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Funny Girl

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Everything posted by Funny Girl

  1. [COLOR=Lime]The next day Yuuki had to get ready and get going to class. She was already late and had to be at school by 7:15am. She got in her car and got to school. She didn't have time to eat breakfast and had to get something soon. She felt like she was going to die. She found a snack in her locker and ate it. She got to class before the bell rang. She was so tired that she fell asleep on the desk. The teacher woke her up and she was sent to the principle's office. [I]Man, this sucks. I can never make it to school on time. I'm either late or I fall asleep. Either way I get sent to the principle's office just about everyday.[/I] Yuuki thought about all of this on the way to the office. She opened the door and said," I got sent out again." "Okay. The principle will be right with you," said the assisstant. "Fine whatever." Yuuki waited and then asked, "Can I go on the computer, ma'am?" "Okay. But just for a while." "Thanks.'' she got on the computer and went to check her e-mail. [I]Hmm... only one e-mail. What?! A place for high school teens to discuss problems and issues about the rules of schools. What kind of messed up thing is this?[/I] [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Lime]Katsura was looking through the clouds watching humans live their daily lives when Aria charged right on in. "Katsura, soemthing strange has happened!" she shouted. "What is it now?" asked Katsura. "Someone died." "So many people die. There's nothing new about that. I told you to tell me if there was anything interesting, come to me." "But the one who died; he was a half angel and half demon." Katsura looked at Aria with shocked eyes. "Who else know about this?!" Katsura yelled. "No one yet. Only us," Aria explained. [I]This is impossible. How could this happpen? Ahh... Mahiru! Wish you had explained things much better to me![/I] Katsura thought. She stood up slowly. "Do you know where he is now?" "No sorry." "He must not take sides with the demons or that would be disaster. I must find him! Make sure Nobody finds out." "Done," Aria said as she saw Katsura walk out.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Lime]That's all I'm accepting. Thanks everyone for signing up. It should be up soon so look for it in the Adventure Square. For now this thread is closed and thanks to you all for signing up. :animesmil [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Lime]Great post Japan_86. I love it. YOu are accepted. That's about all the demons that I need but I really need about two angels. If not by the end of the weekend then This thread should be up by Monday or Tuesday.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Lime]"I had to put us in this situation otherwise you would've thought that there would have something no right and found me out. This is the first reason why I didn't want to come here to this village in the first place. So now you know why and I think that we have another mission up in the moutains. I received the message tonight and we have to go back to the village and then leave for the other one once we get more info about it," said Ishtar. "So Shinrei, put your sword away and let's get going."[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Lime]Name: Isuzu (Chobit) Age: 17 Sex: Female Personality: She's very kind and gentle. She's very slow to things and has a lot to learn. She has an inner self that looks like her but darker. She doesn't know who created her and she acts like a ''human''. Appearance:[URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/yin.jpg]Isuzu[/URL] Here's her inner- self [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/yang.jpg]Isuzu[/URL] Bio: She's very carefree and when she entered the world she had many doubts and couldn't speak very well. She found some friends who wanted to know if there were people like them or even humans that created them. She knew she was created by someone but what she doesn't know is that she could destroy the entire Android race from the face of the earth. She now has to solve the mystery and find the person who created her before the thing inside her destorys everyone.[/IMG][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Lime]That was a great post Nefertimon. I loved your bio and how you told about how she died when she did a ritual and a with the 6's. I thought that was very creative. I loved how her wings and stuff can disappear and reappear except her eyes. That was so cool. How can I not say that you're accepted. I still need more demons and about one more angel. If not by the end of the weekend then this thread will start on Monday or Tuesday.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Lime]Makela, Zane, Sky, Yuuki, Ted,and J.MacSon were all sitting on Yuuki's porch talking about random things with school. "Man I hate my school and the world. How 'bout you guys? Is everything at your school better than me?" asked Makela. "No. I hate how they just made a budget cut out of my afterschool activity. I can't even play the sport anymore. It sucks how the world today is like." said Zane. "It can't beat mine. I'm a senior and I have all boring classes that I have to take that I took before. They don't even know what they're doing." repled Yuuki. "Well I have to go. It looks like I have too much homework and it's almost 10 'o clock so I hope that I can see you on the weekends if there isn't too much homework. Bye," said Ted. "See ya'." said Yuuki. "Yeah I have to go too." said Sky. "Bye-bye." said Yuuki, Zane, J, MacSon, and Makela. "Well I hope that we all have better days tomorrow. I can't stand it," said Makela leaving. Everyone had left Yuuki's house and Yuuki went inside. [I]Great, I have to study for a test tomorrow. What time is it? What?! It's already 10 'o clock!. Man, I'm gonna have a hard time getting up in the morning.[/I][/COLOR] OOC: This thread has officially started. So you guys can start posting.
