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Everything posted by Darkness

  1. Darkness

    Mr Deeds

    Not as funny as Little Nicky?????? Little Nicky was easily the worst of all of the Adam Sandler movies. But anyways, Mr.Deeds was okay. It was more of a regular movie, not really Sandler style. That doesn't mean it was bad though, just not the "stupid funny" Adam that we all know and love.
  2. I love most of the stuff that is shown on Adult Swim. The humor is more grown up, so it's fun to watch. Whoever hasn't seen it is missing out.
  3. I was talking to my roomate about the lady (I don't know her name) who recently qualified for the PGA tour. We ended up having a good conversation about double standards, particularly in sports. I had never thought about it this way, but I felt that he made a good point. The fact is that a lot of women want to play in the men's league and say that they're equals, and etc. But if a man( not saying that he would) wanted to play in the women's league of the same sport, the argument would be made that he was stronger, faster, more powerful, or whatever than any of the women, and this would be unfair. My roomie went on to say that this was a double standard. I agree. It was something that I had never thought of this way, but now I see exactly what he means. [color=red] After reading this, how do you feel about it?[/color]
  4. The fact that there are no returns makes "hello kitty" a little creepy. That's no massager!
  5. Seth: Okay ladies, I'm Seth and I'll be your driver for tonight. Where to? Siren: Back to the room, It's time my friends and I discussed what we had planned to. Seth: Done.
  6. How many episodes of the ova were there? I've only seen what they have shown on the Cartoon Network, which was like 13 or 14 episodes. It seemed like there should more becuase of how the show ended.
  7. The thing that bugs me most is that the Sox first baseman and the ump just watched it happen. You may be on different teams, but you're a family when it comes to the profession. Neither one of them should have just stood there.
  8. Back in the motel........ Seth: I can tell that you're anxious to leave, you obviously have somewhere that you have to be. So here are your options: you can get dressed and let me help you or I can go to your meeting spot and have your associates come here........ (smirking) Unfortunately, either way you have to get dressed. Siren: Give me a moment to get my stuff on, and we'll go back to the diner. But tell me, why be bothered with me knowing that you don't have to? Seth: I am Gatain, afterall, honor is what we're known for. Plus, I have the feeling that I might be able to get some good bounties out of this. (Siren looks at him discerningly) Seth: Hell, I gotta eat. [color=red]Moments later, Siren is dressed and Seth carefully helps her to his vehicle.[/color]
  9. Siren: Who.....who are you? Seth: Seth, Seth Melcros. Siren: But why????... Seth: I've been chasing that one for awhile now. He's an assasin. I don't know why you were a target, but it makes no difference. (Siren tries to sit up but winces with pain) Seth: I've already cleaned and dressed your wound. You'll be fine as long as you take it easy. (Siren looks under the blanket and realizes that she's naked and blushes) Seth: (smiling) Sorry, but I had to. If it makes you feel better, I'll give you a show; just to make it even. Siren: (the blush gone) Maybe some other time soldier. Seth: Don't call me that!......I'm apologize. I'm a bounty hunter now; my days of being a soldier are long over. It's a long story. Siren: I see. Seth: So why don't you tell me what's going on.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]I saw 'the history of Trunks' in Japanese... @_@ I saw an ep of the fusion saga... dub... and... was.. fairly disappointed... The voices were just so..so.. @_@ anyway... back on topic. I dispise 'the tree of might.' It's 'down there' with Lord Slug...ick... My favorites are History of Trunks, Bardock, and.. hmm.. I forgots the name... >
  11. Name: Seth Melcros Age: 21 Clan: Gatain Height:5'8" Bio: After seeing the unnecessary bloodshed caused by his clan, Seth left the military, becuase he no longer felt proud to be a Gatain. He now uses his skills to be a bounty hunter, being executioner to those who use honor as a crutch. Persona:Fierce in his actions, but gentle with his words. Desc:Black hair, brown eyes, black cargo pants (military issue), dark gray shirt Weapons: Burners (small wrist units that are fitted with thin lasers and flame thrower) and sword (fire to a stranger's touch, will cauterize the wound instantly) Race:Hybrid
  12. As we all know now, ff11 will be online and interactive. But here is my concern. With the game being ongoing, do you think it will take away a certain element that the rest of the series has had? We are all used to the set storylines that have previously been given to us. With the game being ongoing, I can't think of how they can have a set storyline. Do you all think that this will really hurt the game?
