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Everything posted by mushrumluver
Aya hunted some other genin groups to take the two scroll from them. In a short time she already had the required scrolls Heaven and Earth. She then took out a another scroll and performed several hand seal. the Heaven and Earth Scrolls disappeared and markings on Aya's scroll appeared. "There! the scrolls have been secured. Now for the two of them." "Landing the final blow? Heh! I can't even touch her and land a punch. I dont stand a chance against her." Fuji looking down replied. While they were talking Aya interupted them and transformed back to her normal form. "How about a deal? I'll exchange my extra Heaven scroll if you two fight me." She then said to Fuji and Inu. "Ensan Yon Heki no Jutsu!!" four acid walls surrounded Drou. "Sorry for isolating you but these two are my only interest. and if you tried to escape from that you'll die." Aya said then took out a kunai, "We were interupted back then. Now there's no one will be interupting."
Aya woke up from the effect of the mushroom after Inu, Fuji and Drou left. She waked up earlier than expected. "Hahaha! Goru you have made a terrible mistake by using that genjutsu on me and some of your techniques. You have made the greatest mistake in your entire life." Aya laughingly said. "Why? Inu! while i was studying at the Ami ninja academy they also taught us about those mushrooms. I also know about its other effect. Why? we should have killed her by then. And the ninja earlier... the sound ninja... Of all people, why my sister. I don't want anymore getting killed by her hands. She may look weak at that time but she planned it. She won't be defeated easily. She defeated my father, who is a kage-level ninja, This won't be the last time we will see her." Fuji told Inu while jumping on the branches. While Goru and Deria were fighting, Aya interupted their fight and used her own chakra to cancel out Deria's chakra. "The only one whos's gonna kill that man is me." Aya, while in a state of frenzy, said. "I have defeated you earlier. there is no chance of you defeating me." Goru said. "Let's see. I wasn't serious at that time. I will show you how to break to sound." Aya mockingly said. She then disappeared like thin air. She then straightly punched Goru in his solar flexus or the diaphram area. Goru spitted some blood. She then went to Goru's back and chopped the back of his neck. Knocking him out for several seconds. He then able to get up from that attack. She taught about removing the seal of the demon inside her. However she didn't unsealed it. "Ensan Sakura no Jutsu!!" Thousands of acid ball revolved around the area melting everything it touched. Deria and Goru were able to avoid it. Aya then quickly chocked Goru and pushed him against a tree, Goru's neck started to slowy burn. "This is what you get for trying to kill me earlier." Aya said to Goru. She then tossed him like a rag doll and started to perform the seal that she made to Fuji, when he was 7. She then remembered that Goru was still a subordinate of Onimasa and he will also be of use to him so she didn't continue the seal. "You're lucky that you're a subordinate of Onimasa-san. If not then you will be another worthless ex-ninja." after said she then turned her back on Goru and left. She then remembered her postponed battle with Inu. She then reverted back to genin form and went after them. "That kid has some skills, no wonder Onimasa-san wants him. He even saw through my disguise, even if it has fooled some Chuunins." Aya said to herself.
"Hahaha!!! Isn't it rude to threaten a lady? So What're you going to do? Kill me? Heh! I don't have time for you worthless clones." Aya said then two clones of Aya sneeked up behind them and exploded. Killing both of the clones in a short span of time and also the surrounding areas have also been like melted by the technique. Everyone was shocked of what they have seen. "I know you're listening. Inu , was it? whatever your name is. You can't beat me by just hiding behind your clones. Well if you are persistent, then..." Aya suddenly left the Stones and teleported to where Inu, Fuji and Drou are. "Here I am..." At Aya's appearance to the group, the three of them were shocked. Upon seeing his sister, Fuji went in a great state of shock and trauma as well. "Still a coward Fuji? After all these years you haven't become that strong?" Aya mockingly said to Fuji. "The boy with the clones, Show me what you've got." Aya provoked Inu.
