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Funny Girl

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Everything posted by Funny Girl

  1. [COLOR=Lime]Kaho watched as Kai left and then disappear into the forest. She gave out a sigh and said, "Okay you guys, we need to head on out. If we stay here too long Kai may not be able to keep that woman away from us long enough to make it to the place where the anima are. We only have a few ways to go to get out of this forest and then we have to cross some meadows and then we will see a giant lake and that's where the anima will be." Everyone had confused faces as they never could believe her that she knew possibly where the anima where at all. They all talked amoungst themselves and agreed to leave. They followed Kaho through the dense forest and by the time they had reached the end, it was already nighttime. ~~~~Meanwhile~~~~ Kai was running through the forest and finally made it through to see that the woman had not made to the forest yet. The sun was at it's sunset point and he could see a woman coming his way. ~~~~~Back the othere~~~~~ Kaho saw that everyone was tired but the rest stop that they had taken earlier was good enough to go a ways and then they would have to stop and rest a while and then keep going. At the end of the forest the group was amazed at how Kaho knew that there were meadows beyond the forest. They all started to walk through these meadows in caution to make sure that there was nothing dangerous around where they were going. Kaho led them through the meadows with the light they had from the moon. The meadows were swaying like a sea of grass. The gentle breeze was cool and cripse. The moon was a cresent shape and the stars twinkled in the sky. Everyone followed Kaho and looked at their surroundings. The meadows were a nice place to be but the grass was not high enough to hide them so they had to cross the meadows until they reached the giant lake with trees scattered and a mountain pass that you could see all around the scenery. [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Lime]Everyone was really quiet to make sure not to make any sudden sounds while in the forest. She felt afraid to talk inspite of being watched or found by something that wanted to kill them. She was really worried about Cali since her paws were hurting and in bad condition to walk, even run on. Kaho noticed up ahead that there was some light shining down from the treetops. She could see that the sun was pretty bright. The group all walked underneath it and stopped to feel the suns warmth on their skin. Kaho felt relieved to feel the sun after walking around so much in the damp forest. Kaho then said, "Let's rest here awhile. I think what we all need is some rest and time to enjoy the sun since we've been walking around this damp dark forest for awhile." She smiled and closed her eyes as she looked up to the sun. "Well I think some rest would do us soem good," said Rita. "Yeah. *streaches arms* I think resting and taking a nap sounds good," said Ruby while going over to lean against a tree and closed her eyes. "Yeah I think that Cali over here needs some attention to her paws," said Tankyo putting Cali down off of her shoulders and Aurora going over to clean off Cali's paws. Kai smiled and said, "Yeah we need a rest. It's best since we can't get a lot during the night with traveling and stuff." Kaho looked back down and saw that everyone was sitting in the sun relaxing and having some laid back time. She decided to go fly up to the trees and poke her head through to see how far they had gotten from where they entered. Kah spread her wings and flew up. She had her head out from the treetops and looked around. She was careful so that no human could see her. She turned her head and saw that had about a long ways away to get to the end of the forest. Kaho flew back down and sat in the center of where the sunlight was. She closed her eyes to see where they were going to go next. She saw them coming out of the forest and heading towards a meadow. Over the meadow was a huge lake with anima all around it. She could see herself getting closer and then blood in her face. She then opened her eyes looking at everyone doing their own business and looking down at the ground [I]What was that? It was all peaceful and then blood was passing by my face and then on me, but someone else's blood. What could it mean? I get closer and closer to see what's about to happen but then it gets too frightening to look anymore.[/I] Kaho thought and thought a lot about what she saw when she closed her eyes.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Lime]It's the time of year when everyone has a goal or resolution for the new year. So I want to know what's your New Year's Resolution? It could be going to the gym. Eating healty. All that sort of stuff that you want to improve. Well, my New Year's Resolution would be... to Just Be Myself. It's pretty basic and not a lot. But it does mean that I can be the type of person who people will see me as my true self. Now I don't have to act like I have a cool personality or anything. I'm already popular myself but hey, I now what my goal in life is. So, I'll ask again, What's you New Year's Resolution??