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Funny Girl

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Everything posted by Funny Girl

  1. "Fine. Come on out Sprint and Sky Dragon! Sky Dragon use [I]Celestial[/I] and Sprint use[I] Wudai[/I]!" shouted Aya. There was now a symbol of on the floor where Knight was and it paralyzed it in it's track. Above Knight was a big ball of fire which hit Knight straight down.
  2. [QUOTE]o.O I wish I was a tanuki with wings![/QUOTE] You are now tanuki with wings but you got killed and where buried very far away. I wish I had Falling Up's new Cd
  3. Aya got in front of Hiro to block his path so he doesn't get to Riku. Aya said, "What do you want with Riku and you have to go through me to get to him you hear?"
  4. Misha shouted to Daemien, "Hey Daemien! Why don't I go with you to find the water? It might help if two go and besides you shouldn't go alone anyways."
  5. Ceres was on the motorcycle and was headed for the warehouse where Reign was. Ceres didn't know what was going on until she found herself somwhere besides Duel Academy.
  6. Karin sat down on a cloud and thought some thoughts. [I] Man! I'm never gonna find my other half if I don't know where to look. Maybe if I try and try to track my half I might be able to.[/I] Karin got situated and started to meditate to find her other half.
  7. Misha saw the look on Hulcus's face and said, "Don't worry I've got your back just in case."
  8. Ceres had only 100 life points left and said,"Well all I have to say is that I hope Reign is waiting for me for I have something to tell him and to give him a peice of my mind." Then the Shadow Rider used his monster and attacked Ceres directly leaving her fainted on the floor. He tried to look for her spirit key but he couldn't find it. He put her over his shoulder and then put her on the motorcycle and they were off to wherever Reign was.
  9. "God Riku you shouldn't be drinking unless there's something bothering you," said Aya, "if you hold something back and lock it up in your heart you shouldn't. You should tell someone. You should tell me."
  10. "Riku,I can tell that you're 14 and well it can't be helped if you beer. I just hope you don't act drunk afterwards," said Aya as she sighed and shook her head.
  11. Aya saw him and said,"Aren't you a little underaged to be drinking beer Riku?"
  12. "It looks like you Shadow Riders like to follow plans for you see my monsters effect's will bring her back if I sacrifice a monster on the field. But the trick to it is that I don't have to sacrifice my any of my monsters but one if your's too. But instead I sacrifice [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Fire Sprite[/COLOR] to bring back my monster in defense mode." [I]Great. Now all I have to do is lose the rest of my life points and I'll be one step closer to seeing Reign.But this guy seems to not want me to lose.Oh well. [/I]
  13. Me. I would go on a date with Wonray from Zatch Bell. I think he's really hot and also really skillfully trained. I would also go on a date with Saske from Naruto for his past is mysterious but he's also very strong as well. :D
  14. [QUOTE=Lost Lightbulb]Pa-da-dada-pongo! You now have the ability to kill your enemies without being caught, and immediately you god on a killing spree, eliminating your foes while the cops munch their doughnuts. However, your enemies, upon realising you could whack them without so much as an inquiry, turn and become "friends" just so you can't kill them without being noticed. When the timing is right, they beat you to death in a blind rage. I wish Superman Returns was never made.[/QUOTE] Superman Returns was never made and now everyone who liked it blamed you for losing everything they loved and now you were put in jail for it. I wish I had more Pocky.
  15. Ceres drew one card and said,"I play [I][COLOR=Red]Flannery of the Fire Goddess[/I][/COLOR] in defense mode and lay one card face down to end my turn. Your move.'' Ceres was really sure he would have attacked her. She wanted him to win so she could go see Reign but she wasn't willing to give up without a fight.
  16. Ceres thought and hoped that Reign could hear it too [I]Reign you better not have done anything tricky or you wouldn't be able to see me again. Remember what I said before, this isn't a Shadow Deul but a just a regular deul.[/I] Then she said to the Shadow Rider,"I hope you like the heavens 'cause that's where you're going!"
  17. Karin left Daemon but there was too much that had to be done and she was more worried about where the rest of her had gone ever since the day she vanished it.
  18. Aya stood there for a while and got thristy. "I'm going in for a drink. Man am I parched." said Aya as she headed off into the bar.
  19. Now Misha was really scared and said,"Well if gonna test this baby out let's see if it's the one from my dreams. [I]Light! Gradius Solarius![/I]" And a big light bursted from the staff and hit one of the monsters.
  20. "I'd been waiting forever so let's begin," said Ceres. She draws five cards and said,"You can go first since I asked for this deul. But like I said this isn't going to be a Shadow Deul only a regular deul."
  21. [I]Well it looks like I just wait here until some dude comes and gets me[/I]. Ceres walked to the docks and looked out into the sea.
  22. "Nice to meet you Riku. Where do you come?" said Aya. Aya turned to Daidalos and said," I said I wanted to battle the winner but I think this girl Rio wanted to battleyou first."
  23. "I wonder if it's the staff from my dreams? Hmmm... well there's no use in trying," Misha said.
  24. [quote name='Kaos Anarchy][I]Alex hears Ceres and smiles[/I] "So be it!" [I]He sends a message to his most elite shadow rider.. He sends his top shadow rider with Obelisk the Tormentor[/I] "You will have trouble with this one Ceres!" [I]Alex laughs heavily[/I] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"No! Don?t do this ALEX!!!"[/COLOR] [I']Reign yells[/I][/quote] [I]Bring it on! I'll take whatever you got. If your Shadow Rider beats me I'll go with him to you and if I win I want to know everything about you and you have to tell me. Oh and also, this deul won't be for the key or my soul but it's a personal deul so I can see who you really are. You hear that Reign so bring it![/I]
  25. [QUOTE=Tical]You can now fly. Unfortuanetally you were sucked into an airplane turbine and grinded to bits. Ouch. I wish I could play guitar like a pro.[/QUOTE] You can now play guitar like a pro but unforturnatly your guitar broke and your parents didn't want you to get another one. I wish I had all the Hawk Nelson Cds.
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