"Didn't your parents taught you that you shouldn't be rude while talking to a lady? Well anyways, Onimasa told me that there will be some help coming from stone ninjas. Are you the ninjas Onimasa was talking about?"Aya replied. "And I don't plan of interferring but if one of you guys touch me, I'll make sure that this will be you last day." After the report Inu, Fuji and Drou left the area towards the indicated directions of the blue clone. While jumping from one branch to another, Fuji then saw an area of bushes were like melted. He then stopped and shivered in fear. His teammates wondered why did he suddenly stopped. Fuji then murmured "She's... here? It can't be... why is she here?" He was then crying silently and remembering what that person did to him. -------------------------Flash Back----------------------------- Fuji was at the age of 7. it was midnight and the rain is pouring heavily. He was sleeping soundly on his mat without a worry in his face. The door suddenly opened and she came. His sister then prepared the ritual for the seal. After the preparations were complete his sister then performed several hand seals and the jutsu started. He then woke up in the middle of the jutsu in pain "Ughaaa!! Sis! What are doing? Ughaa!!!" His screams were heard by his parents and they rushed into Fuji's room. His suddenly threw a kunai after he opened the door. His sister was able to avoid it but the seal was stopped and it was incomplete. "What are you doing and who taught you that seal?" His father said with an authorative voice. "Heh! I learned it by myself." his sister replied with a sinister smile. "Why? " his mother then asked. "You shouldn't have given me a brother." his sister said and ran outside their house. Fuji was then thriving in pain from the seal and his parents rushed him to the nearest hospital. after a few days, an order was issued to exile his father and not long after that the order was changed from just his father to his whole family except his sister and if his father objects then use all means neccessary even killing them all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fuji fell to the ground from the trauma when he remembered his sister. Not knowing that what he fell on was a trap and the ground slided down, thus trapping him inside a large hole.
"I'm sure that they noticed by now how that boys clone got destroyed easily and now they're making up a plan. These genins are so predictable. I think I made it so obvious by destroying that clone with ease. Its best that I also get moving." Aya said to herself then jumped onto a branch and left the area. "Ok! now let's look for those mushrooms." Fuji then said "have a clue where are they?" He then remembered that Inu's clone just got easily knocked out. "Have you got a glimpse of the one who destroyed you clone? So that whenever we see that ninja we'll avoid it." Aya while jumping around saw Seran and Deria and also ninjas from Sunagakure fighting. She then thought about what Onimasa informed her that there will be two rock ninjas helping her. "Are those two the ninjas Onimasa was talking about? Well there is only one way to find out." She then confronted the two groups frontly.From Genin look she then released the jutsu to transform back to her normal form.
"Hmmm... good idea. Where shall we start looking for a heaven scroll?" Asked Fuji. "when the other teams have entered this forest, traps have already been set, it seemed that this forest bore many eyes and ears around each team. How will we plan our attack?" Fuji added. Aya, still in genin disguised, noticed Inu's spirit clone. "I know that kid. He's a team mate of my brother." She then revealed her heaven scroll. the clone got sight of the scroll and Aya suddenly threw a kunai to the clone, thus destroying one of it. "And now, I wait." Aya smilingly said.
"Start!" the jounin in charge gave the signal to commence to Chuunin Exam. The other genin teams rushed into the Forest of Death. "All those worthless genins. They're just walking to their Deaths." Aya said while disguising herself as one of the genins. Inu, Fuji and Drou rushed in the forest. they checked their surrounding before they discuss their plan. "We must first appoint a group leader. I vote Inu to be our group leader." While they were discussing their plans, Aya released her Kage-Bunshin but still retained the genin look. One of the genin team saw that she was alone and thought that it was time to strike. "Ensan Bunshin Taibakyo!!" the bushes suddenly exploded and at the same time melted. Aya came near the genins who were affected by her technique. "I'll take this." She then took the scroll which the team has. "A Heaven Scroll? I don't need this." Aya said and gripped the scroll tightly which caused it to melt. She then took out her scroll which is a Heaven Scroll.
