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Everything posted by mushrumluver

  1. Name: Crouton Romainia Job: Shade Origin: Neutral Appearance: With his Cloak Without his Cloak Weapon: none (since he often uses other peoples bodies as a weapon) Personality: Quiet and usually keeps everthing to himself. He prefers staying away from everybody and never tries to get close to others. Focused on his mission, he disses away any distractions that comes to him. Biography: While he was still alive, his parents were involved in a syndicate. This syndicate was involved of drugs, selling prostitues and murder. At the age of 8 he was given by his parents to the syndicate due to large debts and lived a life of crime and a slave for the sydicate. When Crouton knew that the his parents were held hostage and was going to be killed by the syndicate due to said betrayal of his parents to the syndicate, he rushed in to the scene but only getting killed as well. He chose to be a Shade because he want to take revenge on the syndicate. Not the ordinary type of revenge he wants to make them suffer.
  2. Name- Rey Barrette Age- 20 Gender- Male Country- Neo- England Appearence-Has a white complexion, a yellow spike hair and blue eyes. Wears a leather brown jacket a white undershirt and a pair of blue jeans. Bio- At the age of 15 he was trained to pilot mobile suits. However his training stopped at the age of 17 due to family problems and he frequenlty wrecks the mobile suits he used. When he reached to age of 19, he learned that his father was a mobile suit engineer and was working on a new gundam. His father then gave him the gundam knowing that he will put it into good use. Personality- he is courteous towards the mechanics of his gundam because he believes that without them his gundam would be a wreck. While outside the arena he is kind and modest to his opponents but when inside the arena he gives a good fight. Job- Pilot Gundam- (XM-1107 Nemesis), there are three convertions of the Gundam Nemesis in which the gundam changes arm parts. Launcher, Strike and Reality.Launcher mode is for long range combat, Strike is for Short range and hand to hand combat while Reality is middle range combat. Armor- specialized gundanium alloy in which it uses a phase shift armor. Weapons- In General :2 vulcan cannons on the head, a beam saber at the booster. short beam rifle concealed at the thigh part. Launcher Mode Right Arm: equipped with a 25m Buster Cannon on the shoulder, the Barrel is 34cm thick with a 1km range. And fires a highly concentrated Laser with a 15cm radius. Left Arm: A blade like the Gundam Heavy Arms. Strike Mode Both Left and Right arms are equipped with a claw-like hands which functions like the beam saber. the beam saber cannot be used while in Strike mode. Reality Mode Right Arm: equipped with a beam whip. Left Arm: Equipped with a beam shield on its forearm. Special Weapon/Skill- the gundam will automatically adapt itself depending on the equipment used. It changes its equipment like the Impulse Gundam.
  3. Yosuke finally arrived in Tokyo after a long walk. "For my last order as your superior, Go home, think that this never happened and Live your lives normally." "Yes Sir!" the soldiers simultaneously said. "Huh?" Yosuke notices a phoenix flying around. "That's something you don't see everyday. I have business to attend to. The rest of you go home." Yosuke said before leaving. While Yosuke is approaching the Phoenix, he felt something strange in his body and fell one knee to the ground. "Ugh! What's this? I feel kinda dizzy...(pants)"Yosuke said. Tooks out a small medicine box from his pocket, "Good thing that the prime minister first gave me this. (swallows one capsule from the box) Now for that Phoenix before the medication wears off." Yosuke then rushed to where he saw the Phoenix. While rushing to the scene, Yosuke saw Eidolon rushing Albireo to the space resort. He didn't recognized Eidolon at first but when he saw Albireo he stopped and looked back. "I'll fight him next time when He and I are at 100%." Yosuke then looked back at the Phoenix. When he was at the scene, he saw Ari being attacked by it.
