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Everything posted by mushrumluver

  1. Virei's sensors suddenly alerted an incoming massive heat source. Virei saw the incoming beam heading towards them. He suddenly moved to the left evading the shot. A few mobile suits were hit by the beam and were destroyed. Seeing this made Virei mad. He then rushed towards where the beam was fired. The site of the battlefield was getting clearer as Virei approaches. The first thing that caught his eye was the Buster Dagger. "This is a... now I know why the Judge Hammer requested immediate assistance." Virei then looked at the gundam and said "Identify yourself."
  2. "Amazing! I never thought that there are so many strong ninjas in this Exam." Fuji commented then clenched his right fist. "I'm getting excited already." Fuji smiled afterwards. While the fight is going on, Aya suddenly sensed something. "This is..." She then walked out on the room without telling anyone. "I guess I'll be missing this one out." She told herself while exiting the arena.
  3. Virei sat down on a bench in a locker room. The locker room was made for pilots. He grabbed his suit inside one of the lockers and put it on. "What a day. I thought that my mission is going to start tomorrow and yet it has already started." he siad then sighed afterwards. He then remembered the mission briefing earlier. "The Judge Hammer is uder attack and immediate back up is requested. The attackers have been identified as SoL or Sons of Liberty. Virei Tanori, you are ordered to give back up to the defending forces of the Judge Hammer. The carrier ship is already on its way and your mobile suit is already being prepared for transport. Over out." "I haven't seen what is inside this disk and yet they have given me a new order." Virei silently complained. "We will be arriving at the destination at 1000s. All pilots please stand by. I repeat We will be arriving at the destination at 1000s. All pilots please stand by." an annoucement came. "Ok! Let's get this started." Virei then rushed towards the hangar. Virei went inside his mobile suit. He then flipped some switches and activated the computer system. The monitor then showed the message "All status Green, All Systems Green. XM1107 Nemesis Ready to Launch." "Virei Tanori XM1107 Nemesis. Ready to Launch!" His mobile suit was then catapulted to space towards the battle grounds. He then went into full throttle.
  4. "Wait a minute." Fuji suddenly clasped his hands "I haven't seen Drou fought seriously before. The only time I saw him fight is during the evaluation thingy with Hanzo sensei." He then turned to the blue Hanzo and asked "Is Drou going to be alright?" "I remember you. you're the boy whom I have enclosed in the acid four wall technique. Hmm... I haven't seen you in action. Let's see what this boy can do." Aya said to herself.
  5. Virei ,while lying on his bed, received an order from his commander from a video phone. "Report to my office now. you will be receiving your new orders." the commander order. Virei scratched his head an said "My... my... things are going really fast nowadays." He then got up from his bed and went out from his room. "Good morning Ensign Virei!" one the soldiers greeted him with a salute. "Good morning to you as well." Virei replied. "Oh! there were some gossips that you were going to be reassigned to another place." the soldier said. "What?!" Virei reacted. "After all you are the one of the best pilots around here." the soldier smilingly said. "Don't you know that flattery will get you nowhere?" Virei told him. "Well anyways Good Luck on your new assignment." the soldier said then left. "Thanks!" Virei responded. "New orders huh? since the start of the war, many people have died. Now that this war is at its climax, I wonder how many more will die during the climax. Afterall the climax signifies that a resolution is coming. That is the case of all stories, Iwonder if that will be the same for this war?" While Virei was thinking about that, he bumped into one the the chief commanders in the base. "Watch where you are going." The commander said in a proud tone. "Sorry, I was just spacing out." Virei apologized. "Hmph! I can't believe that we have an ensign who doesn't even follow the rules and regulations. Why are you not in your uniform?" the commander asked. "Umm... They don't fit. I have to go now, the head commander ordered me to report at his office." Virei excused then left. The door automatically opened upon Virei's entry. "Sir!" Virei saluted the head commander. "Ahh! Virei Tanori, please sit down we have important matters to discuss." Virei sat down on the chair in front of the head commander's desk. The head commander clasped both of his hands together. "After seeing your performance, the head generals of the USD have decided to assign you to a more "productive" place. Your new orders are to stagnate the power of SoL or Sons of Liberty to be exact, to buy the USD time to fully prepare itself for the final attack to the Confederates, to acquire information about the aim of SoL and to destroy the armaments of opposing forces. Here is a more detailed form of your mission." the head commander gave Virei a disk. "You may now leave. And starting tomorrow your new mission will commence." "Yes Sir!"Virei saluted the head commander and left
  6. "The Preliminary Tournaments are about to Begin Please Wait for a Few Minutes" The speaker announced. "You guys ready?" Fuji cheerfully asked his team mates. "So it's about to start. This is going to be interesting. Especially those two." Aya while in diguise looked at Inu and Fuji's back. She turned to the disguised Goru and told him telephatically "The awakening is up to you on when and how to do it." She tapped his shoulder and went back to the bench.
