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Everything posted by mushrumluver

  1. "I don't know who you are but you can't hurt that guy even though I just met him." Inaru shouted as he quickly grabbed a stone and fired it at Baal's skull head which diverted Baal's attention. "I really don't know what you're talking about heaven eternal joy and stuffs but I have a feeling inside that we have met before." "I don't know who you are but..." Inaru said while picking up another stone "Don't get in the way." Inaru said calmly.
  2. "Oh!" Gensis faced Kain "It's you Kain I thought that it was one of the instructors. Obviously they would blame me for this if they see me with two unconscious people, a dark aura and me alone conscious. Well anyways I'm glad that my new technique finally pulled off. But after that darkness, it could have attracted some Heartless. We should be prepared." Kain nodded then prepared himself for an incoming fight. After a while, still nothing happened. "Guess I made a mistake." Gensis smiled while scratching his head. "Maybe not." Kain suddenly said. Several Dark holes appeared on the ground and heartless rose from the holes. "They are... Darkballs. How could such high level heartless appear in this academy?" Not only Darkballs appeared but also a battalion of Shadows appeared from the holes. Both Gensis and Kain drew out their keyblade. "This is the third time that I have to fight you know. Let's finish this. Haste!" Gensis charged the groups of heartless with immense speed.
  3. "I hardly doubt it..." Inaru suddenly cut in. "If you were a priest then you would give time in doing deeds and such. But how did you end up in Purgatory. What's your story?" Inaru then stared deeply at the priest. The crowd suddenly got silent after Inaru asked that question. "While I'm still alive I never did trusted the church, I only believe in myself. Well enough about that, care to tell us your story?" Inaru then sat down.
  4. Prof. Destine was standing on the roof of the bridge of the ship sailing to the Duel Academy. "I know its there." Destine said as he was staring at the Duel Academy. The ship finally docked at the Academy Harbor. He then strapped on his duel disk, placed his deck into his pocket and arranged his coat, then proceeded towards the Academy. After entering, he was then asked by the janitor "Weren't all the headmasters called to go to the auditorium.?" "Is that so? I'm just new here, I never thought that I also apply. Well then see ya! and by the way where is the auditorium?" The janitor guided Destine to the auditorium. "Thanks!" Destine said as they were the auditorium doors.
  5. "Sure thing! Just don't be a jackass in the future." Inaru smiled at Sora and went outside the train together with the rest of the people. "Oh and by the way... My name is Inaru not Naru." Inaru followed up before he left the train. "Hmm... It seems that the once Naru has made some improvements." one of the angels in heaven said. "Do you think that he will survive again or will he become a fallen angel?" another angel asked. "Even I have no idea about that, but I believe that he can do it. Also I gave him a present or a small memento, but that alone can't help him." the angel said. "Well anyways, let's just watch them on how will they evade Damnation and receive Salvation." the second angel smiled. When Inaru was out of the train he looked back at Sora and Misha and asked "If you guys have been here for long enough and like Sora said that he's tired of people constantly coming here, then why do you still escort people to heaven?"
  6. "Really... those two can make a noise." Gensis smiled as he was positioning himself for Fusion attack. "If I can make my arm into a full metallic sword then the heat won't be a problem." Gensis then raised his arm and transmuted it into a sword. "Here goes... Fire!" the sword suddenly burst into flames. Gensis closed his eyes expecting some pain but it didn't happen. "I did it! Now to apply Wing of the Dragon." When Gensis was charging for Wing of the Dragon, he sensed an immense darkness nearby. "This darkness... how could anyone possess such darkness in this academy? Unless..." Gensis rushed towards where Galian and Sakura are with the flaming sword in his left hand still burning. "What the hell?" Gensis reacted upon seeing Galian being engulfed by the darkness. "This is weird! However this has got to end." "Enchant from Fire to Light!" The flame in his left arm went off and a spark of light then shined upon the sword. "If I make a mistake then Galian's life maybe in jeopardy. But he were to be engulfed by the darkness then he might be lost. Here goes... Wing of the Dragon!" Gensis slashed his left arm throwing the light towards Galian. The Light became cresent shaped and becomes thinner and thinner as it approaches Galian. Upon contact, the light exploded neutralizing the darkness. After a while Galian was freed from the darkness engulfing him. Gensis approached Galian and Sakura. "What was that all about?" Gensis said as he sat on the ground waiting for them to regain consciousness.
