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Funny Girl

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Everything posted by Funny Girl

  1. [COLOR="Magenta"]Thanks. Azmaria's blood attack is Azalea Dance. A tattoo on her back lets out an aray of Azalea's. It's a dance of blood red Azalea's that dance around like humans but send out a deadly unnoticable poison. Although the Azalea's look pretty and pretty enough to touch. One touch will kill you since the flowers are coated in a poison that stops all of your organs causing you to collapse and die. The next thing you notice is that you're either at the bits of hell or have received salvation and miracously arrived at the gates of heaven. With the unnoticable poison from the dance it sometimes has an effect on Azmaria and might make her a little dizzy. Only those in the circle of the dance will get poisoned. [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="Magenta"]Shia watched as Shaun fell to the ground. She went over to him and said, "Shaun? Shaun? Are you okay?" She already knew that he wasn't so what was the use trying to say that. Shia lifts up Shaun's head and rests it on her lap. She examined Shaun's body and found that there were no signs of serious cuts or anything. "It must be from fatigue or he really pushed himself hard," Shia said smiling over to where Duo was. Shia could see from the sigh of relief on her face that Duo felt a little better. Shia looked at Shaun and said, "Sometimes playing the hero will get you in danger." She laid his head down and got up and walked over to where Evangline was. She sat down and said, "Things aren't looking too good so far. We need to hurry and see where's the exit out of this place. It kinda creeps me out being here." "C'mon Shia. Toughen up. Those where just some damn wolves. What else do you think be out there?" asked Evangline laughing. "You never know. Things haven't been the same since then..." "Just quiet down and I'll handle it. Trust me. I know what the fuck I'm doing. Besides, I know that whatever happens everything will be okay." "Yeah, I know."[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="Magenta"]I hope that it wasn't too late for me to join but my sign up in the Adventure Inn. If I'm not able to join then that's okay. [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="Magenta"]Name: Azmaria Azalea (Az for short or AA) Age: 20 Gender: Female Personality: Azmaria has a sweet and kind personality. She is also somewhat bipolar. One moment she's sweet then the next she'll be mean and complaining. When it comes to her good side she acts like a normal woman who loves to shop and sleep. Her other side is well a little bit more complicated. She is constantly complaining about the littlest things and screams when something doesn't go her way, only on this side. Her personalities are the opposite of each other but sometimes her anger does get the best of her and she'll go on a rampage. It's hard to change her back to her good side but soon enough she'll change back and won't know what happened. Weapons: Az is old school and likes to use the normal bow and arrows when it comes to fighting long distant battles. For close combat she'll use her sword called Sidia. History: Azmaria grew up only with her cousin, Zephyranthes. Zeph, for short, always took care of Azmaria ever since she was little. Az was so dependent on him. On the snowy evening she asked about her family. He had told her that her mother had left her and the her father died. Az was so young then that she didn't know what died meant. Her cousin would only come to see her when he was off from school which was once a month. Two years later and spring had arrived. Azmaria ran over to the station to welcome her cousin. But when she got there, he wasn't. She ran around yelling his name and then went back to the elder that she stayed with when Zeph was gone. She asked what had happened to him. The elder just looked at her with sad eyes and said that he would no longer be around. This was how she found out the meaning of death. Apparently, Zeph was in a train accident and only a few survived. Zeph wasn't one of them. At the funeral, Az cried and cried until no more tears came out. This was where her bad temper side came out. Zeph was the whole world to her so Azmaria always got into trouble. She had hissy fits and would say that there was no one else she wanted to see except Zephyranthes. After her childhood she was able to keep hold of her other personality hidden. She would act like she was an angel of God and would smile and laugh like a girl should. But deep in her heart she had hatred and anger always building up inside her. It was her 20th birthday that had reminded her of something. Azmaria went to go see the elder in a village far away and said goodbye to some of her friends. Once she arrived home, the elder was standing there waiting for her. She said hello and followed him back to the house where they lived before. It was that day when she saw Zeph. He stood at the front of the door with a patch over one eye and smiling like he used to. It had been over ten years since she's been back to the village and what a suprise for her to see him there. She dropped her bags and ran up to him. Azmaria thought that he was dead. The elder explained that before the funeral they noticed that his heart was still beating and that he was still breathing. He had been in the ICU until now. For the rest of her birthday she played and talked with Zeph about what's been going on for the last ten years. Magic Spells: Spirit Flash- sends out a shot of lightning from the tips of her arrows (used only for her bow and arrows) Holy Cross-(for sword) a magic attack