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Funny Girl

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Everything posted by Funny Girl

  1. Riiko had finally made it to the mountain. She looked up and knew that it would be a long way. As she headed up towards the mountain she saw someone ahead of her. Riiko yelled,[COLOR="magenta"] "Hey!"[/COLOR] The girl turned around and stopped. She looked at Riiko and then said, [COLOR="magenta"]"Were you called her too?"[/COLOR] Riiko ran up to the girl and said, [COLOR="magenta"]"Yeah, I just got here and I wondering if I was the last one or not." "No, it doesn't seem like it. There may have been others that might have passed by here before us. By the way, my name's Sanagi." "Mine's Riiko. Nice to meet you Sanagi." "It sure is gonna be a long way up there,"[/COLOR] said Sanagi looking up. [COLOR="magenta"]"Yeah, but at least I have someone to talk to so the trip won't be as boring."[/COLOR] Riiko said smiling. [COLOR="Magenta"]"You've got a point there."[/COLOR] They both walked up the mountain together talking about what they did for a living and wherethey lived and such. When they finally got to the top of the mountain they could see that there were others that had reached the top as well. [COLOR="magenta"]"Looks like there are still some missing,"[/COLOR] Riiko said looking around. [COLOR="magenta"]"You're right. But it seems that there are more than eight here,"[/COLOR] replied Sanagi. [COLOR="magenta"]"That is because there are eight of you and eight of us,"[/COLOR] said someone from behind. They both turned around and Riiko said, [COLOR="magenta"]"You're that woman from earlier." "Yes I am. My name is Adin. And you are my reincarnation,"[/COLOR] she said.
  2. Riiko sat in her in college classroom that was teaching her something about science things. She hated this class and spaced out by looking out the window that she sat next to. She watched as the clouds passed, each one seemed to be different than the other. She rested her head on her hand and started to close her eyes. As her eyelids slowly closed, a figure seemed to have appeared in her [COLOR="magenta"]head. "Please. You must hurry,"[/COLOR] said the woman. [COLOR="magenta"]"Who the hell are you?" [/COLOR] Riiko replied. [COLOR="magenta"]"You know who I am. I am always with you no matter where you are I am always with you." "Alright. What is it that you want?" "You must go to the mountain where all of the others are headed. There you will find the answers to your questions."[/COLOR] The woman faded and Riiko woke up. Of course the teacher saw her falling asleep and came over to her. [COLOR="magenta"]"Miss Riiko. I don't think that my class is that boring so if you will pay attention then maybe you will ace the next exam." "Whatever. I already pass all of you exams and pop quizes,"[/COLOR] she replied. ~~~ Afterschool, Riiko went home and got some things ready for the trip. [I]I wonder if I will be alright on this. I'm not so sure but I have a feeling I might find out.[/I] She packed some snacks, grabbed a coat, and headed out. It was getting dark out but she knew that it would be light soon. She headed towards the place where she thought her questions might be answered. OOC: Let's get this show on the road!!!
