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Funny Girl

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Everything posted by Funny Girl

  1. [COLOR=Lime]Name: Ishtar Duzell Age: 20 Jutsu: La Gamme(turns opponent inside out) Phelios Kyawls( summons kyawls- half tiger and half cat)[URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/kyawl.jpg]Kyawl[/URL] Silead: Allows Ishtar to change into anyone Bio: Ishtar left her village to become a master of the deadliest jutsu. She was taught how to use this jutsu but it was to be only used as a last resort. This jutsu is called [I]La Gamme[/I]. With this jutsu, she can turn anyone inside out but the cost of this jutsu is her life. She also learned how to use her own summoning jutsu to summon kyawls that are both cute and furious. After that she became a Jonin and lived in the Hidden Leaf Village. Personality: She is very nice and a loving woman. She always tries to help those who seem to be shunned by the rest of the world. She also is caring to other things other than herself. She is a little on the slow side but her smile brightens up anybody's day. Looks: [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Celestial/celestial6.jpg]Click Here[/URL] [/COLOR]
  2. Back Story:There are those who are different and shunned by the rest of the world. They are part animal called +Anima. These creatures are unique with their animal instincts and also their human ones too. This is a story about four friends who tried to find others like them. But they encountered many humans that were deceiving and some that were kind. "Well it looks like I have no choice but to search for others like us," said Kaho. "But Kaho, that might be dangerous," said someone. "I know. But I want you three to help me. Then we'll be able to find the others and live together in peace." "But the humans might hurt us and maybe even kill us!" said another. "That's a risk we must take. So? Are you guys in or are you guys out?" said Kaho. "Well when you put it that way I guess that I'm in." said someone. "Me too." said someone else. "I guess if you guys are going to leave, I'm in too!" said another. "Then let's go!" These four set out into the world to find the rest of their kind but little did they know about the world, they were soon going to find out. I also need some humans who want to destory the anima's. So for your sign ups you guys can just forget the half part and change it to weapons. Sign Up: Name: Age: 14-18 Side: Humans or Anima Sex: Female/ Male Half: (ex- part bat) You can chose any animal Appearance: description or pic Personality: Bio: about a paragraph I added something else so just edit your posts and put what side your on. Thanks
  3. [COLOR=Lime]OOC: I now I'm super late in joining this and I did post in the Adventure Inn but for some reason I've never got around to post here. So here I am. Sorry if I'm late. If you guys think that joining now is late then I'll delete this post and go on in life. IC: Maya walked into a dance club and looked around. [I]Seems there's a lot of poeple[/I] she thought to herself.She walked over to the bar and got herslf a magarita. She sat in the chair and turned to look at everyone who was there. She was on a mission to find her target and kill them. She couldn't see anything now but she knew soon that she'll find her target. *Sip* She drinks her magarita and then sets it down on the table and goes on the dance floor to do some dancing and to find her tartget.[/COLOR] OOC:using the word target a lot must be irratating.
  4. [COLOR=Lime]Name: Tsubasa Age: 14 Signature Jutsu: Ver Lava Druk - Void Prism/ Nacuire- Break Prism [SIZE=1](these are made up is that ok?)[/SIZE] Personality: she is a caring person who loves to help others. She is always there to lend a hand and is often on the slow side. Bio: Tsubasa is a hard worker and tries to get things done. She is very talented at playing the [URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Celestial/celestial7.jpg]flute[/URL] and loves to look up at the sky while sitting on a roof. She is so caring and just loves to look at the world a half glass empty. Looks:[URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Celestial/celestial6.jpg]Click here[/URL] [SIZE=1]The pic with the flute is what she looks like when she palys it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Lime]Well I like Zatch since he is just so cute. I mean not that sorta cute but baby cute. I also like Kyo since he's Zatch's book owner. [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Lime]"Well I'm not sure who he is yet but I was just asking if he was lost and what not. It seems that even first years have trouble finding their way around," said Ceres turning to face the Slipher. "Well if you must know, my name is Ronyo and I'm looking for the Ra dorms," said Ronyo.[/COLOR]
  7. [CENTER][SIZE=4][COLOR=Magenta][B]Welcome, We are the Candidates![/B][/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]Back Story:[/B] Kids from the planet Zion are chosen to go to G.O.A.(Goddess Operator Academy). Here they train candidates who will one day become pilots for goddesses. What are these goddesses? Giant humanoid weapons. Deep within each of the kids are abilities as precios as diamonds and skills just as rare. It is also a solemn duty to uphold in order to ensure the future of all mankind. The threat to the palnet Zion is that there are creatures or aliens called Giseisha. These Giseisha are all different types and can be very powerful. Their types can be from "A" to" L". "A" being the lowest or weak and "L" being powerful and strong. Each Giseisha has different abilities that can determine it's strength or ability. My time has begun. I am now a candidate for G.O.A. This what everyone is thinking when they enter the building. G.O.A. is actually in space where the Giseisha are. Kids from the planet that they're protecting is the last planet left. G.O.A.'s job is to train students who capable of being here and see who is worthy of being a candidate and who should stay back down on planet Zion. All first years share a room with two other people. Yes, it seems weird but that's how it works. Now, the students that are going to enroll are all new and share rooms together depending on what their number is. Oh, the number that is chosen for you will be what they call is your "name." It's not really but that's how it is.[/color] [COLOR=Magenta]Sign Up Name: Number: Somewhere between 86-105 Sex: Female or male Appearance: well put discription or picture Age: 14-18 Special Ability: What you can do. PICK ONLY ONE! Bio: Tell what you did while on Zion.[/COLOR] Okay then! I want you guys to have fun and if an admin where to close this please PM me first to tell me what I need to change and stuff like that.
