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Everything posted by Darkness
The dream thing happens to me often. I don't usually mention it though, since I believe that almost everyone does it. The only difference is that I've actually changed an unpleasant outcome based on the knowledge of the dream.
A few years ago, my friends and I used to play laser tag alot. Before I took a clean shot on someone, I'd say 'lights out'. Kinda corny, kinda cool; but I started using darkness as my name when I registered for a game, so I use it now when I can. I use 'darksueno' for things that I can't use darkness for. Dark is obvious, the sueno part is dream. DarkDream. You like?
What OtakuBoards member are you? Take the test and find out!
Darkness replied to Mnemolth's topic in General Discussion
The first time, I was Anna. The second time, I was James. Not too bad off, eh? -
Seth: In the morning I'll talk to a couple of my "associates" and try to find if anyone reads Crin. Until then, I need some rest and relaxation. Slade: Understood. We should all get a good rest. (Everyone nods and walks off to the various places to sleep in the bunker, except for Seth and Rae.) Rae: We don't have much time you know. Seth: True. That's why we have to use the aggressive approach. (Seth goes to his room and Rae follows) Seth: Ready? Rae: As I'll ever be.[color=gray] (They sit across from each other, indian style, and press their flat hands together. Rae gives Seth a look that means go, and he closes his eyes. She does the same. They start to synch, but not like before. The first time, it was just a small touch to get acquainted, now it is an exploration of the deepest parts of their minds and souls. Once again, it is beautiful. Rae smiles as she sees his greatest victories and love of challenges. Seth also smiles as he feels her inner gentleness and feisty spirit. Then, it happens. They are both flooded with images of the others' fantasies and deepest desires. Visions play through their minds, showing the other their darkest pleasures and most vivid dreams. Not only do they see them, they feel them. This is what is meant by ecstacy. And like it began, it's over. She opens her eyes and shows her delite and pulls Seth closer. A bead of sweat rolls down his face as he wraps himself around her body. In his arms, she falls asleep from exhaustion. He looks at her faint smile, and goes to sleep also.)[/color]
(trying on the device) Seth: Feels kinda funny. (he suddenly disappears from sight) Hey, it works! Slade: (also invisible) It does feels odd. But this will be a good thing to have in the future. Celest: It takes awhile to get used to, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. We have to be crafty, so these will help a great deal. Siren, you try the other one. (siren disappears) Siren: I works for me also. Celest: Good. Now we can move around as we please. Seth: I have a plan. Siren: Shoot. Seth: This is a two part process. First, one of us has to go do a recon mission, so that we can get a good idea of how the complex is layed out. Slade: I can do that. Seth: Fine. While the recon is being run, I need someone to pick up these items (starts writing a list). These are the items I need to make.. Siren: Zarbombs. I've heard that they pack quite a blast. (looks at the list) How many of these do you plan on making? Seth: One for every level of the complex. Three of us with cloaks will plant one of these on every level of the complex, while the fourth, I'm assuming Siren, will make for the grand prize. Valentyne: What about us without cloaks? Seth: The two of you will go also, but you're waltzing into the front door. Here, take this. (Seth throws Rae a small flat plastic pad with adhesive on the back.) Seth: This is Acidia (acid de ah). You're going in under the guise of the daily cleaners. We'll make sure that the regulars have a "sick day". There will probably be an escort with you the whole time, but when we give you the signal, ice him. Then stick this pad on his body. It'll help when we're on the way out. Siren: How exactly do we get out? Seth: At a certain time, I'll hit the switch that sets off the bombs in decending order. When you hear the first one, start your escape. We'll have to fight our way out. That's the tough part. Celest: Yeah, cause when the first bomb goes off, the static will kill your cloaks. Seth: I figured. (looks at Rae) We have to finish synching sooner than planned. Rae: We'll start tonight. Seth: Yes. Everyone one else, get yourselves prepared. Slade does his recon in two days. That's when security will be the lightest. Slade: Their holiday. Seth: Exactly.
