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Funny Girl

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Everything posted by Funny Girl

  1. [COLOR=Lime]"Yeah Adamu I see what you mean. Hey I was wondering if I could talk to you about my deck and something else in private. Is that okay with you? If so, then meet me at my dorm later," said Ceres. "Sure I don't see why not I'll be by around 3:00 is that okay with you?" asked Adamu. "Sure but don't tell anyone that you're coming. See ya' then," replied Ceres as she left off to somewhere.[/COLOR]
  2. OOC: Okay SasukeUchiha321 you're in. -------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=Lime]IC: "Hey, it's okay. We'll try to help but I don't think that we can. Humans have killed my parents and now I live with the guilt of not leaving when they told me to. Just be okay. I heard that if an anima is killed they go back to that place where the other animas are. How about you come with us and we'll find you mom," said Kaho. "By the way, my name is Kaho. What's yours?" Kaho turned before she could say anything and looked out to see that the humans realized that the girl's mom's body was gone.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Lime]Hey there SasukeUchiha321 just wanted to say welcome to the OB and that your post is good but there are some flawes like you can have only one form. So you can decide which one you want. They're all good and I love your bio but the way you ended your bio in the end was like as if it was happening you need to do that in the Adventure Square where the thread has started. I need you the edit the flaws that I have listed and for now your sign up has been [B][color=red]rejected.[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Lime]"Well the village of Oni reallly isn't that bad just a little rough and hard to get to is all," said Ishtar. "Well let's go." "So they hired us a group of kids and two older teenage women to protect through our journey.What a joke!" said one of the men. "Hey if don't want us then you can travel to the village of Oni by yourselves and get killed by some bandits or really skilled ninja," said Mizuki. "Well... fine but just don't screw up," replied the man. "Fine if you guys are done then here we go," said Ishtar. the group left the village hidden in the leaves and were on their way to the village Oni.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Lime]Yue the Judge attacked Sonic Duck Wind and Gale's life points fell to 3900. "Now that Yue the Judge has attacked your monster, another monsster just like him is automatcially summoned to my field and now I play Ruby Moon of the Lunar Eclipse in attack mode. Ruby Moon of the Lunar Eclipse ATK:2500 DEF:400 "Go attack Gale directly!" Gale's life points fell to 1400. Then the sky got dark like the night. "What's this?" asked Gale. "This is the special ability that happens when both Yue and Ruby Moon are summoned and on the same field. They also gain 200 attack points. Now I play the spell card Dayton and Night. Dayton and Night changes the night to day and day to night. "Now my monsters change to Cerberus the Seal and Spinel Sun of the Solar Eclipse. They have the same attack points but now I can attack you again since they are different monsters. Go attack him directly." Gale's life points feel to zero. "Great game Gale," said Ceres. "Yeah it was great," said Gale as he walked away. Ceres walked over to Adamu.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Lime]"Lord Hokage my squad want a real mission," said Ishtar. "Well then I have a group of men that want to be protected on their journey to the village Oni. You can have that mission," said Hokage. ''Yes! A mission finally!" shouted Yoshi in excitement. "Okay guys, let's meet in front of the village gate and I'll be there in a couple of minutes", said Ishtar. Ishtar watched as her squad left to the front gate and said, "Lord Hokage, why the village of Oni?" "Is there something wrong?" asked Hokage. "Well you already know that I'm from that village and ever since then I promised to never go back. The village is horrible," said ishtar. "I see well why don't you go and try not to be so recongizable." "Yes," said Ishtar as she bowed and walked out to the front of the village.[/COLOR]
  7. [color=lime]"Come on everyone surround the wagon and protect it with your life." said Ishtar. They all did as they were told and Kredion stayed on top of the wagon trying to look for the bandit. Ishtar did hand signs and said,"Summoning jutsu." It went silent and Krdion said,"There's nothing here." "There will be just watch and be ready for I'm handing the fight to you," replied Ishtar. Just then the bandit came out of a tree and kywals were chasing him. "It all goes to you just don't be too easy on him ok Kredion?" said Ishtar. "Ok." replied Kredion.[/color]