  7. Name- Prof. Destine Ebonne Age- 26 Gender- Male Rank- Teacher (Headmaster) Appearence- He wears a long blue coat, similar to a lab coat, a white long sleeves shirt with a brown necktie, and a pair of black pants and leather shoes. He also wears a pair of glasses. His hair length is about to his shoulders and it is color black. He stands 5'8 tall Deck Type-Destiny Hero Best Card- Destiny Hero Dreadmaster Bio- A new teacher hired by the Academy to be the headmaster of Obelisk Blue. no one knows about his past experiences. But he is searching for the lost Millenium Items and he believes that there is some information about them in the Duel Academy. He is also searching for the next King of Games OCC: Sorry for the super late entry... :animesmil
  8. Inaru shrugged his shoulders as he sat down grumbling on how Sora sees him. "Who the hell does he think he is? And why does he keep calling me Naru? I really don't like his attitude especially the way he thinks that he knows it all." he said quietly. After a while, Inaru grabbed something inside his pocket and pulled a slingshot out. "Still in tip top shape." Inaru said as he was checking out his slingshot for damage. Afterwards, he looked outside the window for targets. "This is kinda boring, waiting for something to happen." A boy then appraoched him and asked him in a calm voice "What are you doing?" "Oh! me? nothing. Just waiting for Boss Sora to give out a command." He said to the boy sarcastically while checking out the place for something that he can use as a bullet for his slingshot. "Now if you wouldn't mind, please leave me alone." The boy then left Inaru at the back of the train. "Hmmm?" Inaru said as he saw a small debris chipped off from the train during the crash. "Heh! I can use this." He said as he picked it up. He then went to a nearby window scouting for targets. While scouting, he saw a crow flying above the train. "Gotcha!" he said as he was aiming at the crow and pulling his slingshot with the small piece of metal as his projectile. When he was about to fire the piece of metal, Sora and Misha saw him.
  9. "Is there a washroom here?" a loud voice in the back suddenly spoke. The crowd turned their heads towards the sound and saw Inaru raising up his hand. "I know that this isn't the time and obviously I really can't hold it any longer." Inaru said while controlling himself not to pee. Sora and Misha was shocked upon seeing Inaru. Both of them remembered Naru, and suddenly approached him. "What the hell are doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in heaven?" Sora interogated Inaru. "what are you talking about?" Inaru replied with confusion in his head. "I believe that this is the first time that we have met. Now please, I really need to go. If you can't come with me then I'll just find a place nearby." Inaru said as he got up and went outside the train. "Just like before, Right Sora?" Misha said as she was looking at Inaru going out. "Who the hell they think they are?" Inaru grumbly said as he was peeing on a bush. After he was done, he suddenly sensed that he was being watched. He panickly looked around the surroundings. In the shadows, he saw several pairs of red glowing eyes staring at him. Due to immense fear, his body can't even move. "Help me..." he began to mutter. Slowly the demons appear from the shadows stalking Inaru like a prey. Inaru fell on the ground and slowly crept backward away from the demons. "AAHHHH!!" he shouted as he got up and ran away from the demons. The demons then rushed towards him.
  10. "Heh! I never thought that you have a keen sense of hearing." Shinrei said to Yoshi "Like they said, we should be careful. As long as they are not against our mission then let's leave them be." Shinrei said as he went forward. "Who cares about that, as long as you guys complete your mission then there won't be any problem." one of the men proudly said. "I just had enough about you." Shinrei suddenly crept behind the man and drew out his kunai and tried to stab the man on his neck. "Stop! that's enough Shinrei!" Ishtar commanded Shinrei. "Lucky for you, she's the one in charge." Shinrei said as he let go of the man and kept his kunai. "Sensei. I was just wondering how is the Oni Village like?" Shinrei asked Ishtar.
