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Everything posted by spazmaster

  1. First off im sad in the pants that I didnt post in this topic earlier, but oh well page four not so bad. I love eureka seven, but most of all I love the fact that they made every character supportive to the conclusion. I wont be spoiling anything but I will say ending creamed my special sasuke boxers.
  2. can you pm me id like to hear about the end. most good writers start from the end because its easier to set the storyline from the end.
  3. yeah there has to be a three. but I speculate that the three armored characters might to be sora, riku, kairi. Each has the power to weild a keyblade, two guys and a girl, and the armor colors. but it's just my guess. also note some of the easter eggs like DIZ (a shorter way to say disney), YEN SID (disney backwards), the restoration commity cards (oddly resemble disney hotel membership cards LOL). the sea salt ice cream is one of tetsua nomura's favs lol, just like his obsession with lions and the lion king world.
  4. [quote name='trucha']hey well this is okay but what inspired you to write about this story? im just asking because i have one that i wrote my self called HANA-SAMA. im not done with it but i figured out that it all relates to me and to what i want for my self. :catgirl:[/quote] But arnt most stories and plots inspired by the writers inmost feelings even if the story seems as far from the truth as possible, It still has the touch of the writers life in it. I know when I write my manga im going to put as many hidden reference to me in it as possible so that people can see a little bit about the writer. Maybe it'll just be small things but at least it will give the reader those questions. Was that what he, Thought,Heard, felt?
  5. [FONT=Courier New]im sorry if i sound like a critic and nobody likes my Skepticism but the characters names are pretty common, and the key to making an awsome chara is using new and different features, dont worry you dont have to listen to me. i just thought it might help Sorry again![/FONT]
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