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Funny Girl

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Everything posted by Funny Girl

  1. [QUOTE=tanukioh]BAMZ!! your there, but they kidnap you and tie you up in the closet so you can never ever leave them. O.o I wish my GF would call me tonight, and we could talk happily for a while.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=3][I]Boom!!![/SIZE][/I] your GF has just called you but when your talking all happily and stuff you suddenly hear her breaking up with you and then loose her signal. The last thing you hear is help me. I wish I had a $1000.
  2. "I really don't know,'' Karin said looking deep in mind and saw something she rememebered from the past. "I know who she is! I used to be her friend on earth until 6th grade and then she moved and I went to a Jr. High school by me and I never saw her after that."
  3. [QUOTE=tanukioh]KA-FRIGGIN-BOOM!! ^_^ you got teh passes! Unfotunately Great America is blown up before you can get there, so all that's left is a desert, 2 mice and a crazy guy named Jim. >.> I wish I could go visit my GF. ^_^ (she lives a long way away from me)[/QUOTE] [SIZE=3]BAM!![/SIZE] You can now visit you GF but unfortunalty she left to go see you and is now coming back since you couldn't meet her at the air port. Sorry. :( I wish I could go over to friends house this weekend.
  4. "Well Deathliger is the Half-Angel, Half-Demon girl who died a while ago." said Karin.
  5. "Now! Uhm. I summon [COLOR=Red]Daisuke the Student[/COLOR] in attack mode." "That's all?" said Chaz. "Not really for you see I also get to summon [COLOR=Cyan]Satoshi the Student[/COLOR] in attack mode as well. But to finish things off I sacrifice the two to summon [COLOR=Black]Dark Half of the Black Wings[/COLOR] and [COLOR=White]Krad Half of the Black Wings[/COLOR] also. Then I fuse the two together to summon [COLOR=Purple]The Black Wings[/COLOR]! I also activate the feild spell [COLOR=Magenta]Heavens Call[/COLOR] and now [COLOR=Purple]The Black Wings[/COLOR] gains 2000 more attack points to add to it's original 4000. Now go and attack Chaz directly. Black and White Hurricane!"
  6. "Dammit I can't beleive that I she got away again. Man, this sucks I wish that I could track her down. Wait! I can track her since she holds the heavens stone and since I have a handy trinket with me I can use it to locate the heavens stone." said Maira. She then poofed and found Azuroth, Lokin, and Aeris walking somewhere. "At last I've found you and this time all three of you for the record. Now hand over the heavens stones that leads to the Beggotten Land." said Maira. "Well, well, well. So you found us after all you dirty bitch!" said Aeris. "Fine, then we'll settle this with a battle. If I win you have to hand over the heavens stone and if you win you can anything you like with me. But I get to choose who to battle." "Whatever just choose!"
  7. [I]POOf[/I] There are now stores that sold good anime but none that you like. All they sell are ones that seem boring to you but others think that they are cool. I wish I had season passes to Great America.
  8. Ceres said to Chaz," I hope you can beat my deck or else you may see what it's like to be in the heavens." Chaz said," Well if I win then you have to go out with me for one night and no excuses." "Fine then I say I won't lose so now we duel." said Ceres At the same time they said,"Duel!" "Well since I asked for this duel I'll go first and finish you off here and now." said Ceres.
  9. Karin started crying and said," I feel so sad for you. I didn't realize that even you had something worse than I did. But I have to say, even if you didn't summon the demon I wouldn't have been able to meet you here in the clouds." Karin stopped crying and said," I know it might of been hard for you to know but I had always seen your face around in my town. I didn't know that you were a spirirt but now that I know I can live here and have no worries about the person that I saw a long time ago. Suddenly Karin turned around and thought that she had seen someone but then got a vision in her head and said," Deathliger."
  10. "Well I guess you could tell me if you want.But you don't have to you know! I...just...don't want to see you look all upset just 'cause..." Karin trailed off and didn't know how to answer but was ready to know what actually happened the day he died.
  11. Ceres was roaming around the campus until she saw the Obliskes dorms.She knew well enough not to go in there so she didn't. Ceres then walked around the beach and found a place to relax. As she was relaxing, someone for the Obliskes Blue came up and block her sunlight that was shining on her face. Ceres said," Um...you're blocking my light." In the kindest way she said. The voice said,"Uhh...I'm sorry about before and I think that maybe if I got to know someone like you..." He trailed off. "I understand. But if it's a date you want I'm all for it for one small price Chaz."said Ceres. "What is it that you want?" "I want to duel you in a one-on-one duel against me."Ceres said as she was getting up. "Fine.If it's a duel you want bring it." said Chaz.
  12. Maira had followed Aeris and said,"Well so this the secret place of Aeris is it." As Maira smiled and said it in a cute and kind way. Aeris said," What are you doing here you shouldn't be here in the first place for no one can ever find this place but me!!" Maira said," Well it looks like someone has just find your hiding spot.Hehehehe." :D
  13. [QUOTE=Ver2.0]Wish granted. Your parents don't fight anymore instead they blame everything on you and decide to send you to military school :animecry: I wish I would stop gettin in trouble at school for junk I didn't do :animeswea[/QUOTE] Well if you insist.^BAM^ You are now not in any trouble any more but you blabbed to your teacher about something you were blamed for and now all your friends think that you're a total idiot and a tattle tale.Hahahahaha! :D I wish I had more video games!