I liked zoids zero. (that's the one with the liger zero right?) I didn't really care for the chaotic century. But CN has really started to disappoint me.
Today on Maury: Midgets and the Men who love them. Guests: Gokou and Krillen; Majinbuu and Babidi; Kabito and Supreme Kai; Tien and chowsu (I know this is spelled wrong)
Seth: Good question. I really think that it's time we formed our plan and started to get to work. We have been wasting too much time here.
If you're a citizen of America and live in America, then you're American. American is defined by its unique "salad bowl" culture, therefore being an American can encompass many things. Be proud. Anyway, I'd like to start learning japanese. I might start next semester.
Seth: Just let it go for now. Trust me, I know these things. (Rae just looks at Seth and nods)
I just know that I have way more faith in FOX than I have in FUNimation. I don't believe that a live version of Dragonball (insert your letter here. or don't.) should be made at all. I just think that whoever does it is just going to screw something up.
Well, I used to get straight A's in high school. That drastically changed when I came to college. For awhile, I was average, but now I'm back to my normal self. I could even get a 4.0 this semester, if all goes well. [color=red]Northern Illinois University is the greatest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/color]
I know the symbol means different things to different people, but you have to keep in mind what it means to most. The majority of the populus is going to think "nazi" as soon as they see it. Heck, I do. I'm not saying ban it, I'd rather see you coming. As for hanging it in the living room to remember the past; do what you feel. No one really has the right to tell you what to do within the confines of your own home (leaving out the extremes). But if you invited me into your grandfather's home and I saw the swastika displayed proudly on the wall, I hope that you would have the courtesy to give some kind of explaination to at least soothe my concerns. Remember that this sign once represented one of the most horrible crimes ever.
Anime Akira, the best anime movie of all time?????
Darkness replied to Darkness's topic in Otaku Central
Okay Rick, what's your favorite? I'm dying to hear this one. -
I recently got Akira and am in the mist of finishing it. To tell the truth, I'm really not to impressed with it. Someone I know told me that Akira was one of the best anime movies ever. Do you agree or do you this that it's something else?
Well, I've been taken Spanish courses since I was a sophmore in high school. I'm a senior in college now so spanish is almost second nature. I'm not fluent, but I'm close. I am going to spain next semster so that I can become completely fluent.
[color=blue]Seth: (to himself) Good workout anyway, I guess I ought to hit the shower. (Seth goes into his room, sheds his clothes and eventually lets the hot water run down his body) Seth: I wonder why everyone is so cryptic? It's obvious that everyone has some kind of secret agenda, well everyone except Siren. Well, I won't let it bug me anymore, it's not like I won't know beforehand if someone is going to betray me. Soulreading can be a beautiful thing sometimes. (Suddenly Seth feels something reaching out to him. No doubt it's Rae, but she doesn't realize it.) Seth: Damnit! we're gonna have that wierd backlash crap. I wish that I had spoken to her about it before. If we don't get in synch, this will be a big headache. Hell, might as well start now...... (Seth closes his eyes and traces the faint power back to Rae) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ back in the kitchen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Rae moans with pleasure.) Siren: What the hell was that for? Rae: Seth. He's a soulreader. He must've felt some backlash, so he touched me. Oh my god, it was beautiful. Siren: I still don't understand. Rae: (still smiling) Sometimes when two people have powers such as ours, there is a clash, a sort of conflict of power. But if the two powers can learn to exist as one, the static disappears. Siren: Who said that Seth was a soul reader? Rae: What you just saw was him letting me know. It seems that we synch quite well, so it won't take too much time. Siren: From that look on your face, I don't think that you would care if it took forever. (Rae just leans back with a faint smile on her face and heads back to the kitchen.) Siren: This is going to be a long operation.[/color]