the creates a cross shape on the ground and paralyzes those on the cross Flower Dance-summons forth a variety of flowers that dance around putting a trance on them Appearance: [URL="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Celestial/celestial10.jpg"]Amaria Azalea[/URL] is 5'9" and weighs around 133 [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="Magenta"]Azmaria held the knife to her wrist. Then the knife slit her wirst as blood poured out from it. As it hit the bed, it dried up and disappeared. "Seems like I'm no closer to it than they are," she said and got up. Azmaria walked over to the balcony and opened the two large window doors. As she walked out onto the balcony she could smell the crisp air that was somewhat suffocating and that the night sky was full of stars. She leaned her back against the railing and looked up from her room. "What a nice night. I haven't seen this since long ago." She looked back down and stared at her bed. No blood appeared to have stained her sheets in fact there was no blood on them at all. She sighed and walked back into her room. Just as she was about to close the doors behind her, someone had jumped on the balcony. "What business do you have here?" Az asked in a harsh tone. No one answered. Az knew that someone was there but decided to leave them be. She closed the doors but left them unlocked in case the guest needed something. Azmaria walked to the bathroom and looked at her wrist. "Seems that the flesh still hasn't recovered yet." She put a bandaid on it and walked out. Something wasn't right when she left the bathroom. The air in the room seemed cold. She turned and saw that the doors to her balcony were opened. [I]Well, well. Seems like I've either become the prey or there's someone that wants something. Either way, this seems like a fun game to play.[/I]she thought. "Hiding won't do. It will only make me even more excited to catch you and see what business that you have with me," said Azmaria.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="Magenta"]That day was quiet and everything around Azmaria seemed to be going just fine. She walked down the streets of her hometown and went into a nice little cafe. Azmaria ordered her food and sat down near the window on the second floor. [I]Hmm... there's an air in this place as well. I'll come back later once things are done. Right now the best thing to do is wait and hope that no more will continue.[/I] "Excuse me, is this your food?" asked a kind waiter holding a plate of delicious food. "Yes. Thank you," she replied as she tipped the guy and he was off. Azmaria sat there looking out the window of the quiet village. People wandered the streets some looking and dazing and some in a rush. Not too much happens here but occassionally there will be some evils that come her way. Azmaria must deal with them or they could cause havoc. Outside, there was a man that sat on a bench alone and watched as people passed by. The man had been there yesterday and the day before. He just sat there and watched. When Az was done eating she went downstairs and outside to where the man was sitting. She sat next to the man and the man still sat there and watched. "Sometimes it's better to be the one that doesn't have to hide things. I know what you are. So you can stop hiding your true self and come face me," she said. "Pretty sly one aren't you. I've heard rumors of the famous vampire. But may the pleasure be all mine. Meet me in the evening in the same spot. No one will be around to watch us so that might make things easier for you and me," replied the man. "Have it your way. I'm only interested in what you want with me. But that can wait until this evening. Azmaria got up and walked away. ~~~ Azmaria got home late that night and the gates had been locked. She was covered in blood from the battle and licked her lips. The taste of blood flowed down her throat. This would sustain her for a few more days. Azmaria hopped the fence and jumped to her room balcony. She got in and took a shower and bandaged her wounds. "So many of them and yet this is the only way for them to see what true salvation is," said Azmaria sitting on her bed and holding a knife.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="Magenta"]Name: Azmaria Age: 353(but looks can be decieving) Gender: Female Side: Good Creature: Vampire Appearance:[URL="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Celestial/7b6a0186.jpg"]Azmaria[/URL] Personality: Azmaria is sly and sneeky. She prefers to be alone at most times and likes to do things her way. Az doesn't care for human directions and will do as she pleases. Bio: Azmaria was born into being a powerful vampire. Her lineage is one of a kind and rather rare these days. Purebloods. She has a commanding voice but would rahter not use it. When she was younger she lost both of her parents from the evils. She may be over 300 years old but her parents died when she was young. She then lived with an Aunt that was mean and bossy to her. Her Aunt wasn't a pureblood and should never order Az around. Az got very upset and taught her Aunt a lesson. Her grandfather is still up and living but has an atmosphere around him. It wasn't until a few years ago when Az decided to help stop the evils. She would never kill those that are innocent. She never really cared for the taste of others blood but when it was neccassary she would. Working with the good so far has bee great to her. Azmaria loves to spy on the evils' plans and then go in for the kill. [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="Magenta"]1.FullMetal Alchemist 2.Trigun 3.Pokemon 4.Chrono Crusade 5.Cowboy Bebop[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="Magenta"]1. Love