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RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
mushrumluver replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
"Sensei, I remember when you said that there was one person who was able to survive that tower. And the Mizuki sempai doesn't know about that story. could it be that the one you're talking about is you?" Shinrei asked while heading towards the tower. Ishtar first felt shocked of Shinrei's discovery. "If you don't want to talk about it it's ok." -
"Not bad, not bad. but you forgot that I still have a defense crippling monster as long as it is face down. And your life points is quite low after my last attack." Destine said as his Life points went down to 3900. "My turn, Draw!" Destine suddenly smirked. "I activate Book of Moon! with this card I can flip one face up monster on the field to face down defense position. And with Sasuke Samurai's effect I can destroy any monster card in face down position regardless of their defense power and also it will not activate any flip effect. Smash Deepsea Warrior! I'll give you another shot so I won't attack you this turn and I'll end it as well your turn. You're not making some progress Adamu and I don't like how are you dueling right now." Destine said while placing his hand inside his pocket.
"Huh?" Gensis wondered and quite confused about the alarm sounding. Xilea on the other hand was panicking from what is happening. "What the hell is going on?" Gensis said while taking Xilea to where the source of the commotion is. "Where are we going?" Xilea asked. "There wasn't any smoke so there should be a prankster who did this." During the commotion, students were panicking and rushing towards the exit in a fast pace. While heading towards the source of the commotion, the students pushed Xilea away while panicking. "Xilea!" Gensis shouted as her hand let go of Gensis' hand. Gensis rushed to aid Xilea but the students were blocking his way. "out of the way..." Gensis shouted but his voice got drowned from all of the people shouting and panicking. "EVERYBODY CALM DOWN!!" Gensis finally had enough and shouted at the top of his lungs. After he shouted, the students slowly stopped panicking. "There is no fire since there isn't any trace of any smoke. Now out of the way." Gensis slowly approached Xilea who was sitting on the floor quite messed up. "Are you ok?" Gensis asked "I'm ok... a little bruise here and there but it's ok." Xilea responded with a small smile. "Whoever did this commotion certainly needs a punch." Gensis angrily said. "Don't! As long as I'm ok there is no need of you to resort to violence because of me." Xilea pleaded to Gensis. "Ok..." They then both stood up and went towards the nearest fire alarm. While running, they saw Ryumo and Galian.
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
mushrumluver replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
Shinrei sat on the window edge still thinking about the tower. "My bracelet The Eye of Susanoo could be in there. However I don't want the others to find out about that bracelet. Our enemies already possess one of the godly jewels. If they were to possess two then it will be the end." He then stared at the bright night sky. "The three godly jewels..." he sighed while remembering the time when The Eye of Susanoo was given to him. "There are three Godly jewels and one of them is in your possession. this is the eye of Susasnoo." his mother said while handing him the bracelet. "There are other two namely the Heart of Amaterasu and the Mind of Tsukiyomi. Like our clan, there are also guardians of the said jewels and you're the one chosen to become the guardian of this Jewel." After that his flashback ended. "I really need to confirm it." Shinrei said as he got down from the window edge and walked out of the room. While goind down the stairs, he noticed Ishtar outside and was drinking tea. He grabbed his sword and proceeded outside. -
"Having three cards face down on you spell and trap zone and your still playing defense? Heh! It seemed like there was an error in the records." Destine mocked Adamu. "My turn! Draw! I activate Pot of Greed. I'll now draw two cards from my deck. "Let me tell you that there is at least one non-Warrior type monster in my deck yet it can pack a punch. I summon Mirage Dragon(ATK: 1600 | DEF: 600 Description: "While this card is face-up on your side of the field, your opponent cannot activate Trap Cards during the Battle Phase.") in attack mode. using grandmaster ninja sasuke's effect I can destroy a monster card in face-up defense monster but he can't attack anymore. I'll then smash your third soldier." Destine said "I really don't know why they had given you the title best duelist if this is all what you got. Are you ready for my attack?" Destine again mocked Adamu. OCC: sorry for the continous mocking and powerplaying a bit. It's just his way of testing Adamu to give out his full strength. :animesmil
"Sorry. I'm very sorry that I can't be as brave as the one you call Naru. I'm sorry that I can't fulfil your expectations that I'm just like him. I'm very sorry." Inaru apologized while kneeling in front of Sora and the others after showing up after the fight against Baal. "It's ok." Misha said while tapping Inaru's shoulder. " We just realized that you and him are different, even though you two look alike and somewhat have the same names." Inaru was quite relieved of what Misha said but he was still uncomfortable with what the others think about him.
