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Everything posted by Darkness

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][/b] [color=deeppink]Nah, he's not ****ed. Darkness, I'd say that you should talk to both girls separately and explain the truth; disproving whatever the snitch told them that made them so mad. They should be reasonable enough to at least listen to what you have to say :)[/color][color=deeppink][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I can explain the truth, but thing is; it actually is the truth. All I can hope to do is clarify and soften the blow. Also, I forgot to mention that Dee is really brash and abrasive. It'll take me forever just to calm her down. I haven't known Kay for that long, so I don't know how she'll be. I just know that right now, as we speak, Dee is filling Kay's head up with every possible negative thought that she has (they live next door to each other).
  2. Oh yeah, believe me, if I see random guy anywhere on campus, I'm backhanding him. Hopefully, he'll swing at me so that I can whoop him and not get in too much trouble. Guys like that are usually sissys, so he'll probably run as soon as he sees me. (If he's smart.)
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i] [B]hmm.. im not sure, but how bout let them be pissed at you? i mean, it'll wear off, send an apology emailseperately to each of them or something. meh, im not much help.... [/B][/QUOTE] I would let it go, if it weren't for Dee. She's gonna be around as long as I am and she talks to most of my friends. The stuff that I said wasn't very nice, and the random guy made it sound even worse, and Dee is someone that I'll have to deal with. By leaving it alone, I run the risk of her badmouthing me to my other friends as well.
  4. Man o man, I've really done it this time. On Thursday night (Halloween), My roomate, some other friends, and I went out to a couple of costume parties. Well, these two girls that were with us both had a thing for me. Granted, it doesn't sound too sticky now, but let me introduce the alcohol. So we're all pretty trashed and dancing, my roomate is with one girl (we'll call her Kay) and I'm with the other (we'll call her Dee). Well, Dee starts making out with me right there. I'm not really feeling it and I stop her making sure the whole time that Kay never saw. (Kay is who I'm more interested in) So, the song changes and my roomate and I switch dance partners. In this case, it's just innocent dancing. The song end and I pull my roomate to the side and ask him what the hell to do. I break down the whole scenario and give my thoughts on the matter. Problem is that some random guy is off to the side eavesdropping on my whole conversation. Later on, he finds an opportunity to talk to Dee, and repeats everything that I said. None of us even know this guy, so I have no idea why he did it. Now I'm screwed. See, Dee and I messed around some last year, and she ended up being the cause of all my unnecessary drama. I told my roomate how I would rather not have to deal with her another year, and how Kay is only going to be here for a semester and that she is really the one I want. Well random guy made sure to tell his rendition of the story in a less than flattering light. He made me sound horrible, and now both girls are extra pissed at me. I knew that I couldn't have either one of them (they are friends afterall), but I still want they're friendship (which I'm am in a good position to lose). How the hell am I going to get outta this one?
  5. It's a good question. I honestly don't have any idea. I don't really bump heads with anyone anymore, so I can't say if I'm disliked by someone or not. But there is no secret who I am "dissatisfied" with.
  6. [QUOTE] [color=blue][size=1]They hardly ever do...actually no one on DBZ really show affection. Unless you count Master Roshi's perving on Lunch as affection:p I've always thought it was funny that Chichi worries so much about Gohan fighting, yet she doesn't seem to give a damn that Goku is fighting as well. And Goku is the one she should be most worried about...Gohan's the strongest fighter in the world. Oops I went a bit of topic...[/size][/color][/QUOTE] Actually, from time to time they do. One time that stands out is when goku was leaving to go the time chamber. There was a passionate embrace and I believe a kiss. (Although CN wouldn't show their faces:therock: ) She was concerned the whole time he was sick. I'm sure there are more that I just can't think of right now. ChiChi doesn't worry about goku fighting because he has been doing it all his life. Gohan has always been forced to fight since he was a child. It's just maternal instinct. Oh yeah, Gohan is the strongst in the world!!!!!!!!!
  7. Yeah, I guess the good is worth the bad when you put it that way.
  8. I've seen plenty uncut, subtitled Dragonball/z episodes before. I've been watching good ole' cartoon network lately, and I realize that they cut out alot. Is it always that bad? How significant is the stuff they leave out?
  9. Goku and Chi Chi actually do show affection. Bulma and Vegeta probably just have like wild, animal .......well you know. Everyone one is pretty well matched, if you ask me.
  10. I'm an executioner this halloween. First I wanted to be Roadblock from G.I. Joe but I couldn't find a black man's bald wig. Then, I want to be Slick Rick, I even had a sparklely eye patch, but unfortunately that is all I had. So executioner was my third choice. I have a faceless black mask, I wear all black, roll up my sleeves to let my muscles show, and carry around a fake double-sided axe that the girls down the hall painted blood on for me. I was so scary at a costume party last week, that I had to take off my mask so that people would talk to me.
