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Funny Girl

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Everything posted by Funny Girl

  1. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]A couple of teens were sitting on a porch and talking about random things that happened at school. They all wished that one day they would lead and revolution for teens. They all thought that the rules were unfair and should have a revolution against it. Everything that they did or anything was just down right messed up. They wanted to lead the nation a way for teens to have more freedom than they did now. So here's how the story begins with a couple of teens ready for this outcome. ~~~~~~ "Man I hate my school and the world. How 'bout you guys? Is everything at your school better than me?" "No. I hate how they just made a budget cut out of my afterschool activity. I can't even play the sport anymore. It sucks how the world today is like." "It can't beat mine. I'm a senior and I have all boring classes that I have to take that I took before. They don't even know what they're doing." "Well I have to go. It looks like I have too much homework and it's almost 10 'o clock so I hope that I can see you on the weekends if there isn't too much homework. Bye" "See ya'." "Yeah I have to go too." "Bye-bye." ~~~~~~~~~~ You've just seen a few things why these teens hat their high schools. Their high schools are all unfair and they're all friends that have to go to different high schools. Their planning, over the weekend, to start a revolution to stop all of these things. All teens from everywhere would meet in one area to stop the world and all nations from being abused from this cruelty of unfairness. The place where they all meet is called LR in the town called Sunrise Haven. Sign Up Name: Age: 15-18 Gender: Sports or Clubs: High School: They can be made up or real as long as everyone's is different Personality: Appearance: pic or discription Bio: Tell how the world is unfair to you and how you found out about LR Okay so here's the sign up and if you need anything that you have trouble with just PM me and I'll answer all the questions that you have. Have fun![/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Lime]Rita had swam to shore and found a town. She got out of the water and put on some clothes and a hood to keep people from not spotting her as an anima. She walked through the town and before she got to the end she saw a house with an anima on the roof. She went over to the house and knocked on the door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kai got up from his and said, "Wait here Kaho, I've got it." He walked to the door and didn't notice that Kaho had followed him. He opened the door and saw a girl with a hood on over her head and some capris and a shirt on. Kaho immediatly said, "Rita? Rita! It's you! I can't believe it you've actually got here!" Kai said, "So this is another anima. Come on in. We've got room." "Thanks," said Rita as she walked in carefully making sure nothing was a trap. "It's okay Rita. Kai here is on our side and wouldn't do anything to harm or betray us. So relax. I'm sure that there's at least two rooms downstairs that will be nice," said Kaho in an exciting voice. [/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE=Kitchen Sink] Would you rather.... be a participant in a fly swatting contest, or... do the audio commentary for a watching paint dry DVD?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Cyan]I would rather participant in a fly swatting contest. I can't stand having to watch paint dry. Would you rather be stranded on an island with every nessecity? OR Would you rather be living in a huge house with very limited nessecities? [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Lime]Misha had to do something and she lifted her staff and casted a spell which made the fire disappear. The black flames disappeared and the group was ready and back for some more action. "Baal! I don't care what you do to me but these people will make it to heaven and your ties to purgatory will be over with!" shouted Misha to Baal. "Ha! So you think that you can save these people? What a joke! these people and you will go to hell and no one will ever be able to go to heaven again. They'll either be stuck in purgatory or go to hell where they belong! Mwahahahaha!" said Baal. [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Lime]"Finally the journey begins! I can't wait. It's so good to have you as the leader Sky. I thought there was something that I thought would come in handy. It must be that necklace that you have on. Don't worry, I have a necklace sorta like that but different and probably not as powerful as yours," said Sersu whispering the last part. "Well... thanks I guess," said Sky. "If you need any help just ask. I don't mind at all when it comes to asking questions." Sersu walked away and smiled.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Lime]"Thanks but I think I can do this alone. I'm fine I think I can manage. Okay everyone time to get a move on. I need to get you to the church and fast before anymore of you become demons," said Misha. "I'm ready. So let's go!" said Inaru. Misha raised her staff and casted a spell which teleported them in front of the church. When they got there, Baal and Sora were waiting in front of the church door. "Well, well. Better late than never," said Baal. "So I guess you might as well give up since most of your team is gone and I have Sora here to do whatever I want might as well just throw in the towel." "Never! I promised these people and Sora to get them into heaven! I will carry out that promise even if Sora's a demon or not! I don't care if I die or not since these people are counting on me to finish my duty! I also have something in store for you Baal and Satan. But I'm not gonna tell you yet," said Misha determined. "You go girl!" shouted Taiyo. "Alright everyone! This is your chance to help me get Baal out of the front of the church door and get you guys to heaven!" shouted Misha to the others. "Alright let's go get 'em! Charge!" ahouted Inaru. They all charged to Baal and Sora at once.