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Funny Girl

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Everything posted by Funny Girl

  1. [COLOR=Magenta]Riiko started to get up and saw that Chase was up as well. Riiko's hair was a mess so she decided to go to the river and wash up. She hated how her hair was oily. She walked down to the river and then started to wash her hair. She then grabbed the towel she brought with her and wrapped her hair up in the towel. Riiko walked back to see that Chase was up and ready to go. Riiko sat back down and dry her hair off more. It was still damp so she put it up in a messy bun and got ready to leave. She could see that many of the others were getting ready also. She saw Tray having a bit of a hard time so Riiko went over to help him out. "Need any help?" she asked. "No, not really. I'm fine," he said. "Oh, I see. Hey I don't think we've had a chance to meet. My name's Riiko. What's your's?" "Name's Tray." "That's a really cool name, Tray. So what power do you have?" "Ice." "Wow! Could you show me something that you can do with your ice?" Riiko liked to make people feel comfortable. So she thought that if she could make Tray more comfortable with being friends with her, then he could be friends with everyone else.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Magenta]Thanks caner. I love it. It looke great!! Thanks a bunch. [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Magenta]Ashura looked around to see that everyone was getting their wings. She also got hers and they were a nice white and gold. The tips and the outer portion were a bright gold and the rest was a simple white. She loved her wings and then left the room to go to the armory. When Ashura got to the armory there was a lot of weapons to choose from. But one caught her eye and it seemed to fit for her job. It was a nice [URL=http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e230/Neko-Kitsune009/Tsubasa/tsubasa23.jpg]staff[/URL] (ignore the guy from tsubasa in it) that could probably help the world and it was very cute too. She went up to the clerk and said, "I want that staff up there." "Yes, ma'am," he replied taking down the staff and handing it to her. "Here you go." "Thank you. Do I have to pay for it?" "No. Since your'e the Savoir you don't have to." "What about everyone else? Do they?" "No. They don't have to since they're here to protect you, the Savoir." "Okay. Thank you for your kindness." Ashura bowed with respect and left the armory room. Orthaos came up to Ashura and told her everything that she wanted to know.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Magenta]Kaho woke up from where she was and could see the two sides coming for each other. She then spread her wings and flew over there hoping to stop the fighting. Kaho finally got there when the two sides met. Then they started charging at each other. She flew in the middle of the two sides and yelled loudly, "STOP!!!!" Then both sides stopped and looked up to see that a bright light was up in the sky. Everyone couldn't see anything so they squinted their eyes to see that Kaho was coming down from the sky shining like the light. "Please, Stop!! No more of this killing. I know that both sides have a grudge against one another but that is no reason why we must fight and shed one another's blood. We need to negogiate this. I can't stand for all those lives that were taken a thousand years ago! You all know that you're here to live your lives together, not to kill. So I beg of you stop this now. If not then there will be no one left to kill and everything will die!" shouted Kaho. She turned to see that both sides were talking to one another and then the Ari woman said, "Why must I believe horrible lies from a creature like you?!" "Because if you don't then the ones you're after are someone completely different. I was written long ago that the humans and anima lived together in peace and harmony until one of the humans said that they didn't like the anima started to kill them. You are the same person as the one who killed off the other anima about a thousand years ago." Then everyone gaspsed and turned against the woman. They killed her on the spot and all the other humans and anima lived together in peace and harmony. But since they had reached the promised place, Kaho promised to go out with Kai. So Kai and Kaho did go out. As for the anima and humans, they all got away from the anima land and set out to live together as one. New lives were built and homes and dewlings were restored and places were built for anima to live and everything returned to as it was before a thousand years ago. [CENTER][SIZE=4]THE END[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Magenta]After the guy had left her, she decided to go back to rest before morning. She closed her hand and the ball of light disappeared. She was never the type to persue someone nor to keep nagging at them either. So she just turned around and went back to the mountian. When she had gotten to the top she noticed that they were already for bed and even some were asleep. Riiko saw that Chase was looking at something and wanted to ask, but she didn't. She sat down by the fire and watched it move. Riiko had always loved the way it looked and the unpredictableness of it too. She sat there looking and then thought about what would happen to her friends if they didn't know where she was. She was getting tired and them looked up at the stars. Riiko could see how pretty teh stars twinkled in the night. She remembered that where she went to school and lived that there weren't many stars that you could see. This was the first time in a while that Riiko's been out in the middle of nowhere for a long time. Riiko was always very lonely but she made the best of her life. She still wished that her parents didn't take things out on her all the time. But ever since she moved away from them and her old life, things started getting better. She made new friends that didn't pick on her and she was able to get away from her parents before something worse would happen. [I]Man, how I wish that my didn't fight and that they would be here to this day. But I guess everyone has their time when they feel like the world has turned against them and that only killing yourself would be the right thing to to even if it meant going to hell for it. I still wanted to know what it was like to have actual parents that didn't fight or yell at their kid all the time.