  4. The long wait has finally come to an end. Every millenium comes a certain test. A test divided into nine subtests. The subtests primarily deals on how the examinees interact with other examiness, what will the examinees do in order to pass the Test and how determined are they to pass. Scouts have been sent to see who are eligible to take the Test. 1000 years before, "I Congratulate you on Passing the Test. Many are Chosen but only One Passes. I Commend you on your Determination to Succeed. Now Tell me me What is it do you desire?" an Omnivous voice spoke. "I...I want to be eternal to be the next Examiner for the next Test." another voice spoke. "Tell You Shall!" The Omnivous Voice told so. After 1000 years have passed, times have changed and there existed different worlds and dimensions. However, people from different worlds who don't know each other will interact with one another, whether its bringing others down, helping them or just simply ignoring them. A Test which gives many opportunities and limitless possibilities. So the question is "Are you willing to take the Test?" Sign up format: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: (can be either pic or description) Place of Origin: ( can be from anywhere, either from down to earth, a fictional world or even from a previous Rp) Personality: Talents or Skills : Favorite Element: Favorite animal: Type1 : (power, speed, intellect, or enduring) Type2 : (sight, hearing, smell) Weapon Preference: (what type of weapon do you prefer to use also give a description if fictional) Preferred Pet: (if your preferred pet is fictional please provide description including its appearance) History/ Character Snippet: (How you were found by the scouts or something that could interest the scouts in signing you up in the Test) OCC: I'll do mine some time around and if there any questions, we'll discuss it in the Underground
  5. While walking back to the camp, Yosuke decided to bring the remaining soldiers home so that they won't blew his cover. "They will just slow me down. The government can't win against the Furians with just bullets ang guns. The Furian earlier (remembers his first encounter with Albireo) He's strong and by the looks of where they are going I'm sure that they are in the City." Yosuke said to himself. After a few moments, he was back in the base but things aren't what they used to be.The soldiers looked at him coldly and they looked scared at him. "You... you're a Furian..." one of the soldiers scaredly spoke to him. a short silence came to the place then Yosuke told them "You're all going home. You have no reason to stay here. I'll escort you out of here." "We won't take orders from a Furian!" the captian of the group said. "Look I'm doing you a favor if you want to stay here, Fine! if you don't then come with me. I'm going back to Tokyo to give my first report to the president." Yosuke replied. Without a word, he simply left the camp. Some soldiers followed with the hope of going back home safely while others still despise Yosuke's being as a Furian and stayed. After a few hours, they were at the passageway that connects the Grand Grounds and Tokyo. "Wherever you are I"ll hunt you down. Not only I'm doing it for the government but also for me as well." Yosuke said with the hope of hunting Albireo down. OCC: By the way since I can't edit my sign up which I don't know why, I'll just tell you the changes about his ability called "Purge." Without his sword, Purge is used by throwing a small electric ball but same effect it paralyzes.
  6. Name: Fujikuru Ashiddo Age: 12 Gender: Male Village: Village of the Hidden Leaf Rank: Genin Appearance: Frequently wears the Akatsuki hat but with no white stuffs hanging around. wears a white cotton vest with the leaf sign on embedded at the back, a black shirt (like Sasuke's first shirt) with no logo of the Uchiha clan at the back, Baige Shorts with several pockets good for carrying scrolls, kunai's, shurikens, smoke bombs and pills, also has blue sandals and wears his Forehead protector on top of his head. a pair of gloves and bandage is wrapped around his right forearm. Has long Green hair with length up to the middle of his back and blue eyes. stands 5'3 tall and has medium build. Abilities: His jutsu is mostly of acid elemental and some poison elemental. However he can't execute them well since he has unstable chakra conditions. Despite that there is one technique that he can do well which Aryuusangasu Buresu no Jutsu (Acidic Breath Technique): "It is Like Katon Housenka no Jutsu but instead of fire it releases small acid ball." Biography/Bio: He came from a clan named Ashiddo which stands for "Acid". He and his family just migrated to the Leaf village from the Village of the Hidden Rain. They were exiled from the village of the hidden rain because of they were different among the other ninjas. Instead of water they specialize in acid. Personality: Friendly, Modest, Kind, Approachable and Laid Back. Also he has this "run away if possible" attitude. And sometimes he can be annoying. but he is loyal to the ones he sworn to protect. Teams: I wait for them.
