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Everything posted by mushrumluver

  1. Shinrei went back to the room where Ishtar is. After entering he saw a cat-like creature sitting on Ishtar's lap. He first wondered what is it but then he later on approached Ishtar. "What's this part of the test and what is that thing?" He asked while pointing the kywal.
  2. While walking back, instead of going back to Ishtar, he decided to take some fresh air outside and went out the academy. "This will be a good time to practice some of my jutsus." He said to himself while unsheathing his sword. He held his sword upright and while holding its handle he executed some hand seals. After the head seals were done, an surge of electricity came out of his hand and flowed through the sword. He positioned himself to thrust his sword and a great speed he dashed and thrusted his sword on to a tree. "I have much more to learn." he said after striking the tree. He put back his sword and decided to go back to the Academy. He then first stared at the tree, which has a huge cut but not huge enough to bring it down, and left.
  3. "No reason at all..." Shinrei replied while looking at Adoma passing by. "Can I be excused?" Shinrei then stood up and went outside. He first decided to follow Adoma but later decided to go to the washroom. Shinrei turned on the faucet and washed his face. He grabbed a towel and after wiping his face he looked straight on the mirror. He then recalled what his mother said to him about that bracelet. "Never lose that bracelet. Being a keeper of this bracelet, you shall undergo several tests to fully utilize the power of the Lightning Soul." After that, he walked out of the washroom. He went back to the room and asked Ishtar "When will test end?"
  4. OCC: If it is ok with you guys, I would like to play as Naru again but as a new being ressurected. ^ ^ IF there are changes neede please tell me. Name: Inaru Kishimeya Age:13 Gender:male Appearance: Inaru without the sword and the tattoo. Personality: A very outgoing person. He likes to help other when in need but he somtimes a coward during adverse situations. He always wanted to prove himself that he is not weak but in the process he is always hurting himself. Bio: He was once Naru who was with Sora and Misha. Due to his insistent request to God that he wanted to save the two, his request was accepted. But he can't go to Purgatory since he is already in heaven so to go to Purgatory, he must be ressurected into a new being, having his memories, abilities and everthing that has happened back then forgotten. He should also die again and suffer the same pain that was given to him in Purgatory back then. But due to his will help the two, he went on, despite that condition. After that he was ressurected as Inaru and he woke up in Purgatory just like what happened earlier but this time he died in a train. Weapon: Sling Shot and a few stones.
  5. "The reason I'm still a Genin is because of technicalities. I came here a year ago and if I wanted to become a formal genin here I have to be a resident for a year to prove that I really wanted it here. As for the test, yeah I did finished it." he replied in a flat voice. He afterwards looked down on the floor without saying anything. He then recalled what happenned to him before he got here in Konoha. From the village of lightning, both him and his friend ran away from the village. In his wrist was the bracelet that his mother gave him. As they ran, some ninjas were following them. When they reached the Country of Water, the tragedy happened. His friend was killed trying to protect him and also the bracelet and he fell on a cliff and was washed away. When he woke up, he found himself on the Wave village and found out that it took a year for his wounds to heal since he did fell on top of a cliff. After recalling what happened, he asked his sensei "Do you know how does it feel to search for something that is precious and yet there is no chance finding it?"
  6. Shirei was bored of waiting for the test to end so he decided to walk around halls agains to pass time. "After seeing what some future Genins here can do, I can say that many of them are talented but loud." he said to himself. While walking along the hallways, he checked the scroll that was given to him for the room assignments. "Well this it." he looked up checking the room number and went in the room. Inside the room, he saw Ishtar looking outside the window. "Is this the Jounin teacher that I am assigned to?" he first thought upon seeing Ishtar. He later then sat on the corner of the room in silence.