[/I] Riiko thought a long time on the subject and then went to sleep.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Magenta]"Wow, I can't believe that I'm really the Savoir of the earth. This is so exciting. But how can I be and not someone else? I mean I've always wanted to help out the world and sure I was kind to everything but why me?" asked Ashura. "Well it was said that someone would become the Savoir but they never told us when or where they would be coming. We've been waiting a lond time for you to come so let's go and get your wings fitted," replied Orthaos. They all go to the white room and then Orthaos turned and said, "Dont' worry Ashura. Everyone of these guardians are here to protect you from the evil ones after you." "Okay. I was always told to trust those who trust me." Ashura and the others walked into the white room and were all getting fitted for their wings.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Magenta]As Riiko asked this question the guy turned and looked at her with a scowl on his face. "Yes, what is it to you," he said sternly. "Well we shouldn't go too far because we don't know where we're going first of all," replied Riiko in a kind and gentle voice. "First off, how did you find me?" "I had heard something behind me and when I turned I saw some electric waves on the rock so I followed it to see you standing here." "Why did you follow me? You don't even know me!" "Well I figured that no one should be alone out here in the world even if they are shunned and misunderstood a lot of times. I know you may not know it but there may be some people looking and watching out for you." Then the guy seemed to have a very shocked and confused face. He couldn't think of someone saying that to him even if she was a stranger. Riiko couldn't see very well so she held out her hand and a ball of light appeared on it creating some light so she could see his face. Riiko then came a little closer and took off his hood. When his hood was taken off it revealed his white hair. Riiko smiled and said, "That's better. Now I can introduce myself now that I know what you look like. Let's start over. My name is Riiko. It's very nice to meet you." The guy was still confused and didn't know how to respond to such kindness like hers.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Magenta]Ashura followed the woman until they got to a hotel. The woman said, "Once we get to where we are going, I will leave you there." "Umm...Okay," replied Ashura. They both walked inside and went to the reseptionist. Then the woman asked, "Is there a letter for Ashura?" Ashura was suprised and so was the reseptioness. Ashura didn't know how the woman knew her name but she went along with it. The reseptionist handed the woman an envelope and the woman turned and handed the envelope to Ashura. Ashura grabbed the envelope and opened it. It had a key and a room number. Ashura looked up and asked, "What am I supposed to do with this?" "Go to the room that the number says on it," said the woman smiling. Ashura looked at the room number and it read [I]Room 7[/I]. She walked to the room and used the key to open the door. When she opened the door, there were a lot of people inside the room lounging around. All the people in the room turned or stopped what they were doing and stared at Ashura not knowing who she was. Then the woman who brought Ashura said, "This is the one that you've been waiting for. She is the Chosen One and you must guard her with your life. She is the Savior and will help the world from destruction." She turned and looked at Ashura who didn't get what she was saying. "Don't worry they won't hurt you. Now I must go." With that, the woman disappeared and Ashura was left alone with everyone staring at her. She wanted to be polite so she said bowing, "My name is Ashura Yasha and I'm sure that whatever I'm supposed to do that I will do my best trying." She then stood up straight and looked at everyone.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Magenta]While Riiko was looking at the group she noticed something from behind the boulder. She turned and looked and saw some eletrical waves that were there and then disappeared. She then turned to look and saw that a girl named Oko and Garett were talking or so she thought. Riiko was never the kind to barge in and break up a descution so she kept quiet and saw their reactions to each other when they talked. What really worried her the most was who created those waves of electricity and why they left on such a hurry. She didn't know what was going on but she thought that there was a little love between of few of the people here. Riiko kept all that quiet since she was afraid that if she spilled the rest of the group would tell them. Riiko's curiosity got the best of her and she followed the path where the waves had been. She then lost the trail as she went down the mountain so she put her hand down on the ground and could feel some electricity from the ground. She followed the path until she saw someone with a hood over his head. She walked up to him and asked, "Are you one of the Chosen eight?"