Hina 2. Fruits Basket 3. Sailor Moon 4. Cardcaptor Sakura[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="Magenta"]1.Alchemy 2. Cow licks. (They are everywhere) 3. Equivilent Exchange 4. Philosopher's Stone 5.Transmutations[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="Magenta"]Azume was running through the 13 squad barics finding her way to the front of the Seireitei where she was to meet the others who were going to Hueco Mundo. She was the only one going in her squad due to the recent illness that had befallen Captain Ukitake. She ran for a long time until she saw Captain Sanagi and her lieutenant Hinamori, Captain Urahara, and Captain Ichigo. She ran up to them out of breathe and when she regained herself she had wondered where the others were. "Umm, excuse me. Where are the others that were supposed to meet here," she asked as she faced all three of the captains. "Oh, they are out on a small mission. There was an arrancar attack in the human world and they went to attack it. They should be back in a short while," said Captain Urahara as he gave her a reassuring smile. "Yeah, but it was only one arrancar that had been attacking the humans. My wonder is, why one? Why not more so that if we had to go and stop them they would be able to attack us with a big number?" said Captain Sanagi as she blew out another cloud of smoke. "It doesn't matter now. As long as they get the damn job done I don't really care," said Captain Ichigo as he went over to the wall and sat down leaning against it. "It's really nothing to worry about, Azume. They should be back before you know it and we can all head off to Hueco Mundo as soon as they get back," said Hinamori-chan as she came up to Azume. "Alright. Anyway, who went to defeat the arrancar?" asked Azume with curiousity on who had gone. "Oh, lieutenant of squad 12, Zan, lieutenant of squad of 10, Illudin, Captain and lieutenant of squad 9. That's all," replied Hinamori-chan. [I]That's an odd number. There should only be one that needed to go if it's only one arrancar. How strong is this arrancar?[/I] thought Azume as she looked up at the sky in the Soul Society.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="Magenta"]It was a long time to read these so my vote goes to Premonition. [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="Magenta"]Speices: Shinigami Name: Azume Rank: 13th Division Lieutenant Appearance: [URL="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Anime%20Girls/Kimonos/redanimekimono.jpg"]Azume[/URL] Personality: Azume mostly does the chores around the 13th Division with her Captain always being sick and all. She can even sometimes be a bit more harsh than the Captain. She is a fierce swordsman and loves bloodshed. She can be carefree unless its in battle. Alliance: Sould Society Bio: She grew up not knowing who her parents were. She grew up in the 78 Rukon District where there were only kids around. She had a family with friends and she helped them get some food. She didn't understand about being hungry until she realized she had Shinigami powers and went to the Shinigami Academy. She had always worn an eye patch because she had injured it long ago. There is no eye there so she covers it up to avoid any discomfort for others. It was hard trying to learn the zanpakuto since she could only see out of one eye and couldn't judge distances. Azume trained hard to master her zanpakuto and did. She trained very hard to sense things on her right side and left side also. ~~~Zanpakuto~~~ Name: Junishi Appearance: Sealed- it's a regular sized katana Shikai- Her blade becomes rose throns that moves unnoticed. Command Words: Aim and attack Bloody Rose Abilities: Her blade can cut like rose vines that cut on contact. It can't be sensed automatically but the speed is very fast that the eye can't see. [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="Magenta"]1) My hair is long. It's right where my chest is and is layered. 2) Now it is a dark brown. 3)I have dyed it about 4 times so far. 4)I've had blonde and red hi-lights. At different times. Had auburn brown hi-lights in once. Dyed it dark brown twice since I really wanted the hi-lights to come out. So now they are. 5) For guys, I love skater hair. With the long sidebangs and kind of long but not too long. I also like guys who have spiked hair just not all of it. I don't like guys with bowl cuts or shaved heads. I like to see at least 5in of hair on their heads. They also have to clean their hair too. I hate seeing guys whose hair is greasy or really disgusting looking. [/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"] Take AP Lang/Comp if you're good at timed writings. Because if you are, than you're probably good at doing the multiple choice for the AP Lang exam as well.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Magenta"]I know that I'm good at timed writing since I write really fast. But having it timed makes my handwriting suck and I make too many little mistakes. [/COLOR] [QUOTE]And never assume that you'll do well in an AP class if you do well in a regular class, though.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Magenta"]I never had trouble in LA/Comp but it's just that I don't like it very much. It might be wrong if I took the AP class but it just means that I might dislike it even more. But seeing as how I'm a total space cadet in regular LA/Comp, there's probably no use in going higher than I already am.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]The only sure thing I can tell you is: don't ever pick classes based on your friends. [/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Magenta"]Oh, I'm not picking it just be with friends, since I probably won't be in the same class as them or the same day for that matter, I was just seeing if it would be the right thing to do to take a Honors class for college reasons. [/COLOR]
