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Funny Girl

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Everything posted by Funny Girl

  1. [COLOR="Magenta"]Currently I'm listening to [B]"Wherever You Will Go"[/B] by [B]The Calling[/B]. It's a really nice song, so I think. I also listen to [B]Natelie Grant[/B] "Awaken." [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="Magenta"]Yuuki was sitting in a ramen shop and drank some sake. She was wondering about what she had read about in the book that she had gotten. A man set down some ramen in front of her and she ate it. [I]What could it mean? I never thought that I was that different from everyone else. Too bad chairman won't say anything. I hardly remem--[/I]She heard a voice. It said: [B]"Please, hurry. You are being called, and you must answer. Your lives, as well as everyone you know are now up to you. It is your turn to save the world, and to do that, all you need to do is make your way to the beams of light. Do not worry, you are the only ones that are able to see them. Just please, hurry, you do not have much time." [/B] The voice faded and she snapped back the reality. [I]What the hell was that?[/I]She looked around and saw that outside that there certainitly lights coming from the sky. Yuuki finished her ramen and left the money on the table and left. She had her weapons with her and ran down the street of the small town. She had found the mountain and ran to it. She stopped to put her blue hair up in ponytails and then sprinted to the mountain. As she reached the base, she saw that there was someone there. Yuuki slowed down and said, "Are you here about the message too?" "Yeah," the girl said. Yuuki nodded and headed up the mountain. [I]Guess I'm not alone. That's something good about this. I hope I get to see more people when I reach the top.[/I] [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR="Magenta"]1.Purple 2.Black 3.Brown 4.Blue[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="Magenta"]I own a Zune. I got for my Grad present this year. I love it! It's a 30 GB. It holds as much as a 30GB Ipod. So far I have 258 songs uploaded. I'm still adding more to it. It holds pictures and videos. I only use the pictures and songs right now. I really don't know how to upload videos yet. The screen is big which is nice and it plays the radio and you can send things from Zune to Zune. It's a great piece of technology. As for names go, I called mine Angel. Fits perfect. It's my all time favorite color. PINK!! I think that it's better than the Ipod but that's just me. I can buy songs at the Zune marketplace for about $.79! I think that it's really great. It is really sturdy and holds well in it's case. [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR="Magenta"]Shia was busy talking with the others. "Hey guys, why don't we go to the edge of the boat over there and do the Titanic thing?" asked Shia. "Sounds like fun. But too bad. That place's blocked off for reasons like that," replied a girl. "Oh, come on. I only want a picture of us over there so I can take it back and put it in the yearbook," Shia protested. "Fine, let's go. We just have to make sure not to have any teachers notice us or we'll be in big trouble," said another. "It won't take long. Just go beyond the rope, take the picture and back over the rope. No one will know," said Shia. Shia and her friends looked around to see if the coast was clear. When they got the okay, they ran to the other side of the rope. They huddle around while another of their friends took the picture. Just as she took the picture, there was an explosion. It rocked the boat violently and then nothing. Shia woke up to find out that she was on shore. As she looked around, her friends were all fine. She noticed that one of her friends was missing. She and her friends looked around aimlessly and yet still couldn't find her. They gave up and went over to where the others were. "We might as well follow them," said Evangeline as she made her way through the crowd. "Are you crazy? We might be walking into a trap or something bad might come after us while we're in the town," said Shia nervously. "Ehh, stop your complaining. You heard what they said, we might as well be dead sitting and doing nothing on this ship. It's safer inside the town." Evangeline said casually. Shia didn't like Evangeline very much and just turned the other way. She knew Evangeline was strange sometimes and gets pissed off easily. She kept her distance until they were ready to head into town. [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR="Magenta"]1.[B]Archer[/B]- Fate/Stay Night 2.[B]Sasuke Uchiha[/B]- Naruto 3.