  7. I have edited my sign up. I hope the changes I have done is fine with everyone.
  8. Aya passed through the back of Inu saying "Even though at you're at 100% you can't kill me. Even your brother doens't know my true ability and power. So it would be wise not to threaten me. All you know is that I am under Onimasa that is all." She then smiled afterwards. "I have a feeling that something big is going to happen. I feel kind of excited about this Chuunin Exam. How about you?" Fuji replied.
  9. 'Remember that you wanted to become Onimasa's favorite again?" Aya told him . Goru's expression impiled a yes. "I thought so... Well If you can unleash Inumouri's true powers then You'll find yourself above than Onimasa's other subordinates." After she told that to Goru, She went to a bench and sat on it.
  10. Aya while in disguise saw Asaar and a genin walked inside the tower. At first she din't recognized the genin, but later found out that it was Goru. Like her Goru was in disguise to enter the tower. She first stayed away to avoid conflict and went again to the washroom.
  11. Thanks. maybe Not yet, wait for at least 5 or more to sign up.
  12. "Uhh.. No. I think this is the first time we have met." the girl said "I'll just go to the washroom." The girl smiled then left to towards the washroom. "Got yourself a girlfriend just after the test?" Fuji jokingly said. Both of them laughed and sat on the bench right beside them. "To tell you the truth, If it weren't for my sister. We shouldn't be here. She gave me the heaven scroll without hesitation. But still..." Fuji told Inu and looked at the roof. After a few moments, the girl returned "I'm back. Umm.. Am I disturbing something?" Fuji replied "No... we were just talking about the Forest of Death exam." "Really? Well I feel sad about my teammates. I only dragged them here just to be on a safe spot. I hope that they're ok at this moment." She then smiled at Inu and Fuji "Hope that we all become Chuunins."
  13. Fuji smiled after hearing what Inu said. "Well! Let's just wait for the other teams." Fuji then sat down on the floor. After a few minutes a three genins went in. The other two went outside saying that they quit the exam due to exhaustion and extreme fatigue leaving one behind. The genin that was there is a girl with a short blue hair. wearing a white jacket and blue jeans with a cut on the knee part. "So these are the teams who have already passed. My name is Ayame. How are you?" The girl smilingly asked.
  14. "Onimasa-sama! I didn't know that you have some business here. I'll then take my leave." After that her eyes become normal and before leaving she turned towards Asaar "Tell your master that I have something that will surely intertest him." After that she left. Fuji then approached Inu. "Are you ok?" Inu gave a little nod as a response. "Well about what I said earlier that you are my closest friend. It because you are the first one to understand me and also the first person who I have bonded with other than my parents. I Hope that doesn't affect what I have said earlier." Fuji smiled after.