  13. It hits come to home some time don't it? My roomate and I were walking with a couple of friends to a party on Saturday night. My roomate got bitten by a mosquito and we all began teasing him about catching the virus. Well, Monday morning when we woke up, he said he felt fatigued (sp?) and that he had a headache. Then he noticed that his bite was a tad bit larger than it should have been. I went to class, he went to health services, and we I came back he told me the news. He has the West Nile Virus. It only really kills old people, young children, and those with extra weak immune systems. The doctors told him that he would be fine but that he would have to take it easy for a few days. The only reason that he actually caught it was becuase he had been drinking for the previous three nights (well, we are college students!) It caused his system to temporarily weak. It seems to be more of a reality, since it has hit so close to home; but less serious to healthy people than it seems. So everyone take care of yourselves!!!!!!!
  14. Thanks! I actually went to a poetry reading at the library yesterday and read it to a sizeable audience. They received it well! I'm really happy about it. I'd never would've thought that I'd be a poet!
  15. This is my first attempt at poetry, so be easy on me. please! ~~~~~~~~~~~ MY SADNESS Since I was young, I'd alway try to be myself - but now I know that people won't understand unless you act like something else. Everywhere you look people preach about individuality but those have it are on the outside, punished for their special personalities. If you're quiet - you're stuck up/ outgoing - then you're fake/ smart - then you're strange/ sometimes I wish someone else would take my place. Only two truly understand me, my friends they'll always be. And the rest are nice to have around me, but they can only see.... so much, who would guess that someone like me could feel so out of touch. This is my sadness. A story in my eyes that most will never know, maybe I'm too complex, maybe I should let it go. Give up who I really am and what I really feel to be part - part of the crowd; something far from real. I tried it once/ it didn't last, I have to be myself - same old me - deep old me. The best side of myself. Ironic how people act, only a few are tried and true, That's why hard to find, an open heart - an open mind, the ones who judge you based just on you. Those like me - those who are - those who know they should - those that can - those who will - those who wished they could - those who won't - those who can't - those who never will - A world that will never change, lest you be too still/ My enterprise, my compromise, my open mind, combine to make the sadness that is me. If happy's fake - this choice I'll make - sad I'll forever be.
  16. I finally saw Angel sanctuary a week or two ago, and I'm sure that it could be the most twisted anime ever! I mean, there's cross-dressers, incest, God being cast in a pretty negative light; I could go on, but I want to know anyone who has seen it opinion! I'm want to know what YOU think of the concepts!
  17. [color=gray]Seth: So it's come down to this. Regardless of what she thought of me or what I thought of her, she should've realized that it was best for us to stay together. I have no desire to her die. She is just to pig-headed to figure it out. Valeigh: It's too late now, sleeping beauty. No point in beating yourself up over it. Seth: I know, but it bugs me. I'm not cocky or stand-offish, just a little arrogant. We all have our vices. Valeigh: True. But now it's time to move on. We don't have time to waste, plus we are now a weaker group. I hate to say it, but the chances of her not surviving are high. Seth:.......Valeigh, can you promise me something? Valeigh: what? Seth: That you'll stick around. Valeigh: ....of coarse I will! You better watch cowboy, you're starting to sound like you have a crush on me. Seth: (smirking) I thought you would have figured that out a long time ago.[/color]
  18. Sorry my computer is broken so I have to use the library. I'll try and be more frequent. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=gray]Seth: Here goes.... *He holds up the jewel and a blue light shines. The jewel eats through his chest. His wound heals almost automatically, but he is clearly drained. Lauren picks him up* Lauren: A little help here Valeigh? This guy isn't all that light. Valeigh: Put him on my back. I can handle the load most of the way. Just take his sword. Lauren: Okay. This thing is actually pretty light. (referring to the sword) Valeigh: I kinda figured as much. He moves pretty fast, so the sword must be suited for his movement. Come on, it's time to go. *They start to walk back to where the others are.[/color]