  9. [COLOR=Lime]Well that's about all the posts I'm taking. Thanks for posting everyone. I'll have this thread up either tonight or in a couple of days. I'll pm all you when I have it up in the Adventure Square. This thread is closed.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Lime]Sersu kept on shooting more and more demons with arrows and thought it was way too slow to kill them. The bow and arrow disappeared. She then used her jewel to give her power to hit multiple objects at once. He put out her hand and the jewel began to glow and a ball of light came out of her hand and hit several demons. "This is really effective, " she said to herself. Sersu kept hitting demons with balls of light.[/color]
  11. [FONT=Courier New][COLOR=Cyan] I can't believe she did that. That's really messed up! It's so wrong and I think that she had no reason to do that. I mean killing her own child is like murdering your family. That is so not right. I'm glad that she's getting what she deserves.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [COLOR=Cyan]Kaho stayed downstairs to wash the dishes. ''I'll help with the dishes since this is the least I could do since I didn't cook. It's always been my rule," said Kaho as she brought the dishes to the sink and started washing them. "Fine with me. I help too if you wnat," said Kai putting dishes in the sink. "No, I'm fine. I think I can do it."[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Lime] Everyone is accepted. Dark Angel 2.0 you can be the leader of the demons so just put that by your name and I need someone to be a the special part and I'll tell you when you pm me what the special part is. Thanks for posting and I'll leave this up until I have a few more posts. I need demons and a few more angels.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Cyan]OKAY. i'VE HAD A LOT OF PMS SENT TO ME ABOUT THIS THREAD AND THE SPECIAL PART. THE SPECIAL PART HAS BEEN ASSIGNED TO LT.ZERO. HE ASKED FIRST SO I'M VERY SORRY IF ANY OF YOU GUYS WANTED THE PART. YOU CAN STILL PLAY A CHARACTER IN THE RPG. BUT FOR NOW I HAVE THE THE NEEDED THE PARTS. I'M VERY SORRY FOR EVERYONE WHO WANTED TO PLAY THE PART.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Lime]"Well we don't have to fight. You see I can control oni yet I'm not one myself. So here, I'll put down the barrier and tell the oni to not attack us," said Ishtar putting down the barrier. The barrier disappeared and Ishtar brought out the feather as if form nowhere and started talking in a weird language. Shinrei watched as the oni went over to her and flew away. There were no oni in the room. "See. These oni will listen to whatever I say. so you can break that fake bracelet and won't have to worry these oni are on an arrand for me," said Ishtar smiling and winked at Shinrei.[/COLOR]
  15. OOC: There was already a thread like this long ago by 1nonlycloud but it never finished and died. so I'm reviving it. Hope it's as good as his. [COLOR=Lime]Don't you ever wonder how life is after you die? Well a long time ago, when people died, they were split up into two different races: The first race is the Angels. Their powers are incredible, but they are also very kind and they help those in need. The Angels hate none,though they dislike the demons. The second race is the Demons. They however, hate the Angels.They are brute and unmercilful beasts. Their powers are also great, but since their hearts are black, they use their powers for the destruction of the world. There was once a girl Mahiru named who was half angel and half demon. In order for the races to stay alive, Mahiru musn't be harmed in any way. She was on the Angels side,though she could be cold and bitter to them, she wouldn't ever imagine of betraying them. The Demons didn't know about Mahiru. Until one day, they spied upon her and dicovered she was very powerful and could destroy their race,but they didnt know that if she was harmed both races could be destroyed. The Demons got in a group during the war and slew her. When Mahiru died both the angel and demon races were abliterated. From that day on the races were extict. Mahiru's spirit waited for the right person to give her spirit to. Many years have past until this day, where there was a airplane crash in New York. It was a cold a snowy night . About 200 people had died and that night was the night when Mahiru found the right person to take her rightful place. The girl's name was Katsura. Katsura was exactly like Mahiru. From that day on, people who died were now seperated into the two races. Now the war between the two races has begun once again. Year now- 3228 Sign Ups: Name- Nothing to crazy. Age- (17-100) When and how you died- Appearance- Use either a pic with weight and hieght or a good description of ur character Race-(Angel or Demon) Short Bio- Couple sentences should be fine. Weapon- ( how long it is, size and wat kind)add anything else about ur weapon if u want to. No more than 4 weapons please. Magic-(Fire,Earth,Water,Thunder,Dark,Light, or Ice)Now more than two. Note-Only need about 3-5 angels and demons and thats about it. Sooo...Happy posting ^^ Needed Characters- I need somene to be leader for the demons, So if you want to be leader, just put leader next to your name so I know. Also, there with be a special part open, but you need to pm for it. This part is is going to be need in the middle of this rp and you will be on the demon side and when you pm me for the part pm me your sign up too.Thanks ^__^ Here's and example sign up: [B]Name: Katsura Age: 21 When and How you died: In a plane crash in New York on January 1rst,3228 Appearance: [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Celestial/celestial-1.jpg]Clicky Clicky[/URL] It's hard to see but there are light blue wings. Race: Both Short Bio: Katsura was a nice and outgoing girl. When she was 3 her dad died and left with her mom. When she entered highschool her mom died in a car crash. She was all alone and lived by herself. Weapon:I have a small jewel around my neck that can change to anything that I want and it could even change my own form. Jewel shown on pic. Magic: Light and Dark[/COLOR][/B]
  16. [COLOR=Lime]Kaho watched as the fire under the pot fasinated her. She loved to look at fire. She never knew why but she thought it was entertaining to see how it moves and how beautiful the colors are. She stood up and looked at Kai and asked, "Is there anything that you need help with?" "Well if you don't mind you can watch the pot and wait until the it boils or when there are bubbles constantly popping at the top of the soup. I need to go do something and I don't want to over boil it," said Kai.[/COLOR]
  17. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1] [B]Cross-dress for a day ?[/B] Or [B]Go naked for a week ?[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I think that I would rather cross-dress for a day. I would be humiliated if went naked for a week. Would you rather have your computer crash and couldn't get a new one until 2 years? ~~~~~ OR... ~~~~~ Would you rather not be able to get a computer until 5 years?