[B]Yuki Sohma[/B]- Fruits Basket [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR="Magenta"]4 - Would you?? [URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=55750&highlight=Rather%3F"]Konata[/URL]Found! Lost and now found.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR="Magenta"]FOUND!! Aaryanna_Mom! 1-I was official you see, pity no one seems to remember me. [URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=48847&highlight=Graphics+Tournament"]CLICK![/URL][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR="Magenta"]Name: Yuuki Age: 20 Gender: Female Personality: Yuuki is carefree and joyful. She loves the finer things in life and has a way about it. She has always been this way since she was born. Yuuki is very trusting and considers anyone new she meets as a friend. She is someone easy to get along with and has no problem when getting along with others. Yuuki can be play around with people and loves to be sarcastic sometimes. Yuuki is also up in your face when she sees that someone is down and won't hold it against you unless you make her mad. When Yuuki gets angry she doesn't have control around her. Sometimes even she can hurt her friends and will not remember what had happened. She is very patient yet her anger sometimes gets the better of her when she's in a fight or plotting revenge. Appearance: [URL="http://s56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Celestial/?action=view¤t=celestial19.jpg"]Yuuki[/URL] is 5'7" and weighs about 126lbs. Reincarnation: Del Power of: Ice Weapon: Two Katanas Bio: Yuuki's only memory of when she was little was when she was about 10 and was in the snow during a snow storm. There was someone that came to her and when she turned around it was someone that was going to kill her. Them out of nowhere someone else came along and killed the man trying to kill her. Yuuki didn't know much at the time and was scared at the sight of blood. The boy that saved her took her to a man. That man took care of her and helped her try to get her memories back but it falied. Slowly, Yuuki was able to learn the things that she had lost and then went to school. The man opened a school and she was part of it. Yuuki went to school and made many new friends. A lot of people liked her and she was nice to everybody. She was soon very popular. Then when she hit the end of high school, something happened. Someone had made her mad and she unleashed her power of ice. Yuuki had caused the ice to become chains that cut deeply into the girl's body. The girl wasn't cut too deeply but she never came back to that school. Soon, Yuuki asked her adopted father who she was and her didn't say anything about it. When she was out of high school, she went to the library and found a book about the eight gods and the one that had betrayed the eight. She read the book and found out that her power of ice was from the god of ice, Del. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR="Magenta"]1.Sakura-Cardcaptor Sakura 2.Shugo-.Hack//Twilight/Dusk 3.Negi-Negima 4.Naruto-Naruto 5.Yugi-YuGiOh! I didn't think that Ash was still a kid. Hmmm... With so many seasons you lose track of his age.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR="Magenta"]This really is hard to choose from. Well here I go, 1. Itachi Uchiha -Naruto 2. Kenshin -Rurouni Kenshin 3. Goku -DragonBall 4. Inuyasha's father(forgot his name)-Inuyahsa 5. Byakuya Kuchiki: Captain of Squad/Division 6 -Bleach 6. Ed -FullMetal Alchemist That's all I've got. I'm not sure about it. :animeswea [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR="Magenta"]Mitsuru noticed how mad Gabriel. She sighed and said, "Looks like even some of us have enemies amoungst the others." She giggled and stood up. She walked down the hall and saw Gabrie leaving his rooml. Mitsuru walked up to him said, "Seems like you're not afraid of Cain." Still in rage, Gabriel shouted, "Well hell I'm not afraid of him!" Mitsuru wasn't scared when Gabriel shouted at her but just smiled and said, "Cain is someone that has tough times. I know for a fact that even if I am afraid of him, that somewhere deep down Cain wants to be normal. I know that being afraid Cain can bring out the worst in me but I never give up hope." Gabriel noticed that he had shouted at Mitsuru and said, "Sorry about shouting at you. I didn't mean to. I guess that I can't stand him. You know? There are times where he is just the worst." "I know. He just wants to be normal. We all do. Sometimes I feel like I'm completely different from everyone else and it makes me scared. Then there are other times where I feel a connection with someone. Like you." At this, Gabriel blushed a little but it disappeared quickly. "Well, I have to go get packing. See ya' in London." Mitsuru waved goodbye and headed down the hall to her dorm. She opened her suitcase and started to pack all of the clothes that could fit. At the top, she placed her special picture. It was a picture of her parents. [I]Don't worry mom, dad, I will return safely this time. I know I will. I sometimes do. I hope that everything is all right up there. I'm sorry that I can't visit you this year. I have a mission that I must complete. So, I'm very sorry. I hope that I can still see you before the cherry blossoms fall. I'll make you a promise. I promise to come back.