  3. [COLOR="Magenta"]"I hear that people put pennies in the eyesockets of the dead. Let's test to see if that's true. If it is then that means I'm two pennies richer."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"]I really never did have that big of a fortune. That is until I met him."[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="magenta"]It's been a long time since I last saw this thread put up. I'm ready to rock and roll!![/COLOR] Name: [COLOR="magenta"]Riiko[/COLOR] Age: [COLOR="magenta"]21[/COLOR] Gender: [COLOR="magenta"]Female[/COLOR] Personality: [COLOR="magenta"]She was taught to never waste things and to live your life like it was your last. Riiko shines like the sun and has the most carefree attitude of all. Nothing ever seems to get by her and it's almost scary how happy she really is. She also has a dark side to her which she supresses in order to keep her well being and everyone safe. Not all is happy when "it" appears and decides to take over.[/COLOR] Appearance: [URL="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Anime%20Girls/Normal%20Girls/m44251477.jpg"][COLOR="magenta"]Riiko[/COLOR][/URL] Rencarnation of: [COLOR="magenta"]Adin[/COLOR] Power: [COLOR="magenta"]Light. She can control the light anything that has to do with "Good Magic." She is like a preistess that can send energy waves and balls of light from her katanas along with some wicked spell casting.[/COLOR] Weapon: [COLOR="magenta"]She has two katanas that she carries on her back.[/COLOR] Bio: [COLOR="Magenta"]Born near the shores the beautiful sun and the gorgeous beaches is something that is memorible to Riiko. Bright blue skies and the sun that never seemed to darken were just what she loved about the ocean. Darkness was something she didn't like. It felt like it would shroud her or overcome her. She was taught to be strong and live up to what her expectations were. She loved the sun and soon become of the most beautiful girls around her area. That didn't last long though. Although she was beautiful she never had a real family. She was adopted when she was around ten and life never seemed to same since. All of her dreams when she was adopted seemed to have disappeared until she was fourteen. For those two years of her life all she could remember was the rushing sound of waves crashing against the shore and pulling back to effortessly. Riiko's pursued her dream of becoming something useful. Although she still is a college student but has begun to see the brighter things in life. Her life that is. But little did she know that the light in her heart was a whole different meaning.[/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink] Jingoism aside, that's complicated, and a few more questions need to be asked. What's the basis of comparison? Popular where? How many people need to like it for it to be popular? "Popular" is a relative term. We could say "popular in Japan," "popular in America," "popular in both Japan and America," and even "popular worldwide." Which one does your friend mean? [/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Magenta"]You've got a point there Nerdsy. It is true that you need to know where it is that it has to be popular. Something in Japan could be popular like D- Gray Man but many here in America may not know that there was an anime to begin with.[/COLOR] You have to know whether it's popular or not and so forth. It doesn't have to have a lot of fans for it to become an anime and appear here in America since most of the anime is made in Japan then released here in the US.
  6. [COLOR="Magenta"]I always a thing for the ancient past and stuff like that. For English we got to choose a god or goddess from Greek Myth and find some myths that they were in. I chose Demeter since her Roman name was Ceres and the name was captivating. There is something about mythology and legends that just makes you wonder why they were started and the reasons behind the story than just listening to it and getting an interest.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]When Persephone was abducted by Hades, lord of the underworld, Demeter wandered the earth in search of her lost child. During this time the earth brought forth no grain. Finally Zeus sent Hermes to the underworld, ordering Hades to restore Persephone to her mother. However, before she left, Hades gave her a pomegranate (a common fertility symbol). When she ate from it, she was bound to spend a third of the year with her husband in the infernal regions. Only when her daughter is with her, Demeter lets things grow (summer). The dying and blossoming of nature was thus connected with Demeter.[/QUOTE]
  7. [COLOR="Magenta"]I do have to say that Gavin's was pretty funny and some of them took me awhile to get like Room Service's and Allamorph's. This is something more on a serious note:[/COLOR] "Time seemed to pass but she was still always herself." [COLOR="magenta"]"Looked like an Asian but was a blonde in the end."[/COLOR] "They always said that blondes had more fun until I came in and changed all that. While they turn heads I broke necks." [COLOR="magenta"]"Sincere and kind to others... but her weird way of walking got only worse when a wind came and blew her off course."[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="Magenta"]So far for New Years Eve, I went snowboarding up at Boreal for the entire day with some friends. [/COLOR] I also am going to stay up until midnight pacific time and call all of my friends to wish them a happy new year. [COLOR="magenta"]I so wish that I could go to a party but I want to stay with my family and count down the seconds to a New Year[/COLOR] Happy New Year to those that live on the East Coast!!