Fuji before going to sign up for the Chuunin Exam cleaned himself after burying his mother. He turned towards the group upon hearing his name "I'm Coming!" Fuji remembered his mother's last words "Be strong my son... Even though you can't see us, we will always protect you." The once unconfident, cowardy Fuji suddenly changed after seeing the death of both of his parents and his only relative still alive today is his sister, which he doesn't have any news about her anymore. After a few moments, they arrived at the sign-up area for the Chuunin Exams and applied for it. Fuji first went outside the hall and saw a girl who is the same his age. the girl has short brown hair, green eyes. wears a white vest, a blue shorts and sandals. He then asked the girl "Are you taking the test?" The girl replied with a nod. "Well then good luck and hope that we both become Chuunins." Fuji cheerfully said.
Fuji, before Inu arrived, he said while crying "Who...who would do such a thing? Why... I promise..." he then hugged his mother tightly. After hearing what Inu said he then said "It's ok... I understand your condition. For now the only to give my mother a decent burial." He then carried his mother to a tree and leaned her on a tree. He then digs a hole using his bare hands, he's also crying while digging. Meanwhile, Aya prepared for the Chuunin Exams. "hmmm... what name should I use for my "Genins"? Ayame, Derashi and Arashi sounds good. I know he is going to take the exam. and this is a chance to get it." She then used Kage-Bunshin and divided into three and used henge to transform the appearance and also the voice of each "genin" and made their way towards the Chuunin exams.
"Onimasa-san! The plan is going smoothly and I've managed to get in the Chuunin Exams. Also I have located the Hanzo, your brother and also the other half. It will only be a matter of time until we obtain the great power." Aya said while slighyly blushing while noticing the smile on Onimasa's face. Fuji is still training at the forest alone leaving the situation to Hanzo and Drou. After seeing what happened to Inu, he realized that he wasn't the only one who has a unstable chakra condition. He then held the bandaged part of his arm and said while looking at the skies"I wonder what happened to Inu back there. Are we both the same?". A figure suddenly appeared from the bushes. Fuji then turned to that direction only finding his mother was out of the hospital and still wearing hospital patient clothes. "Mother! what are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the hospital." Fuji said while approaching his mother. "Fuji, there is something I need to tell you." His mother said when Fuji was holding her. "What is that?" Fuji asked. "It's about who attacked me earlier." his mother replied. Before telling what happened earlier both of them sat on the ground leaning on a tree. "Just promise me that when you see this person, run as fast as you can. Promise?" His mother suddenly grabbed his shoulders tightly with her hands. "I promise."Fuji said which calmed his mother and released her hands from Fuji's shoulders. Before his mother was able to continue and 3 shukirens suddenly flew to the back of his mother. "Mother!" Fuji shouted. He then noticed that three explosion tags were attached to a shuriken each. Before the tags exploded, his mother pushed him with all the strength she has making Fuji safe from the explosion. What makes things more weird is that the explosion wasn't loud enough to make attention but the effect was still the same. Fuji was then horrified to what had happened and gave a loud shout "MOTHER!!" He then hugged the corpse of his mother and cried. While talking to Onimasa, Aya suddenly had a smirk on her face.
Aya used Kage-Bunshin no Jutsu and Henge no Jutsu to make her look like a genin with two team mates and one jounin and also changing her appearance. She entered her "team" to the Chuunin exam and left. when she was out of sight from the anybody she realeased to the jutsu and said "Part one, Mission Accomplish" Fuji was then training whatr Hanzo said to him about more focus. He then tried channeling his chakra but the usual thing happens his arm hurts.
Before Fuji left his house he looked back at the scene and said to himself "No, my mother's not defenseless, and of all people why my mother, there's something brewing up and I don't have any idea what it is." Hanzo then asked Fuji if he's coming or not. Fuji then said loudly while running towards the group "Coming!" After mocking Goru, Aya left and went to the Genin Academy to futher carry out her plan. After Aya left, Goru suddenly snapped and looked again at his foot and said after seeing that his foot was fine."So I was under a Genjutsu at that time." Aya is now standing in front of the Academy where the application for the Chuunin Selection Examintion the submitted. She then went inside to apply for the Chuunin Exams.