  11. "Well I supposed that is the least I can do after he saved my life. Hey Kain! A little help here." Gensis and Kain carried Specs onto his shoulders and went to the infirmary with Galian and Gabriella following them. "This guy's technique, is kind of like mine. A fusion of two techniques at the same time. Luckily the giant heartless has some distance from me to give Wing of the Dragon enough concentration power to blow off its arm." Gensis spoke to himself while looking at the unconscious Specs. They finally reached the infirmary and laid Specs onto a bed. "I suppose this is farewell and till we meet again." Gensis said to Gabriella, Kain and Galian and left. "I cannot be like that anymore in the future battles. I have to become stronger." Gensis said as he was heading to the training field while clenching his fists. When Gensis got to the entrance of the training grounds, he saw Professor Kiryun leaning against the wall. "So how was your first serious fight with a Heartless?" Kiryun asked. "How did you know?" Gensis said. "I was observing you guys fighting that giant Heartless and I can say that your powers have indeed grown. If you going to ask why I didn't help is because I knew that you three can handle it." "You're just making excuses now I have training to do." Gensis said and walked towards the training grounds. "Hmmm... I know about your new technique. And I can say that your training isn't going to be easy." Kiryun turned around "Just get stronger." and then they both went their separate ways.
  12. After seeing Spec' haste, Gensis realized that even such small techniques are used by the top students. "Heh, time to get serious." Gensis slowly stood up and held his keyblade in upright position. "Haste!" Gensis quickly dodged every attack. After dodging an attack, he then gets behind the soldier heartless and slashes it. "Huh?" Gensis then noticed that the giant Heartless was attacking Specs and Gabriella. "Hope this goes right. Wing of the Dragon!" Gensis, again held up his keyblade. A yellow light then shined on the tip of Gensis' keyblade. "Hyaa!" Gensis shouted as he slashed his keyblade downward. The yellow light became a cresent wing shaped energy that exploded on the Giant Heartless' arm. The Giant Heartless' attention was diverted to Gensis. "Ehh? What the hell have I done? Now it's attacking me." The Giant heartless then charged Gensis. As he was about to run, his way was blocked by several soldier heartlesses. "Get out of the way!" When he was about to strike his keyblade, his body suddenly became heavy and he fell again on the floor. "Damn! I never realized that hit was the last of my remaining of my energy." After he fell down, he was then surrounded by several heartlesses with the giant one still charging at him.
  13. "The last task was such a drag. The reason I'm doing these missions is just to find information about my bracelet. I hate this..." Shinrei said to himself while waiting for Ishtar at the front gate. "Hey Kredion!" Shinrei then stood up "When you said that there were two wagons, there is a chance that there is also another team assigned to it, Right? If the mission was just to escort then there shouldn't be a problem, but up to now there hasn't been a signal that the mission has been completed. I'm still pissed off about the wagon. I feel that there is something not right about that." Shinrei said to Kredion. "Well enought about that, Let's just concentrate on our new mission."
  14. "My Fusion Techniques are still useless but I think I'll prevail just using my basic techniques." Gensis said to himself. "Hyaaa!!!" He shouted as he charged the group of Heartless. "Sword!" Gensis' left hadn turned into a sword while in his right hand holds his keyblade. "Time to Kickass!" "These guys are better compared to the shadows I fought earlier." Shinrei said while slashing some of the heartless to approach Kain. A shadow suddenly crept behind him and striked him with its claws. Luckily Gensis was able to parry it by transmuting his left arm from sword to shield, but he was still harmed by that attack. While fighting, he saw how Kain, Specs and Gabriella fought. He realized that he was still behind. "I am behind everyone else." while pondering, he was ganged up the several shadows. He was able to wipe the shadows by slashing around. After that, he was down to his knees. "Damn! Is this my limit? Will I ever become stronger?" Gensis said while staring down on the floor.