  7. Cryeon while walking around thought about what the vampire said earlier. Cryeon clenched his fist and said to himself "I'm not weak." He then went to the park and thought of clearing what was said to him earlier. He decided to go to his usual place in the park ,which is the biggest tree in the park, upon getting closer he saw Luna sleeping under the tree. He looked at Luna and saw the calmness in her face and also the Gospel around her neck. He then smiled and whispered to her while she was sleeping "Keep the Gospel and it shall always show you the light." After that he went into the dark parts of the park and left the park. After a few moments, Cryeon was on the torch of the Statue of Liberty. "So are you coming?" someone from his back asked him. "You said breaking the bonds and going back to him will make me stronger? Then Let's go."Cryeon replied and turned to the one speaking earlier and saw the four vampires that attacked him earlier. All five of them went down the elevator and after exiting the statue, they went inside a car and went to an abandoned subway station. After going down the subway, Cryeon saw Dmitri. Tensions were building up in the reunion of the two but they were surpressed the one of the four vampires. "This is Dante." said Dmtri. "The one who convinced me to go here." Cryeon said. "Now for the aim of this meeting. From now on you four are gonna work under him."Dmitri then said. "WHAT?!" the bulky vampire reacted "This is Stupid! There's No way I'm Gonna Work with a Human." "you have a problem with a human?" Cryeon asked. "You humans are weak and pathetic." The bulky one said. "Weak? let's just see about that." Cryeon replied. "Bring it on!" After the bulky one spoke, he suddenly charged at Cryeon. "No! Stop it Vorto!"Dante shouted. Dante's words didnt reached Vorto's ears and when he was about to attack Cryeon with his claws, Cryeon side stepped avoiding the attack, went to the back of Vorto and grabbed Vorto's neck with a pliers-like grip. "(in pain)Can't breathe...Let go of me!"Vorto commanded. "As you wish." Cryeon said with a calm voice. Cryeon shoved Vorto and pulled out his gun and shot Vorto's ear out of his head. "ARGGHH!!" Vorto in pain shouted and fell down to the floor. After the fight, only Vorto's voice can be heard. He was carried by his arm by Dante. "If you have a problem with me then go. If not come with me. We have work to do." Cryeon said to the four. "We go with you Cryeon." The remaining three said simultaneously. "Vorto! or whatever your name is, stay here your injured." Cryeon said "Let's Go!" Cryeon, Dante along with two vampires went outside the subway carrying out what their orders are which is to kill. "This is the path I chose to take." Cryeon said to himself. [CENTER][B]End[/B] [/CENTER]
  8. Cryeon standing in the middle of the bridge thought "Did I made a right choice?" After a few moments, he was approached by four vampires two from each side of the bridge. One of the vampires said "You there! Our boss ordered us to go and bring you to him." "Is that so..." Cryeon replied "Dmitri... your really out to get me." he said to himself. The four approached Cryeon slowly and one of them said "We know that you're seeking revenge. Come with us and Dmitri will give you more power." "Sorry... I want to do my revenge my own way." Cryeon replied. "Anyways we must take you to him by any means neccesary" One of them said. The four charged at Cryeon simultaneously. Cryeon took out his blade and spinned it around making the four move back. Cryeon then drew gun fired at one of them. the target blocked the shot. The others attacked him from behind wounding him and they were able to gang him up. After a few moments, One of them said "Why would Dmitri still want you? Your even weaker than before. (Pulled up Cryeon hair) Look! If you want to get your revenge, Forget everything. Forget the ones you have bonded with because they only hold you back. Come with us or just stay here and be a loser. (he then shoved his head to the ground) Let's go guys" "But didn't Dmitri said..." one of them cutted in. "Forget what he said. First he said that this is gonna be a challenge but what did we get? A weakling. Let's just leave him be." the one earlier talking replied. The four then vanished leaving Cryeon beated up.