The place where Goru is standing suddenly melted like an ice cream, Goru then jumped off to another place. He looked at his foot and saw that it was burned by the acid that was used. "You should know where your place is. Your not even atmy level and yet you mock me like we're equal." Aya said coldy to Goru. "How's your mission going? Heard that you were just playing with a bunch of worthless genins which makes you even more worthless." asked Aya. She then remembered her encounter with Hanzo and also what he said to her telephatically. "So that was Hanzo, the one who Onimasa said to me, Lucky for you that your not my target." she then said to herself. Fuji's mother woke up and told him that she was ok and do the house chores while she is injured. When Fuji got from the hospital back to his home, he saw Hanzo-sensei, Inu and Drou. Hanzo was investigating around. He then asked Inu "what's going on?"
Fuji then apologized for the quick surrender and explained that he was very worried about him mother and was hasting to end the spar so that he can visit his mother. Anxieous to go to the hospital, he forgot to tell his team mates goodbye and rushed to the hospital. Ayamaki or Aya in short went inside the hospital. She then politely ask the nurse in the front desk "Umm... Do you know where Mrs. Ashiddo's room is?". "May I first know who you are?" the nurse asked. "My name is Ayamaki Ashiddo and she is my mother. I came over to visit her." Aya replied. "Oh! I see. she's in room 204" the nurse said. "Thanks." Aya said then left. Fuji is running towards the hospital. "What the heck happened to my mother? Who in the hell did this?" He said to himself while running towards the hospital. After a few moments, he finally reached the hospital. he went inside and inqiure on the front desk where is mother's room is. Aya walking towards room 204 and went inside. She first saw the bed where her mother is sleeping. "You have no where to run. If you have just told me where he is then this won't happen." She then took out a kunai and stood up ready to kill her own mother. Fuji is then running towards room 204 and suddenly went it. "Mother!" he shouted upon entering. A nurse then scolded him and said "This is a hospital. you should keep quiet. the patient is also sleeping, you may wake her up." Fuji then apologized to the nurse "It won't happen again." "Good! well I'll leave her to you." the nurse said and left. While the nurse earlier was walking outside the hospital. she suddenly transformed into Aya. "The hunt now begins." Aya said to herself. Before she was out of the hospital's premises, she and Hanzo, along with Inu and Drou, crossed paths. OCC: the nurse earlier that interogated Aya is different from the nurse whom Fuji inquired. because when Fuji arrived it was time for the two nurses to shift.
There are some parts in your poem which breaks its consistency. especially this part: "Unleash what you hold Unleash everything that you've been told Unleash these emotions that you keep within Unleash it upon me once again" Comment: Since your main object used is about seas, boats and weathers, it would be good if your main stanzas should have an element of what i mentioned in the first clause. Also this one: "Hold up your hands in hope Hold up your hands" Comment: It is abruptly stopped. if you want to do this interchange them, or if you have a better idea then do it. This one as well: "Let's conqure the seas" Comment: You shouldn't join Let and us together, since this is a poem it is like gluing a bottle and a cap. "This ocean has overtaken me A new life begins on this ship that is my heart Set sail for a horizon drenched in flames Yet show no fear" Comment: This stanza also especially the last line because all of the upper lines are long and your last line is very short. it is like a sudden drop of energy. "I'll navigate this immaculate tempest" Comment: Like in the let and us part. Ok, now for the structure. I know this is a modern style poem, but the words you used are kind of deep which makes it not catchy for me. Give it a rhyme or something. Your structure is also unorganized. I know this is also part of a modern style poetic wrtiting, but always keep in mind that it is hard or irritating to read an scattered article.4-6-2-6-2-4-2-6-2-2 is your order, either make a pattern for it or if you have a better idea do it. that is for me. And this part as well "Always know that I will return to you Before this is over we shall know what it is to love again" You used this four times without changing any of the words which makes it redundant. It is like using your name in a sentence over and over again. Find a substitute for it but make its meaning the same. You can at least use it twice, that is ok or give a pattern or make it catchy if you don't want to change it. I don't know what will others say. All my comments are based on my opinion. Other stuffs in your poem are ok, but still needs improvement.This is all what i can say about it. Don't feel sad or offended about my comments, it lets you know what i think about it and may make room for improvement.
