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Everything posted by mushrumluver

  1. Name: Renz Xandria Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Human Physical Features: His Right eye looks like a snake eye. Upon using it He can strike Fear into anyone. Height: 5'7 Weight: 145 lbs Eye Color: Left Eye is Color Blue while the other is Color Crimson Hair Color: White Place of Origin: White Fires Empire Appearance: He always wears a mask which covers most of his face, and he covers his right eye with a special talisman in which the Chinese character "Seal" is written on it. the talisman is connected with his blue headband. His Body is somewhat similar to a sexy lady except he has no breast and has a flat behind. Loyalty: Iris Personality: He is often laid back and doesn't care for everyone except to whom he cares most. He is sometimes deceitful when it comes to outwiitting his opponents and will do anything to protect the one who he cares for which at this time he doesn't have that special person Weapons: A Short Sword Wraped with Bandages on its handle and attached to Renz' Right arm Short History: 6 years ago, His brother Ralian cursed him with the snake eye in which has put him to a trauma for 6 months. To relief himself from the curse he wraps his eye with a powerful seal in which there is a special requirement for him to use that power, He has to give up his sight gradually everytime he uses that. If his sight has already gone and still uses that power he has to give up his life.Now he has sought vengeance to what his brother did to him. Magic Type: Psyonicists
  2. I kinda like the 4th OP of Full Metal Alchemist and the 7th OP of Naruto for the ending theme songs i like the 2nd ending song of Gensomaden and Tsuabasa Chronicles
  3. [CENTER]****[/CENTER] Legends told that whoever could kill the God of Destruction is considered to be the most powerful entity in the entire world. However no one could kill Him and people began accepting their fates to be destroyed when the time comes. Hope in this world has been lost and no one has ever stood up to bring hope again. As time passes by people forgot about that legend and without any idea the profecy is about to come. It was once told that there are 6 crystals , once used unitedly it can stop the profecy from happening. However those crystals were lost and never been found. Those crystal were called E-Souls which are separated into Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light and Darkness. Due to the long time that has passed the profecy was forgotten and people lived normal lives, but still others believe in the profecy and tries to find the greatest hero that will come. And because of that The Capital City established 3 guilds namely: Swordswall- a militaristic guld who trains its members to become swordsmen and archers. Mystelayne- a mystical guild who trains members to become sorcerers, alchemists, and summoners. Celestia- a guild governed by faith which trains members to become priests, and excorsists. These guilds were formed in order to preserve the world and defend it when the time comes. However conflicts comes across these guilds and instead of doing their true mission they tend to fight each other to show who is the better guild and who has the right to be the world's protector. ================================================= Char. sign up format: Char. name: Age: Gender: Weapon: (name and description)(description can be enough) Race: (elven, human, dwarf) Appearance: (includes hair style and color, what does your char. luk like or simply attach a picture of your char.) Special Characteristics: Personality: Guild: Job: (note: the job you'll be choosing must be under the guild's jurisdiction) Bio: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================= Note: if you've decided to become a sorcerer please include what element will you be using I'll start to give a sample Char. name:Akihara Torou Age: 15 Gender: Male Weapon: Avatar of Steel ( a weapon which looks like a thick katana which can shapeshift into any weapon according to the wielder's choice) Race: Human Appearance: Torou except he doesn't hold a gun and with the bullets and has a sword sheath on his back Special Characteristics: none Personality: Silent and mysterious. He prefers to be alone and seeks to sought power no matter the cost Guild: Swordswall Job: Swordsman Bio: (i'll do the bio next time) OCC: If there are suggestions you guys want to make please tell me [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]Please do not double post; I have merged them into one post. If you need to add something to a thread and you were the last to post, just hit 'edit'. Thank you. - OzymandiusJones[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. If i was an anime char. i would like to be Naruto because he often gets treated by sir Iruka with a bowl or two of ramen and i luv ramen and his kage bunshin no jutsu, oiroke no jutsu and harem no jutsu comes in very handy... :animesmil
  5. Legends told that whoever could kill the God of Destruction is considered to be the most powerful entity in the entire world. However no one could kill Him and people began accepting their fates to be destroyed when the time comes. Hope in this world has been lost and no one has ever stood up to bring hope again. As time passes by people forgot about that legend and without any idea the profecy is about to come. However it was once told that there are 6 crystals , once used unitedly it can stop the profecy from happening. However those crystals were lost and never been found. Those crystal were called E-Souls which are separated into Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light and Darkness. An academy, named Gaia's Faith Academy, was established to train young men and women in order to protect the world when the time comes. Here students were taught how to fight, use magic, and etc. The Academy is divided into 3 crests which are Sword, Arcane, Faith and each are also divided into sections. In the Sword crest the levels are Swordsman, Knight, Paladin. In Arcane the levels are Mage, Wizard, Sage. In Faith the levels are Acolyte, Priest, Bishop. The Head Paladin, Head Sage and Head Bishop are strolling through the hall way ,which is located in the garden, After they have reached the Flower Stadium the Head Sage began to talk Head Sage: I heard there are some promising students who have enrolled this year. Head Paladin: I know... However that doesn't mean that they could stop the profecy Head Bishop: Relax... have faith in these children :animesmil Head Paladin: I hope so... After that they went into their respective Crests... OCC: this thread is under renovation...
  6. I live by the ff. quotes: a.) "One who runs is the one who needs to use the bathroom" :D b.) "Do good things and you'll be rewarded just don't expect to be rewarded, Do bad things and it'll come back to haunt you" c.) "You may please a many but not everybody, You may do many but not everything, Everyone has his/her own limitations, know your own so you can live your life without pressure" d.) "Be thankful in all things because they make you complete as a person"
  7. Well.. mine is a half demon half human living as a normal person because someone sealed his memories to prevent him from remembering who he really is... this person's name is Aluchart ( I know his name is like CastleVania's Alucard). Upon knowing this information he goes on a journey to find out who he really is. Along the way he meet some friends and foes and mostly foes, however that didn't stop him. And During his quest he found himself in the Hotseat of the most powerful Entity in the world (that guys not a god)...
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