  18. [COLOR=Lime]After Sky had killed the demon, more demons kept popping out from no where. Everyone got in position ready to fight and Sersu's jewel around her neck began to glow and a bow with arrows of light appeared. She grabbed the bow and arrows and shot arrows at the demons. Everytime she destroyed a demon more would just come. Sersu turned around and said, "Come on guys. We need to work as a team in order to defeat Satan. If we don't then we'll just die from his hand." After she said that, people helped to kill the demons.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Lime]"Why must we fight I really don't understand it. All I can say that before this was here the original treasure was a beautiful [URL=http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n248/MedliSage/Tsubasa%20Chronicle/Feather.jpg]feather.[/URL] This feather had the power to control these oni so even if you do break this barrier the power for me to control the oni will be my weapon. So explain to me why you must fight me," said Ishtar. She waited paitenly for Shinrei's answer who seemed to thinking about it carefully. Ishtar looked up and saw that there was a full moon out. She knew that even if Shinrei were to fight her she had the night with the oni's at their full power.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Lime]Kaho just soared through the sky trying not to get too far from the house. She loved how the breeze was in her face and she loved to spread her wings and fly through the sky. She flew back to the house and landed by the door. She opened the door and said, "That was some nice fresh air. I really needed it." Kaho walked over to the counter where the soup was cooking and stared at it and watch how the flames were moving under the pot.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Lime]Okay you guys are all accepted. I loved your posts. It think this is gonna be a good RPG. Okay so here's my sign up Name: Yuuki Kirayama Age: 17 Gender: Female Sports or clubs: Tennis, basketball, volleyball, and drama High School: Cross Academy Personality: She's ver nice and outgoing. She hates her school so much and can't stand her. Appearance: [IMG]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Celestial/celestial3.jpg[/IMG] Bio: When she was born she was delt with a lot of the unfairness in the world against teens. When she was 14 she had just entered High School. She was very talkative in class and got in trouble a lot. She would often just sit there and do nothing and would be sent out to the principle's office. she always hated that. Her parents were divorced and there were many problems between them. Eventually her father died and she went to go live with her mother. Her mom loved her very much but in the end she was in a car accident and died. She lives alone in her mom's apartment working a part time job. She hates how she can only make minimum wage. One day when she was checking her e-mail, a not popped up. She clicked the site and it took her to a web page called Leading the Revolution. She read what it had to say and got interested. She signed up to be a part of it and got accepted. She's now a member and every other weekend she goes to the Sunrise Haven and sees new and old faces of teens. She now can't wait for the weekends that she can go the Sunrise Haven. She's excited and has to catch a certain plane in order to get there. [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Lime]"Wow Sky. I never knew you were so strong. I couldn't compare to you I'm weak when I don't fight but strong when I am. But your so much stronger than me. I envy that," said Sersu. Sersu walked away and couldn't wait to see what would happen next and wanted to kill Satan for what it did to her parents. she wanted revenge and everything. She built up anger and started to get blood thristy for some shed of blood. She was on fire and wanted to fight as she kept thinking many thoughts.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Lime]"Need any help Kai with making dinner?" asked Kaho. "No, I've got everything under control. Why don't you go do something while this is cooking," replied Kai. "Okay, I'll be outside. I like the fresh air and the moon looks beautiful tonight. Well see ya' when the food's done," said Kaho as she walked out the door. [I]Tonight sure is beautiful. I hope that from the sky I can see the town at night. I love to see towns at night.[/I] Kaho thought all those things and spread her wings and flew up into the sky. She landed on top of a tree. She looked out to the town to see that there were lights on in the town. It looked like stars on the ground.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Lime]Ishtar didn't know what was going on. She wanted to talk to Shinrei and ask him a question. She did a few hand signs and a sound barrier was put around them and the table. This was to prevent all oni from realizing that they were there. "Shinrei, what's going on? Why do you have your sword out?" asked Ishtar. She waited to hear what Shinrei had to say.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Lime]"So I see that Ruby's here. Is there anyone else here?" asked Rita. "Ah, yes there is someone else. Tankyo is here. I believe she's in her room on the second floor. You should go see her when you make yourself at home that is," said Kai. "Well I'm going to the back for some fresh air. I want to look up at the sunsey before it sets," said Kaho walking to the kitchen to the back door. "I'll go to. Rita, make yourself at home and don't hesistate to ask me anything," said Kai as he walked to the kitchen.[/COLOR]
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