  16. [quote name='Darren']Well, is Language/Compositon a strong suit for you? I'm assuming it is since you did so well at your last school. If you have friends that take the class, then you should ask them what kind of homework you get and how strict the teacher is. (It always helps to know that you're not getting in over your head) And even if you don't do as well as you did at your old school, you're correct. AP classes usually look good on college applications, as most have already stated. Also, I don't know if your school works the same as mine, but AP classes count as a 5 point class, so even if I make a B in there, it still counts as an A... You should check into that, because it's always a plus if the class turns out to be very simple.[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Magenta"]I think that it's a strong suit for me. Though I really hate it. I only thought that it might look good for college applications so I was seeing into it. I'm not sure about the teachers since there are so many of them that teach AP Language. I might stay in my LA/Comp class since I've made some friends in that class and even if I do switch, there may be a chance where I don't get the class or in the same class as my friends. I 'm not so sure about the point thing but I will go look into it.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="Magenta"] 1. Ouran High School Host Club 2. Fruits Basket 3. Prince of Tennis 4. Pokemon 5. Black Lagoon 6. Naruto 7. Ruruoni Kenshin (all swords and skill, no powers just skill)[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="Magenta"]I'm only a Freshman and I take upper math. I take Algebra 2 and still don't some of it. My teacher only answers 3 questions on the homework and we had a lot. As for Biology, we had a sub and she wasn't very much help! I take Language/Compostion and was wondering whether I should switch to AP LA/Comp? I was really good at LA/Comp at my last school but I'm not so sure about this school. I know that some of my friends take it and that it's good for college and stuff. But is it worth it?[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="Magenta"]I have obtained many nicknames and have given them also. TreeTop- since I love to drink TreeTop Apple Juice but only Linnea is allowed to call me that. Princess-I don't know why but my parents just call me that and no one else. Kero- My sis loves to call me that since she is Supii and I'm Kero. We're both like night and day to others. Twin- Some people just love to piss me off. I have a twin sister which I'd like to point out that both her and I don't look alike now but we used to. Angel- I was called this since I was so innocent at times and just like with Kero, my sis was Devil For my sis i call her Supii- just for the hell of it Larry- also another nickname for my sis. I don't know why but only Linnea and I know why Nugget- One of my guy friend's last name is Nugent so Nugget was what we sometimes called him. I don't know that rest of them but I will have to add some later. :p [/COLOR]
  20. [quote name='Sazumechan']I personally think I look like Tohru(sorry Hitsuzen I dont meant to copy you) except for maybe Im shorter than she is and I dont wear ribbons in my hair. [/QUOTE] [COLOR="Magenta"]None taken. ^_^ Some of us might look like others but a little different. [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR="Magenta"][U][B]Out of Game:[/B][/U] Name: Azume Mahiru Age:15 Personality: She is a very outgoing girl who loves to fight. She has a fierce attitude that ticks some people. Azume can also be very kind and calm but most of the time she is on the go or talking. Appearance: [URL="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Anime%20Girls/Normal%20Girls/m44251477.jpg"]Azume[/URL] [B][U]Inside the Game:[/U][/B] Name: Tsuki Age: 21 Appearance: [URL="http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Anime%20Girls/Fighters/a8039910.jpg"]Tsuki[/URL] Weapons: Two Katanas and Kunai [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="Magenta"]1.Tennis 2.Kendo 3.Basketball 4.Soccer 5.Archery 6.Martial Arts[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="Magenta"]This would have to be the closet that I could get. I do have the same spacey personality as Tohru in Fruits Basket but my hair is a more dark brown. It's hard to find some characters that have side bangs, which I have, but with Tohru, she has bangs and the same length in hair. [URL="http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g13/sage_14/Fruits%20Basket/Tohru/tohru-2.jpg"]Click![/URL] [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="Magenta"][B]Thnks fr th Mmrs[/B] by Fallout Boy [B]I Got Nerve[/B] by Hannah Montana.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR="Magenta"]Currently I'm watching [B]Black Cat[/B]. I've only reached episode 6 and need to go out and get another DVD. I'm also watching [B]Bleach[/B]. I'm on episode 46 and it seems things are getting good. I watch on Adult Swim with my sis. I also watch [B]FMA[/B]. I have a ton of collections that I'm reading now. Currently I'm collecting [B]Fruits Basket, Tsubasa, .Hack, Vampire Game, Vampire Knight, Yurara, Ouran High School Host Club, Negima, XxXHolic, Rosen Maiden, Gentlemen's Alliance +, Millenium Snow, Platium Garden, and Absolute Boyfriend.[/B] So far I'm rereading Tsubasa and then I'll go to Chobits and then Fruits Basket. Fruits Basket I have up to 17 and for Tsubasa I have 13. [/COLOR]
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