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Funny Girl

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Everything posted by Funny Girl

  1. "Yeah," said Ceres to Reign, "Hey um Reign? I think that I might have a little trouble walking so...could you... like help me?" "Sure of course. Anything for you Ceres," replied Reign with a smile. Reign bent down and Ceres hopped onto Reign's back and they were off.
  2. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1] Would you rather a [b]haunting past[/b] or [b]no past you can remember[/b]?[/size][/QUOTE] I would rather have no past so at least I wouldn'y have to worry about anything huanting me and scaring me for life in the future. It's a lot better than have everyone huanting you 'cause of your past. Okay Would you rather be trapped in a mall witha killer inside OR Would you rather be trapped in an elevator with someone you really hate.
  3. Ceres was still watching when Alex attacked Reign with ine of his monsters. Noe Reign's life points were down to 1000 but Ceres knew that Reign could beat Alex. "Reign! You can do it and I'll be right here with you," shouted Ceres. "[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Thanks Ceres[/COLOR]," replied Reign.
  4. "Thank God that Hulcus was here and right now we have to go to the church but firdt we need to figure out our plan," said Misha. "Right," replied Hulcus. "Okay. Everyone huddle 'round," shouted Sora.
  5. When Ceres got her balance she stayed to watch the battle and also to see what the outcome would be just in case she might have to battle Alex if Reign lost. [I][COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Aw man. I still can't see why Alex wants to be powerful. It still doesn't make any sense that Reign's dark side would emerge in a time like this. But thinking about all this is just making me more confused than before. Oh well I just have to stay here and watch Reign till the very end.[/I][/COLOR]
  6. While Karin was looking for Daemiwn she ran into Trent. "Oh. Trent. Have you seen Daemien anywhere? I have to tell him something and it's really important," said Karin. "I haven't seen him around lately but I'll see what I can do to try and find him," replied Trent. "Thanks Trent. You're a life saver," said Karin as she went up and hugged Trent then left to go back and find Daemien.
  7. Misha was scared and so she stayed by Sora and said, "You know how Daemen I mean the Devil said that we can get back to Heaven. Was it just a lie or was it something that he wanted us to do. But either way I think that no matter what even if we're separated from God I'll always believe in which my friends and God has for me." "I know what you mean but that still doesn't mean that we can just go there and have the whole thing be a trap and besides if we pray we may get some answers that need to be questioned," said Sora. "You're right," said Misha smiling.
  8. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1] I wish there was no war. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] Bam! There is now no war but in the end therer was no more people. Good going. And also everyone in hell blamed you so now you were in trouble and went to jail in hell. I wish I had a TVO.
  9. While Ceres was resting her millenium necklace activated and gave her the vision on what was going around her. She thought that when she was dreaming it was a dream and not a vision that was seeing what was around her. She then woke up and said, "Hmm? What is going on?" Ceres looks around and sees that Reign is b dueling Alex. She uses her millenium necklace to see where Star and Zane were. She noticed that they were at the abandoned dorm and that there were ten Shadow Riders there. She looks back at Reign and Alex and shouted, "Reign! You can do it!" Ceres got up and was leaning against the wall to catch her balance.
  10. Misha's arm started to hurt really bad and she screamed. She grabbed her staff and shot him with her [I]Bear Lava Door[/I]. This shot hit him in the leg and paralyzed his whole body. Misha got up and went towards Sora holding her arm.
  11. [quote name='tanukioh']I wish all religions and peoples would respect eachothers constructive rights without supressing them, and without hurtring eachother.[/quote] Bam now everyone respects each other but the cause of all this led to having a boring life to where you and everyine else had to go to church and live and live your life as if you were being watch by misbelievers. I wish for a new game.
  12. After Alex had chocked Ceres she was really out of breath. She could hardly breathe and hardly stand up. She was gasping for air and kept on collapsing when she tried to get up. "Reign... I can't...(cough) duel Alex right now (cough) so you might have to do it without me," said Ceres still gasping for air. She smiled at Alex and said, "Don't worry I'll just rest right now." And she fell asleep against a wall.
  13. Misha didn't hear what Daemen said and wen to the basement. She opened the door and saw that Sora was in trouble and ran down to help saying, "Sora! Don't worry I'm coming!"
  14. Karin was searching hard and yet she still couldn't find her other half. She then sees that she never was supposed to find her other half and so she stopped meditating and went to go look for Daemon.
  15. "But Reign! What will happen to you if I leave you with Alex? I'm just really confused," Ceres lowered her head and started crying, "I want you to survive this and if you can't just tell me like you before. Don't worry I'm good in all the spiritual wounds or injuries so please just don't do anything rash." Then the Alex swooped down and grabbed Ceres by the neck and started to strangle her. Ceres could hardly breathe and was gasping for air.
  16. "Then why is it that you had to get me all the way..." Ceres stopped and thought [I]Wait. If he has me here then that means he can get to Star faster and get her![/I] "You scum! Why is it that Star is so important that you need her?"
  17. "I really don't know but I've seen this staff in one of my dreams so I just know how to use it. But I think the magic's from the elements." replied Misha.
  18. "Ahhh! What? Necklace?" then Ceres looked at her necklaces and saw that he meant the millenium necklace that was around Ceres neck. "What do you want with me you anyways? You have all the Shadow Riders you need so there must be a reason or a personal reason why you wanted me."
  19. Misha came running with Daemien and shouted, "[I]Ber Lava Door![/I]" And some of the monsters were destroyed.
  20. "Okay" said Misha smiling and looking determined.
  21. "Alex! Is that you? What do you mean it's a trap? I don't understand what does Reign have to do with this?" asked Ceres as she stood up and headed straight towards Reign/Alex.
  22. The Shadow Rider that had Ceres went to Reign and set Ceres on the floor in front to Reign. Ceres wakes up and says, "Where am I? I feel so tired. Wait!" Ceres turns her head towards Reign, "It's you!"
  23. "Ahhh!" Aya was on the floor and her Pokemon were badly injured that she brought them back. "Good work you too now why don't you guys rest. Sorry Riku I guess it's up to you now." and Aya collapsed on the floor.
  24. Misha was looking for Daemien and found him. "So,you found the holy water? It looks like you did or is it just a cup of water?" asked Misha.
  25. Even though Ceres was unconsciences her millenium necklace started glowing and she dreamed of herself battling Reign and he was having trouble figuring out who he really was.
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