  8. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I would like to know what you're being for Halloween like for going to parties or other things like that. Some times your parents have second thoughts on your costum and I wanted to see what others' parents thought about it and what you're wearing so here's mine. Well I'm being a Dragon Geisha. It's so cute and I love it. It has a skeleton dragon on the front of it and the rest of it is a bright electric blue. It's short in the front and long in in the back. The short dress goes all around in my costum and then in the back it's long and there are chopsticks and a fan that go with it. My parents have different opinions. First my dad said that it was okay and then when I showed my mom she said that I would have to get nylons. So instead I'm going to get fish net stockings. I have high heels for it too. So what are you being for Halloween and what do your parents think of it? I told you mine so what are some of your guys'?[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Lime]"I'm so glad that your here Ryukai!" said Ishtar with the kindest smile on her face. "Well I would like to introduce you to Shirei who is also from the same village as you and will be your new squad mate. Go ahead start intoducing yourselves. I'm sure you both have a lot of things in common or maybe not... well you could but not. Man, I'm confusing myself. Well Ryukai, do you mind of I call you Ryu or Kai?" asked Ishtar and waited for him to think of his answer.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Magenta]Well I edited my post Doublehex. Tell me what you think of it and what I need to add and what not. I hope that it's good.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Magenta][b]Name: Ashura[/b] [b]Age: 18[/b] [b]Physical Description: She wears a bandana and her hair is up in ponytail with some hair falling out on the side of her face. [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/celestial9.jpg]Here[/URL] [/b] [b]Personality:She is a kind and nice girl who loves Pokemon. She may be one of the few who would do anything to help out Pokemon even if she doesn't own them. She is outgoing and is a little on the slow side when it comes to some things. She loves to talk to new people to get to know them better and to make them feel comfortable around her and other people. Some times whem Ashura is going to get ready to battle, she gets prepared by trying to learn everything she can about that person and then tries to see if her work pays off when she battles. Most of the time it does and she wins her battles. She is all about fun with her Pokemon and her Pokemon just love it too. She isn't overconfident and is very calm and entergetic when it comes to battling.[/b] [b]Pokemon: Bagon[/b][/COLOR] Lemme know if this is ok.
  12. [COLOR=Lime][B]Yuko walked to where the man in red told her to go to. When she got to the station Yuko saw the man in red a walked over to her. "Welcome Sersu. It's good to see you." "What's with the others behind you? Are they going too?" "Why yes they are. They are going to be you new school mates at the school that you are going to. Why do you ask?" "Well I don't know very many people and I'd like to know who they are and stuff like that." "Well go ahead and start making friends with them." Yuko walked to where the group of kids were and said, "Hi, my name Yuko." She smiled kindly at them.[/COLOR][/B]
  13. [COLOR=lime]"Oh hi Shirei. I see that you're back. Well it looks like one of the cadets have passed and it seems he may or may not be in my squad, but he's from the same village as you," said Ishtar. Ishtar jumped down from the window sill and stood by the window and leaned against the wall. "It seems to me that you may get along with this guy if he's in our squad that is."[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Lime]I've seen all the shows since I was little I can't remember how young I was but now I'm in the 8th grade and I think that Pokemon is a little bit too much right now. It's cool how there's legendary pokemon but when you said that they're going to name the games after the seasons I think that they need to sometime end the series soon or I'll go blisstic. It a great show I admit that but there is way too much Pokemon out there now.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Lime]"That's what most of my Genins say when I talk to them. There are even some who don't talk very much and in the end they talk to me for like ever. But that means that we have an understanding of one another and it's not easy to have someone you don't know around you for a long time," sad Ishtar. She sat on the window sill and looked out at the other cadets. She could tell that this was their last test before they were Genin and into a squad. "But you know what it's good to talk. Anyone can talk about anything. I can talk about a lot of things that would be a never ending conversation. So let's see how the others do before we have time to see who's in who's squad."[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Lime]It could be over with but I have a feeling that it's not done with. There are more episodes on Nick at my place. I hope there's more or I'd freak and say [spoiler]"what the heck happened! they shouldn't leave it a cliffhanger and if they don't get more episodes I'm a gonna so be angry for the rest of my life until they get more.[/spoiler][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Magenta]You could take it slow and see how things go from there. I have a lot of guy friends and they are easy to figure out. But there are some times where they are on the dumb side and can't save their life for any reason.[spoiler] Well that's what my guy friends are like anyways. Not all of them are like that.[/spoiler] So yeah. That it slow and see how everything goes from there and you never know what might happen next. Good Luck![/COLOR] :D