"Hai!" Fuji said and took out his kunai and went into fighting stance. "Aryuusangasu Buresu no jutsu is my only usable technique and nothing more. However I can only use it once, so I have to be careful in making an opening." Fuji said to himself. He saw Hanzo standing still in the middle, looking at the surroundings he realized that the surrounding can't help him. He then charged Hanzo straightforward. Hanzo just side stepped to evade the attack. "Gotcha!" Fuji then said and performed several hand seals and faced Hanzo "Aryuusangasu Buresu no Jutsu!" Fuji then spitted 3 small acid balls towards Hanzo in a shotgun-like pattern. Hanzo was able to evade the attack but Fuji threw his kunai towards Hanzo, Hanzo blocked the approaching kunai. Hanzo then smiled. "I give up!" Fuji then suddenly said then raised his two hands. Meanwhile, the stranger earlier ,who is also Fuji's sister, is standing in front of the hospital.
Fuji raised his eyebrow when Inu felt embarassed when he said that there is nothing interesting about him. He felt that Inu keeping a secret but he didin't mind it since this is the first time that they met. "Well, I feel that we are pretty much alike." Fuji said. A jounin then came to Fuji. "Someone attacked you mother. she is now in the hospital. " Fuji shockly said "What?! who did it?" "We are currently investigating it. Anyways your mother is in stable condition. There's no need to worry." Jounin said and left. After hearing that his mother was ok, Fuji was relieved and decided that after training he is going to the hospital to visit his mother.
Name-Ayamaki Ashiddo Age- 25 Gender- Female Village- village of the hidden rain Rank- Former Ami Hunter Nin Appearence-Frequently wears the Akatsuki hat but with no white stuffs hanging around. Wears a long black coat, fishnet t-shirt, a black mini skirt and long black boots.Her breasts are covered with a white strap and bandage is wrapped around her left forearm. She has long Green hair ponytailed with bangs up to her chin and at the back it is up to the middle of her back. she also has blue eyes. stands 5'5 tall and has a sexy body. with a figure of 30' 24' 29' Abilities-Unlike Fujikuru, Ayamaki can use her chakra very well. Her jutsu are all acid elemental Enzan Bunshin Taibakyu: like itachi's Bunshin Taibakyu, however upon exploding the bunshin releases a very strong acid which can melt almost anything. Enzan Sakura no Jutsu: Releases Cherry Blossom shaped acid balls that flies around the area. Enzan Heki no Justu: Summons a wall made of acid. the wall is 1.3m long, has a thickness of 1cm, a height of 2.5m and lasts for 10 seconds. Bio/Backgrond- When she knew that her little brother is also a jinchuuriki, she became envious of him and starts to plot against Fuji. She studied several types of seals and jutsus secretly. Until she found out the technique to mess up Fuji's chakra. When she was doing the technique, she was found out by her parents. She then revealed that her own family was hiding a jinchuuriki without saying that she, herself is also a jinchuuriki, to the Mizukage. Ordered by the Mizukage, she lead the pursuit of her own family. She even killed her own father just to carry out the order. After that incident, she left the village in search of her little brother to take the half of the jinchuuriki for herself. During her travels, she met Onimasa. Having the same objectives she joined him in his travels. Slowy she fell for Onimasa and her cold heart turned warm but only to Onimasa. Unlike before she wants to take the other half for herself, now she wants to take it to serve Onimasa loyaly in everyway possible. Personality- She is in love with Onimasa and will do anything for him even sacrificing her own life or even killing her own kind. Her love for Onimasa is very strong however she doesn't know if Onimasa feels the same. She is very cold towards other people. Especially to her little brother Fujikuru.She will kill anyone who dares to stare at her coldly because of her being. In a mission she is very objective and cares for no one, completing the mission is her only view. Team- Together with Onimasa along with other four.
"Really? well... but compared to me, I only became Genin because the teacher was sick and tried of seeing me every year. He just gave me this forehead protector." Fuji replied. "So, how did you met Hanzo Sensei?" Meanwhile at Fuji's house, a stranger banged the door, forcefully went inside and shouted "Where is it?". His mother went to the entrance and saw the stranger. "Who are you? What re you doing here?" his mother asked. "It doesn't matter who I am, Now tell me where is it?" The stranger said. "Whatever it is your looking for its not here. Please leave now." his mother replied. "Liar!" before the stranger attacked Fuji's mother, the stranger was seen by roaming jounins and escaped. Fuji's mother fainted and the jounins went to aid her.