[/I] Mitsuru thought to herself and as she continued to pack.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR="Magenta"]As Zane walked in, Mitsuru smiled. She was curious to see just what Zane had been doing and how he was. Then Lycoris said, "Things seem to be going well." Mitsuru turned and replied, "I guess so. I never thought that we'd all be here again. It feels like a reunion." "Things may just get harder as things progress you know. I'm not so sure that you might be able to handle it." Lycoris joked. "I can handle anything that comes my way. You just better keep out of my way or you'll get hurt." She joked back. "Hah. Don't make me laugh. Someone like you couldn't even handle simple capture missions." "I can so. You're just jealous. You know that I can cause more suffering than you can ever imagine." "I guess you got me there." Soon, both Mitsuru and Lycoris started to laugh. [I]This is fun. I never knew how much I had exactly missed her. At least now, we're about on the same page.[/I] After they were finished talking, Mitsuru walked up and sat next to Zane. "How were things in Japan? It seemed like when you were talking about it, that something had hurt." Mitsuru looked at Zane. He was quiet. "You really don't have to tell me. But you know, you really are something, Zane. Looking out for others and such. You are kind hearted. And I guess I might be a little nosy and all." Mitsuru giggled. [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR="Magenta"]Mitsuru walked down the familiar halls she had once did when she was in training. She walked to an elevator and pulled back her hair to reveal a tattoo mark on the back of her neck. It was a sun setting or rising above the mountains. There was a crest along the mountains. Mitsuru placed her hand over the mark and it started to glow. The elevator opened to Sector 7. Mitsuru walked out and went to her dorm. She changed from her clothes to her uniform. She loaded her pistol and strapped her whip to her thigh and carried her sword. As she walked down the halls to the room, it seemed quiet. There was sound before and then there was none. Mitsuru started to worry but then skipped down the hall to the room. As she opened the door, it was just as it seemed. Mycella and Xero were fighting while it seemed like the rest were watching and catching up on things. Mitsuru said, "Hi, everyone!" She smiled kindly and looked around. She could see Alex, Xero, Mycella, Mike, Rhaine, and then there was Lycoris. Mitsuru walked over to where Alex and Lycoris sat and asked, "How have things been Lycoris? Alex?" Mitsuru and Lycoris got along well and argued about a lot of things in the past. Alex was someone who seemed nice yet was very mysterious. Mitsuru smiled and relaxed. [I]This is nice. Better than I had imagined. I didn't think that we would have a reunion soon. But I know that this is not a time to get along so fondly. After all, we were probably summoned here for another mission.[/I] [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR="Magenta"]I live far away from you two but there may be some that live close to me. I live in Rocklin, California. I love how there's a SunSplash nearby so I can call up my friends and we all head out over there. The mall's close by too and it seems that I do a lot of window shopping and trying on clothes and such. I normally don't buy a whole lot. I really love where I live. The beach is about a 4-6 hour drive and the mountains is about a 2 1/2 hour drive. Practically, I live a really nice place. I get to go to the beach during the summer and during winter I get to head up to the mountains and snowboard on some serious powder. I can't drive yet but in another 2years I will be able to. So for now, I have to rely on my wonderful parents whom I love so much to drive me around town. ^_^[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR="Magenta"]Hey there! ^_^ I have to say that I'm at [SIZE="4"]10![/SIZE] I've had so much fun over the last couple of weeks. I got to go my friend's party, go shopping with my sis and best friend, celebrate my dad's b-day, and then I'm going on a trip to the bay next week with my family and another friend! I have to be the most happiest girl right now! I'm so excited about everything that has been going on! [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR="Magenta"]Name: Mitsuru Kanon Codename: Twilight Age: 23 Appearance: [URL="http://s56.photobucket.com/albums/g172/Just_Be_Yourself/Celestial/?action=view¤t=6c55ac00.jpg"]Mitsuru Kanon[/URL] Personality: Very high spirited and very serious when it comes to business Weapons: The sword in the pic, a chain with spikes at the tip on her right thigh and a pistol on her left ankle- concealed Power: Mitsuru has to power of Suffering. This makes people experience the most intense pain ever. She controls how much suffering they shall receive. This puts them in a state of near death.