[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Lime]"Well I'm not sure that it will happen soon but I'm sure of one thing, I know where the anima are and headed. I always have thoes kind of dreams when I'm traveling," said Kaho. Soon, everyone started to wake up and then they were ready to go. Cali and Aurora were ready to go and so was Ruby and Rita. Tankyo was also ready and so was Kai. The group was ready to leave but most of them had no clue of where they were going. Kaho turned and said," We should head towards the forest and then from there I'll follow my heart." Kaho smiled as the group looked at her confused and then they didn't say anything so they just followed what Kaho had said. "Well then, let's get going," said Kai putting out the rest of the fire. "Yeah! I'm so excited to finally to be able to see what other kinds of anima there are when we find them," said Ruby. "Well don't get your hopes up Ruby. There are many perils that follow the search for the other anima," said Tankyo with an attitude. "Don't have an attitude, Tankyo. Just be carefree and don't worry about such things," replied Ruby to Tankyo. Tankyo just stood there and didn't say anything. "Well then, let's go!" shouted Kaho as the group headed to the forest. They arrived at the forest and saw that it was dark inside. You couldn't see anything since the forest was so thick. The trees were thick and the air was dense so it would be hard to breathe in. From the enterance, theu could only see a few thick and tall trees and then just darkness. The darkness was so dark that when they entered they had to be careful of where they were going.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Lime]As Kaho walked back to the cave she was a little shocked and relieved at the same time. But she would have never guessed that Kai would kiss her or ask her out on a date when the mission was over. She got back to the others sleeping in the cave and laid down. She thought about where they should go next and fell asleep. While she was sleeping she had a fortelling dream- she had a lot of those. It showed her that she was walking away from the cave and going towards the forest. Then when she was in the forest, something spoke to her saying ," Follow the way you heart leads you and you will find what you most desire." Kaho then continued with her dream with her now clsing her eyes and seeing the path that the anima had taken. She saw mountains on one side and a lake on the other. There were trees in the direction she was headed to and saw anima of all kinds going that way. Then her dream turned into a nightmare. She saw the anima at war which was the worst thing she never wanted to see. She saw bloodshed from every which way from the humans and the anima. She was terrified and saw a woman that she had seen before laugh at her as she headed towards killing anima that were half- bird. Kaho then was in shock and yelled as the woman went charging for what was her own kind and maybe her parents. During her nightmare she was tossing and turning and crying and buring up that suddenly she woke up and was panting really hard. She looked around the cave to see that it was still dark out with a little light from the fire. She then went back to bed and slept well. Then it hit dawn and the group was ready to get going.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Lime]Kaho knew that everyone was tired and they all decided to sleep in the cave until dawn. "Come in here you guys. This will do until dawn," said Kaho. The group had all gone inside the cave and began to rest. Kaho stayed awake to make sure that the woman Kai had been talking about wasn't following them. She looked out of the cave and could see that the sun was setting, meaning that another day she was able to live. She looked back at the cave and saw that everyone was sleeping and she looked back out to see that there were many colors in the sky and the sun was setting just beyond the mountains. The sun was big but you could only see half of it and yet it had a comforting feeling to it. Kaho laid down and watched as the sun set and everything went dark. Kaho went out and found some sticks to light a fire. She came back and started the fire to make sure that everyone was warm. Kaho still went back to the front of the cave and watching the scenery.