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Lime]"I'm sorry Roger but I can't let go of this Keyblade. It's not that I don't trust you I just fell that I should hold onto it to keep me strong and to try and help Sora from what has happened," replied Misha. "I understand if you don't want to," said Roger. Misha looked down at the Keyblade and remebered the good times that her Sora had trying to save people and fooling around with Baal and Satan. She knelt down and just stayed in the postition until everyone had gotten their weapons.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Lime]"Whatever happened in the past is in the past and is evecting the future where we're now. I still wish that I could go back and change the past to make the future so that both anima and humans are living together in happiness. That's only a dream but I know that now I could to that very thing and help anima and humans become friends. But I would need help," said Kaho. "I'll help you out to make the dream come true," said Kai. "Really!? Thanks so much! I really hope that we can pull it off," shouted Kaho in excitement.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Lime]"Hey there Haruko," said the group. "Hi,I'm Sersu and I was wondering when we get to start the mission for this demon that you spoke of in the letter," said Sersu. "Well I've called all of you here to search for a demon whose name is Satan. He destorys homes, villages, families, and more. He's on a rampage for no reason and is willing to kill anyone. That's why we formed DH HQ or Demon Hunters Head Quarters to track down this demon and get rid of him by any means possible," rplied Haruko. "Oh, I see now. That's why you need our help to find the demon and destory him," said Leondis.[/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] Would you rather lose your right eye? Or.... Would you rather lose your left eye? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Lime]Okay that's tough. I would have to say that I would rather lose my right eye since I'm left-handed. Would you rather be a spoiled brat with no friends but with all the money in the world? OR Would you rather be a normal person with all the friends and not so much money?[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Lime]Hey there squirr31y. I loved your post. The RP is up in the Adventure Square and I want you to join. I loved they way your bios and personalities. They are both great and are both [/COLOR][COLOR=Green]ACCEPTED[/COLOR] [COLOR=Lime]into the RP. Have fun and thanks for signing up. Okay I think I have a enough players now. This thread is closed.[/COLOR]
  12. OOC: I'm back and everything's fixed. [COLOR=Lime]Misha looked down at the keyblade and said, "Well I guess this means that we have to make it to the western church. I need to save all of you guess but you need weapons." She looked around and found a chest. She opened a chest and said, "Everyone, take what you want in this chest. There may be things that call to you and things that will not. If something seems like you've seen it before or were told about it take it. It will help us for the battle with Baal." With that everyone went up to the chest and took out an item. Some had confused faces and some were surprised at what theyfound. Either way they all seemed content with what they got.[/COLOR] OOC: Okay, now that you guys have items you should probably tell what you got with full discription and what you thought bout it when you got it.
  13. OOC: Sorry had computer issues yesterday but everything's fixed. [COLOR=Lime]They all rushed into the building of DH. Susana turned around and said, "It must have been quite a journey for all of you. I will now take you to the leader." "Great. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. Bring on the fun," said Sersu. They all followed Susana down the halls to meet the leader of DH.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Lime]Kaho sighed and said, "Well I really don't know why. But I think that normal people don't like us because we're not human. We're half-breeds. They think that we would probably terrorize them and eat them or something but we don't. We would love to be with humans and share the world together. I guess that's never gonna happen." "That's a good reason. So what about my next question?" said Kai. "The truth is we're trying to look for the other anima. But sadly we can't find them. I've heard before that if we travel far enough away from the humans then we could find the land of the animas. It's supposed to have prosperous lands with tall mountains and peace for the animas."[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Lime]"Well you can't argue with that let's go," said Ishtar. Both Shinrei and Ishtar walked inside the tower and saw many shadows everywhere. The oni were screaming and rushing everywhere. Ishtar looked up and saw that there was a big hole in the ceiling that went up into the top. You could sorta see the sky but yet you couldn't. She looked back down and they walked through the tower. They had to make sure not to fall through the hole back to the bottom. They got all the way to the top of the tower and there were many oni that were flying around the top. In the middle of the top room was a table of stone and something glowing on top of the table. Ishtar turned to look at Shinrei and saw that he had a surprised look on his face. [/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][COLOR=DarkRed] [SIZE=1] Would you rather watch a new episode of Family Guy? Or.... Would you rather see an new 2 hour long episode of Futurama? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Lime]I would rather see a 2hour long epi of Futurama. I love new epis! :animesmil Okay here I go! Would you rather sit through a 2 hour boring lecture for a school assembly? Or... Would you rather enjoy a 30 minute school assmebly?[/COLOR]