  15. "That was a quick exercise." Shinrei said while he leaned on the wagon. He accidentally shook the wagon. "huh?" he suddenly stared at the wagon. "guys, I believe that we were given a false mission." All of his teammates then wondered about what he said. "When I accidentally shook the wagon there should be sound inside it, but there was no sound therefore its contents are empty." "You shouldn't conclude like that Shinrei, maybe the contents are just strapped on tight." Kredion said. "Still, from the start of this mission I'm already wondering what's inside this and why would 30 bandits go after this wagon. If it has money and treasure in it then even it is strapped it will make a sound. This is too absurd there is only one way of confirming it." Shinrei then took out his sword and slashed the wagon into two with just on swing. Splitting the wagon it revealed the contents. "Just as I thought. I'm going back to Konoha. You guys coming?" Shinrei asked the group while leaving the broken wagon.
  16. "I see. Well then see ya! I'm gonna cut class because I still have to do something important." Gensis said and both of them went their ways. "Break the barriers huh? Well then it mean that I have to master my secret technique as soon as possible to be able to catch up with Kain and most of the seniors." "Transmute into Sword!" his left hand suddenly became a sword. "If I use Red magic then I can enchant it with an element. Fire!" the sword suddenly burst into flames. "ARRGGHH!!" the pain brought Gensis down to his knees. "Although my left arm is a sword but it is still my left hand and it burns. I still can't do Fusion Technique." After that, the flame in his left hand went out along with his left hand returning to normal. While laying down, he saw Specs and Gabriella carrying some bags. He then looked at his burned hand. Specs and Gabriella noticed Gensis lying around the field looking at his hand.
  17. "With pleasure. Just before I stike them out, do you guys know about Sasuke's famous Chidori?" He ask while taking his sword out and positioned himself in thrusting stance. Everybody then nodded. "Good! then right now you will see a somewhat similar jutsu to the Chidori." While holding his sword, Shinrei did several hand signs. After the hand signs were finished, a surge of electricity flowed out of his body and onto the sword. Shinrei then dashed with lightning speed taking down 5 of the bandit and returning to his place in no time. "The bandits in the Lightning Country are more stronger compared to these. Well then 25 more to go." Shinrei said confidently. "I still remember when my parents forced me to move at Lightning speed just for that technique." Shinrei said to himself. "If I were you guys, you will all leave and forget about this wagon." He then shouted to teh bandits.
  18. "Don't worry I specialize in these types opf missions. Since it is a search and destroy mission, there are no special requirements like taking one of them as hostage or killing just their leader." Shinrei told the group. Shinrei then approached the Hokage. "Are there informations regarding the bandits like who are the members, where are they located and where will they strike." "We have received an information that they will strike the wagon which you will be guarding. Inside the wagon is a valuable item. At all cost you must guard the contents of the wagon and prevent it to be stolen by the bandits. Understood?"the Hokage responded. "Understood!" the three of them replied in chorus and left the room first and left Ishtar behind. "Ishtar, please watch over those kids. From my view, they are all imprudent but they are all talented. You may now begin your mission." the Hokage told Ishtar. "Our first mission as a team. Also I want to know what valuable item is in that wagon. I have to find that bracelet as soon as possible." Shinrei told himself while walking towards the gates of Konoha.
  19. "Don't worry from what I saw from the reactions of the examinees earlier. I can say that you have a wild attitude." Shinrei said to Yoshi. "It's not because that I'm older that you, it's because of our hometown letting us experience these kinds of things. And since your name is long I'll just call you Yoshi whether you like it or not." Shinrei then stood up and took his blade out and put it back again in the sheath. "Sensei if you don't mind would you describe your homeplace?" Shinrei then looked at Ishtar.