  9. Tsuki looked amoungst the group. A boy, a girl and a wolf. Tsuki didn't like to talk much so she kept quiet while the others introduced themselves. The one girl named Dawn said, [COLOR="Magenta"]"I have to go. There's someone that may need me and I want to help him. Thanks for helping me before, maybe we'll meet again but, right now I have to take of this."[/COLOR] Tsuki looked at her expression. It seemed that she really cared for this certain someone. Azure watched as the girl left. What seemed like forever for him to say something, [COLOR="magenta"]"I don't know what you two will do, but I'm leaving here shortly."[/COLOR] Tsuki looked at him with a hard stare and aked, [COLOR="magenta"]"Are you going after that girl?"[/COLOR] He said, [COLOR="magenta"]"No."[/COLOR] Tsuki looked out the window and sighed. It would seem it would be forever until she could return to the order. [I][COLOR="magenta"]Storm's coming. I hope that girl will be alright.[/COLOR][/I] Azure and Luna were arguing saying that he shouldn't go after her and wait till the storm passes. He said that he didn't need to wait and went on ahead. Tsuki looked at Luna who was full of anger. [COLOR="magenta"]"Maybe you should let him go. If he does he might need some help. I don't know about you but helping others that might help be escape this place seems like a good idea."[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]"But there's a storm coming. We have to wait until it passes,"[/COLOR] Luna shouted. [COLOR="magenta"]"That girl may not have known there was a storm. You are part wolf so you can sense these things ahead of time. Humans don't have that ESP. C'mon. Let's go after them."[/COLOR] Tsuki smiled and headed out of the door.
  10. Tsuki woke up and found herself completely different than where she was before. She had gone from a town near England to a land that seemed unknown to her. She got up and walked around. Tsuki walked and walked until she reached a town. [COLOR="magenta"][I]I wonder if there is any information that I could possibly find here.[/I][/COLOR] Tsuki walked into a store and asked, [COLOR="magenta"]"Do you, by any chance, know where I am?" "Why you're in Elysium,"[/COLOR] the clerk responded. [COLOR="magenta"]"Thanks."[/COLOR] She left in search to see if there was any reason why she was sent here. One the way she noticed that her golem was still following her. [COLOR="magenta"]"Better see if I can contact Brother from here. Or whatever this place is." [/COLOR]Tsuki went to the nearest phone and hooked the golem up to it. [COLOR="magenta"] "He-hel-lo? I-is th--at you Tsu--i?"[/COLOR] said a voice that was staticy. [COLOR="magenta"]"Yes this is me Tsuki Taiyo. Do you have any whereabouts about where the the hell I am right now?" "I'm ---ry I--em-- to-e-[I]Beeeeep[/I]."[/COLOR] The connection was cut off. [I][COLOR="magenta"]Dammit. I don't know where the hell I am and I just want to know what is that they sent me here to do! Dammit![/COLOR][/I] Tsuki left the building and kept walking. She soon saw a man holding a girl jumping on the rooftops. Tsuki activated her boots and jumped up on top of the roof to see if she could get some answers. She landed on the roof behind the man and asked, [COLOR="magenta"]"Do you know what this place is?"[/COLOR] The man stopped and turned around. Tsuki stopped also. [COLOR="magenta"]"I'd like to get out of here soon if you don't mind,"[/COLOR] she said looking at the man.
  11. Tsuki ducked and rolled away from the man. [COLOR="Magenta"]"What are you talking about? I have no idea what you mean by a key for this 'key hole' you talk about. You're just an akuma sent here by the Earl. Well then, tell the Earl that I would love to have a match with him in the future,"[/COLOR] she said acting cocky. [COLOR="magenta"]"You don't believe me? Well then, I guess that means I'll take it from you!" [/COLOR] he shouted. [COLOR="magenta"]"Bring it on. Innocenct Activate!"[/COLOR] The boots changed from her normal balck boots to silver ones. A key tooth was on each heel and flames emitted from them. [I]What is this? This isn't my Innocence[/I] [COLOR="magenta"]"You do have the key! You've been lying to me this whole time. I get that key of yours and taint the keyhole right behind you! AHAHAHAHA!"[/COLOR] Tsuki turned around and found that there was something there but couldn't quite see it. She turned to face the man and ran towards him at incredible speed. So fast that the man couldn't see her. Tsuki jumped into the air and crashed down right through the man's body. Tsuki's boots cut through the marrow and tissue and muscles that held the body together and watched it as it fell the ground with no hope of ever getting back up. After that Tsuki walked over to the thing that might be a keyhole and put the heel of her boot in it. She turned it and was encased with light and was sent away to somewhere else.