After answering the "call of nature", Fuji instead of going back he went to a river. After seeing some actions from Drou and Hanzo he realized that he was way far behind them. He went to the river bank and looked at his reflection through the river. " Fuji, your such a weakling. All of the other Genins can release their chakra right but you can't" He talked to the reflection. "I can't go back until I hav successfully crossed this river." Fuji said. He then concentrated chakra to his legs. As he was to step on the water, his foot sank. "Damn! Why can't I do it right?" Fuji frustrately said. Like the past incidents of using chakra, his bandaged arm hurted him. "ugh! not again... how can I be a get strong when this happens everytime." Fuji said. He then sat on the river back and stood up after a while "My teammates should be worried about me. May be I should go back and face Sensei Hanzo's comments when we have a spar."
Name - Remixx Graviji Age (seventeen to eighteen) -17 Student Template -The aspiring adventurer Weapon - Handgun 2x School of magic -Summoning Magic Minored school of magic - Support Magic Abilities/Spells - LenGuardian: he summones a large Guardian that acts as a shield and it attacks everyone who comes close to it. Picture : LenGuardian is the one on the back of the picture. Diablo: the one in Final Fantasy VIII Heal: he can only heal small wounds. Personality - Like his template says, he mostly wants to wander off during classes and tries to convince others to join him in his adventures. Couragoues and daring, he wants to try something new that not everyone else knows about and wants to do. He dreams to be the greatest student in the academy. He is also outgoing and friendly especally in convincing others. In his negative side, he is mostly careless of his actions. Aggressive as always, he never thinks about the situation first, whichs frequenly results of him getting hurt. He also impatient and wants to get things done in an instant. In general, he is kind and protective to his friends and his spirits. He is always wandering to dangerous places without caring what the consequences are. Physical appearance (picture wanted) - Remixx Although he looks like a kid, he is 17 years old already. the one seen in the pic is his attire during leisure time because he feels comfortable wearing this and he has no money to buy new clothes. Background: Being borned out of a family of farmers, he vowed himself to raise the status of his family by being the best in the university. However his first years in the university were not that great. Being poor, he is often underestimated by his fellow students and also by his professors or teachers. This went on and on until he reached his thirteenth age when he acquired the power of Diablo the Gravity Demon. This is where the "Graviji" in his name came from. At the age of 16, his family became proud of him that he made it that far in the university and decided to celebrate his achievment. Although the celebration was only cheap and not that fancy, the three of them were happy together. Since it was 10 years that they haven't met. During the celebration, something went wrong. It was when that the land lord of where his father is farming decided to seize the land due to unknown reason. They were left homeless and no income. Remixx then decided that he will stop studying and help them find a source of income. His father however refused Remixx' decision and convinced him that he should continue studying so that after his graduation, he will be someone that his family can be proud of. His parents then decided that they will stay at their relatives' home and find another source of income. Remixx agreed to that but he not study until his parents have found a good settlement. After a few months of being homeless, one of their relatives have housed them and Remixx' family problems have finally settled down. While going back to the university, he realized that things aren't going to be easy. He tried his best to get to the last level and so he did. At the age of eighteen, his father passed away leaving him a small gift. A box in it contained a relic of the LenGuardian. Along with it is a note saying "This will protect you in all harms." However he still hasn't mastered the use of LenGuardian and sometimes fails to summon it. Even up to now, the spirit still doesn't recognize him as its summoner. The only summoner who the Spirit recognizes is his father, and this sometimes bothers Remixx because he all he knows about his father is that he is his father. OCC: I hope this is ok, and if there is anything to change please tell me.