  20. "They're all the same. Just because that I have the lowest grades around here, it doesn't mean that I hopeless and weak." Gensis said after noticing Spec looking at him. "They all probably think that I'm a bad guy around here and I'm always causing trouble." Gensis stood up with hands in his pockets and left the area. Gensis' stomach suddenly grumbled. "Thanks to that assignment I suddenly got hungry." he then went to the cafeteria. Upon entering the cafeteria, he sensed a cold stare among the students. He also heard some murmurs about him. "Look if it isn't Gensis the soon to be dropout of this academy." a group of students murmured. "What can you expect from someone like him. Up to now he hasn't had a powerful technique, all of his techniques are the basics." One of the students in group murmured and the group later laughed. Gensis suddenly stabbed his keyblade on the middle of the table where the group is seated. "Got a problem with me? Then let's finish this." Gensis shouted. "Heheh.... Nah! You'll probably won't last to us. Let's go guys." the group stood, but before they left one of them whispered to Gensis "You know, It is the likes of you who makes the academy's reputation bad." and they left laughing. "Tch!" Gensis pulled his keyblade out of the table. He looked for a long bench and found one at the corner of the cafeteria. He then bought a hotdog and sat on the bench.
  21. "I really hated those spying missions. When one of your teammates get caught it's either save him or abandon him. If I chose to save him, then I will take a lot of risk. If I chose not, then some valuable information may be leaked out. In choosing a mission I prefer the assasinate type. I still remember in the Lightning Country, it doesn't matter whether you're a Genin, Chuunin or a Jounin. You'll be doing a lot of Class A or B missions." Shinrei suddenly spoke. "It doesn't really matter for me where you come from. As long as you're approachable we're gonna get along." Shinrei followed up and then sat on the floor besides the door.
  22. "Well it doesn't really matter whether I talk too much or not. What matter is that you are happy with what you are doing." Shinrei then walked around the room and gripped the arm of the chair beside the door. "Waiting here for my teammates to come is kind of boring. I'll just walk around a bit." Shinrei told Ishtar while opening the door. Afterwards, he left the room. He then again went outside the academy and drew out his sword. "Rai Bunshin no Jutsu!!" a clone suddenly appeared beside him. He then stepped back a few meters and positioned into thrust stance. He dashed while preparing to stab his blade to the clone. When he stiked the clone, a huge surge of electricity flowed out and paralyzing Shinrei's body for a bit. "I still can't do it." he said while punching the ground. "Guess I better head back." He stood up and went back to the room. Without a notice, he went inside the room with some dirt on his clothes. He then approached Ishtar and ask "So how are the other Genins are doing in their test?"
  23. "Well... a helping hand will always be a helping hand. I'll accept it as long as I don't forget what that symbol looks like." Shinrei replied with a slight smile on his his face. After a few minutesd he looked out of the window and looked at the Genins taking their test. "A tournament, Let's see what these genins can do." he said. While glancing around, he saw Ryukai. "That kid is also from the Lightning Country, but he lives in the Thunder Village. Never expected someone like him to come. But I have the feeling that the plant kid will make it out." he said while observing the two. He then faced Ishtar then slightly smiled and said "You know what, you are the first person that has made me talk this much."
  24. "I will if you will tell me yours too." Shinrei faced Ishtar first then faced outside the window. "When I was a child I had many dreams, wishes and ambitions. As I grew older, I thought I am getting nearer to them. But there are accidents which cannot be prevented. " Shinrei then later faced Ishtar and leaned against the wall. "Now, all I want to do is... find something which is most valuable to me which I have lost. I already told mine, so what are yours?"
  25. "Nah! I just want know more about my sensei. It is a drag to have someone teach you if you don't know much about your sensei." He said to Ishtar and face the door. He put his hands inside his pocket and slightly galnced at the kywal. "A summon creature. I rarely see one like that in my village." He again turned to the window and looked at the other Genins. "Do you have an idea when will the test end?"
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