  8. [COLOR=Lime]After Ceres left the Ra Mess Hall she headed for the Slipher dorm. The Ra and Slipher dorms were pretty far away so she took her time even if that meant ditching her classes. While she was walking she noticed a Slipher walking around and he seemed lost. She went up to him and asked, "Are you lost?"[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Lime]I've seen the both movies and liked them both. But in the second movie I would have to say that I really didn't learn anything about the secret of the Fire Nation.[spoiler] Unless I totally missed it and dind't really see the consept or I was just not paying attention.[/spoiler] But either way I think that it was a nice way to see all the fire,water,air,and earth beding action in the second movie.[spoiler]Well I guess I'll have to wait and see this Friday's epi (ep-e). It's all new one too :catgirl: .[/spoiler][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Lime]Ceres got her food and sat at the same as Adamu but across from him so they could talk more. "Well it looks like a pretty strong card and I'd have to say that if I was the one you had to battle, I would want to see what this card can do," said Ceres as she started eating. She was hoping that she could see the card used in battle and that would worth while for. [I]Man. I wish that someone with the potential like Adamu could battle him. I really want to see what that card can do.[/I]thought Ceres. "Oh. Would you look at the time. I was thinking about going to see all the new students in the Slipher and Obliesik dorms. Well I'll catch ya' later Adamu," said Ceres. Ceres walked out of the Mess Hall and headed towards the Slipher dorm to check out the new students.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Lime]"Sorry. I didn't mean to wander off like that. But thanks for waiting for me, Adamu. So let's quit the chit-chat and get us so food. I'm starving!" said Ceres as they walked into the Mess Hall. Adamu was shuffling through his deck and came upon the blue card. He wished that there was at least one person who last long enough to let him play this bad boy. He was totally lost in thought. "Hey Adamu? I've noticed that you keep looking at that blue card. Is it special or something to you?" asked Ceres when they came to where the food was.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Lime]"I'm doin' great! Last night I was able to rearrange my deck and now I have new cards and new strategies. So how have you been, Adamu?" asked Ceres as they headed to the courtyard.[/COLOR]
  13. OOC: Let's get it started! [COLOR=Lime]Ceres was in the stands and as she stood up she jumped down from the stands and ran up to Adamu. When she go to him she said, "Great duel Adamu. You really are as great as they come." She said smiling. "Thanks," said Adamu and they started walking off together.[/color]
  14. [FONT=System][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Alright Deathsye it's a new year and a new RP. So get ready to see this year's best girl in all the school.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Lime] Name- Ceres Age-16 Gender- Female Rank- Ra Yellow Appearence-[URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/girlsbravo6.jpg][COLOR=Cyan]Click Here[/COLOR][/URL] Deck Type-Magicians Best Cards-[I][COLOR=PaleTurquoise]Yue,the Judge[/COLOR];[COLOR=Black]Ruby Moon of the Lunar Eclipse[/COLOR]; [COLOR=SandyBrown]Cerberus, Guardian of the Seal[/COLOR]; and [COLOR=Purple]Spinel Sun of the Solar Eclipse[/COLOR].[/I] Bio-This is her second year at Duel Academy and she's ready and waitin' for what new adventures lie ahead. She also moved up a rank and she can't wait what this year will be like.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [COLOR=Lime]"Locke, where the hell are you taking us? You can see that we're far away from Daemien," said Misha. "Yeah, yeah, I know. But I'm just making sure that we're as far away from him as possible," replied Locke. "We need a plan and fast," said Toki. "Well I'm not sure what to do now but I sure do know that the guy we just saw was not Daemien at all," said Misha. "Then who was that? It looked like Daemien! What more evidence do you want?" asked Flare. "I'm not so sure right now. But whatever made time stop around us must be what is controlling Daemien's body," said Misha. They were sitting in the car with silence until someone could find the right answer.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Lime]Name:Kamikaze Jeanne (Kami for short) Age:16 Aperrance:[URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Maya4.jpg]Click Here[/URL] Personality:She may look kind and act kind but she is a ruthless girl and she fights with a grueling spirit. She sometimes goes crazy from the killing but isn't the type to go into a rage instantly. Bio:Kami was born in the U.S. and fought off demons that would kill anything that they see. Kami was a normal girl but had jobs that could almost cost her life. She was never scared of dying because she had experienced a lot of life-or-death situations. She hasa scar on her back that was caused by one of the demons when she was on a mission. It was a scar that would never go away for the demon put a curse on her before he died saying that it would hurt everytime she experiences happiness. It was so evil of that demon that she had locked up all her happiness that day. Now she definitly mad or just plain upset whenever people saw her. Expertise: Demons Weapon(s): Spears and swords Training(battle training): she uses martial arts that uses swords and spears to perfect it. Extra abilities: She is great at healing and since she battles demons she gets hurt and so do the victums. She has the ability to heal any human that is hurt.