  15. Name- Virei Tanori Age- 18 Gender- Male Nationality:USD Rank: Ensign Appearence-Has a white complexion, a yellow spike hair and blue eyes. Wears a leather brown jacket a white undershirt and a pair of blue jeans. Bio- At the age of 13 he was trained to pilot mobile suits. However his training stopped at the age of 15 due to family problems and he frequenlty wrecks the mobile suits he used. When he reached to age of 17, he learned that his father was a mobile suit engineer and was working on a new gundam. His father then gave him the gundam knowing that he will put it into good use. Personality- he is very supportive on his teammates. He doesn't want anybody in his team to die during a sortie. He is kind and doesn't feel "above" than those who rank below him. His greatest desire is to end the war as soon as possible. He also doesn't give a damn about uniforms. Gundam- (XM-1107 Nemesis), Armor-phase shift armor. Weapons- A laser whip is equipped on the right arm and a beam shield is equipped on the left arm. A concealed short beam rifle is located on its right thigh. Two beam sabers are located on both ends on its booster pack.
  16. My room... is the exact opposite of an orderly placed books in a bookshelf. All my books and papers are scattered everywhere. The bed is located in front of the television. the dvd player is on the right side of the television along with some scattered dvd's. The whole room is painted in white with small blue spots. the cabinet is attached to the wall and is located on the furthest right of the room. You can see scratches on the cabinet and also some of it is chipped off. the floor is made up of wooden tile which you can take off a tile piece and you can also see scratches on it. Under the bed there are several used bags and stuffs. Even though there is a bed, I still sleep on the floor with a matress on top. Well that's all for my room.
  17. Aya first calmed down because she realized that she can't beat anyone when she gets too emotional. "A test huh? Heh.. don't get too cocky. Even though I'm a lady, I can kill you." Aya smilingly said. She then disappeared then appeared to Asaar's right side. She placed her arm on Asaar's right shoulder and told him "Too slow,boy" She then threw Asaar like a ragdoll towards a tree on their right. The trunk shattered due to the impact. Asaar used his blood line limit to shield himself from the impact. "I never realized that I would be facing someone who is from the Kaguya clan. This is interest..." Before Aya could continue speakig Asaar slashed her head. To Asaar's suprise a green colored blob blocked the attack. "Hasn't your teacher told you that it is rude to interupt someone who is talking." She then grabbed Asaar's bone sword. Her eyes suddenly changed into a reptile-like eyes, then broke the sword into two. "Don't you know that being a jinchuuriki is better than having a kekkei genkai." She then told Asaar with a smile. She then kicked him in the stomach afterwards. After the conversation with Seran and Deria, Fuji decided to walk around the hallway. "Wolf Demon huh?" Fuji said to himself. "He is the wolf, while I am what?" He then remembered the lizard-shaped chakra that formed in his mind during their 2nd encounter with his sister. He then looked at his bandaged part of his arm and said "What if?" Having the thought of unwrapping the bandage, he then slowly peels of the bandage but only having more pain. He brought the bandage back to its original place. He then went back to the group.
  18. Preschool :Always stay in your class to avoid getting lost. Appreciate the snack given to you. They are healthy and also to avoid getting hungry. Kindergarten: Always stay in your class to avoid getting repremanded. The first steps of english, math and science. 1st Grade: The basic fundamentals of math, english, science. 2nd Grade: Stay in the top, they are always rewarding. Never ever charge a bully like crazy. You'll end up in bruises. 3rd Grade: Don't doodle on your textbooks especially if they are not yours. Break the momentum of your classmate who is always at the top. 4th Grade: Never immitate what you see on TV. They might get you in trouble. 5th Grade: Don't provoke a big guy. It only takes one push to fly. Making a traffic along the stairway is one way to quickly get to the disciplinary office. 6th Grade: Never ever bring lots of paper. there are always parasites surrounding you. Prepare for high school life. 1st Year High School: Everything is new and fresh. making new friends is a good way to start and using up all your allowance to have fun is a bad way to end. 2nd Year: I never liked Biology. It just drains my brain. Don't piss a gay teacher, they are frightening. Be quick in keeping your stuff, they are most helpful to avoid confiscation. 3rd Year: Be a parasite. it saves you paper. Don't make a kind teacher get mad at your class. They are most frightening. 4th Year: Evolve your parasitic being. not just paper but pen as well. Enjoy the pleasures of high school life especially the green stuffs around you because college is coming. Freshmen College: Don't cram your assignments and always follow the format to avoid delay.