  12. After her run in with the akuma she looked down at her boots in surprise. [COLOR="magenta"]"They've changed. I wonder what it could mean," [/COLOR]she said lifting one of her boots. [COLOR="magenta"]"There's a key tooth on the bottom. That's new. It could be another synchro with the Innocence. Might as well not worry about it now." [/COLOR] Her boots changed back to her normal black boots. She walked back to the town and saw some Finders looking for something. [COLOR="magenta"]"We've been looking for you. There's a call for you from the order,"[/COLOR] said one of the Finders. [COLOR="magenta"]"Who?"[/COLOR] Tsuki asked. [COLOR="magenta"]"The supervisor. He said that it was urgent." "Alright." [/COLOR] Tsuki walked into a hotel hooked up her golem to a phone. It had called the order. [COLOR="magenta"]"Hello?" [/COLOR]asked a man's voice. [COLOR="magenta"]"This is Tsuki Taiyo what is it that you want?" "Oh! Tsuki!! How are you? It's been awhile since you've been here so how about coming back to the order and making some coffee for your dear brother?" "I thought you wanted to tell me something urguent." "Oh, it seems that there is another type of akuma in the area and it's said that it wants to know where the key hole is. Go check it out and come back to-" "Brother. Start acting like a supervisor and get back to your work. Bye."[/COLOR] Tsuki walked out of the hotel and out of the city. The Finders followed her. Tsuki stopped when she reached the forest. [COLOR="magenta"]"Where's the key hole? Where's the key?"[/COLOR] a man said walking out. The man was bloody and bruised and repeated the same thing over and over like a message. [COLOR="magenta"]"Excuse me sir? What is the key hole?"[/COLOR] Tsuki asked. The man turned and noticed her. In a flash he was up in her face and said, [COLOR="Magenta"]"You have to key for the key hole."[/COLOR]
  13. Tsuki walked down the streets of a busy town. She looked over to her left and found a man walking right by her yet keeping his distance. [I]Must be one of "them."[/I] Tsuki walked further down the city until she reached an empty lot. She turned around and the man stopped. [COLOR="Magenta"]"No use trying to cover up. You beasts are just demons in human clothing. Innocence Activate!" [/COLOR] Tsuki said with her boots activating and changing colors and such. The man said, [COLOR="magenta"]"Hahaha! You exorists really are good at finding us out. But this will be your end lady exorist!"[/COLOR] The man ripped out from the human skin he was wearing as it fell to the ground a big centipede with spider legs coming from the back appeared. [COLOR="magenta"]"Let's see if you can kill me now. Hahahaha!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]"You all are just scum or misleaded spirits. I hope that you can find peace wherever you go." [/COLOR]Tsuki jumped up in the air and headed straight down towards the akuma. [COLOR="magenta"]"Whirlwind Flash!" [/COLOR]Tsuki hit the akuma in the head and down its body to where it was split in two. The centipede screamed in agonizing pain as blood shot out in every direction. It then bubbled and exploded. [COLOR="magenta"]"Mission complete,"[/COLOR] she said as she walked away. [COLOR="magenta"]"God, bring salvation to this akuma's soul."[/COLOR]
  14. The Zunes are great by the way. I have the regulare 30gb. The screen is so big that it out beats the Ipods. What I want for Christmas is [COLOR="magenta"]Some clothes from Abercrombie and Fitch and American Eagle.[/COLOR] There's also this really cool slim camera that I've had my eye on. I read the reviews and it said that it was a really good slim camera. [COLOR="magenta"]That's about all I want for Christmas.[/COLOR]
