sockets are oozing out what must have been his brain. Seth's armbands both glow with energy for awhile and then fade to normal. He retrieves his swords, sheaths them, and runs over to Rae.[/i][/color]
  4. I think that he's asking if there is any evidence of Vegeta showing his "American" traits.
  5. I don't know if I could really appreciate the ones that are made from animes I haven't seen. Like the Kare Kano video (i have no idea).
  6. [color=blue] [i]Seth approaches the transport station's ticket booth[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seth: I need a ticket to Mirwell province. Service worker: No can do! The Mirwells have closed that line down, due to the missing princess. Seth: Well, what is the closest that you can get me? SW: There is a transport pad about 1 mile away. Seth: That works.(Pays the man.) SW: The pad is number 'P 48'. Seth: Thank you. (Heads towards the pad.) [i]He takes the pad to the location that the worker had mentioned. He immediately feels the flooder attack, even from this distance. Rae can't possibly take much more of this.[/i] Seth: (in a whisper) Hold on Rae-Rae, I'm coming. [i]He reaches out with his power and runs straight for the attacker... and shows him what soulreaders can do to flooders.[/i] Flooder: (reeling in pain) Wha.... Seth: I'm a soulreader, you're a flooder. We can do this all day or you can pull your weapon and attack me. (Seth pulls his two Katanas) Flooder: (unsheathing his broadsword) I don't know what business you have here, but you just caused your death! (He rushes at Seth and they meet swords.)[/color]
  7. [color=blue]....And he heard her cries. Seth: (stopping in his tracks) ...She needs me. Siren: Huh? Seth: Change of plans. I'm going to help Rae. That is more important than this. Are you coming? Siren: (thinks for a second) No. I'll do some crowd control here. Seth: Fine. (he touches her forehead) This is so you can guard your mind. Siren: (feeling a twinge of power) Thank you. [i]Without saying a word, Seth runs out of the complex toward the transport station[/i] Seth: It won't be much longer.......[/color]
  8. [color=blue]Seth suddenly just stops. Seth: Come with me. Siren: (a little confused) Okay. [i]Seth leads her into a bathroom. He places his hand on a certain spot on the wall and a large panel opens. They are weapons nside.[/i] Seth: This is one of my private stocks. (He picks out an extra katana and a pair of black gloves, which he puts on. Then he clamps some thin, but wide metallic armbands.) Siren: I don't even recognize some of these. Seth: They're from all over the known galaxy. Take your pick, we're going hunting.[/color]
  9. I just dl some ones that I haven't seen. Kryptonite-a gundam wing video, Don't speak-tenchi muyo(focus on ryoko),and Genie in a bottle-sailor moon (focus on sailor venus). None of them were bad. They in no way affect the order of my favorites.
  10. Yeah, I changed the thread title. I haven't seen the last resort one. Do you rank it above, below, or equal to the dedication to vegeta one?
  11. Out of the ones I have seen, linkin park-the ultimate dedication to vegeta- is my favorite. What are some other good ones that are out there?
  12. [color=blue]Seth: Where..is.. Slade!!!!!?!? Celest: What do you need him for? (Seth ignores her and runs toward where he knocked out Slade) Celest: What's his problem? Siren: He says that Slade is a traitor. I believe him. That soulreading stuff is pretty on-point. Celest: We gotta catch him! Seth might try to run him through! (They run after Seth)[/color]
  13. why would it be impossible?
  14. Come to mention it, I have seen quite a few animes at wal-mart. I hadn't even given it much thought. At NIU, we live and breath by wal-mart, so it kinda works out for me. If only I weren't a broke-college kid.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tien [/i] [B]Hm.....I'm guessing Dee and Kay must know random guy cause you wouldn't exactly believe someone you don't even know that he said something horrible about you. [/B][/QUOTE] No, random guy is a total stranger. What happened is that Dee asked my roomate and him confirmed it. He was covering his own ***, cause he figured that she was trying to see if he would lie. He is one of my best friends, but I have been suspect of him lately. When it comes to anything concerning girls, I know where his loyalties lie, and it's not with me. Gives me an idea for another thread actually......