  7. Shinrei looked at his wrist remembering the bracelet that he lost. While he was walking around the Academy Halls. "So this is the knowned Ninja Academy of Konoha that has produced some top class ninjas in the Fire Country." he said to himself. He then looked outside the window and saw some kids were picking on some kid. "That is less worth my time." he said and turned around looking for the room assigned to him. While walking towards the room, he bumped into Sasuke. They both stared for a couple of minutes and went their separate ways.
  8. Name: Shinrei Raikishi Age:16 Jutsu: KyuRai Katana no Jutsu: This technique is similar to Chidori. Their difference is Shinrei needs to use a medium or a sword, blade or any weapon to do this technique. ChiRai Shuriken no Jutsu: Shinrei throws a series of shuriken shaped lightning bolts around him. Rai Bunshin no Jutsu: Shinrei can summon a clone that is made of lightning. When this clone is attacked it releases a huge surge of electricity paralyzing anyone that is near this clone. Bio: He is an immigrant from the lightning country. He came from the lightning country as a Genin and wishes to be a Chuunin in Konoha. During his travels from the lightning country, he was raided by a group of bandits. while escaping from the bandits he stumbled on a cliff and fell to the river. He was washed away and when he woke up he was in the Wave village. He later found out that he lost the bracelet that was given to him by his mother and set on a quest to find it and at the same time become stronger. By crossing the bridge he was able to get to Konoha and has started training ever since. Personality: He is a silent not to mention snob type of person. He prefers to do things his way and no other way. He is straightforward and prank towards other people without caring that he could hurt their feelings. Despite being that, he is still a kind person but he seldoms shows his kindness to others. Looks: He has a blue spiked hair, violet eyes and fair complexion. He wears a white vest with no undershirt showing his lean body, a pair of slightly torned blue jeans and a pair of blue sandals. He also carries around a katana strapped on his back. and the lightning village forehead protector is tied on his biceps. He also has a Leaf forehead protector which he carries on his pocket. Hope this is ok ^ ^
  9. OCC: I know its a little bit late but can i still sign up for this Rp?
  10. "I really hate these kinds of assignments." Gensis yawned while looking at a bunch of shadow-type heartlesses right in front of him. Gensis then took out his keyblade and held it horizontally along his shoulder level. "I'll make this quick then." "Haste!" a white colored aura suddenly surrounded Gensis. He then charged the heartlesses at lightning speed slashing every heartless that stood in the way. He slashed left and right. He then spinned in clockwise direction when he was surrounded by the shadows. After a few minutes, he was able to defeat them all. "Sometimes number isn't a sure way to victory." he said as he stood on the middle of the hall. "Now for this." he then took a scroll on a stand and left. Gensis walked in the academy central entrance. A kid about the age of 14 approached him and asked him nicely "Do you have it?" He then responded in a boastful tone "Of course, I'm not that weak. Now..." he then stared at the kid. "Pay up." the kid was shocked upon hearing those words. "B-But the headteacher told me that this is..." Gensis cutted in "blah blah blah. I have worked hard to get your frickin' homework, at least have the decency in returning the favor. Pay up or else." he then took out his keyblade. The kid was frighten. Luckily one of the headteachers showed up and commanded Gensis to stop. "Your assignment is to help a lowerclassman. Not make a job out of it. You know that the keyblade is used for helping not for boasting. You'll never be strong with that attitude." the headteacher scolded Gensis. "Here!" Gensis slammed the scroll on the kid's hand the kid left. "You should know that giving me an assignment especially on Saturdays is a big mistake." "That is because I still see hope in you." the headteacher said and left Gensis. "I still see hope in you." those words kept repeating on Gensis' mind."That is nonsense. Obviously Professor Kiryun was just saying that to make all bad eggs of this school behave." he then laid on the trunk of one the red trees along the hallway.
  11. "Hmm... I know that I have a relative living here. I just wonder who is that person. Since it is been a while." Virei said to himself while following Red silently. "I wonder what's inside that package well anyway that is not my concern." He then took a glance at the man in the black coat. "He looks familiar." He then realized something. Virei ran at the man "Uncle! I remember you you are always wearing that stupid black coat of yours." He then got close to the man. "Who was that guy?" "It's none of your business." his uncle replied. "Well anywas\ys I'll be staying here for a moment. See ya!" he then left.
