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Funny Girl

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Everything posted by Funny Girl

  1. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]Bam, you are no longer a Guardian Demon, unfortunately for you that means you're just like the rest of us mortals around here, weak, pathetic and utterly alone. Having experienced such great power you now find yourself unable to continue such a bland existence and promptly commit suicide, being sent to Hell for doing so and now tortured for the rest of eternity by your old work colleagues. I wish Humanity ruled the stars.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Bam Humanity rules the stars but in the process of makeing your wish, you blew up half of the world. Nice one dude. :p I wish I was an anime character.
  2. Ceres was now in her dorm writing a little song in her book. "It's not much but I think it's good,'' Ceres said to herself.
  3. Karin probed through Daemon's memories and found out what had happened the night Daemon died. "All I see is that you are using a summoning spell to track down a killer that was in your neighborhood. But when you did, you summoned a demon instead and didn't know what the price was for summoning it. So the demon took part of your body but took control over it. You were left as a spirit and then your body perished when the demon killed the killer. But I can read the inscription that you used for spell," said Kairn. "Tell me it. I want to know what it said," replied Daemon. "It says, [I] For I want to find the one I seek. Who cares if it's all bleek. To know that I find that person now. I will sacrifice one thing in who and how.[/I]" Karin was reciting this scripture over and over like she was under a spell. [I] For I want to find the one I seek. Who cares if it's all bleek. To know that I find that person now. I will sacrifice one thing in who and how.[/I]"
  4. Misha was still half asleep when she heard Daemin call for them but went any ways to see waht he wanted.
  5. "Looks like this is a battle worth seeing," Aya said. So she watched the two fight.
  6. "What's his problem I wonder," said Ceres to herself. Then Ceres went off to class before the next bell rang. Ceres was sitting in class and trying to pay attention but was too busy wondering what Reign was doing and where he went.[I] Gawd. I wonder when this class is going over so I can go back to my room and write in my book.[/I]
  7. "Well I guess there's no use in hiding my problem that I have when I transform," said Karin. "What problem?" asked Daemon. "You see... every time I transform I have this after effect that brings my power down to zero. I collapse after the battle is over and most of the time there is no one there to save me. But after a bit I find myself back here. I don't know why but I just do."
  8. Ceres was looking everywhere for Reign and finally found him. "What got into you back there," she asked.
  9. "But... what will happen when this is all over! I'm really confused and I think that all I did was just cause trouble. I'm just worthless. I think you and everyone else should go fight and the demons and I that I should just stay here and just think of what had happened when I was down on the earth." said Karin wiping her tears from her face.
  10. After everyone got their keys Ceres ran off to find Reign. She found him and wanted to talk to him.
  11. The definition of life to me is just knowing what I do and don't do.It's really hard to see what it's like to be asint but from a experience it's easy. I've been known as a saint or an angel but I'm just like a normal girl, person or someone in the world.
  12. I visit the OB very often unless I'm stuck with homework or studying for a test or something.
  13. But before Reign left Chancellar said,"Here are the spirit keys in which you will protct Duel Academy. But you can take a key if you are willing to put your life on the line." " I'll take one," said Ceres as she looked at Reign and picked up a key.
  14. Same here -------------Lord of Spirits--------------
  15. "Are you sure that's true? I mean... I feel something from my necklace that there is something strange about you." said Ceres.
  16. "Daemin? What will happen to us?" asked Misha. "I mean... I'm scared and I want to go home."
  17. [QUOTE=Boo][size=1]You can go to Italy again. However, by the time you could go, you are 85 and fragile. You take one step in Italy and break your neck at the airport. You [i]did[/i] go to Italy though :3 I wish that The Netherlands Antilles would have their exams an hour earlier, so that I could just take my exam answers back home (now I can't because I would be able to pass them over to the Antilles.)[/size][/QUOTE] Bam!! The Netherlands Antilles have had their exams 1 hour earlier so you could take your exanm. But when they did, they didn't tell you so missed you exam day and would have to take it again a month later. I wish I had angel wings
  18. "Hey Reign? I was wondering that ever since you came to the school there've been something strange about you. Ya' know?" whispered Ceres.
  19. Misha saw what had happened and ran over to him. "Are you okay Sora?" asked Misha.
  20. Karin was in shock when she found out what had happened. " I'm sorry. I wasn't there to help you. I mean I could've vanished those markings and you wouldn't have to cut off your legs." said Karin crying. "It wasn't your fault," said Daemon. "But it was! I could've healed the wounds and could've prevented Deathliger in choosing the demon side. I could've done..." Karin stopped speaking and vanished into thin air. Karin went to her grave and was crying for her sorry self.
  21. Aya walked over to the two that were talking and said," Well I guess since you live in Pallete town that you must be an experienced trainer." "I guess you could say that," replied Daidalos. "Well I also came a longs way but not too far away."
  22. " Well, you see... the Shadow Riders come every year for the sacred cards they want." "Yeah but I still don't get what it has to do with us and everything." said Ceres. " You see... I pick seven students to guard the seven sacred spirit keys that could unlock the cards." "Oh, I get it now. So you want us to defeat the Shadow Riders in a duel."
  23. Ceres was "wandering" the halls of the Duel Academy and then she bumped into Dr.Crowler. He asked," What are you doing out of class?" " Ummmm... I was just seeing what the place was like since I'm new. Well I'vegot to go back to class." said Ceres as she ran away back to her gym class.
  24. Karin was so sad that Deathliger had joined the demons that she went in search of Daemon. She couldn't find until she heard a scream. She followed the screaming and found Daemon.
  25. Aya was wandering around and came to where Riku was at the bar. She sat down to rest a little and asked," Can I have some water?" Joel gave her a glass of water and Aya payed for it. She sat there drinking her water and looking out into no where.
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