[/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='Aceburner']Train's got some cool stuff up his sleeve, just wait 'till you get under [Spoiler]Sven's eyepatch.[/spoiler][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Magenta"]I've watched the first two episodes of Black Cat and it was so awesome. I haven't read the manga but I'm sure that it's great. I have to agree with you there Aceburner. [spoiler]Sven has this really cool eye under his eyepatch that lets him see into the future. Although it puts some strain onto his body and makes him tired.[/spoiler] Even though I had only watched the first two episodes of the anime, I have to say that I love Train. He has that mysterious personality and likes to keep things hidden. But I'm sure that all changes. [spoiler]In the first episode he's still and assassin by Chrono's and is apparently really skilled with a gun. He then has another assignment to go assassin some other gangster in another town. He gets there and at the end he has a flashback of his parents when they died. He's still sitting on the roof drinking milk with a cute white cat. Then he hears singing and a turns to see a girl in a kimono.[/spoiler][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR="Blue"]It was late that night and I couldn't think. I was at my computer working all week on a report that was due tomorrow. I was a detective working on the mystery of the [B]Blade Children[/B]. There were about 80 of these super intelligent children created by Yaiba Mizushiro. When he was born, he was missing one rib on his right ribcage. He had excelled in everything for his first twenty-one years of his life. When he turned twenty-three he started a project known as the "Blade Children Project." Since he created these children, he had the same right rib removed on all the children when they were born. They were to be just like Yaiba. They would excell and then what? He died before he could ever see the future of his children. Who killed him? I looked everywhere for more information but came up to nothing. My report was almost complete but it was only the first draft of it. I saved the document and went to bed. I had wondered just who was this Yaiba Mizushiro? I wanted to know just who were these Blade Children. I went to bed. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Her name was Misuzu Ordahima. She died on July 15, 2001. She was a big detective and very good at her job. One morning someone found her at her apartment dead with an iris flower sitting at her desk. No one knew who had killed her but for some reason, all of the blame disappeared. [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]My name was Ayashi Kurinogi. I was one of those cursed Blade Children that the Hunters were after. I diguised myself as a normal student at a normal highschool. The Hunters were after all of us. I knew only some of them and the rest were somewhere else. I had to live my life hiding and killing people by my hand just to stay alive this far. I don't know how many of us there are left but I know that there probably only a few. The lunch bell rang and I headed to the roof with some friends for lunch. Not many sat and at up on the roof for it was sort of hot out. I loved to eat lunch on the roof and my friends and I always made it a habit to come up here and eat our lunch and talk about the latest gossip and such. I was a second year at Tomadashi High School. Most of my life I was alone. I still am but when I was young I had a mother that looked after me. She died long ago and I began to live on my own. "Hey, there Ayashi! Come sit over here! We've been waiting for you for a while now. What took you so long?" "Sorry I'm late. Don't worry about it. So, what's the latest?" "Everything seems quiet today. I haven't heard anything good. All I hear is just the same boring things like how the homework was tough and that many couldn't study for the test." "Ill be right back. Okay?" "Alright. See ya' later." "That girl sure is busy these days." "Yeah, I wonder when