  16. Siren staggers back and Seth catches her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue] Seth: What in the.... you alright? Siren:................ Seth:What the hell is going on around here? Oh hell. [i](Seth sits Siren down against the wall, closes his eyes and reaches out to Rae. She is unconscious at the time, but he can locate her. She is being taken back to the Mirwell clan. His mind races in a hundred different directions and he comes to one conclusion.)[/i] Seth: Screw the Crin for now. After this mess here is settled, I'm coming for you Rae. [i](He turns back to Siren, who is now rising)[/i][/color]
  17. Thanks for the words of wisdom Solo. I actually talked to Dee on the phone, Sunday night. I just sent Kay an IM a second ago telling her that I apologize and I'm really sorry. Now I'm done. I've done all that I can really do, so now I just have to wait and see how things play out. My only concern is that Dee likes to keep **** going, and will probably fill the other's head until she herself gets over it. She has caused me alot of drama in the past, and I value all of my friendships, but I realized today that if she never spoke to me again, I can't say that I'd be overly upset. I don't like unnecessary drama, and she likes to donate it generously(sp?). But I'd rather have everything work out foe the best, I just know not to let her mess around with me.
  18. Call the difference and say that it's fushcia (sp?)
  19. You're right. I haven't talked to Kay yet, because she is a fireball and I thought that letting her calm down would be good. Some time has past now (on thursday it will be a week) so maybe it's time. I don't know her all that good, so I have no idea how well my apology will be received. I'll IM her later.
  20. I talked to Dee, but haven't seen any true benefit yet. I'm not going to sweat over it, as I've done all I can do. As for Random Guy, I just wanted to smack him once, but I was extra angry about it before. I've calmed down now. I'd still ask him what exactly he got out of it, beside knowing that he messed up two friendships. I'm eager to see how he answers. But I don't swing at anyone unless I have a perfectly good reason (although slapping him once would give me a small taste of revenge). I'll let the "goes around comes around" rule take effect for now.
  21. Piccolo might not be Guru's grandchild at all. When Guru died, he gave his power to another. This could've happened before. Heck, you can kinda say that Kame is Piccolo's father since he created him, but you could also say that Piccolo is his own father, since he spit himself out as an egg, or you could say that........Darkness falls out the floor from exhaustion.
  22. Seth felt the backlash from all over the complex. Two intruders, one of the mind and the other physical. Then he sensed the malice of Slade's heart. Seth: (to himself) He doesn't normally slip like this. He must want to be caught. Oh hell, what do I do? Screw it! He runs out of his room with sword in hand. He sees Slade first.....and gives him the left hook of his life. Slade is knocked out cold. Seth: One down, Two to go. He runs down the corridor and sees that Celest is perfectly normal, he doesn't even pause and heads toward the rifle range. And finds nothing. Seth: Damn it all! I was too late! I'll find you Rae, I swear it.
  23. Well, here's what I did. I sent Dee an Im last night, like I said I would. I talked to her, clarified the best that I could and apologized. I was a man about it. I let her know that I value her friendship and don't want to lose it. It's all I could do. She is still mad, but I'll give it time to marinate, now that I've said my piece. Hopefully she'll get over it, but alot of girls are pretty fickle, so I haven't the least clue to how it will all turn out. I did what I had to do, and I'll leave it at that. I still have alot of pent-up agression, but trip or two to the weightbench ought to clear that up. Oh well, I tell you guys when something else happens! (Like if I run into Random Guy)
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Hmm........ well then.... sucks to be you! Sorry. Yeah, just clarify and soften the blow. And definately don't ignore the situation and avoid confrontations. Confront as soon as possible. That's really all I can offer in terms of advice for now. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, it does suck to be me right now. I'll think that I'll IM Dee right now and set up a time I can talk to her on the phone or something. (I'm in a school computer lab now, writing a paper.)
  25. My first name is Kevin. I read that it has Irish origin and means handsome :). My original last name is Martin (I have my stepfather's last name now) an I have no clue what it means.
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