  15. Name: [COLOR="Magenta"]Tsuki Taiyo[/COLOR] Age: [COLOR="magenta"]21[/COLOR] World of Origin:[COLOR="magenta"] D-Gray Man[/COLOR] Alignment: [COLOR="magenta"]Grey[/COLOR] Race: [COLOR="magenta"]Human[/COLOR] Appearance: [URL="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/saha-dolls-01.jpg"][COLOR="magenta"]Tsuki[/COLOR][/URL] Key Weapon: [COLOR="magenta"]Key-Boots. Tall black boots (like in the pic) that transform into silver boots with green flames coming from the sides and a white strip going down the side. On the heels of her boots is where her key is. Her boots let her attack enemies in the air put has to hit the enemy a couple of times before it goes down. Tsuki's boots can also allow her to move swiftly and use her tornado attack.[/COLOR] Drive Form: [COLOR="magenta"]N/A[/COLOR] Bio: [COLOR="Magenta"]Tsuki's world is 19th century England. During this time is when it all becomes dark and demons come out to play. Many of the living have witnessed their loved ones die, they make contracts with the Millenium Earl. With this method the ones that they loved are called back to life but have to kill the one who called them, wear their skin and become Akuma who go around hunting for Innocence. We exorists at the Black Order must destroy Akuma and finish off the Earl once and for all. Tsuki Taiyo went around hunting for these akuma with some of her companions. Another day of searching for Innocence and hunting akuma that are after it. But this is all one step closer to finishing off the Earl who would use the Akuma to destroy the entire world. She has come very close to facing the Earl but was held back when he had said another time we will battle. She's been fired up to face him but knows that she must become stronger in order to defeat him. She was around ten when the order took her in from her parents. She has never heard another word from them and cannot contact them. Tsuki had many fits when she was taken she called for her brother and wanted to get out from the order. Her brother then one day came to the order but not as an exorist. Tsuki was finally able to calm down and do her job. It's been a few years and she now has the experience of going against akuma. Her boots are her Innocence and no one else can wear them but her. Innocence is percious to the Order and the whole world. Each day she gets stronger and stronger battling akuma and getting one step closer to facing the true boss of this game.[/COLOR] Theme Music: [COLOR="magenta"]Thnx for the Mmrs- by Fall Out Boy[/COLOR] Entrance theme:[COLOR="magenta"] Houkiboshi- Yuuna[/COLOR] Battle Theme: [COLOR="magenta"]Sandstorm- Countdown[/COLOR] Victory Theme: [COLOR="magenta"]Go!!- Flow[/COLOR] Loss Theme: [COLOR="magenta"]Life is Like a Boat[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="Magenta"]Name: Isha (I-sha) Age: 15 Gender: Female Origin: South Africa Date of Birth: July 6 Personality: Isha is very child-like and carefree. She loves to act like a little girl by sending notes to others and play around once in a while. Just like a child she loves to hide and play pranks on others. She gets the thrill of the excitement by waiting. When Isha gets in trouble she'll whine and make a fit out of it. But out of all she is sweet to anyone new she meets but makes blunt comments by no mistake. Appearance: [URL="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Anime%20Girls/School%20Girls/normal_normal_schoolgirl_tsukiyono-.jpg"]Isha[/URL] is about 5ft. 5in. and weighs around 110lbs. History: Isha's parents had left her when she was very young. She only acts like a child since no one has taught her how to act like an adult. Her cousin had taken care of her until he died. For three years she's grown up by herself and had to act like she would when she was little. her carefree personality makes up for her childness. Isha can only be blunt to people. She tells it like it is. Isha always got in trouble with her pranks and was soon known as a traitor to mankind. Isha was a traitor indeed. She didn't know that harming the world would be a great cost. Isha had burned down an entire coty full of people in one night. She got tired of all the people that teased her of the way she dressed and how she acted. She doesn't know why she's called a traitor. But only those that were hurt and still alive call her that. They hated Isha and all that she had done. Isha was more of a criminal than a traitor but having some people see her for her true character made her more and more suspicious. When she heard of the world's death she wanted to help. All of the others said she would burn it up and die along with it. This made her more determined than ever to save the world with the last love song. After all, when the last song plays there goes the world. [/COLOR]