Ayashi will ever simmer down and take a break." "Umito. Don't be so-" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]Later that evening it was confirmed that Ayashi had fallen from the fifth floor of Tomadashi High. She had serious injuries to her head and was out for a week. But was it one of Hunters that wanted or attempted to kill her? We are the Blade Children. We are very smart and excell in everything that we do. We are being hunted by Hunters want us dead. We feel like we need to kill anyone that stands in our way. We say that our fate had been sealed the day that we were born and that only suffering will happen. The catch is, there is someone who wants to save us from our suffering. Who will we trust? Only the iris can help us learn that. Afterall, when there are people that want us gone, who will we turn to? Everyone seems to be our enemy. Iris- the happiness to believe can overcome even fate. [U]People:[/U] [B]Hunters-[/B]People who want the Blade Children to be eliminated [B]Savers-[/B]Want to create more Blade Children [B]Watchers-[/B]Normal people Sign Ups: [B]Name: Age:[/B] 14- 18 [B]Gender: Personality: Appearance:[/B] Pic and/or descrition- All of the Blade Children had the wonderful cat eyes. [B]Bio:[/B] What hardships had you have to overcome in order to reach this far. Also tell me how you meet up with the rest of us [B]Specialties:[/B] we're good but what abilities do you have (no powers). Whether it'd be for creating bombs, manipulative, clever, or anything else. I will say again no powers. Only things that can be used in real life [B]Snippet:[/B] tell me how your life runs. We are all in high school so tell about the friends that you've made. [B] Note:[/B]I am looking for the person who will be our "hope." If you want this part then PM me a sign up of your character. I will post when I've got the "hope" of us Blade Children.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR="Magenta"]I don't know if you consider it a purse but it works for me. I have a huge bag from Hollister. [U]Normal Days:[/U] I have keys to get into the house A giant wallet to keep my change, cash, coupons, giftcards, and ID I have my sunglasses in a nice pocket away from my other heavy items(So they don't break) I have my cellphone Occasionally my Zune A pack of gum Sometimes a water bottle Hair ties- I need them for doing work, gets in the way or to just pull it back(I have really long hair)^_^ [U]SunSplash Days[/U] I have all of the above with: A towel My extra clothes so I can go out to eat with my friends to a restuarant nearby Sandals (Love to walk around bare foot) I simply love big bags to hold everything and not have to have multiple things to carry around. One trip and one thing to carry only. ^_^ [/COLOR]
  21. [quote name='James'] [color=#606060]I'm sorry but I think most people interpreted it as being a vague and garbled set of comments with no apparent direction or clear foundation. Put simply, people had to wade through the post and try to work out what the hell it was saying. Not all threads turn out like this - only idiotic ones that have no real purpose and end up becoming some ostensible demonstration of how artistry and good humor are being quashed on OB, when the underlying purpose has nothing to do with this at all (the underlying purpose probably being far more narcissistic in nature). If you find random gibberish to be artistic and poetic, that's great. Have fun with that. The problem is that most people here find it annoying and largely undecipherable. Other sites might allow that - this one doesn't, lol. Believe me, if you think I'm the only one making a judgement about what's "fun", you're very wrong. If your idea of "fun" is to come here and frequently insult the site, the staff and the members while simultaneously contradicting yourself at every turn...well, I really have no problem saying that this kind of fun isn't welcome at OB, lol. Come on, wake up to yourself. I've had the good humor and respect to put up with this tripe for long enough. You don't like OB because it doesn't welcome your self-obsessed rants - we get that. Since you apparently can't drag yourself away from the site (despite hating it), I'll do the job for you.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Magenta"]Go James! ^_^ You tell him! He was really starting to get on my nerves with his insults and such. Hope he learns from this and never joins again.