  9. After discussing the plans of infiltration, Yosuke decided on exploring the Grand Grounds. After a several minutes, he was then in the middle of a post-battle ground. "This place is so dead and barren." Yosuke remarked. "You there! Your one of the government lackeys." Someone from behind said. "Are you talking about me?" Yosuke turned around and replied. "Don't play innocent i saw you went out from that base." said the guy. "Is that so?" Yosuke after said looked serious at him "Then you have to die." "Your gonna die! YAAAaa!" the guy then charged at him. Yosuke slighty closed his eyes and then opened them fully. Electrical current was flowing through his body. "What the hell is that?" the guy said while running towards him "Whatever it is your gonna die." When the guy was about a meter near, an electrical field surged around Yosuke. The guy was then shocked and burned as well from the high voltage electricity that came from Yosuke's body. After a few moments, the guy died. "Such weakling, Oh well there are other stronger Furians than this trash." Yosuke said while looking down on the corpse. He then went back to the base. OCC: You guys are probably wondering what's a government owned base doing here to clarify it this is just a camp where surviving soldiers from the government stay.
  10. Cryeon carried Luna to an Inn. He then checked in and went inside their room. He then layed her on the bed and went to the window. "What a night. (takes a glance at Luna then looks back outside to the sky) Your some girl Luna." Cryeon said to himself. He then approached the bed where Luna is sleeping and took the chair underneath the dresser, which is beside the bed. He sat on it. He then caressed her hair and after that he wrote something on a piece of paper. After writing the letter, he took his coat and stuffs and left her. This was written on the paper: Luna, thank you for showing me the light. You will always be in my heart and hope I will also stay in your heart. I would like to stay but I must still take my revenge and I don't want you getting harmed because of it. I also gave you something to remember me. It goes with this letter please keep it for me. And Goodbye for now. Hope we will see again. Along with the letter, also Cryeon left was a necklace, wherein its pendant is a platinum bullet. Deep inside the subway, the guy was then healing himself from the wound Cryeon made. "Dmitri! where is he?" A loud eerie voice spoke. "Sorry sire, I lost him. It was one of your creations that helped him see the light." Dmitri or the guy said. "Don't you know how important he is to me? Now GO! retrieve him, before its too late." The voice commanded. "Your servant obeys." Dmitri replied. Dmitri then disappeared from the subway. OCC: I just gave the guy a name so that i won't have to called him the guy always.
  11. Yosuke finally arrived in Grand Grounds. Looking at the place he was certain that a battle happened here. Houses burned, crops destroyed, ground are also burned and the place looked dead. "This is horrible. But my job still remains the same."Yosuke said to himself. Walking around he saw a government established base. Going towards it, he was then blocked by the guards. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" one of the guards asked. He then showed and ID card to the guard. The guards then bowed their heads and apologized to Yosuke. "Sorry the sir. We didn't know." Both of them said. Yosuke then walked inside the base. "Who was that kid?" one of the guards earlier asked. "Don't you know? They are the one of the highest agents sent here to this Hell." Yosuke then saw the base delivering supplies, training soldiers and also Furians who were just like him, working for the government. He then went into a camp together with some officers. Inside they discussed plans of infiltration.
  12. "Luna... I won't let you die here. Sacred heed my call. " Cryeon said to himself. Before the guy was about to make the final strike on Luna, Cryeon threw a sacred which intercepted to attack. Upon impact, The gullet release a cross-like barrier appeared shielding Luna and Blinding the Guy. Cryeon then pointed his gun to the guy then pulled the trigger. "That bullet... it's no ordinary bullet. So that's you call Sacred." the guy while holding his bleeding shoulder. "So you've noticed... right that is one of the capabilities of the Sacred. Not only it can kill the dark forces easier, but it can also protect the ones you care most. " Cryeon replied. "Hahaha... I never thought about it that way." the guy said while going near the window. "Your cornered. Surrender now!" Cryeon demanded. "(Laughs) This is new. being told in that manner like being hunted. But...( snickers) It won't end like this." The guy then threw a grenade to a support pillar of the building. The building began crumbling. "Hahaha... Good bye Cryeon see you next time." said the guy and after that he jumped outside the window. Cryeon then kept his weapons and rushed to the injured Luna. He carried her and rushed outside the building. After a few moments, the building went down and both of them were safe outside. Luna then woke up in Cryeon's arms.