OCC: I know its my fault for not giving the complete effect of Sasuke Samurai that I can destroy any face down defense monster. Oh well let's just leave it be. "No matter how defensive you are, you can't win with just defending yourself. Draw! This is pretty good card against your defensive monster. I summon GrandMaster Ninja Sasuke (ATK: 1800 DEF: 1000) As long as thic card attacks a face up defense monster. It will destroy that monster without damage calculations, but before I attack I'll set a card face down. Now GO! Smash Giant Soldier of Stone then the rest of my monster attack Adamu directly."
"That guy? who's that guy?" Gensis asked Xilea. "All I know is that one of them is an X" Xilea said in a low tone. "an X? you mean a nobody?" Gensis surprisingly asked. "Yes." "It can't be Galian since he's been here for quite a time and there is no reaction happened to him except the part when he was engulfed by the darkness. In Ryumo's case, he just arrived here during the time when the academy had severe attacks. If a nobody is here that time then why didn't anyone sensed it? It took another nobody to sense a nobody." Gensis said. "I'm not like them!" Xilea suddenly reacted and droplets of tear slowly fell down her cheeks. "I know you are different from those nobodies." Gensis said while hugging Xilea to comfort her. "I won't allow us to separate anymore, even it means completing you." Gensis whispered to Xilea's ear. "thank you, but is it ok to lie about our relationship that we're cousins?" Xilea asked Gensis while backing him off a bit. "It's ok. That way, we can avoid any scandals." she then held Gensis' hand on the bed and slowly moved her lips nearer and nearer to Gensis' lips. By the time they about to kiss, the bell rang informing students that the class will start soon. "I guess we'll have to postponed this until later." Gensis said while smiling. "Let's go." he said while pulling Xilea's hand up. "Where are we going?" Xilea asked. "To class, afterall you are now a student of this academy. I'll introduce you to my friends." After that they both left the room and proceeded to class.
"my turn Draw! I summon Sasuke Samurai (Atk: 500 Def: 800) With the effect of Sasuke Samurai, I can attack your defense monster withour activating its flip effect or calculating its battle damage. GO! Sasuke Samurai destroy that card. And after I destroy that card I'll send Warrior Dai Grepher to attack you directly." Destine said with a smile on his face.
"Is that so..." Destine said with a weak smile on his face while shuffling Adamu's deck and Adamu shuffling his deck. They both placed their respective decks into the deck holder of the duel disk. "Ok then... I think we're both ready then let's start." "DUEL!" Both of them shouted. "I'll take the first turn. Draw!" Destine drew one card from his deck. "I'll play this card first. I summon Warrior Dai Grepher (Atk:1700 Def: 1000) in attack position and I set one card face down. I end my turn."