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Lime][left]Before Death[/left] Name:Mahiru Age:16 Appearance:[URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/GirlsBravo.jpg]Mahiru[/URL] Personality:She was kind had some issues when it came to the hospital. She would go insane and would refuse to go. Bio:She had throat problems and didn't want to have the operation but her doctor did the operation and she couldn't speak anymore. She then walked to the top of the building and committed suicide. She jumped off and ended up in a different world. [left]After Death[/left] Name:Mahiru Appeared Age:18 Race: Suicide Kids Appearance:[URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/GirlsBravo.jpg]Click Here[/URL] Personality:She was nicer and kinder but her throat was better and she could talk. Weapons:She has a giant fan that is called the "3 Moons" which means that if you see the third moon it's over. Powers: Her power is over air.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Lime]After she shot Daemien, black ooze started coming out and she ran to get away. She was able to stand and faced her former friend that was being controlled and got ready to shoot and arrow at Daemien. Flare ran towards Misha and got in front of her and shouted, "Don't!" "Get out of the way! We need to stop this imposter and move on Flare!" shouted Misha angerily.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Lime]Well there are a lot of anime and manga out on the streets in the US. I just started to like anime and manga just about over a year and a half ago. Well let's get started. There are anime like [COLOR=Magenta][B][I]Love Hina, Mythical Detective Loki Ragnorok, Scrapped Princess, Rave Master, Bobobo-bobobo, Girls Bravo, One Piece, Saiyuki, D.N.Angel, Ceres[/I][/B][/COLOR], and a tons more that I can't even remember them all. Along with the anime there are also manga as well. [spoiler]Well some of them are at least. Most are just anime with no manga and some are manga with no anime.[/spoiler] So there's my full share of anime and manga that I've come across of. :animesmil [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Lime][B]''Damien! What are you doing? It's us!"[/B] shouted Misha. With no answer Damien rushed toward Toki about to attack. Misha got in front of Toki and shot a light arrow at Damien. There was a big gapping hole in the middle of Damien that healed slowly. [B]"What!? But...how...?"[/B] and then she was hit by his sword and went flying onto the pavement. Misha hit the pavement with a lot of inpact. And then everything went black for Misha.[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Sorry for having it so short. Didn't get much sleep last night.
  21. [COLOR=Lime][SIZE=1]1) Name -Tsuki 2) Age - 18 3) Group - Shinigami - The keeps of balance and peace in the world. Also known as soul reapers or grim reapers. This group has a very organized system of captains and ranking to keep order through out there world and ours. All members that are Shinigami have a Zanpaktou the source of much of there power. 4) Styles -Quincy arts - There are many different forms the most known is the energy bow. The Quincy forms a bow out of spirit energy in there hand and releases energy arrows at there target. 5) Biography/origin - Tsuki wanders around and is given missions to get someone's soul. She originated from a small island that kept her from leaving but ended up as a Shinigami as for a cause of suiside. 6) Personality - She is a tough but nice girl who acts like a girly girl but when given a mission, she will complete at any costs. 7) Description of looks / Picture -[URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Ceres.jpg][COLOR=MediumTurquoise]PIC. Here[/COLOR][/URL] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Lime]Naruto is an awesome show. I watch every Satuday and on the weekdays too. It's just the best and since it's here in America I can watch new episodes and an encore every Saturday. Naruto Rules![/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Lime] [b][size=1]Name:[/size][/b]Meroko [size=1][b]Nicknames:[/b][/size]Bunny [b][size=1]Age:[/size]18 [size=1]Gender:[/size][/b]Female [size=1][b]Appearance:[/b][/size][URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/AyaandMaya.jpg]Click Here[/URL] It's the girl with lavendar hair [b][size=1]Personality:[/size][/b]She's on the tough side and loves to kick ***. [size=1][b]Short Biography:[/b] [/size]She heard he was looking for a crew and decided that working for him would do some good for her. [size=1][b]Weapons:[/b][/size] Projectile weapon [size=1][b]Speciality:[/b][/size]She can disguise herself as in my appearance. it's the girl with brown hair that she disguises herself as and she loves to fight and she is also good at medicine.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Lime]Name:[URL=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Maya4.jpg]Natsume[/URL] Age: 15 Encountered/befriended "fictional" Character: Yamimon From the: Digimon universe. Backstory:Natsume was taking a walk outside and found something shiny in the coner of her eye. She went over and picked it up. It was a gold sphere that had the writings:[I]Extended, Mislead, and Toki.[/I] The next thing she knew she was traveling at warp speed. She ended up on a cloud where a creature came to her and said," It seems you came here by the sphere. You must be someone special. I'm Yamimon and I can see you need some help about where you are." Natsume listened to everything that Yamimon had said and was suprised at where she was.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Lime]Kaname Chidori-"What? You paired me up with this bastard?"[/COLOR]
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