  19. [color=gray]Seth: it was one of the guardians.They were left by my ancestors to protect to jewel. Now I'm gonna jump in this stream and then perform the ceremony. This is gonna hurt. You don't mind carying me home?[/color]
  20. ....Then Seth moves in to deliver the final blow. [color=gray] Seth: I've been saving this one for you beast! Seth: BLOOD MOON![/color] *seth shoots a small amount of magic energy at the beast's chest. He quickly turns off his power, grabs his mage killer and jumps (blade first) at the beast. The void energy from the sword reacts with the magic from the soul and magic fills the air as the beast's body is ripped asunder. Seth lands on the other side of the beast and he is completely covered in blood.* [color=gray]Seth: You have died an honorable death.[/color] Seth grasps his newly acquired jewel and faces the others. [color=gray] Seth: Love that move-hate the mess. Let's find some water and head back to the others. Valeigh: Let's.[/color]
  21. .....and the beast simply roared with anger. Seth put away his sword and called upon melcros. His eyes glowed like the beast but in yellow. The beast rushed Seth, but Seth released a blast that could've killed most men. The beast was shaken, but not stopped. [color=gray] Seth: Anytime ladies! Lauren: Gotcha![/color] The beast easily dodges Lauren, but takes a solid blow from Valeigh's guantlet clad hand. [color=gray]Seth: Lauren, follow through! *she hears this battle command and plunges her firery sword into the leg of the beast. Blood goes everywhere as the limb is separated from the body.* Seth: My turn. *Seth (power seemingly growing in response to the blue jewel) walks to the beast and grabs him by the throat. He rips the jewel right from the neck. The beast howls with pain but is far from dead. Until Valeigh shows her rage.............[/color]
  22. [color=gray]Seth: One too many. The party will be Valeigh, Lauren, and I. Dark, I need you to stay here and with the mages, in case anyone decides to attack. All the warriors shouldn't be gone at once. Dark: Understood. Seth: Okay, gather yourselves. The last guardian tried to cook me with his fire. Just be ready for anything, I don't know what powers or forms this guardian will have.[/color] Seth pulls his sword and grips it tight. They walk about for about an hour to the west and the guardian decides it time for his next feed. A bright blue jewel is fixated in the neck of the large six-legged freak of nature and it's eyes glow with power. It sees it's prey and runs at them with a speed that betrays it's large form. It's two large claws are met by Valeigh's guantlet. [color=gray]Seth: It's time.[/color]
  23. [color=gray]Seth: Wait. I can feel it. Voltage: What the hell are you talking about? Seth: (totally ignoring her) I need two of you. The second soul is near. Who will come? Valeigh: Shouldn't we all go? Seth: The rule of three, only three can fight the guardian or the jewel will kill all. The soul calls me. WHO WILL COME? [/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  24. Noticing that everyone is falling asleep, Seth goes off a little ways, sits against a tree, and stares at the moons. [color=gray] Seth: (to himself) Why did they have to die? I did everything that I was supposed to do, and I still couldn't save them from the mages. My brother and sister; the only family that I've really ever known.[/color] The tears start to flow down his face, as he recalls that day vividly. He remembers the smoke that was coming from what used to be his home. He can taste the blood from when he slaughtered the mages. But most of all, he sees the look on the face of his dead sister. The pure terror in her eyes, changed Seth forever. That's why he hates mages, that why he left his family to go search for the sword. But in the end, it was too late. He has to live with the pain forever, but never again will he let another mage destroy what he holds dear. But tonight he weeps for himself, his tears of pain stop only he when falls asleep.
  25. I beat the game using dart, rose, and miranda. I just used miranda to do the healing, and Dart and rose to deal out the damage. Right before you fight the last boss, they give you new weapons for both miranda and rose, so I figured that they were trying to tell me something. It's not even a hard fight, just try to make the best use out of your dragoons.
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