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Lime]Well I had this really hard math test just a few weeks ago. I'm in the 8th grade but yet I take Geometry. I know, I know it seems like I'm smart but I'm not that much really. Well anyways, we were on Chapter 4 and had to take a test. When we did, I did so bad on it that I knew my grade would be the worst. I got a 54% on the first time but we got a 18 point boost so it raised it up to a 72%. It really wasn't that bad but after I looked over the the questions that I missed, I really didn't understand any of it. But since the whole class did so bad on it, we had to retake it unless you got a 90% or higher. Most likely everyone had to retake it. After I did the retake, I never really go the test back so I believe that I got an 84% or somewhat around there. But hey, at least I was able to pass without my parents finding out what I had go the first time. :animesmil [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Lime]That night everyone had gone to bed. They slept without knowing about the danger that they were in. the next day they were all ready to head off. Kaho wanted to get an early start and didn't want to stay in one for very long. "Why do you have to leave you know that you can stay here in saftey," said Kai. "I'm sorry Kai, but we have to get moving or we won't be able to find the other animas. You do have a very nice home but what you said about that Ari girl, I don't think that we're safe here. If we don't leave soon then that woman will find us and kill us," replied Kaho. "Yeah, if we don't leave soon then we'll endanger you too, Kai," said Tankyo. "Come you guys, I can sense that lady coming!" shouted Ruby. "Kai if you want you can come with us," said Kaho. "Really? That'd be great! Just let me get a few things," said Kai running to get the things he needed then came back to the group. They all put their hoods on and left the house and headed for the hills were they thought the animas were. The Ari woman had gone to the house and found it empty. "Curse you animas. One of these day I will hunt you and kill you from the face of the earth," said the Ari woman in anger. The group had gone so far that they couldn't see the little twon anymore and they couldn't even see Kai's house. [/COLOR]
  9. Funny Girl

    Last Movie

    [quote name='Eureka][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]In theaters the last movie I saw was "The Prestige" it was alright.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Lime]I also saw "The Prestige" in theaters too. I thought it was a great and sorta scary since I'm a girly girl. Well just last night I saw the "Polar Express." It was sorta good but then I didn't like some of it but I really like the end of the moive at how the boy (forgot his name) shook the bell and he and his sister could hear it but not his parents. It was like you had to believe in Christmas to hear the bell, but unfortunatly the parents didn't and thought that the bell was broken. It also said that soon his sister couldn't hear the bell one Christmas but the boy grew old and could still hear it. That was the highlight of my life. It sorta goes along how the Christmas season is right now and how you have to beleive in Christmas to have the spirit and joy of it. I'm not talking about that you have to believe that Santa is real unless you do but I really loved this movie and I recamend this to you all to watch and see for yourself. [/COLOR] :animesmil
  10. [COLOR=Lime]Well I really want a Vampire Knight avatar and banner that matched together. I already have one but I don't think that it's not very good. I'm a girl who just changes my Banner and Avatar to anything that I feel like. So here are the settings that I want it to be: - Dimension (OB restrictions are 500x100 for banners and 150x80 for avatars) - Color scheme: doesn't matter. BUt I would like if you used the same colors as the ones in the links. - Text: Nothing too out there but something that has the meaning of the pic. - Preferred pictures : [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Vampire%20Knight%20Manga/vk.jpg]1st PIC[/URL] [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Vampire%20Knight%20Manga/vampireknightavatar.jpg]2nd PIC[/URL] [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Vampire%20Knight%20Manga/zeroandyuuki.jpg]3rd PIC[/URL] [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Vampire%20Knight%20Manga/vampireknightflip002ha6.jpg]4th PIC[/URL] - Other notes for the artist: IF you could combine the 3rd and 4th pic together that would be AWESOME! Thanks to anyone who can fulfill this task.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Cyan]This is very cool that an old member here at the OB is meeting up with old friends! :animesmil Myself, I've been here for about a good 8 months. I still can't believe that you were six when you registered in the OB. I couldn't even type. You are really young as myself [spoiler] except that I'm a year older. (14)[/spoiler]. Starting next year on April 13 will be my first whole year that I've been around. Yeah. I love the OB.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]It was a cold snowy day as I ran from a vampire on a rampage. I looked back to see that the vampire was not there and stopped. I turned around and saw that the vampire was up in my face. It said that I had very sweet blood and wanted to bite my neck. Then from nowhere the vampire turned to ashes as a boy not much older than me had destroyed the vampire saying that it was a disgrace to all vampires. Just then I didn't know who he was except that he was a vampire. I was tired and fainted from running. The boy vampire had taken me to a man that took me as his daughter. I never knew anything until I was 5 years of age. All that was in my memory was the vampire that was going to attack me and the boy that saved me. I, Yuki Cross, is one of the guardians and protector of Cross Academy to make sure that the Day Class don't find out the Night Class' secret: The whole class is made up of vampires.