  17. Shia ran and ran until she finally found where Tan and Ame were. A pack of wolves surrounded them and fear them being killed appeared on her face. [COLOR="magenta"]"Tan!! Ame!!"[/COLOR] she yelled. Tan and Ame turned to look at her. The wolves heard her yell and looked over at Shia. They left Tan and Ame and went after Shia. She stood her ground as the wolves attacked. A wolf jumped and attacked but was repelled by Shia's Spring Sheild. [COLOR="magenta"]"You'll just die if you come at me like that,"[/COLOR] she said. [I]Thing is I only have a few more minutes or seconds before the sheild wears off. I can't keep standing here like this or I might as well die.[/I] Thoughts ran through her head thinking of what she should do to save Tan and Ame. Then one thought came and she yelled,[COLOR="magenta"] "Ame!! Tan!! Run away from here! I'll be right behind you guys soon!"[/COLOR] The two nodded and dashed away. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Good, now it's my turn to be on the offense. Heaven and Hell transverse the skies. Both gates opened and the chains of fate are severed. After their long and eternal sleep there silence above the judgement. I banish you wolves to the pits of HELL!!!"[/COLOR] said Shia. Nothing happened. It was all quiet. The wolves were still there and Shia's sheild had worn off. [I]What? Why? This shouldn't have happened![/I] The wolves found an opening and attacked Shia. Shia ran but one had managed the bite her leg. Blood dripped and she screamed from the pain. Shia hit the wolves with her Lightning Fire. All of them were killedand Shia tried to run but the bite was too severe. She rested against a tree.
  18. Shia stood there with Evangeline as Tan took Ame away. Shia looked over to Evangeline who had a fist and was trembling. Shai said, [COLOR="magenta"]"Don't act as if you think he did this on purpose. There has to be a reason why he attacked Shaun and Duo so suddenly. I have a hunch though that there is something more to Ame than meets the eye."[/COLOR] [COLOR="magenta"]"Whatever. I don't care what the fuck he does as long as he doesn't do the same kind of shit again. Ame seemed to be kind of cold and now I know for sure that we should keep our eyes on the bastard or something worse may come to us,"[/COLOR] said Evangeline walking away. Shia nodded at what Evangeline said. She took it to heart and looked up to the sky. [COLOR="magenta"]"Somethings not right. It may be just a feeling but it feels..."[/COLOR] Shia stopped and looked over to where Shaun was. [I]Duo's not with him.[/I] She headed for where Tan had taken Ame to make sure that everything was alright. As Shia went searching for them something was on the move. The bushes moved everytime Shia walked. When she stopped there was no one around. She decided to go ahead and protect herself. [COLOR="magenta"][I]"Four seasons come and one stops per quarter. As the blue jay sings a melody what season is it? One that protects all and destorys all that attacks. SPRING SHEILD!!!!"[/I] [/COLOR] With that Shia was protected. Something from a bush came up and attacked her but the sheild kiiled it. [COLOR="Magenta"] "There was something out there and there might be even more. I'd better hurry or Tan and Ame may be in danger," [/COLOR]said Shia running after them.
  19. Shia looked to where Eva had pointed. [COLOR="Magenta"]"That's an awesome staff that you have there. I wonder if there's anything that I can use,"[/COLOR] said Shia as she peered into the chest and found and interesting staff. As she pulled it out it seemed to have a peculiar shape to it. The rod had a vine design running up it and on top there was a crest that had a star in the middle and roses on either side. It was well done. The roses were yellow and purple and the star was a shiny silver. The rod was gold. Shia held it up and said, [COLOR="magenta"]"Seems like this is gonna get a whole lot more fun."[/COLOR] Shia walked away to test the staff out. When there was no more people around she held to staff out in front of her and chanted, [COLOR="magenta"]"As the lightning hits the ground and fire touches the sky, the birds fly towards the east and land in the west. As night and day once again become tainted with the darkness of hearts may then we will find hope. Lightning Flame Dance!" [/COLOR] As she said that a tail of lightning with fire danced around her. [COLOR="magenta"]"Cool, that was awesome,"[/COLOR] she said looking at the staff and smiling.