  12. Virei just arrived in the city. Looking at place, he realized that Earth wasn't so much different from Mars. "It's kind of peaceful here. too bad that they are our enemy." Virei said to himself. While he was walking on the street he noticed a familiar figure on the road. He saw a guy in a mechanic's jumpsuit wearing a red cap. "That guy... seemed familiar to me." He silently recalled stuffs regarding that guy. He then remebered his fight with the Buster Dagger. "The guy that popped out of my screen while I was fighting that mobile suit. Never expected that he's here."
  13. "Warning! Approaching Earth's atmosphere. Temperature rising fast." the computer prompted Virei. "Activate Heat Shields and Stealth mechanism." As Virei's mobile suit turned red due to the heat of the Earth's atmosphere, it turned invisible and looked like a comet crashing down on Earth. "Entry in Earth's atmosphere complete." the computer prompted Virei when they reached the troposphere. "Good." he went inside a forest and went out of his cockpit. He then opened the systems of the Nemesis. "I'll change the identity number of Nemesis so that the Confeds won't recognize this suit." After a few minutes he closed the system and camoflaged the Nemesis. Upon getting out of the forest he saw a nearby city. "Heh! this is my first time here in Earth. Might as well enjoy it while doing my mission." He then went towards the city.
  14. After a few days, One of the crew members went inside Virei's room to inform him that the repairs and upgrades to his mobile suit have already been finished. "I see thanks you may go back to your post" Virei said to the crew member. "Yes Sir!" the crew member saluted him and left. Virei went to the hangar to check out his mobile suit. He first noticed the buster cannon attached to the right arm of the Nemesis. "With this cannon attached Nemeis' movement speed will surely decrease. And since almost all of my weapons are energy based then this will add up to the consumption of energy. It is a good thing that before my father passed away he gave me." In his hand was a device. "This thing can cut the consumption by half, therefore this will revert the consumption back to before this cannon is attached." He then went in and attached the device to a black box located under the pilot's seat. he then activated the Nemesis and contacted the captain of the ship. "Thank you for repairing my mobile suit and letting me stay here. I will now leave to carry out the mission given to me." The captain gave him permission to leave. The gate of the hangar opened and the systems for lauching were finished. "All status green, XM1107 Nemesis ready to launch. Virei Tanori Launching!" the nemesis was catapulted to space and headed towards Earth.
  15. Virei recalled the mission given to him. The supreme commander of the USD communicated him on via the diskette."This diskette has direct link to my office. Your mission is to go to Earth and go undercover. Link from us will be cut off as soon as you have landed on Earth. During this mission resources and ammunitions are limited. However there is a program attached to this that was invented by your father. It is an added option to the XM1107 Nemesis. Also along with it is a 15m buster cannon which only the Nemesis can use. Since your location have been informed to me, You can ask the engineers and mechanic there to upgrade the Nemesis along with its repairs. Setting that aside, your true mission is one to assasinate the SoL leader and also the president of the Confederate Planets. Two if the assasination of the SoL leader fails then acquire information about their location. The second mission is optional, this one is the most important, acquire the data in producing nuclear weapons from the confederates. That is all. After this mission briefing this link will be disconnected, the data for the upgrade of the Nemesis will remain." The diskette then ejected itself leaving only the data of the Buster Cannon for the Nemesis. "I know this will be nasty but this is to end this war." Virei then exited his room and gave the data to the mechanics and went back to his room and rested.