Destine saw Adamu and Ceres going out of the Ra dorms. "that girl... according to some rumors, she's the one who can see duel spirits. If that is so then they already know that I was coming." Destine said with a small smile on his face. The two approached Destine and asked what is he here and why is he also holding Adamu's records. "Hmm.. Your Adamu Kasatan right?" "yes." Adamu said with a nod. "according from these records, you are the best duelist last year. And I want to see if your skills are fitting to be in the Obelisk." Destine suddenly stopped talking. He took out a duel disk and fitted it in his arm and he opened his deck case and placed his deck onto the deck holder. "I just want to see if the records are true, if it is ok with you then. by the way my name is Prof. Destine"
Inaru has hidden behind the bushes. "I should hide here to be safe." Inaru said frightenedly. While watching Sora, Misha, Roger and Taiyo fighting the demons and getting outnumbered, he suddenly felt sorry for himself because he was hiding while the others are fighting. "What should I do I don't want to die here." Inaru said while looking on the ground. "If I fight then I could die, if I stay here then I'm safe but..." inaru suddenly stopped talking. He at first took out his sling shot and checked the area for some ammunitions. But he later chickened out and decided again if he would fight or night.
Destine walked towards his office. Upon entering his first noticed the pile of paperwork that must be done as soon as possible. "I never thought that I still have to do paperworks." Destine sighed. He then sat down on his chair and grabbed a pen on his desk. "These are records of students who are candidated to be Obelisk Blues the next year." He said while looking at the students. "Adamu Kasatan, Ceres, Karzar" He said the names one by one while looking at their records. "Adamu Kasatan. Top student of Slipher Red during last school year. Quite an interesting guy." Destine said as he stood up and went outside his office and headed towards the Ra Yellow dorms while holding Adamu's record.
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
mushrumluver replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
"There are many mysteries in this town, but this one is what I need to know. That feeling is keep on bugging me. If my hunch is correct, that tower manifests the same energy that my bracelet does. I really need to check that out. But If I do, I may jeopardize the whole mission." Shinrei thought to himself. He then stopped and without noticing the group has already left him behind. "Now I'm alone. I could do this investigation myself. However they might worry about me and may probably send one of them to look for me. I really hate this." Shinrei silently decides while biting off his thumb nail. -
"Oh! I just remembered that I have to tour Xilea around the campus. Sorry for leaving so soon. I'll hear your story some other time." Gensis while waving the others goodbye. "Let's go Xilea." He said while holdi ng her hand and leaving the area. The others then got their attention back to Jasmine. Gensis started the tour from the front gate. He first showed her the hallway then the cafeteria. He next showed her is the classrooms and the faculty rooms as well. He then showed her the training grounds. Lastly he took her to the dormitories and towards his room. "So this is your room, quite comfy and cosy." Xilea then sat on the bed. Gensis went to the fridge and and took out a pitcher of cold water. "Thirsty?" Gensis asked Xilea. "Nah..." Xilea while she laid down the bed. "Before I forgot, I know when you react, there is something wierd. And you reacted when we passed by Galian and Ryu... whatever his name is. Is there something wrong?" Xilea was first silent, after a few minutes she began to speak. "Well it is because of that guy."
[B]1. What religion are you CURRENTLY following? If you don't have one, then why?[/B]In terms of religion, I am a catholic by name but only by name. I really don't believe in the Bible for several reasons. One is has been edited and revised for many many times. Two some of the stories there are utmost impossible to happen. Like Blair_Vampire said, the christian believe that they have the right and superior religion. Believing in a religion for me is fine but condemning other because of difference in religion that is definetely not ok. [B]2. Why do you follow that religion? Parents, personal reasons, etc?[/B] For the second question, I don't follow any religion. I follow my own principles. They could be depicted from other religions but what the heck they are just principles and religions don't have the right to claim a principle as their own. [B]3. Do you ever feel that people often critisize you because of these beliefs?[/B] Nah it is because that I keep these beliefs to myself and not let others know about it. [B]4. This one may spark a little bit of arguing: Do you believe that your religion is the one true religion? If so provide evidence.[/B] Like I said, there is no true religion. They are stories told by influencial people who made it real-like in a sense that it grabbed the attention of many people. It was a big thing in the past because it did showed them a way of life, but now I personally believed that all people are capable of thinking for themselves and what to do without anyone telling them what to think and do.