[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Magenta]Riiko couldn't believe what the woman Adin had said to her. Riiko was the reincarnation of Adin but she couldn't do anything like her. She looked up from the fire and asked Chase, "If I'm the reincarnation of Adin, then what power do I supposedly have?" Chase pondered on the moment and thought about what the power Adin had and thought that since there was always light around Adin that Riiko's power was over light. "Well since Adin always had light with her no matter where she was, you're power is light," replied Chase. "Oh. Wow. I never knew that I would have a power like that. It's amazing that I'm someone else yet not," said Riiko. She noticed that when she said that, that everyone was looking at her strangely. She was used to that already so she just gave a nice and kind smile. Riiko pondered on the thought of what her power did and wanted to know what ever her power over light did that it was something that could help out the entire world over whatever they were fighting against. She got up and walked over where she could see the night sky. The stars were nice and bright and could see that the air was much more crisp and clean. She observed the scenery and then looked back at the campfire where mostly everyone was at firing questions at Chase who answered them all the best her could. [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Magenta]Ashura didn't know where she was but that she was where no one could see her anymore. She couldn't remember anything except that she was walking and then a truck and then darkness. She couldn't help but try to think and couldn't find anything. Ashura looked around and then saw someone who came to her and said, "Let's go. Everyone's been waiting for you." The woman smiled and helped Ashura up. "Okay, but who are you and what am I doing here?" asked Ashura. "You'll find out soon enough when we get there. But for now, relax. You're with good people now and when we get there, everything will be explained to you." "Oh, Okay. I trust you. Like my dad always said, 'Trust anyone who helps you out when you're in a tough situation.'" Ashura smiled and her and the woman walked over to the place where she had no idea where they were going.[/COLOR]
  12. [quote name='Allamorph] [B]InuYasha[/B'] is pretty popular, so you'll probably dig it.[/quote] [COLOR=Magenta]Inuyasha -is a really great series. I totally agree with Allamorph on that one. There is a lot of volumes on it too. But over all it's the number one anime world wide. I think. Tsubasa- My sis is collexting it and I'm reading it. It's a really great series and it has a couple of twists and turns in it too. Rurouni Kenshin- Another great manga and anime series. I also recemmend. Great Action and Romance all in one. Chrono Crusade- some demons and great action with a lot of twists with the stroy line. All volumes out and it's the last one that I have to offer to you.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Magenta]Kaho woke and sensed Kai coming from the forest. She got up and flew towards the entrance of the anima's place and looked into the meadows to see someone running her way. As that person got closer and closer she noticed that it was Kai. Kai ran up all the over to where she was and he stopped breathing heavily. "We're... in... big... trouble," said Kai pausing to catch his breath. "What? What's the trouble?" asked Kaho. Kai finally caught his breath and stood up. "What I mean is, that woman and some others are coming this way bringing along many other humans wanting to kill the anima in this place." "What?!! No!!! That can't happen." Kaho turned and noticed that the other anima were staring at Kai and snarling and growling at him. Kaho told Kai to wait there a moment as she went over to the anima and said, "This is the man that we've been telling you about. This is Kai and he's been helping us out ever since we got to this place. But the thing is, there's a terrible danger coming soon. He tells me that there is a woman and many other humans coming this way to kill all of us anima here. We need to do something about that." That anima looked at eachother and nodded. Some of them went off telling others of the danger coming and many were getting prepared for the fight. Kaho went back over to Kai and said, "They trust you now and I've warned them about the danger that is going to come. I only wished that the woman never came to this place then all these great anima wouldn't get hurt." She started to cry and then Kai lifted her head and said, "EVerything's gonna be all right. Jut remember that and everything will." He smiled and Kaho stopped crying and said, "Thanks Kai. You always know what to say." Kaho gave him a hug and then left to get ready for the battle. Kaho ran a ways and then stopped to rest for the night. That night she dreamt of the war that was going on and then a great light in all of it before anyone could get killed. Then the humans and anima were all good friends. She never knew what it meant. She slept through that night with no worries about it.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Magenta]Riiko was really nervous yet excited to see how many others there were here. She stood there smiling and noticed that there was one guy looking at her hair color. She knew that if she shouted at him for staring, the others would look at her and stare at her so she walked up the guy with dark long blue hair and said, "Hi my name Riiko. What's your's?" Riiko wanted to start a conversation with the others so she thought that talking to each one individually she would get to know them better. She waited for his answer and noticed that others were also starting to talk to one another also. This made her happy to see others there that wanted to get to know everyone and why they were there and everything about themselves. The guy looked sorta shocked at first but then said, "Name's Tray." "Tray... That's a really cool name," replied Riiko smiling again. But what really bugged Riiko was who was the other one that they were all waiting for. She really wanted to see who she or he was like when they got here. [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Magenta]Riiko was walking around her college just hanging out until she heard a voice calling to her. She always knew that if you hear something when no one's around, then it must be an omen or some sort of calling. Riiko listened closely and heard that the Chosen must go to Mt. Sot. She got all her stuff and left the college. Her