  20. [COLOR="Magenta"]Thanks for the Banner. You'll get some credit for it too!!! ^_^[/COLOR]
  21. As Eva helped Shia up, Shai noticed that the lot of the students were missing. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Hmm, that's strange," [/COLOR]started Shia. [COLOR="Magenta"]"What is?" [/COLOR] asked Eva. [COLOR="magenta"]"That last attack from those creatures have killed off most of the students and now there's only us and those others over there." "That seems to be good for us if we stay in a smaller group but also bad since there's not enough of us to fend off the creatures. C'mon let's go to the town now before it gets even more late."[/COLOR]Shia nodded and turned around and yelled, [COLOR="magenta"]"C'mon guys let's get going. It's almost dark soon and if we get to the town then we hope that there'll be some help there!"[/COLOR] The others followed quickly as she said that. "Good, Shia now let's get going," said Eva walking away towards the town. [COLOR="magenta"]"Yup, Eva-chan!"[/COLOR] said Shia cheerfully. Eva didn't respond to it and this made her a little worried. [I]Tan, Shuan, Duo, Ame, Eva, me and only a few others. Not even enough to be able to defeat another one of those ambushes. I just hope that the town is less scary than being out here.[/I] Shia thought to herself as they approached the town. [I]Great. I spoke too soon. This place is like a ghost town![/I] [COLOR="magenta"]"Hellooo!! Is there anyone here!"[/COLOR] Shia shouted. [COLOR="magenta"]"I really don't want to know whose going to answer. It looks like it's been abondoned for some time now," [/COLOR]said Tan from behind. [COLOR="magenta"]"Then how are we going to find something to eat or drink or fight with around here?" "I don't know but there's something not right here,"[/COLOR] said Eva looking around.
  22. Azmaria Azalea was going to college but had built up hatred inside of her. She is now 20 and has returned back to her home village. This is where she met the elder of the village. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Welcome back. Azmaria. It's been a long time since the last time you were here,"[/COLOR] the elder said bowing. [COLOR="Magenta"]"It sure has. Things still haven't been the same since 'he' passed away,"[/COLOR] she replied. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Yes. The village has missed you and your smiling face and 'him'. But today, there is a suprise waiting for you at my house." "I can't wait! I'll have to go visit 'him' first though. It has been over ten years since I've last seen him."[/COLOR] The elder nodded and they headed for his home. As they pulled up in front of the house there was someone standing on the porch. He was bandaged up and seemed to be smiling as Azmaria looked over to him. As Azmaria got out of the car and got her stuff she asked the elder, [COLOR="Magenta"]"Who is that man over on your porch?" "Oh, you don't recognize him? Well, I'd like you to meet-"[/COLOR] he was cut off when the man walked over to them. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Hello Azmaria. It's been a long time now hasn't it?" [/COLOR]asked the man. [COLOR="Magenta"]"Um, sorry for my rudeness but who are you?" [/COLOR]she asked. [COLOR="Magenta"]"My, my. Well my name is Zephyranthes,"[/COLOR] he said. A shocked expression appeared on her face as she dropped her bags and gave Zeph a hug. [COLOR="Magenta"]"I'm sorry. I should've known that it was you. But how are you still here. I thought that you were dead." [/COLOR]No tears fell from her face. Her tears were long dried up and not even this time were they to pour out. ~~~ [COLOR="Magenta"]"Oh, I see. So you found out that he was still alive and yet you kept this from me for so long eh elder?"[/COLOR] she said galring over at the elder. [COLOR="Magenta"]"But this was your surprise. We found Zephyranthes still alive before the furneral. We thought that he was gone but he wasn't." "Don't talk as if I'm not here. I'm still alive you know," [/COLOR]replied Zeph sarcastically. [COLOR="Magenta"]"It doesn't matter just as long as you're still here then that's fine with me," [/COLOR]said Azmaria. ~~~ OOC:I hope that this is a good intro for my character. I did just as you said in the PM.