  19. "No problem, I understand your situation, in fact we both have the same experiences. Well anyways, we already have both scrolls right? Then let's head for the tower." Fuji turned towards the direction of the tower then looked back at Inu and said "I won't doubt you... Becasue you are... my closest friend." Fuji smiled and turned again to the direction of the tower "Let's go!" Fuji said then the three of them left and went to the tower. "This test is getting boring." Aya said. She then yawned afterwards. " It looks like my genjutsu isn't enough for that kid, but I know who is capable of the required genjutsu. That sound ninja... what was his name again? well whatever it is I have to find him and I don't think he wants to see me. But right now isn't a good time for that strategy." Aya said. She then looked up the sky and saw some birds flying around she then threw a kunai at one of the birds. One bird came falling down after it was hit. "This is boring. I wish a festival would come here." Aya said to herself then went to find Goru.
  20. [CENTER]The Story[/CENTER] It is always raining in the Thristquencher Empire. People living in the Thristquencher Empire were suffering due to the tyranny of the Wizard of Darkness. During this time, The Wizard of Darkness is the ruler of the world. Only a few villages are free from the Wizard's tyranny.These villages are ruled by tribes and are named as Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Sky Each of the village possesses a treasure. A treasure they call Scroll and Crest. The scroll and crest guarded by the village corresponds to their element. According to the village legends, only the chosen one from each of the villagecan unlock the true power of the scroll and crest. And only the Chosen one can combine the power of these scrolls to bring forth the light. It was then prophesized that there will be six heroes that will defeat the Wizard of Darkness. It was also said that the combined strength of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Sky and Light will shine on a new civilization. A civilization where peace and harmony exists. Note: Ok! that is the preview of the background story which is before the birth and adventure of Musashi. [CENTER][B]Places[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]Thirstquecher Empire: The most powerful empire. It is ruled by the Wizard of Darkness. He a tyrant who does not pity anyone. Addicted by the dark magic, He yearns more power by taking over the 5 villages. Citizens of this empire, if not dying in hunger, they are serving the Wizard of Darkness as a soldier or as a minister. Earth: A village hidden underground wherein all of the village members has the knowledge of creating earthquakes. The village is surrounded by a large fault line and its entrance is a labyrinth wherein only village leaders know its way out and in. Water: A village located in an island far away from the main land. The village members specializes in manipulating water and also walking on water. They often used strong waves to prevent the empire from entering their village Fire: A village located near a volcano. The village members are nomads due to the frequent eruption of the volcano. The volcano also serves as a defense for them since they have the ability to manipulated fire. Wind: A village located in the middle of a desert. All of the village members use wind as their defense against the Thristquencher Empire. They whip up sandstorms and tornados to prevent the Thristquencher Empire from getting near their village. Sky: The floating Village. The flies over above the clouds so it is hard for the Emipre to recognize this village. It is also very up high and hard to reach. All of the villagers in the Sky has the ability to fly.[/CENTER] Note: This will be a different story from the game. and There will be 5 guardian of the scrolls. In this Rp, you can either side with the Thristquencher Empire or with the villages. If there are clarifications, questions and suggestions about this Rp please tell me. [size=1][color=teal]In future please use official thread ratings, PG-13 is not a rating used on OB.[/color][/size]
  21. Before Inu woke up, Fuji left Inu under Drou's care. "Watch over Inu's he is still injured. I'm going after her." Fuji said to Drou before he left. While jumping around the branches, he looked at his right hand and said "What was that?" He then remembered seeing a huge lizard-shaped chakra in his hand. "Whatever it is, the pain is gone for now." Fuji said to himself. Aya was then leaning on a tree. "Now I know why Onimasa wants him." She then remembered what happened earlier. "Good thing that I possess this or else..." She then looked at her left arm. While she was thinking whether to finish the test or mess with them, Fuji showed up in front of her. "Hmm? Guess what the cat dragged in? What do you want?" Aya asked Fuji. "The Heaven Scroll, I've come to take it." Fuji directly told Aya. "You want it? Here!" She then threw the Heaven Scroll towards Fuji. Fuji caught it with his left hand and asked "Why?". "Even though how hard you try to take it by force, it will be just a waste of time. and besides I have an extra, it won't be a lost if i give out one." Aya replied and left. "Why?" Fuji wondered. After a whule he went back to his team mates and saw Inu finally awake.