  13. Cryeon charged at the left while Luna at the right. From his right hand appeared a claw-like weapon. He then slowly walked to the middle between Cryeon and Luna. When Cryeon was about a meter near him, He kicked Cryeon to the stomach and slashed him upward. Cryeon was then on floor wounded. While Luna and guy was fighting, Cryeon is taking something out of his pocket. Revealing what did he took, it was a golden bullet.He then slowly stood up from the floor.
  14. Sorry about that and thanks for telling me. I was also thinking of that the examinees are coming from different dimensions wherein their ability from their own dimension is usable in some tests.
  15. "After the murder of the orphans and the nuns, he found me. Under him i endured harsh training, killing and sufferings. Taught me everything i know about fighting. Told me many secrets about other hybrids, races and stuffs. However there is one thing that i know that he doesn't. It's the secret of the Sacred and Gospel." Cryeon said. He then looked at the guy and stared at him eye to eye. "I'll tell you its secret after this. Are you ready?" Cryeon said.
  16. Yosuke then realized that Rajara was in danger and being his co-workers his arm generated a black electrical current. He then slowy walked towards the group and suddenly with lightning speed he intecepted Albireo's sword Albireo's sword broke and was shattered. "That sword..." Yosuke silently said while looking at his hand bleeding. "Who are you?" asked Albireo. "I'm just a passer by. I'm intending no harm. I just can't see someone getting killed in front of me." Yosuke replied. After interupting he then walked away from the scene to the Grand Grounds. "So this is the strength of the Furians. This is gonna be interesting." He murmured to himself. OCC: At this point no one know that Yosuke is working for government. All they know about him is that he is a Furian.
  17. Cryeon slighty opened his eyes and saw Luna. Although blurred he recognize her. "Luna? what happened?" Luna then explained what happened to him. Cryeon then slowy stood up and said "I have worked for you for several years. SLaying countless victims and innocent victims as well. Now it time to return the favor." "Hahaha! you're still weak from the injury I made. You can't beat me. I've taught you everything. You can't possibly beat me." Cryeon while panting said "I know... But hurting someone who is very important to me. I can't let that pass by." "Hahaha! that's why your a fool." Said the guy. Cryeon then slighty took out his sword and prepared himself to fight. Although he was healed the wound is still hurting him and slowing him down.
  18. Like of what was said about the rp called "The Test" please visit this link first to have a few background of this and to know if your question is answered if not then post it as well. For the benefit of the people who don't this is its background. Several people from different dimensions are scouted to take a certain test wherein the one who passed will be given one wish. The ultimate wish that can be granted without a cost. There are Nine tests. One test per Chapter and for each test you will given a certain ability to accomplish it. Powers like improved senses, Ability to transform, Manipulate certain elements. Change ones physical attribute, Control cute pets that will obey you. The dimensions and what powers will be granted are not yet done. Please tell your opinions and questions. Truly appreciate it. [size=1][color=teal]In future please use official thread ratings, PG-13 is not a thread rating used on OB.[/color][/size]
  19. OCC: Oh and by the way Alpha please work on your spelling. Yosuke, after walking several hours, said "This way is too long. When will i get there." He then noticed four people. Three were together and the other was alone and all of them was in fighting stance. "Well this is interesting" He then said while going near the scene. "I wonder if these are what my Boss is calling Furians. Let's see what they can do."