  11. (in the other room Seth talks with Siren, but he has decided not to say what is really on his mind) Seth: I just wanted to check on your wound. The bandages I gave you should have sped up to healing process. Siren: They have, but I'm not 100%. I'm close enough though. Seth: Good. It was bugging me, so I wanted to know. Siren: Thank you. (He goes back to Rae.) Rae: This has gotten way easier. Hell, I'm almost done. Seth: Good. We have some info to share. Come into my room with me. Rae: Okay. (they walk to his room and he locks the door behind them.) Rae: What's wrong? Seth: Take my hand. (She does this and they focus on each other, then they automatically know what the other does.) (Talking mentally) Rae: I understand why you didn't tell Siren, She doesn't know how to shield herself. So you think you'll have to take out Slade? Seth: Yes. He is trying to trap us somehow. I won't do anything until right before his moment of betrayal, but I'll make sure that he doesn't hurt a single one of us. Celest, I'll leave in your hands. I'm not completely sure of what to do with her. You all know her better than I do, but believe me everything isn't right with her either. Oh, and watch it she has excellent shielding. Rae: She a mindreader? Seth: Yes and No. She has some power, but it's mostly borrowed. She has to recharge periodically, but I have no idea how. Rae: This is a headache. I'll watch her, she won't know a thing. Seth: Yes. At least we know about the cloaking devices. Rae: True. It's the same thing that this guy used to get in the complex before, according to the book. But, we can't go exactly by this book. Seth: Why? Rae: It's tainted. Certain things don't connect, the style of writing becomes different in certain places, and somethings really just don't make any sense. Seth: So it's all to make us end up in a bad place with bad plans. Rae: You sent Slade to map out what he could right? That probably wasn't the best move. Wait! I know the complex front to back! Seth: Yeah, it's a little gift from an old friend of mine. She is watching out for me. Rae: Good. Get ready to show your best moves. Traitors shouldn't come out alive. Seth: My sentiments exactly. (They open their eyes and feel a moment of heat) Seth: (smirking) Let's get prepared.
  12. Seth comes to the couch where Rae ans Siren are. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seth: Siren, I need to talk with you. Siren: Okay, but first please help with this book of yours. Rae: Yeah, I can't make any sense out of this dumb thing. Seth: (Touches the book) What the..... It's cloaked! Rae: What? Seth: I don't know why she.... well, whatever. Here give me your hand. (She does) Close your eyes and feel me. Siren: ....Uhhhhh, you guys want me to leave? Seth: ha....ha.... Shut up. Now concentrate. (Rae does what he says and then looks at the book again. This time it's much easier for her.) Rae: What did you do? Seth: It's a soulreader trick. With this trick, you can leave the essence of confusion on an item. It is meant solely to drive mindreaders crazy. Try again, I've killed the essence. Siren: Now what is it that you have to tell me?..........
  13. (Seth goes to the table and starts to comtemplate) In Seth's mind: Something's not right. I didn't notice it before, but Celest is up to no good. How she shielded herself so well is a mystery, but it won't be much longer. Poor Elise, so many secrets. I'm glad our souls touched one last time. Now I know all that she knows. This whole ploy is a very intricate setup. Slade hasn't seen even a fraction of my abilities or my power. I've been shielding my mind with thoughts of revenge against the Crin to the point where he thinks that I'm consumed. I'm not, but there is no way he'll know. I need to figure out his exact plan or I'm screwed. If I can't decide what he's really up to, I'll kill him before the mission starts and then replan it. I not fond of killing for no reason, but betrayal is good enough. Now what do I do about Celest?....I'll tell Siren. Seth: Siren! I need to talk to you.
  14. Sorry, no snowflakes here. I just want some clothes and maybe some new tires for my car. *edit* Actually, I take it back. I clicked on the otakuboards sign and saw the snowflakes. Problem is, Darkness stayed online while his alterego(me) was a temporary guest. That doesn't quite make me feel good.
  15. In alot of situations, there is no wrong or right.....only people's ideals.
  16. Seth: Go fix yourself a plate, lazy! Siren: I figured that I'd feel as good as Rae, if you fixed it for me. Rae: Ha....Ha... (throws a biscuit at Siren) (Everyone is laughing except for Seth, who is busy eating. By time everyone stops, he is nearly done with his plate.) Slade: Whoa! Slow down soldier! Seth: Can't, I have to meet with someone this morning. (swallows his last piece of food and starts to get up.) Rae: Your contact? Seth: Yeah. She's an early bird. If I'm not at the dove in like 15 min., I won't catch her. Slade: You better hurry. Seth: I'm out. (He leaves for the Black Dove) (10 min later........) Elise: Bout time you showed up. Seth: Sorry babe, I overslept. Got anything to help me with my dilema? Elise: This is the best I could do. (hands Seth a book) Seth: Ouch, translations? Elise: It'll take some time, but you'll get it together. Seth: Thanks, I really needed this. (he gets up to hug her goodbye) (She tries to kiss him) Seth: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whats all this? Elise: Why can't it be like old times? Screw the rules. Seth: Those rules were made for a reason. Elise: So we won't breed. Seth: You make it sound so primal. Look it's a risk we shouldn't take. Elise: There's someone else! Your soul reeks of it. Seth: .....Yes. There is. (Elise's jaw drops and Seth turns his back on her. As long as it has been he still can't stand to see her sad. She turns him around.) Seth: You know that we never could be together. Necreen rules say that we shouldn't be meeting now and two hybrid soulreaders "breed" psychopathic killers with powers. You know that we can't. Elise: (looks at him through teary eyes) I know. It's just.... Seth: No more. From now on, we don't know each other. Elise: (she nods and walks out of the Black Dove) Seth: (looking at his book) Rae can decipher this. Mindreaders are usually good at this kind of thing. (He heads back to base.)