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Lime]My name is Yuki Cross and I was saved by a boy from a vampire about 10 years ago. I'm a protector of Cross Academy but there are many trials that I have to deal with at the academy. First off, the whole Night Class is full of vampires and second, I have to prevent the Day Class from finding out the secret. Me and my partner, Zero, will protect and guard this secret of Cross Academy. Zero is a guy that came under the Headmaster's care about 4 years back. But I know that he's keeping something secret from me and it seems that the headmaster knows what it is. But I also think that Kaname, the boy who saved me, also might know that secret too. Let me tell you about Zero; he's a year older than me yet he was held back. His whole family was killed by a pureblood vampire and yet, Zero barely survived. He was raised by a vampire hunter to kill vampires and then I've known Zero for at least 4 years. Zero is also in the same class as Yuki but a year older. Kaname was my savior from a crazy vampire about 10 years back. Zero is part of the Day Class and at night he guards the Night Dorms to make sure that no Day Class students wander into the dorms. Now he's the head of the Night Dorms and can be very kind to me and sometimes protective. Kaname is a pureblood vampire and seems to not like Zero very much. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ONLY need TWO other people and that can play guys. Those tow guys will play as Zero or Kananme. If someone wants to play the Headmaster than you can PM me. Anyone can sign up and I'll judge who has the better post as the two characters. If your Zero then your secret is that your a vampire but you don't tell Yuki until you bite her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sign Up: Name: Well either Zero or Kaname (I'm playing Yuki) Age: 15-17 Personality: Practically it's already set up for you in the thread but you can add a few extra details Appearance: [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/NightClassUniforms-Guys.jpg]Night Class Uniforms[/URL] [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/DayClassUnifoms-Guys.jpg]Day Class Uniforms[/URL] Bio: Also in the thread but you can add a few details. Here's my Sign Up: Name: Yuki Cross Age: 15 Personality: She's very outgoing and stubborn. She can be nice and is a little embarrassed by the way Kaname is nice to her in a weird way. Appearance:[URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/DayClassUnifoms-Girls.jpg]My Uniform[/URL] [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Vampire%20Knight%20Manga/vk.jpg]My Pic [/URL] She's the one in the middle of the two guys. Bio: She was being chased by a crazy vampire and was saved by a Kaname. Zero is her partner and she's known him for about 4 years. She is the guardian of the school and gets tired from being out so late. She doesn't know much about her past except that her family was killed by a vampire. Over all she's happy to be at Cross Academy with some Day Class friends yet not so much Night Class friends. She thinks that vampires like her since her blood is sweet or soemthing that attracts them. [/COLOR] This is my thread and I hope that you guys sign up. Remember, if you want to part, make your post very good that I'll accept it. It's like a compeition so I'm hoping that you guys will do you best. ^_^
  13. [COLOR=Lime]Mizuki ignored Yoshi and went home. She then went to bed and fell asleep. The next day Ishtar got up and headed to the academy. There the Hokage would be and so would the next mission for her troop. She had told her Genin to go to the academy for a mission but little did they know that they were searching for a braclet that needed to be found. Ishtar got there a little early and went straight to the Hokage. She said, "I'm a bit early but I wanted to see when each Genin would arrive." "I see. Don't worry over it. I was always used to this when you were little," replied the Hokage. "Yeah, I remember that too. I would always wake up early to see that sunrise and wait for you to get up. But I only did that because I wasn't used to the village and I was very same and protective of myself." "Yes, yes. Everyday that I would wake up you would sit in this very room and look out into the world and would see that sunset." "Very true. But now that I have gotten used to the village I no longer need to be worried or scared. Well I guess we better see when these Genin will be here. It's a matter of being on time or being late and missing the mission." Ishtar and the Hokage waited to see if the Genin would be at the academy the time that Ishtar had told them.[/COLOR] OOC: This is kind of an off post about what Ishtar did when she first came to the village and a little about her past.