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR="Magenta"]1. Peacemaker Kurogane 2. Ruroini Kenshin 3. Negima 4. InuYasha 5. Chrno Crusade 6. Naruto[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR="Magenta"]1.Vegeta 2.Trunks 3.Piccolo 4.Krillin 5.Cell[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR="Magenta"]Zefie was clung to Hiro and it looked cute to Shino. Shino stood up and said, "I think we should start sometime soon so Zefie can get back toher mother and Hiro can ask about the bracelet. We might have to do it quietly and under the table. We don't want the admins or the Brigrade to hear about this. If Zefie is and AI, just like Aura, then the Brigrade will certainly want to delete her like their job is meant to." Shino looked at Zeife who seemed to be a little confused but not scared at the fact that she might be deleted. Zefie then said, "I want to find my mommy." "After hearing what both you and Sinclair has said, I think that I should go and find some more information on the .Hackers quest. I'll be right back so you guys can just wait for a moment." Shino logged off and checked the BBS. She searched the legend of the .Hackers and a post by the name of W. B. Yates. She scanned through it and sent it to Sinclair, Hiro and Yami. Shino logged back on and said, "You guys got the emails right?" They nodded and she read the message out loud. [CENTER][FONT="Arial Narrow"]"The meaning of the Twilight event 4 years ago; The meaning of the bracelet which Aura brought back 4 years later; The reason why the shapeless ?will? of the world resurrected two legendary heroes; The reason why the world exists at all; The reason behind the dot hackers." [/FONT][/CENTER] "It seems to me that this W.B. Yates was there when they discovered the Twilight," sadi Hiro. "That's true but no one knows who it is. He plays as different characters, even girls that are newbies or PCs that are super strong. No one has any idea who he is or how he knows everything," replied Sinclair. "I've heard of him before but it seems that he is helpful in some ways. The only thing is, you can't contact him. There was no member address so I couldn't ask him for anything more. But at least we have this. This way we can move foward," said Shino. [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Magenta]Shino and Hiro sat there waiting for Sinclair to return. Shino stood up and said, "I'm gonna go on a walk. Wanna come?" Hiro nodded and they left. Shino sent a Flash Mail to Sinclair telling her that they were out. As they walked along Mac*Anu, it was starting to get dark. They stopped on a bridge and talked. "I don't know what to do? Your bracelet is so mysterious and the monsters that are appearing seem to cause havoc amoung the whole game. I just wish Aura was here to help us." "Who's Aura? I know that she was an ultimate AI but I don't know much about her. This bracelet seems to cause the problems that are going on and there's not much left to do but wait until Sinclair comes back." "You're right. But Aura was more that the ultimate AI. She gave Kite the Twilight bracelet and he used the bracelet to defeat the virus. Aura was very intelligent and was the "daughter" of Harald." There was a moment of silence until Sinclair came running, "Sorry. I just--" Her sentence was cut off as the background music changed. It sounded like someone singing and they turned around to see who it was. There was a little girl with platinum blonde hair, pale skin, and wearing a white dress with no shoes. She stopped singing and turned around. Her eyes were a pale blue and big. She jumped down and ran towards Hiro saying, "Mommy!" She hugged him and Hiro was just a little confused and so were the rest of them. Hiro kneeled down and said, "I'm not your mother. I think that you should go find her." "If it will make you feel better, we will all go look for your mother," said Shino. "Who is she and what is your name?" The little girl looked at us and said, "My name is Zefie." Zefie was very small but she didn't look like an ordinary character. Sinclair knelt down and said, "Who is your mommy?" Zefie looked at her and then at Hiro. "Aura. And this has mommy's scent on it." Zefie held onto Hiro's arm where the bracelet was. We were all shocked at what we had just heard. [I]Her mother is Aura? That means Aura really has gotten smarter than when I last saw her. [/I]Shino thought and looked at Zefie. "So you're saying that this bracelet belonged to your mother?" Zefie shook her head and said, "It only has the scent of my mother but it is not hers. She gave it to him because there was a purpose." We all stood there but didn't know what to do. We knew that if she was the daughter of Aura, then she was an AI as well and then she would be deleted for being created. Since it was night and there was no school tomorrow, we headed for Sinclair's house to spend the night.[/COLOR] OOC: Zefie is the other character that I will be playing from here and on. I will also play Shino as well.
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