[color=blue](Seth watches Slade as he walks away. How could someone with so much turmoil on the inside be so insightful? Seth knows that Slade has been through alot; his "gift" allows him to see that much. It is obvious that Slade does not follow his own advice.) Seth: (half yelling to catch Slade's attention) Why do you do that to yourself? Slade: What? Seth: I can feel emotions, and I can feel power. Both of these, you have. I want to know why you have such turmoil inside. Slade: Necreen and soulreader? My, my, don't we have talent? Seth: My training required that I explore myself in both mind and body. I'm just lucky. Slade: If times ever got rough, a least you could be a gypsy. Seth: (dryly) Ha Ha. Now, back to the task at hand. I want to know what is going on with you Slade. Tell me what you get out of all of this. Only a fool would partake in this operation without having some kind of agenda. I can read souls, but mindreading is beyond me. Slade: But it's not beyond.... Seth: We can talk about her later. Now, spill it.[/color]
"Anyway, Mystic Gohan is not quite as powerful as Son Gokou. He is well beyond Super Saiya-jin 3 Gotenks, but inferior to Gokou in his SS3 form." Okay. This, I don't understand. Gokou was an even match for Fat Buu, who was much weaker than Super Buu, who in turn was getting dog walked by Mystic Gohan. True, Gohan couldn't handle Buu once he absorbed Gotenks and Piccolo(sp?), but Gokou couldn't either, until the boys fusion ended. When that happens, Gokou states that Gohan could defeat him without fusing. I just don't see any evidence of ssj3 Gokou being as strong as Mystic Gohan.
BabyGirl, Stormwing, and Raiha. BabyGirl because I can honestly tell that she's a great person. She can make you feel better just because you talked to her. Stormwing and Raiha because they are great RPGers. It's what I do the most and they make RPGs really enjoyable.
Seth: (sidestepping a jab) Contrary to popular belief, the Gatain don't really care for the necreen. The Crin actually had quite a few of the Gatain leaders in their pocket. My father was commander when the necreen assasin came to claim him.... When I was supposed to claim him. My master used a Gatain herb to put me to sleep and then went to kill father. They both died as a result; my father was a strong fighter. I was fed up with the crookedness of the "honorable" Gatain and I am also necreen, so I had two good reasons to leave. Slade: So why are you here? Seth: I crave the rush, plus I have the urge to eliminate as many crin leaders as I can in the process. Slade: Kind of like revenge for corrupting your father? Seth: Exactly.
Seth: Sure. Let's go. Do you want to go hand-to-hand or practice weapons? Slade: Hand-to-hand. It a better work out. (Seth walks over to the gym mat and starts to stretch. Slade does the same. They look up at each other and walk toward the center.) Slade: (smiling) Ready? Seth: (also smiling) Ready. (The session begins........)
Seth starts doing chin-ups and recalls his glory days as a necreen. The constant battles, the smell of death, the thrill of a challenge. This are feelings that he didn't get to experience anymore. Since the day that his master went off to wage war against Seth's father. Nothing had been the same. He remembers his regret. That should have his fight; the righteous son against the crooked father. The outcast 'necreen' vs. Commander Melcros. The Fight would have been magnificent. Still, like a father to his student, master put Seth to sleep and handled the task at hand. The Commander was slain, but so was his attacker. The necreen disbanded and Seth was never qutie right after that day. He'll always wonder what would have happened had he faced his father that day. Seth: (under his breath) I will honor your memory and complete your cause. The crin will suffer for corrupting my father. I will shake their entire race. Death is my only purpose.
Seth: (looking into his hands) And what, exactly, are these?
Seth: Maybe you will....If I decide not to kill you. You seem to be knowledgeable of the Gatain, so you must know what a necreen is. Slade looks at Seth with a look of defiance and understanding. The "necreen" or Crin-killers were an elite force that existed only to slaughter the Crin. Their skills were fierce, their bloodlust unequaled. They had disbanded, but no one knew who the members were. To meet a necreen meant death for most, but Slade knew that he was not most. Seth: You now know my secret. I won't doubt your skill. (The two give each other a look of respect and Seth walks to his toward his workout area. They now realize that a fight between them would be glorious,but wouldn't have a victor) Slade: (to himself) and there's no point in us both dying.