  14. [COLOR=Lime]"Well in the long run I guess we'll have to do the beast that we can. I don't know what else to do except to run and run until we find the home of the animas," replied Kaho. She looked up at the time and said, "We better get going to bed. Tomorrow will be another day to plan out and come up of things from there. So, good-night Cali and Kai." "Good-night,"said Kai. "Nighty night," said Cali. Kaho went upstairs to her room and shut the door. She went over to her bed and went to sleep.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Lime]It was about almost dusk and the group had arrived back at the Leaf Village. Shinrei was awake now and the the Genins went back to their homes. Mizuki also went back home and Ishtar went to the Hokage. She approched the Hokage and said, "I have completed the mission. I believe that our next mission was to be in the mountains." "Yes. It is since I saw that light that flash towards the mountains. So now your mission is to follow wherever the light leads you to. Even if the light may lead to a fake then you will keep following it and continue to help anyone that you may see in the villages ahead. But when you come across the people of that village and they tell you of the strange things going on in their village, tell them that you are investigating legends and old buildings. That is what you say and they might corroperated with you. Do that and you will find the answers yo need," said the Hokage. "Yes, Hokage. I understand," said Ishtar kneeling and bowing her head in respect. "You can start in about 2 days. That will be enough time to recuperate and then you can leave." "Yes Hokage. I will tell them tomorrow." Ishtar stood up and bowed. Then she left and went home. She got home and it was already night time. She showered up and went to bed.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Lime]Kaho went downstairs when Cali fell asleep on her bed. She tucked Cali in her bed and closed the door. She walked downstairs and saw Kai sitting on the couch. "Hey there Kai. What's up? I saw you with Tankyo earlier," she said. "Well I went with Tankyo since she sensed someone coming to my home. I told her that I didn't see anything and said that I don't like people who are on my property or come near my house," replied Kai. "Oh, I see. So there was someone out there trying to find Rita. I've heard from Rita that some hunter was after her and probably followed her here to this town. So I assume that was her that you met earlier." "Yeah it was. I told her that Rita went west and then north from there. So I think she believed me." Kaho sat down with Kai and they talked for a while.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Lime]Katsura had returned to heaven and tried to look for Zane and Aria. She then found them and said,"I'm glad I found you two. I thought that for sure that the demons would have come and got Zane by now but I guess not. I worried over nothing. Haha." "Well you must feel better now," said Aria. "You've been so busy lately that I'm just glad you've had some time to yourself." "Hey. Why are your eyes red and swollen. What happened when you left?" aksed Zane looking concerned. "Oh let's just say that I remembered some sad and horrible memories that are precious and yet sad at the same time," answered Katsura as she smiled. "Oh, I see. They must be very painful memories for you to remember." "Yeah I guess they were. But everything's fine now. How I about I show you around heaven. I'm sure that many angels can't wait to met a new angel to the group." Katsura, Aria and Zane all went around heaven talking to people and having fun meeting other angels and seeing the whole entire heaven.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Lime]Katsura was very concerned at what the demon said. She wondered what she thought he meant when he said, "Well, you have given me more information that you even know about." "I wonder what he meant by that. He must already know that I'm half-demon, half- angel. But why would he want to know why I was down here. It really is nothing that he needs to poke his nose. That pesky little demon. I hate how they're all annyoing," said Katsura. Katsura flew down from that roof and walked through the town. She then came upon her home where she used to live. She walked inside and found people living in there. There was a little girl, a mom and a dad. All were happy a peaceful. The mom was cooking, the girl was in the living room playing and the dad was watching T.V. like he just came back from work. [I]They all seem so happy. I'm happy about that. At least she's old enough to remember her father's face. I don't even know what he looks like or anything.[/I] Katsura walked out of the house and returned back to heaven.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Lime]Kaho knew that Cali wanted to comfort her so she said, "Well I don't think I want to share just quite yet. It's a little early to explain things that are bothering me. So I'll tell you when I think that the time is right. Okay Cali?" Cali nodded and sat there with Kaho looking out the window and seeing the town filled with lights.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Lime]"Well, well. It looks like Shinrei is too tired to go yet. I guess we have to carry him if we're gonna make it back before dusk," said Ishtar turning and smiling at the group on the stairs.