  18. [COLOR=Lime]"Well my dreams are to be the best person to help young Genin like you. It's not easy but I just love to see the young Genin be apart of my squad and teach them things and to missions with them. Sometimes I wish that I could travel the world and meet new people. But you see I don't come from this village. My village is somewhere where I will not ever return to," said Ishtar. She stood up and the kywal pounced to the floor. It kywal disappeared when it reached the door in an instant. Ishtar walked to the window and said, "Even though I don't want to return to my village I've made a nice home here but soon I will have to leave this place to avoid the danger of the ones I love. But on the other hand I love to help Genin with their problems since I know what it's like to be different. That's it about me. So... I see that you are looking for something so precious that even telling someone about it might put them in the same danger as you. Well it can't be helped. But I hope that when the time comes you'll come to me for help and even if I'm not there draw this on the ground and I'll come as soon as possible." She drew what looked like [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Tsubasa.jpg]this[/URL] on the wall. "So what do you, say will you accept my help when yo need it?" [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Magenta]My dreams are always weird and about my friends or anime. I have dreams that I'm a character in Yu-Gi-Oh GX. It's cool but I like being a part of it. I also have dreams that I'm at a mansion with many doors that lead to different rooms and to different dimensions. It's weird and I think that I'm in a horror film for some of the places that I go to are like scary places with chainsaws. I hate the sound of cahinsaws. So that's about some of the dreams that I have.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Lime]"Well Shirei to honestly say I really don't know when the test will end. All I know is that it depends on the teacher and the students to see how well they do and that's when it will end. But so far it looks like they're on their last test," replied Ishtar. Ishtar petted the kywal and it purred. She turned to Shirei's direction and said, "I would like to know more about you so tell me about your dreams,wishes and other things you like to do."[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Lime]Ceres let Sonic Duck attack Orion. Ceres life points feel to 3300. "My move!" She drew a card and then she said, "I play Ursa Major in defense mode and then use the spell card Stars Unite." Ursa Major ATK/700 DEF/2000 Stars Unite lets any monster that are star names fuse together. "Now check out this monster that I like to call Yue,the Judge." Yue the Judge ATK/2000 DEF/800 "Go Yue. Attack his Sonic Duck! Judgement." [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Lime]I love Hawk Nelson and some people at my school and some of my friends have never heard of them. It's really hard sometimes but I guess that's life and sometimes you have to go with the flow and just move foward.They are a great band and I love their song "Letters to the President" . I also like Relinet K and if any of guys heard their songs I suggest "High of 75." It's such a good song and it makes me happy to keep on going. I also like [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Lime]"Too bad for that feild spell. But thanks to you now your monster can't attack me. Since you destroyed my face down it goes back to my hand and I can play it when your monster's going to attack me. So I play the spell card Lost Bow!" Lost Bow Spell: Let's Orion stop the attack of the attacking monster and send that monster into defense mode. "Go Lost Bow! Stop his Sonic Shooter!" Gale's Sonic Shooter stopped and went into defense mode. Ceres drew one card and said, "Now Orion attack his Sonic Shooter!" Gale's Sonic Shooter was destroyed. "I play Scorpio in defense mode and end my turn with a face down. You move," said Ceres. Scorpio ATK: 1300 DEF: 700[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Lime]"This is a kywal. It's a tiger-like creature and when it's older it has horns. It's my summoning jutsu. I summon kywals to search for someone that's in help or to sniff a bad guy and have my kywals kill them," Ishtar responded in a calm tone. She turned to the window and asked Shirei, "Is there something that you want to tell me but not quite sure if you want to?" Then she turned to face Shirei to hear his answer if he wanted to.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Lime]Ishtar smiled as she watched Shirei leave. She looked back at the window and saw that there were some students that finished the second test. "Ahh. That's a nice breeze." She stood up and stood by the window and leaned outside. "I wonder why I was never able to do to this in my childhood. Hmmm. What a nice day." She turned around as saw that Shirei hadn't returned yet. So she sat down on the bench and closed her eyes. She then used the summoning jutsu to summon her kywal. The kywal was as small as a cat and sat up on Ishtar's lap. It purred and Ishtar opened her eyes and petted it. "Yes, I know. Shirei has something more that he's telling me." She turned and looked at the window. "But that something is something that I'm not sure he's ready to tell me or anyone yet. But I'll wait uuntil he's ready. Besides I'm his new sensei and having a new teacher is tough even when your from a different place. I remember my home town." [/COLOR]
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