After reading Chapter one and what's done in chapter two, I kinda like the story for two reasons. One is the mystery why do they want to keep that girl from remembering. It adds suspense and curiosity. Two is what happened to the two guys. From being friends to becoming not friends at all. Sorry if I forgot their names, because I'm not really good at memorizing names. For the artwork, It's cool, nice and not painful for the eyes and mind. I really admired people who can draw that well, since I myself can't do it like that. The not painful for the eyes and mind part is the scenes are understandable and their actions are easy to understand. Keep it up and I'll look forward to this manga's ending. ^ ^
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
mushrumluver replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
"Heh! for villagers they seemed pretty intimidated by random hand signs." Shinrei said while laughing. "Huh?" Shinrei suddenly sensed something which stopped him from laughing. "That feeling..." Shinrei slowly faced forward and he saw a tower-like building in the middle of the city. "This feeling is like when I'm wearing my bracelet." Shinrei then faced to Ishtar. "What's inside that structure?" he said while pointing the tower-like structure. -
"Oh! me? I used to live in the desert town of Fort Londre. That place used to be a military establishment, until they decided it to become a bustling desert city. After that, we moved to another place. It was the town of Jehova. A village located in a mountainous region. However things didn't really got good there so we had to relocate again. Our next stop was the city of Derafford. Years later after our settlement, my father became a rich business man. At first, I thought that this will be our home but..." Gensis suddenly stopped. "hmmm?" everbody except Xilea wondered what will Gensis say next. "But he came. I don't know who he was or his intentions. He just came and 'massacred' my father and my mother. By turning them into heartlesses and killing them afterwards." Gensis said while clenching his fist. Xilea held his arm trying to comfort him and after a while Gensis calm down and continued his story. "Thanks. Afterwards, that is... that is when Xilea here and her family decided to help me and they enrolled me here in the academy." "At first I only thought about revenge and believing that the academy will help in doing so. Years later, I realized that the strength I have isn't as strong as the one who killed my parents. After that the rest of my life revolved in this academy. Well that's that for me." Gensis smiled after speaking.
"what the hell is happening? The Society of Light is returning here as a new dormitory and will be locted beside the Obelisk dorm. "Destine grumblingly said while walking outside the academy and heading towards the Obelisk dorm. "I know that they are interested in great duelist and wanted those great duelists to join them. I also know what they have done. Why is the academy permitting them to reenter and establish a new dorm. Something's up and it kinda confuses me." Destine said as he was in front of the Obelisk dorm.
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
mushrumluver replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
"Before we go into formalities, let's just first beat up these guys." Shinrei said to theg group. They were surrounded by many people with an evil look and their eyes and carrying shovels and weapons. "Get out of this Village or else!" one of the villagers shouted. "What if we don't?" Shinrei boldly asked. "Then you'll all die." The people then grasped their weapons tightly. "Looks like you were right sensei. What shall we do? It is either negotiate with these people, knock them out or kill them." Shinrei asked Ishtar while grinning and expecting to kill or just beat up someone. -
"Oh yeah! I just remembered that my cousin is coming here for a while. I could introduce you to her and at the same time introduce myself. Wait here for a sec." Gensis said as he rushed towards the front gate of the academy. "He's late... He always like this." a young lady about the age of 17 said while shrugging her shoulders and leaning against the wall on the front gate. "Xilea!" Gensis running while waving his hands towards the young lady. "Sorry I'm late. There things that I needed to attend first." Gensis said while panting. "You're always like that. With that attitude how can someone like you?" Xilea said. "I have no idea..." Gensis said while scratching his head. "Well anyways, You know that I'll be staying here for a while as an exchange student and I don't know the place so you're the one responsible in guiding me here." Xilea smilingly said. "Ok..." Gensis said with a low voice "As if I have a choice." he whispered to himself. While walking on the hallway, Gensis and Xilea ran across Galian and Ryumo. Xilea suddenly clinged to Gensis' arms. "Huh? what are you doing?" Gensis said. "Nothing... I just felt something unusual." Xilea said in a low tone. "You shouldn't exert yourself much. You just woke up after that 'incident'." Gensis said while caressing her hair. "Yeah..." Xilea then leaned against Gensis' chest. "Whoa!" Gensis said while pushing Xilea away. "How 'bout I'll introduce you to my friends." "Ok..." Xilea said. They then ran back to where Kain, Specs and Gabriella were before Gensis left them with Gensis holding Xilea's hand.