  23. [COLOR="Magenta"]Azmaria calmed herself down and said, "You know, it's not gentlemen like to sneak up on a girl especially sneaking in through the balcony. But I do give you credit." Azmaria let the boy come in and she then quickly moved behind the boy and said, "So, your name's Elliot huh? Good name. I heard about those creatures that come around and been wondering what was that they wanted. If you've come to me asking for help I won't deny it. But I do have one problem." "What's that?" Elliot asked turning to face her. "I don't like to take orders from humans. You humans think that you rule over this place, well here's a news flash! You don't. I don't mean to sound mean but I just wanted to make that clear. If it ever comes around to having humans ordering and using me then I will have no choice to kill them off. 'Kay?" Azmaria moved to her bed and sat down. Elliot replied, "I'll try and make sure that you won't be used." "Good, 'cause I do have to say that those creatures' blood make a mighty fine meal for me. But so do humans." Azmaria then motioned for Elliot to come closer. After he sat on the bed Az replied, "Alright, I'd like to hear out the situation of the creatures and what is it that you want me to do." [/COLOR]
  24. [FONT="Fixedsys"]Typewriter. I?m not talking about the machine but the game. It was a normal game that involved someone making a story on a typewriter and others would come and act it out. It was a silly game that was good for acting. No one was harmed and it seemed so funny at first. Typewriter was just some way to have fun and make a story out of what you wanted to do. Kids loved the game and it was good for some theatre exercises. But in this story it?s much different. What happens when someone types up a story and the next day that same thing, in the story, happened. When things go from good to bad and then worse, it was good idea when Typewriter was just a friendly kid game.[/FONT] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Purple"]That was a game that was invented long ago. The year now is 2017. Things have gotten somewhat better within the last ten years. Everything has been upgraded. Zela goes to school in Colorado where there?s an institute called P.A.W. It stands for Poets, Artists, and Writers. Zela?s a writer and applied at this college. The institute is fairly large and relatively new. Not many know about it and it seems that people here are lot friendlier than they look. Especially the art people. They look like emos or Goths but they?re just like normal people. You don?t need to know about that stuff. But this is probably what you want to know. One day Zela had passed by the library and saw someone typing up a story. Zela peeked in and walked up to the kid. ?Is that the next assignment for Writer?s E.D.?? she asked. The kid looked at her and logged off the computer. It?s none of your business. Is what is seemed to her. The kid left the room. Zela stood there and logged on. She hacked into the system and checked what the kid was looking at earlier. ?Aha! Found it,? she exclaimed. Zela looked at the page and found that there was a curse around the school. It said that those who typed a story, whether good or bad, it was to occur the next day with the scenery and plot at hand. ?This is bogus! There?s no such thing,? Zela said aloud. The bell rang and she headed to her dorm. ?God dammit. I have a paper to write, due tomorrow.? Late that night Zela saved what she had for her paper and went to bed. Strange things started to happen. Then the next day, her paper had come alive and the story was beginning to unfold.[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR="Blue"]You have just witnessed a phenomenon that has been around for the ages. Zela had typed a story for her homework but instead her story came alive. Not only is the scenery changing but you are trapped in the plot whether you like it or not. Your goal is stop the story by finding the computer that has Zela?s story typed and saved on it before it comes to an end. By now you are probably wondering what the story is. To break it down, Zela?s story is about a group of people who encounter many strange occurrences. These occurrences are demons, vampires, powerful spirits, and terrifying beasts. Our objective in this game is to finish the story before the end comes. We will have times where we will be tortured to almost death. Sign Up: Name: Age: 19-25 Sex: Personality: This is just to see how your character acts Appearance: Picture or a really good description Major: Artist, Writer or Poet Bio: Tell me something about your major and what you thought about the occurrences that are happening. 2-4 paragraphs Weapons: Anything would be fine but you don?t find your weapon until later.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="Magenta"]I need a signature of both Shia and Misha together. I have a picture that you can use or if you have a better one then you can use that too. [URL="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Koge%20Donbo/Pita%20Ten/CopyofMishaandShia.jpg"]Shia and Misha[/URL] The signature must be OB requirements. The picture is a little big so if you can make it smaller then that would be great. Also, I'd like the signature to say: [B]Falls but never Breaks; Breaks but never Falls.[/B] Thanks to the one that can do this and if any questions PM me.[/color]
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