  17. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][COLOR=DarkRed] [SIZE=1] Would you rather listen to Disturbed? Or.... Would you rather listen to Thousand Foot Krutch?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Lime]Well I've never heard of Distubed so I'd rather listen to Thousand Foot Krutch. Would you rather have not seen any movie in your life Or... Would you rather see only one movie in you life.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Lime]Ishtar stopped and said, "There's something that you need to know before we go in." Shinrei had stopped also to hear what Ishtar had to say. "I am the one who I was talking about. I've been here before lived here and was born here actually. I know this town 'cause I knew about the Oni's weakness. I made it through the tower but the people rejected me. They thought me of one of the toughest oni who take a human form. I was so young and wandered away from the this village hoping to never return. But I guess that promise is broken. After I left the village I've gone so far that one day I collapsed and the Hokage of the Hidden leaf village found me and took me in. Then I became a Jounin and now I'm here in the present. It saddens me that I came back. This village was cruel to me yet I wanted to go. I'm really pathetic aren't I?" said Ishtar.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Lime]Sersu casted a spell which gave her a bow and arrow. She shot arrows at the demons which laughed at her and then they exploded into little chunks of flesh sending blood everywhere. Sersu smile and said, "This is gonna be fun." She started to kill more and more demons that were in their way when one of demons hurt her on the leg. Sersu did a quick healing spell and the wound was gone. She then went back to killing the demons.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Lime]Kaho chose the room usptairs. She walked up the stairs and saw the room where Tankyo went into an went into the other room. When she got there, there was a nice window and a cozy bed with a table and chairs. Kaho could see the light coming through the window and opened the window. "Ahhh...that breeze feels really good," said Kaho. She walked back downstairs and went to the back porch with Kai. "Nice rooms you have here, Kai." "Thanks. I try to keep it as neat and clean as I can in case I have any unexpected guests," he said. "That's good. But it's sad because you must be very lonely out here with no one." "Not really. I have my dog here with me so I have some company at least." When he said that he smiled and then looked sad. Kaho noticed this and looked up into the sky and said, "Whenever I feel lonely or sad I look up at the sky and know that others are seeing the same sky as I am then I don't get lonely anymore since people can see me anywhere by looking at the sky." "I never knew that." Kai looked at the sky and began to smile. "See what I mean? Even someone like you and me can look at the same sky and never have to be alone 'cause we know that we're looking at the sky together. It's pretty cool when you think about it."[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Lime]Ceres noticed someone rubbing her leg and turned to see who it was. She saw a girl from the Obliesk blue and said, "Hi, my name is Ceres and I'm in the Ra dorm what's your name?" "My name...is Cali," she replied in a quiet voice. "Cali, Cali, Cali. That's a really pretty name. So Cali did you want to ask me something?"[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Lime]"Ame you shouldn't blame God for any of this. God is someone who judges us and gives us a chance to live once we die frome earth. He's a savior who wants us his children to be with him but we are tempted by the devil to not be with God but that Satan wants us to be with him. It's the way of life. We live we die we have choices. Don't you understand?" asked Misha. "It's easy to understand when you put it that way. But I still don't think that I should trust your God yet," replied Ame. "Fine, it can't be helped if you believe or don't but we have to get you people out of here and to heaven," said Sora.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Lime]"What to do, what to do. I think we should go. It seems like he's telling the truth," said Kaho. "I don't know but you think it's alright then let's go. Come on Aurora, Cali," said Ruby. They all went to the place where Kai had said he would be at. But before they had gotten to the village they put their cloaks on to disguise themselves from the villagers. When they found the house, Kaho knocked on the door and the door opened. Kai was at the door and let them in.[/COLOR]
  24. OOC:Let's get it started! IC:[COLOR=Lime]Sersu was outside on her porch resting when a letter flew by her. She caught and gasped in excitement. "This is it. My time has come to finally be able to get my revenge after so long." Sersu got packed up and left for the village. She ran. Her hair swayed in the wind and her dress would leave some kind of sparkle. On the way she saw two people on the road. One was on the ground trying to get air and the other one was standing and seemed to be waiting. She slowed down and walked up to them and said, "Hey. Have you guys know where the village of light is. I sorta lost the map on the way."[/COLOR]
  25. [color=lime]"Oh hello Shinrei. Are you ready to go to the tower tonight? It looks like most of the oni there are out on the streets. So what do say?" asked Ishtar while looking a Shinrei. "Yeah, I'm ready," replied Shinrei. "Okay let's go. " Ishtar put her tea down and got up. Then her and Shinrei left the building and headed for the tower. They made sure that no one would follow them and it seemed like no one did. When they arrived at the tower Ishtar said, "This is it Shinrei. While you're in this tower try not to talk or anything. Jsut walk and not make a sound. Oni can't see you until you say something. Is that clear?" "Yes," said Shinrei. With that all done Ishtar and Shinrei went into the tower.[/color]
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