  14. Karin went to where Daemon was and saw his expresion on his face. She noticed that Daemon looked sad and didn't want to bother him so she thought to herself and thought that maybe something had happened when he had died on the earth.
  15. [QUOTE=Hanabishi Recca]Your not Mr. Fury! Who would ever speak such vain words to me friend? *poof* With a splash of fairy dust, every bodys mind is changed. Everybody wants Leon fury to live a long life. But the people that aren't loved anymore, want to kill Mr. Fury. Mr. Fury ends up getting assassin-ated by those who wanted love! I wish I had a steak right here, right now.[/QUOTE] Okay and ll: poof:ll you have steak but sorry you have to cook it by yourself since you didn't ask for it to be cooked so there! I hope you a stove or a BBQ. If you don't, well too bad just eat it raw. I wish for a new computer.
  16. Maira saw both Ares and Zidane fighting and decided to try and settle things between them.Maira took out her jewel and yelled,"[I]Solaris Proleois[/I]." And she transformed with a staff with many rings around the main ring.Maira then yelled,"Fire![I]Flamious Gradius[/I]." Then a ball of fire came right between the two and stopped them from fighting.
  17. That day Ceres was walking around and ran into Chaz. She said,"Sorry for running into you."and smiled. Chaz said,"Move out of the way Slyfer!I have better things to do than talk to you!" Ceres said,"Well..." He said,"Whatever.I have to go."And he walked away. Ceres was somewhat troubled and started to wonder what his problem was.
  18. [quote name='tanukioh']Daemon began to mumble some words, and Karin's arm began to glow. "Now, heal!" Daemon commanded. Karins arm stopped glowing. "I hope you don't mind, but I disconnected your spirit arm from your real arm..." Daemon explained. "So how long ago did you come up here?? you know if it's only been about a few minutes you can go back...if they get your heart pumping again."[/quote] "Well I came up here from a while ago but it's been so long that I forgot."Karin said. Now Karin was sorta looking a bit tired and said,"Bye." She went to back to the earth but only as a spirit wandering around the place where she was killed and then went off to something that was going to happen that day. She ended up seeing her funeral and that everyone even her mother was crying so Karin left back to the spirit world.
  19. Ceres said,"Hi! I'm Ceres Hanazono and I'm pleased to meet you!You see you're a Slyfer Red just like me! Well I'll tell the main thing about Deul Academy. There are Slyfers,Raws, and Oblisics.The blue ones are so snotty and think they know everything but I proved one of them to their rightful place."
  20. "Uhhhh...Okay if you say so."Karin relaxed and let Daemon do his thing.
  21. [QUOTE=The13thMan][FONT=Century Gothic] [COLOR=DarkOrange]It's warm all year long, you lucky bas***d. Not many people get to live in such a nice place. Anyways, it's nice all year long and you love it. You've got a really nice tan and life is awesome. Thirty years later you develop skin cancer and die. By the way, you don't die of the skin cancer, a truck runs you over. I wish Mountain Dew was good for you. [/COLOR] [/FONT][/QUOTE] Congradulations! Mountain Dew has just now become heathy for you! :D Now ever time you take a drink of it you become skinnier and skinnier until you DIE!!! :D :D Ahahahahahahaha! :animesmil :catgirl:
  22. "Well you see..." she stopped to think,"I came here by a terrible car accident. I was in the car when a drunk driver crashed into my mom's car and then everything went dark.The next thing that I know is that I could see myself in the ER lying on the bed motionless.I was the only one who died with severly open wounds that even now I get sharp pains now and then to where I had the wounds."Karin stopped talking and looked really sad and started to sqeeze her left arm really hard as if she had something wrong with it.
  23. "Hey Daemon? I wondering if you have heard of a half-demon,half-angel living in the spirit world...? I, for some reason have met her once before in the real world. But I don't really know but there is this feeling that keeps calling to me and I can't help but look deep in my heart and see her face in my mind. What should I do?"asked Karin.
  24. [COLOR=Lime][FONT=Arial]"Well you see Daemon..."she paused and said,"I'm just sad to see something like your house being destryed after a fire and then rebuilt all over again. I just don't like it." Karin turned to Daemon and said,"I'm sorry. I sometimes get way too emotional about people that I even forget about myself and my feelings." Daemon said,"It's okay to be a little sad sometimes but it's even better to be happy." Karin said," Thanks Daemon." And gave him and hug.After that Neko,Daemon, and Karin were just talking about what they did when they were alive.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. This summer I'm going to Pajara Dunes.It's going to be me and the beach for a week and then I might go to Great America and spend some times woth my frineds for passing the whole school year! :D I think we might be able to take the guy swith us but I'm not fully sure. But I'm also going to L.A. for some time with my aunt and uncle for a few days and then I'm staying home and enjoying the long vacation before I have to go back to school. :(
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