Inaru at first blushed while being hugged by Misha. Afterwards he then whispered something to Misha "I really don't remember anything." After that Misha left him and went back to the group with Sora. "Inaru laid down on the sand for a while thinking about what is going to happen. "For them, I'm Naru but who is this Naru? why does his name is somewhat similar to mine? I really don't get it." He then stood up and went back to the group. While Inaru was heading back, he stepped on a branch thus breaking it and a sound of "crack" echoed throughout the area. "Wh-what's that?" Inaru frighteningly said while looking at the dark red clouds approaching them. Under the clouds was a group of demons approaching them. Inaru was then trembling with fear while stepping backward. "Gotta tell this to Sora and rest." He then ran as fast as he could back to the group.
OCC: Please ignore my last post since i have no idea on how to delete it. ^ ^ and it kinda confuses the plot. "So where are we this time?" Inaru asked "I'm confused of what is going on. I have no idea why did that demon or whatever his name is, said that I have already got to heaven and stuffs like that. You also said earlier that I was able to got to heaven. Perhaps you guys know something." Inaru asked Sora and Misha. At first they were silent about Inaru's question. "You guys must know something after all, you have been here for quite a time. Fine if you won't talk then I'll find some answers on my own." Inaru left the group angrily and headed towards the shore and sat on the sands.
Gensis, Sakura and Kain were able to defeat all the heartless that appeared earlier. They all on the floor due to exhaustion. Gensis was panting as he said "If this kind of battles keeps coming then I won't be able to see the sunrise again." Gensis fell as he finished speaking. The two stood up and bid Gensis farewell and left him. "The training grounds will now close all students please leave the premisseries" The speaker announced. Gensis got up and =headed towards the exit of the training grounds. "I finally did it!" Gensis joyfully said as he was exiting the training grounds. "Now for the next Fusion technique, which I will call Cross Wings." As Gensis was headed towards his room he saw Professor Kiryun at the lobby. "So your training finally pulled off." Kiryun said "I told you that you have much potential. You just have to find your strength." "Yeah yeah, now I'm heading to my room to get some shut eye. If you will excuse me I'm kinda tired so..." "Perhaps I have to show you something beyond before you get some sleep." Kiryun suddenly interupted. "Huh?" Before Gensis was able to said something, Kiryun snapped his fingers causing Gensis to fell in a deep sleep. "Where am I?" Gensis said as he woke up. "Wha..!" he surprisingly said upon seeing millions of heartless creeping around. "With this number they can probably control the entire universe. Where am I?" "You are in the heart of darkness, Gensis" a voice from behind spoke. "You! where have you taken me?" Gensis shouted at Kiryun. "Relax this is nothing but an image, an image of what you and the academy will face. If that is the number of heartlesses that you have seen then there should probably be the same number of nobodies. After all they are related to one another." Kiryun said as he smiled. "What are you smiling about?" Gensis asked. "Nothing... absolutely nothing." Kiryun said in a low tone. He again snapped his finger causing the image to break. When Gensis woke up, he found himself inside his room lying on his bed. "What was that all about?" Gensis said as he was grasping head. He stood up and opened the frigde and took out a pitcher of cold water. He took out a glass from the shelf in the kitchen and poured the water in the glass. "Professor Kiryun can sometimes be weird. Huh?" He stopped drinking when he saw a letter on the table. "this is...!" Gensis was shocked upon reading the letter. This is what the letter said : Dear Gensis, I will be visiting the academy tomorrow to check up on you and your performance in the academy. I will be waiting in the front gate of the academy by 10am. Be there or else... Your dearest cousin, Xiliea