  22. Aya was hit by the lightning which was released by Inu. "Ughaaa! I didn't expect that it will be that powerful." Aya said. "Onimasa... please reply... I don't want to let things come into worse that I will be forced to kill this boy." Aya telephatically said to Onimasa. "I think this be the best option for now, Unseal Level 1 Acid Barrier Mechanism Activate!!" A green colored acidic chakra came out from Aya. The chakra solidified and became like a shield. While that was happening, Fuji's arm reacted to the technique used by Aya. The bandaged part of his arm hurted so much than the usual. "Huwaahh! The pain.... What's this pain...." Fuji screamed.
  23. Aya, even standing in front of Inu, wasn't still shocked. After all she herself, has a demon inside. she then made a telephatic communication to Onimasa and asked "Is this enough for now?" Aya then slides back a few meters then looked at Inu seriously. "Things might get ugly if I stay here, but if this isn't enough for Onimasa, I might as well release the seal. However if I released the seal, the soul will react to it. This is annoying and I don't want to disobey Onimasa's orders." Aya said to herself while slightly removing the bandage on her left arm. Fuji was able to destroy the clone in front of him and looked at Inu. "Inu? what the heck are you? What is that power?" Fuji said to himself. He suddenly felt pain on the bandaged part of his right arm and fell to the ground. "Why now? I have to..." Fuji said to himself remembering what Hanzo sensei told him earlier that he should always keep Inu calm and normal.
  24. "My Little Brother is unusually confident today. And you have even completed the Ensan Kodachi no Jutsu, with a little help from our parents." Aya said while evading their attacks.She slided a few meters back then used Ensan Bunshin Taibakyo. Before the clone was about to explode, Fuji slashed it with Ensan Kodachi no Jutsu. Instead of exploding, it just dissolved like Mizu-Bunshin no Jutsu. "What?! So that's Ensan Kodachi is meant to be, to dispell acid elemental techniques especially mine." Aya said silently "You are really protective of Fuji, Father." Aya and Fuji suddenly performed thesame hand seals at the same time. "Aryuusangasu Buresu no Jutsu!!" both of them released 4 acid balls from their mouth and the acid balls crashed into each other making a smoke screen. "Now! Inu!" From the smoke screen appeared Inu charging Aya. His tanto was able to hit Aya. Unfortunately Aya turned into a piece of wood with the use of Kawarimi no Jutsu, she then appeared at Fuji and Inu's back with the use of Ensan Bunshin no Jutsu. "Time to end this." She said to both of them while moving from their back to their front then chocked them both. The Aya which is chocking Inu then performed a Genjutsu on Inu. while the Aya on Fuji's side punched him on the stomach knocking him out. The image of what Aya shown to Inu is this: Hanzo, Inu and even Drou were getting tortured and mercilessly killed, while Inu is unable to do anything over and over again. The agony, suffering and pain were faced directly at Inu. and the one torturing them is Onimasa. and the words "You're weak. You can't do anything. You can't protect anything. You're worthless." kept running to his mind.
  25. Inu was able to slash Aya. However upon slashing, she suddenly bubbled up. Fuji then grabbed Inu away from it. The clone exploded into several acidic liquid. whatever the liquid hits it melted like ice cream. "Inu! I have finally decided that I will fight. I have to protect the ones who are important to me, especially my friends. I have no family no more. so you guys are the only ones left including Hanzo sensei." Fuji said to Inu." I know that this will be hard but... I don't want to lose you guys." He then took out a special kunai. "This is given by my parents before they died. This will help me. and together with this I can use my newest technique. Ensan Kodachi no Jutsu!!" A light green colored chakra wrapped around the kunai and formed into the kunai itself making it more longer and deadly. "As a team we'll do this." Fuji confidently said.
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