Yosuke after observing the Phoenix for a while he realized that it was a Furian in a special form. He then prepared his hand for Yami-Raikiri but when he was charging it, his body began to short. "Ugh! so the effects of the pills was only to remove the pain but I can't use my abilities. Guess I'll just let this one go away for now." He then release Yami-Rakiri and He headed back to where his medicine came from, which is the Prime Minister of Japan. He then swallowed the last pill in the medicine box and headed for the base. "The Prime Minister is usually in the base during this hour and of course there will be no place for him to go." Yosuke said to himself while going to the base. "Shorting out is such a bum especially if I don't have some medicine to relieve the pain. Why is this happening to me? Why now?" Yosuke said to himself and wondered on the question he asked. He only realized where he is when he was blocked by several guards of the base. He then showed his ID and asked the guards "Is the Prime Minister here?" the guards replied "Yes Sir! he just recently arrived along with some guests." "Guest? Well anyways I have to consult him and I do have authorization to do that." Yosuke said and went in the base. He then called the Prime Minister on his cellphone and told him that he was coming over. The Prime Minister told Albireo and Eidolon that his "nephew" is coming over so please stay awhile to meet him. OCC: I called Yosuke to be the Prime Minister's so called nephew because while Yosuke is a child he already knew the Prime Minister since he grew up in Tokyo and is updated with what's happening and he was also trained by the government. And the Prime Minister also knows about Yosuke being a Furian so there is a possiblity that they can connect with one another.
While Drou was sparring with Hanzo, Inu and Fuji were at the corner talking to each other. "Oh by the way, your nickname sounds like a dog. I didn't said it earlier because our sensei looks so scary." Fuji said smilingly. Inu was kind of annoyed of what Fuji said, but he took it as a joke and both of them laughed. Fuji then remembered that his mother said that don't burden his team mates and never tell them about his unstable or yet unsual chakra condition. Fuji tighten his forehead protector and said "It is a miracle that I graduated in the academy despite that I'm bad at performing any jutsus like bunshin no jutsu, kawarimi no jutsu and even chanelling my charkra." Inu asked him what jutsus does Fuji know. "hmmm... Oh! That is... I really need to pee. Tell our sensei that I'll be right back." Fuji said. Fuji then ran outside of their training area and went into the bushes.
If the world would be an anime, that would be cool and fun. However come to think of it our lives won't be as safe as the normal life. What the heck! it's fun to live like them especially with the awesome powers that you are most likely to get. If the this world was an anime i want it to be like Naruto.It would be cool that instead of studying english and stuffs, we are studying jutsus and hand seals. and we can walk on water, jump like crazy from one branch to another, have a high hang time in the air and get to run faster than the usual. My second choice is Gundam especially Gundam Seed. Although we don't have the cool jutsus, we get to have gundams and use them for world conquest! It would be great if i were to pilot a gundam but the downside is if they assigned me to an ordinary mobile suit.
Fujikuru Ashiddo or Fuji for short woke up early in the morning. He was so eager to meet his new team mates that he even forgot to change on his out. He only realized that he was still in pajamas when he was half way from his house to the room assigned. "Oops! Heheh... I forgot to change." Fuji said. He then went back to his house and changed his clothes. Before he left his room, he took a cup of instant ramen and his favorite hat and left. When he was about to leave his mother saw him and said "Fuji-kun! I heard that you're going to be assigned to a new team." Fuji happily nodded his head as a reply. "Just don't be burden to them due to your unstable condition, Ok?" his mother said. "Yes... mom." Fuki from energetic to drained replied. He then exited his house. He then slowly walked and took a sight seeing in Konoha. Seeing the sun shine brightly his energy seemed to have come back. "It's better here. I can see the sun shine brightly unlike in Amigakure where everyday its always raining." Fuji said and recalls what happened to them during their exile from Amigakure. Fuji recalled the three of them were being chased by Ami ninjas. His father stay behind to prevent the pursuers from catching them. Before they reached to border, Fuji saw his father get killed and cried while running with his mother to the border between the Water Country and the Fire Country. Coming back to the present, Fuji then said "This is my new life and Starts right now." He then ran towards his assigned room. He went inside to academy and saw Hanzo and Drou. both of them looked at him and said "You're Late!" "Heheh... Sorry I'm just new here, I got lost." Fuji said. "Well anyways follow me." Hanzo said. "Ossu!" Fuji replied. Hanzo then escorted the two Genins to the room where Inu was waiting. When Fuji and Drou entered the room they were greeted by Inu with a "Hello", Fuji then replied "Hi! What's your name?"