friends all saw her getting ready to leave and said, "Hey, Riiko. Where are you going? Is something wrong?" "No, I just have to go out for a bit. But cover for me until I get back! Thanks guys!" said Riiko as she ran out of the building. "Man, I hope that girl is okay. But we have to cover for her," said one girl. "Yeah, you're right. She did help us all out you know," said another girl. "Yup, she's a good kid with a very kind heart," said another as the bell rang and they headed to their next class. Riiko ran down the sidewalk and got to her house. She took off her shoes and ran up to her room to get dressed. She changed from her school uniform into something more comfortable. She ran back downstairs and grabbed a bag and put her shoes on. She ran out of the house and headed for Mt.Sot. She slowed down to a walk to save her energy and looked at all the places a shops that were there. She could see people out on the sidewalk looking at produce and the shopkeeper standing outside helping people. She knew that she was in a safe place than before. She finally had gotten away from the city and heade for Mt. Sot. She could see that it wasn't very far away decided to take her time. After about an hour and a half, she had arrived at the base of the mountain. Riiko looked for a trail and then found one. She took the trail up the mountain but it would take about another hour to get at least half way. She knew that the mountain was unpredictable so she stayed on her toes and hoped for the best. About two hours, she had reached almost the top and noticed that there were others there as well.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Magenta]Yeah of course its okay. I want you to do your best on it. Thanks for asking though. :animesmil [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Magenta]I want a Pita-ten avatar and banner but I'm not very good with computers to make a perfect avatar or banner. So this is what I need: - Dimension: 500x100 for banner and 150x80 for avatar - Color scheme: Nothing too bright that it blocks the pic - Text: True Angel - Pictures: [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Pita-Ten/Pita-TenMishaandShia-1.jpg]Here[/URL] [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Pita-Ten/81cce9bb.jpg]Here[/URL] [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Pita-Ten/Pita-TenMishaandShia.jpg]Here[/URL] [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Pita-Ten/Misha.jpg]And Here[/URL] - Notes:If you have any other Pita- Ten Pics then you can use them too. Thank you to whoever can do this for me.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Magenta]Kaho walked around while being greeted by other anima. She knew what they've been through and then after the introductions, they all went on with their daily lives. Kaho turned to the group and said, "This is the place where all the anima live. I hope that you guys can find your parents or other anima that are just like you. I'm here hoping to find my parents." Kaho smiled and then left to explore the place more. The rest of the group set off to meet with the anima some more. They all went their different ways and they all got to meet the same anima that they were. But Kaho couldn't find her parents but only found other bird anima like herself. She was still very sad but she was very determined to find them. She searched until she couldn't see anymore anima in sight. She decided to head on back but she stayed where she was and looked up at the sky and spread her wings and flew up into the sky. She soared throughout the anima territory and then she landed to one side of the territory. She layed down in the grass and fell asleep. [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Magenta]Name: Riiko Age: 21 Gender: Female Personality: She's a very nice person with an agressive side. She loves to be there when action takes place. She can never stay away from fighting but she can when it comes to the ones she loves. She can be nice but when there's a fight she will be all in to it. She can't help but feel a little different a strange around others but she knows that people accept her the way she is. Overall her personality can be flirty and outgoing. She loves going out shopping and flirting is one of a good personality. She can tell that others don't like her for being different and she's sorta not all the great about it. She can be the light of a party or someone to have a shoulder to cry on. But either way you take it, she's somone reliable and dependable. Appearance: [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/c240d2da.jpg]Clicky On the Underlined Button[/URL] Rencarnation of: Adin Power: Light. She can control the light anything that has to do with "Good Magic." She is like a preistess that can send energy waves and balls of light from her katanas. Weapon: She has two katanas that she carries on her back. Bio: She was abused a lot from parents and some kids for the color of her hair and the way she looked. No one would ever want to be around her and she was very sad about that. When she moved from her original school to another, she made a lot new friends that accepted her into their lives. She was a lot happier there and then as she grew older, she noticed that there was something different than having odd hair color but some sort of power that she soon finds out later.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Magenta]Name: Ashura Yasha Age: 21 Gender: Female Personality: She's a very loving adult who helps a lot. She may be the Savior but she always trying to find ways to help out the others so they don't have to carry most of the burden. She was kind to others and never loses her smile so everyday she smiles and laughs and never looks mad, sad, or depressed. She tries very hard to reach her goal. Appearance: [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/flowerfield.jpg]Pic[/URL] Weapons: She uses a staff that has magical powers- healing, sheilding, etc. Position: Chosen One[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Magenta]I've got some today!! Be careful for what you wish Because you just might get it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I heard this one from a song my friend listens to. Love me or hate me That is the question Love me or hate me That is an obession ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To find that you're nothing Then what do you think you're doing here? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Magenta]Story Before: It all began with a gang man named Hale Coppone. Hale Coppone made beer for the Everlay Club and for Sock's club as well. Since Coppone was the head of his gang, he owned most of the territory of Chicago. He and his men would get in fights with other gangs and win and get the territory. But just recently, Coppone was put in jail and is going to be there awhile. Story A Little After: It's been a couple of years since Coppone was put in jail and now the gangs are getting riled up and many want to kill Coppone when he gets out of jail. Some say that he may not even make it to Chicago. This is where our story will begin with the Everlay Club and the manager of the club/ hotel, Miss Silky. Her real name is not Silky but her nickname since she wore silk evening dresses at night. She heard that Coppone is going to be released from jail soon and the whole club can't wait. But some people are betting that Coppone will or won't make it to Chicago. Many are ready to take over the business of Coppone and some want to kill him and many want his fortune. But over all many of the gangs want to kill him and some people are making a plan to help Coppone get into Chicago and are willing to do anything to help him. But what happens when one person turns and wants to kill Coppone? Story Now: Coppone is about to get out of jail and there are some that are going to help him but many have a reason to kill him. Someone brave has got the courage to kill him and killed him without him knowing it too. Who killed Coppone? And what was the reason? Find out the murder in Chicago and how many are suspects and many just don't care. Okay, this is a murder mystery and you are one of the suspects. But you won't know until the end. I will tell you if your the murderer, or not, before the end of the thread. Also when you post. You don't know who will kill Coppone yet so you will play your every day career. Sign Up: Name: Nothing Fancy Nickname: Something like ''Silky" and have a reason why your nickname is that. Age: 21 or older Gender: Male or Female Career: everyone's has to be different Personality: Appearance: Weapons: any kind of guns :tommy guns, machine guns, rifles, pistols, etc. Bio: Reason to kill Coppone: PM me if you want to be the murderer. Don't tell anyone in your post. Just keep it in mind. Happy Posting!!! :animesmil [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Lime]I'm back with even more great quotes from today. This one is from my history teacher: Never let the sun go down when your mad or the devil will get you in your dreams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For every wish that you want, there's a price equal to your wish. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You do crazy things when your in love. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Never judge a book by its cover. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Honesty is the best policy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Always be yourself or no one will ever believe who you really are on the inside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't lie all the time because no one will believe you when your telling the truth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's all I have today. :animesmil [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=magenta]That night was a very cool and clear night. Kaho just laid there in the grass and looked up at the stars. She could see all the stars that twinkled in the sky. By the moment they go there they were welcomed by most of the anima. They gve them a place to sleep and then in the morning they would meet all the other anima that are like them. She was very happy and worried about Kai. She knew that he would be okay but she was very worried about what would happen to him. She imagined that he would meet up with the woman and that they might have to fight to keep the woman stalled for a while. Kaho knew that Kai was very strong and would keep living no matter what pain there was in the fight. She then closed her eyes and went to sleep. The next day when they woke up, they saw that all the anima were ready to meet them. They all greeted each other and made a ton of new friends. There were many different kinds of anima like birds, dogs, wolves, fish, sharks, cats, and many more. It was all so happy there.[/COLOR] OOC: Whoever plays Kai, I want you to tell me what happens when you meet up with the Ari woman.
  25. [COLOR=Lime]Wow!!! Lt.Zero, those are some quotes you have. I love quotes and use them all the time at school to help my friends out. Once in a while that is. Here they are: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'll always have your back no matter what!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you think life is a challenge then you think it's impossible. But, with courage you can set things right And make your dreams reality ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My life is my true happiness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm able to smile everyday 'cause I have a very strong heart for everyone ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay this one, I heard from some of my classmates. It's used over all of our school: Life's a ***** then you marry it and die. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The moon The sun And the stars are all things that bring light into my world And it should also bring light into yours as well That's about all that I have. I bet I'll some more tommorrow.[/COLOR]
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