  16. "Is that so..." Virei looked at his controls then looked up again at Red and Dustin "I'm leaving anyway. I just have some other business to attend to." He then turned his back on the two and left the area towards back to their base. While Virei was flying back to a nearby USD base he thought about what Red said that the Judge Hammer was to overload from the beginning. "Why would they send us just to defend an overloading ship?" He then saw a USD Ship patroling around the orbit of Mars. He then prompted the ship for entry. "This is Virei Tanori. Requesting entry Please respond." the captain of the ship replied "Permission granted. please enter through the front. Our mechanics will assist you on your way." After a few minutes, Virei docked his mobile suit in the hangar and went to the bridge. "I'm also requesting repairs for the XM1107 Nemesis." The captain agreed to let Virei stay in their ship for a while until the repairs of the Nemesis have been done. "This way sir" a female crew member guided him on his way to his room. "If there is something you need please tell me. I'll be on my way." the lady then left. "What is inside this diskette? What new order?" Virei then took a glance at the diskette that was given to him before he left. "Well there is no way to find out but this." He opened up a computer and inserted the diskette. After seeing what was inside the diskette, he was full of shock . "This is... absurd."
  17. Virei saw the Judga Hammer exploding right in front of him. Flame was gushing out of the engine area burning almost the entire ship. "Why... Why did you do it? Just because it has no purpose to you guys you can destroy it? If that is so then you SoL have no difference from any other terrorist group." Virei yelled at Red. He then charged at full speed and sliced Red's giant gun causing it to explode. "There were still people in that ship. You could have at least waited for an evacuation ship to evacuate the remaining people inside it, before you destroyed it." Virei then gave Red an intimidating look.
  18. Name: Gensis Distni or Gensis Age: 18 Blood type: a+ battle Type: Fighter magic type: Red Magic Weapon: Time Keeper: a golden keyblade shaped like a pendulum of a grandfather clock. The tip of the keyblade is a watch cut in half where in the roman numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and sticking out of the "watch" being 1 at the tip and 5 nearest to the shaft. the handle is a ring with a bar on its center. Abilities: Haste: Increases his movement speed and attack speed. Wing of the Dragon: An all-power move that explodes upon contact. This attack becomes more concentrated as it travels further. Transmute: one of his body part transforms into a sword, shield, spear or any weapon. Abilities to be learned: Gaia's Fist: Gensis jumps very high and thrusts his keyblade to the ground making an earthquake making cracks along the way. Mirror Barrier: A defensive skill. An energy barrier is formed around him. This barrier reflects 30% of the damage received by Gensis back. However Gensis will also receive damage. to put it simply it is like Aero but it reflects a part of the damage back. Heaven's Bash: This is his ultimate move. Gensis uses all his power to perform a death blow. This attack can break anything however after usage the user will be drained of energy making him unable to move and vulnerable to any attacks. Personality: A very uncaring person towards other people and only thinks of himself. He is most of the time boastful when it comes to lowerclassmen. He is a lazy bum who doesn't want to be involved in books and stuffs. He prefers to do things manually or physically. History: He once belonged to a wealthy family. However his family has been murdered for some unknown reasons. Their family's weath has been passed on to him since he was the only child. Desiring to get revenge he learned about the academy and decided to enroll in it. With all his hopes up in getting stronger in the academy went down after having a fight with one of the best students in the academy and realizing his that he is weak. After that incident, he became a lazy bum with no plans in the world. Among all of the seniors he is the one with the lowest remarks. Appearence: Gensis Although he looks like this he is already 18 years old. Also disregard the two swords.
  19. "what the Hell are talking about? I just got here and your telling me that I somehow destroyed Judge Hammer. When I got here the Judge Hammer was already at critical condition. And your blaming it on me?" Virei shouted back at Red. "Damn! if there is something that can cover this hole." Virei then saw a piece of debris floating around in front of him. "What a coincidence. Guess this will do." He then inserted the debris to the hole covering it barely. "This will at least prevent what's inside from getting sucked out." Virei then faced Red and told him "Why do want this ship? I know its already at critical condition yet you still want to salvage this ship. What is this ship to you?"