  20. Cryeon was awed of what Luna said. the guy said "Do it. The way to completing your revenge is at your fingertips." The guy then stepped closer to Cryeon and whispered something. After the whisper, Cryeon suddenly went in a state of shock. He then slowy looked at the guy and said "How did you know?" "I know a lot things about Cryeon... Now shoot her and you'll receive an additional bonus." The guy replied. "I can't... I just can't do it!"Cryeon said. "You won't do it? Fine! Then i'll do it." The guy suddenly grabbed Cryeon's revolver and pointed it at Luna. The sound of gunfire echoed in the building. The guy then looked down on the bloody body of Cryeon, stared at the spot where the bullet has hit Cryeon, which is on his left chest, and said "Your a fool Cryeon." Then he pointed the gun again at Luna.
  21. Cryeon after listening to Luna's story looked at his bottle and found out that it was already empty. "It looks like i'm already out of booze. Well gotta go. I have much to do. And thanks for letting me hear your story in life. I wish we could do this more often." He then stood up grabbed his coat and both of them bid each other goodbye. After leaving the bar, Cryeon's cellphone suddenly rang. "Hello!" A voice then replied "It's me. You have a new assignment. The same place same time." Then the phone was hunged up. "I think this will be my last assignment from that bastard" Cryeon said before going to their meeting place. After a while, Cryeon and that person met in an old building. "This will be my last orders coming from you. After this I'll retire" "Fine fine, but make sure you do it this time. Here's your new target." the guy said. The guy gave Cryeon the picture faced down and when Cryeon flipped the picture up, A great shock came to him like lightning struck him. To his surprise the one in the picture is Luna. "I can't accept this." Cryeon said "Why? You have spend your time slaying vampires. What's the difference between this one and the others you have slain?" The Guy replied "She's my friend and i can't kill her." said Cryeon. "I knew that it would come to this, so here I'll give this to you. This formula can kill any vampire even the King. IF you kill her then this is yours."the guy replied. Cryeon stood in silence after hearing that and without a clue of what to do next.
  22. "Yosuke! By order of the Tokyo government. You are assigned to investigate and collect information about the Grand Grounds and the Furians." "Yes Sir!" Yosuke replied. After the given order Yosuke and his friend went into a Ramen house."you re so lucky Yosuke. Not only you're promoted but your also assigned to the special force of the government" His friend said. "Thanks, Well my mission starts tomorrow gotta sleep early." After saying that Yosuke gulped down his ramen and said good bye to his friend.
  23. "That's because humans are powerless and weak and also afraid to step in front of death. But I never thought that humans are turned into vampires that way. Pain, Sorrow and Fear are always together hurting us and there is no easy way of escaping it we just have to bear it. " Cryeon stopped and laughed silently and after a while he took a sip. "I'm just curious what happened to you?"
  24. "Thanks I'd really appreciate it. (Laughs) I have spend most of my time slaying vampires, I never imagined I'm befriending one right now. This is amusing. I was also thinking the same thing about why didn't he killed me back there and why strike at me twice. Right now it is still a mytery but I'll still hunt him down. About what you said earlier that our diffenrence is that i'm still a human so are you saying that you were once human?" Cryeon replied and then he took a sip.
  25. "Nice? Heh...I was nice back then. However all that was lost he came. Without a reason he murdered my family making me an orphan. At first revenge wasn't at my veins yet. At the age of fifteen i was released by the orphanage. All of the nuns there became close to me and also to my fellow orphans. Even i wasn't a part of the orphans they were taking care of i became a church boy and i'm always helping out the orphanage, until He came again. Not only he murdered my family, he murdered again the ones whom i care most. Seeing the dead bodies of the nuns who have taken care of me, I realized that this is enough. From that day on i only focused on my revenge. Getting info about him and after knowing what he is, I trained myself to beat him. Killing everyone who stood in my way. Who is that guy? Majority of the guys whom i've asked said he is the King of Vampires. Well that's my story." Cryeon replied. "Want some?" Cryeon offered some of his drink to Luna.
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