  17. Darkness

    Jackass The Movie

    I've seen BBC before. The humor over there is different and most of the time I really don't find it funny. Jackass is the best baby!!!!! It's a culture thing.
  18. (Seth wakes up to the smell of good cooking and the sounds of people in the kitchen) Seth: (wiping the sleep out of his eyes) YAAAAAWWWWNNNN!!! I wonder when breakfast will be ready? I guess I'll stretch and take a quick shower. (He stretches, takes his quick shower and ends up getting to the table just as the food is ready.)
  19. I write in my songbook. It's one of the things that truly calms me. Otherwise, I try to drown my sorrows in fun.
  20. Well yeah, I guess it's what you make of it. I just don't think it can be defined. It's more of a perception of what's in the mind of the person thinking about it.
  21. Question for you BabyGirl: You're in college now, right? Do your two friends go to your school also? If so, observe them at, let's say the middle of next semester. I'm on year number 4 of college and I have seen quite a few people change their opinions after being around so many people that are exactly the opposite of what they have experienced. Hopefully, they are not too close-minded to see what is in front of them.
  22. I don't think anything is wrong with poking a little fun, because of a stereotype. Like I said, some of them do have some truth to them. Thing is, you have to know your time and place. Joke or not, it can still be a form of disrespect, depending on what extreme you take it to. We're joking around and you say something about black people and fried chicken or something, I won't care. Hell, chances are I'll be laughing too. My friends and I do it all the time. You come in my area straight telling n***** jokes, and we're gonna have a problem. As for accusing people of being something they're not: If you're refering to me, I'm just going off the first post. BabyGirl, you said that your friends don't really like Black people, and you later go on to say that you're starting to agree with them. You never said that you were beginning to share their opinion of stereotypes, just that you were starting to share their view. I may think that a couple of individuals here are bitter, but no one has struck me as a racist. I'm sorry if that seemed implied, it wasn't my intention.
  23. I not really sure I'm allowed to do this, but here is the poem I wrote. I just think it really applies to the subject, so I'm posting it. It's how I think about 'normal' (which doesn't really exist). If it's a problem, I'll delete it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MY SADNESS Since I was young, I'd alway try to be myself - but now I know that people won't understand unless you act like something else. Everywhere you look people preach about individuality but those have it are on the outside, punished for their special personalities. If you're quiet - you're stuck up/ outgoing - then you're fake/ smart - then you're strange/ sometimes I wish someone else would take my place. Only two truly understand me, my friends they'll always be. And the rest are nice to have around me, but they can only see.... so much, who would guess that someone like me could feel so out of touch. This is my sadness. A story in my eyes that most will never know, maybe I'm too complex, maybe I should let it go. Give up who I really am and what I really feel to be part - part of the crowd; something far from real. I tried it once/ it didn't last, I have to be myself - same old me - deep old me. The best side of myself. Ironic how people act, only a few are tried and true, That's why hard to find, an open heart - an open mind, the ones who judge you based just on you. Those like me - those who are - those who know they should - those that can - those who will - those who wished they could - those who won't - those who can't - those who never will - A world that will never change, lest you be too still/ My enterprise, my compromise, my open mind, combine to make the sadness that is me. If happy's fake - this choice I'll make - sad I'll forever be.
  24. You ever read my poem "my sadness" in the poetry section? I broke this issue down the best I could. Check it out (it's kinda old now) but I bet that hardly anyone could argue with my view.
  25. [color=blue]I do believe that there is some truth in some stereotypes, but not in all. Like someone said earlier, alot of the stereotype material comes from popular media, which for entertainment reasons, usually takes things to the extreme. What bothers me about all this is that you (BabyGirl) mentioned that you are starting to lean their (your two friends) way. Whereas I don't know their reason (ignorant parenting, childhood tradegy, or whatever) for disliking Black people, I also don't know what reason you would have for accepting their hateful train of thought. Right now, I think you're one of the nicest individuals on the boards, and this simply surprises me. Regardless of stereotypes, national stigmas, etc. I figured that you of all people would judge someone based on how they act and what they do. I've always liked you, but frankly I'm disappointed.[/color]
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