  20. "S**T!" Virei then used his mobile suit to barely cover the hole made. "I can't leave this place or else." He then looked back at Red. "Well let's just say that I don't want to see people dying in front of me especially I can do something about it. This mobile suit has been entrusted to me to protect the things I want to protect. How about you? What is your purpose in this war? Why are you piloting a gundam? And from what I can see from your partner, he is someone who just wants to fight." Virei told Red. Virei checked the status of his gundam. "Right arm 100% damaged. Beam whip function ceased." the computer prompted. "I guess this will do." He then pressed a few buttons on the computer and his beam shield activated. he then let go of his beam saber and drew out the other beam saber and combined the two forming a beam lance. "Let me tell you I am not that easy to go down."
  21. "Purpose? Let me tell you even though I am part of the USD, I value my teammates as I value myself. You are right. The USD are like that. They are prepared to sacrifice as long as it gets the job done. It doesn't really matter to me as long as they don't mess with my decisions. Well for my purpose... hmmm..." Virei touched his chin "My purpose in the battlefield is to protect to things I believed in." He then drew out his beam saber and activated his beam whip "Even though the my superiors ordered me to destroy Judge Hammer if it is in critical condition, I will defend it even it means deviating from the order." He said to himself.
  22. Virei saw the carriers got destroyed. "Damn it! I never expected that the enemies will be this strong." He then switched to full speed towards Dustin's mobile suit. He then drew his saber and backstabbed Dustin's mobile suit. He was only able to slash a part of its shoulder. And without turning back he proceeded to the Judge Hammer. "Now I have two gundams to deal with. This is so annoying for a mission." Virei said to himself. "Judge Hammer what's your status?" he then said to the Judge Hammer while observing the two gundams. "Our status is critical. The engines are hit and have ceased function." The captain responded. Virei then remembered the follow-up order that was to destroy the Judge Hammer if its status is critical to avoid being captured. "I can't do it. I can't destroy my own teammates." He then punched the window on his right. His sensors suddenly went on. He then looked at his monitor and he saw the enemy approaching.
  23. Virei barely managed to evade that attack. A part of his side has been damaged due to the attack. "Damage report!" Virei told the computer. "9% of the torso part has been damage." the computer responded. "So.. he's also prepared for short range combat. Interesting and yet this is kind of enjoying." Virei said to himself. "Not bad. Perhaps we could get together someday for a drink? Too bad your one of our enemies. What are you guys doing on the battlefield? You don't belong to the confederates and either to the USD. What is your purpose on entering the battlefield?" Virei then deactivated his whip and took out his mini buster rifle and fired at the Buster Dagger.
  24. Virei moved to the left to evade the shot and said "Whelp? no wonder the USD wanted to take you guys out. Having someone that arrogant in the battle field will cost you your life." A beam whip came out of Virei's mobile suit's right arm and the beam shield was also activated. "Hmmm... from the looks of his mobile suit, especially with that large cannon of his, I can say that this one is an artillery type. Once I get close to this mobile suit, He's done. However since his firepower is strong, and my beam shield uses more power when blocking shots like that. If that'll happen then I'll be out of power in no time. I have to be careful dealing with this one." Virei said to himself Virei then charged Red with full speed with its right arm ready to lash Red's mobile suit.
  25. Fuji hid himself while the commotion is going on. He was then left behind in the Arena. He then first wondered why was Drou taken and where was he taken. He then sensed the battle between Deran and Onmasa. "So that is Onimasa. Inu's brother. His strength... Not only him but also those stone ninjas. However I just can't stand here and do nothing." Fuji said to himself then followed the path Goru took. "I knew that this is going to happen. And from the looks of those stone ninjas, they were going to betray Onimasa from the beginning." Aya said. She was at a restaurant enjoying some takoyaki and a cup of tea. She then took a sip from the cup and looked up the sky. " When will this village have a festival?" She then gulped down the last her tea and left the money on the table and left. "Sorry Onimasa I wish to help you but I have more important business to take care of. And I won't be returning here for some time." She said to herself and went outside the Gate of Konoha.
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