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Lime]"Well, you see here, Iceykis, Zane is a half-breed meaning that he is very special and vital for both races. Demons and Angels. If he and or me die, then it's over between both worlds. There won't be any heaven or hell. Just the mortal world and when people die, they disappear. It complicated so don't tell anyone. Aria, make sure that the demons don't find out about Zane or they will come a take him and provoke him into the demon side," said Katsura. "Yes, ma'am. I'll make sure that no demons come near Zane at all cost," replied Aria. "Okay. If you guys don't mind I need to leave for a while. I'll be back so don't worry too much," said Katsura leaving the group and then disappeared. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Katsura went down into the mortal world to watch what was happening. She went over to her mother's and father's graves. She leaned over them and was sad to see at how young they died and how young she was when they died. No one could see her so she had used some of her magic to create her mother's and father's favorite flowers. She placed them on their graves and cleaned up the place to make it clean. She also placed some of their favorite foods. "Hi mom. Hi dad. It's good to see you again. I can't believe that I haven't seen you guys in heaven. Oh, right. I get it. You two couldn't since there was no heaven until I died. So that means that you both are gone forever. I...*sniff* can't believe that you guys are gone," said Katsura. She started crying at how she couldn't do anything to save them. "I'm pathetic arent' I? I mean you guys are *sniff* probably gone forever and I'm able to be in heaven because I have Mahiru inside me which makes me a half-breed. Well wherever you two are, I just hope that you two are happy. With that thought in my mind, it makes me have a little hope that I'll see you guys again someday." Katsura stood up and walked arond her neighborhood where she used to live. It was a quiet and peaceful town that was very poor. She walked the empty streets and sat down on a bench which was nearby a park and watched as kids played with their moms and dads.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Lime]Kaho had just finished the dishes and hung up the rag. She then walked out of the kiten and upstairs. She said goodnight to Kai, Rita, Cali and Aurora, and Ruby. She went into her room and opened the window. She smelled the nice cool crisp air and looked outside. She was liking the town the in the distance with it's lights on. She could see the lights of houses like the lights she used to see when she would fly over a city. She knew that every one of those lights meant that someon was alive. She remembered that from her mother and looked at a town at night from far away to remember what her parents looked like. Kaho started to cry since the day her mother left her and tears were rolling down her face. She started sniffing and you could sorta hear it but barely. She tried to not make anyone frightened or sad so she kept it to herself. She closed the window and went to bed.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Lime]Katsura looked frantically for the boy that was a half-breed. She saw a boy and noticed that they had something in common. She walked over to him and asked, "Are you by any chance a half-breed?" "Well I don't know about a half-breed but you don't happen to be Katsura?" asked the boy. "Yes I am. What's your name by the way?" She knew that this boy was the half-breed that she was looking for. "My name? It's Zane." "Well Zane, welcome to the heavens."[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Lime]"Mmm. Man, that was a good night. Well time to get the others. We need to get going before the Hokage thinks that we're skipping another mission. Hahaha," said Ishtar. Ishtar went upstairs and knocked on the doors and said, "Time to get up. We have to go if we're gonna make it back to the village in time for supper." She waited in the halls for the Genin and Mizuki to get out of their rooms.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Lime]Yuuki was still reading the e-mail from LR when the assistant said, "The principle will see you now." "Okay. I'll be right there," she replied. She logged out from her e-mail and got away from the computer. She walked into the office and sat down. The principle knew why she was there and didn't say anything. He just sat there and then finally said, "Well there's nothing I can do about this Miss Kirayama. You had this issue ever since you entered this school. Is there something wrong? You can tell me." "Well, you see... I have financial issues and it's hard working two jobs, sports, and homework. By the time I go to bed it's already 12:00 am. I have no time to relax. Every other weekend I'm able to relax and the weekends that I don't, it's always busy," Yuuki replied with an attitude. "Well, I see you have a problem. But it can't be helped your just going to have to deal with it for this year and the next. I'm sure next year will be easier since you won't have as much classes," said the principle. "Yeah, whatever." "You are dismissed." Yuuki got up and walked out of the office. [I]It can't be helped. What the heck am I supposed to do then?! [/I]Yuuki was thinking and went back to class. The day was finally over and she went home. She popped on her bed and was glad that it was Friday. Tomorrow she would go to Sunrise Haven and see the convention called LR. She got started on her homework and was up into dawn finishing it. She then fell asleep and when she got up it was time to leave to go to the airport and go to the convention.[/COLOR]
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